Release Pack Campus.2419 - May 2024

Release notes provide the applicable personnel the ability to review enhancements, modifications, and regulated changes prior to accepting an updated. It is advised that users review the release notes carefully and alert appropriate district staff to changes in Campus. 

The Release Information article lists the approximate release date of all Campus releases. 

See the Rx Pack - Campus.2419 article for a list of Rx releases to the Campus.2419 release pack.

Questions or concerns regarding an update should be directed to Campus Support.


> Campus.2419




See the Supported Platforms article for more information about supported technologies. 

Note: Beginning with this release (Campus.2419), the earliest version of release notes documents such as this one is now made available two days later, on the Friday prior to Limited Availablity instead of Wednesday. This change makes this document more accurate and complete from the time of its initial availability as well as helps to streamline our internal processes. 

Update Manifest

Component Case Number Description
Accessibility SIS-177121 [Enhancement] Alert Links Now Use Text Primary Color and Underline
Accessibility SIS-177370 Unnecessary ARIA Attributes Causing Unexpected Behavior
Accessibility SIS-177695 [Enhancement] Accessibility Updates
Accessibility SIS-177791 Closing Side Panel Moving Focus Away from Button Used to Close Panel
Accessibility SIS-178055 [Enhancement] Attribute Added to Show Help Button Linked to Expandable Content
Activity Registration SIS-165560 [Enhancement] Remove Students List
Activity Registration SIS-174847 Activity Registration Ad Hoc Reporting
Activity Registration SIS-177864 Activity Registration Maintenance
Assessment SIS-176089 Test Score Modified Date Not Updating
Assessment SIS-176287 Assessments with Key Words and Special Characters Not Importing
Assessment SIS-177606 Parent Date Format Applied to All Test Date Fields
Behavior SIS-177531 Behavior Delete Performance Enhancement
Campus Instruction SIS-167253 [Enhancement] Pronouns in Instruction
Campus Learning SIS-176398 [Enhancement] Updates to Quizzes
Census SIS-174342 Census
Census SIS-177600 [Enhancement] Census
Census SIS-178078 Staff Locator Not Loading in the New Look of Campus
Counseling SIS-177719 Counseling Meeting Participant Warning Added
Custom SIS-175350 Core Attribute/Dictionary Fee Adjustment Requirement
Custom SIS-177745 SSRS Custom Report Fix
DIS/SIF SIS-176994 DIS Batch Resync Update
DIS/SIF SIS-177313 SIF - Student Academic Record Update
DIS/SIF SIS-177830 DIS Staff Syncing to Allow Duplicate Records
Early Warning SIS-177862 Insights Dashboard Not Displaying Templates with Ad Hocs and Subreport Fields Correctly
Ed-Fi SIS-177036 Ed-Fi Tool Rights Update
FRAM SIS-177603 FRAM Meal Benefits Application Fix
FRAM SIS-177684 FRAM Communication Fix
Grades Reporting SIS-177667 Grades Tab - Custom Report Cards
Learner Planning SIS-176694 Special Ed Documents Delete Tool Rights Update
Learner Planning SIS-177213 Special Ed IEP Error Fix
Learner Planning SIS-177318 Special Ed IEP Education Plan Editor Fix
Learner Planning SIS-177522 Special Ed Amending Historical Documents Fix
Learner Planning SIS-177596 Special Ed Goal Monitoring Report Fix
Learner Planning SIS-177894 Special Ed Goal Monitoring Font Size Update
Messenger SIS-176030 User Account Messenger Fix
Messenger SIS-177623 [Enhancement] District Staff Tool Right
Navigation SIS-152748 Cached Response Log Preventing User from Accessing Infinite Campus
Navigation SIS-178090 Use New Look Only Preference Causing Tools to be Inaccessible in Student and Parent Portal
OneRoster SIS-148723 [Enhancement] OneRoster 1.2 - Secondary Email Address
OneRoster SIS-173331 [Enhancement] Inbox Messages for Keystore-Related Issues
OneRoster SIS-173621 [Enhancement] OneRoster 1.1 - Category Information
OneRoster SIS-173844 [Enhancement] OneRoster - Grades Setting
OneRoster SIS-176834 OneRoster 1.2 - Role End Date
OneRoster SIS-177908 [Enhancement] OneRoster Connection Configuration Tool Tips
Online Payments SIS-177686 Payments Reporter Fix
Online Payments SIS-177731 Payments Fix
Online Payments SIS-178171 Transaction Fees Fix
Point of Sale SIS-174405 Point of Sale Fix
Point of Sale SIS-176936 [Enhancement] Application Manager Enhancement
Programs SIS-176925 Title 1 Tools Moved to Program Participation
Programs SIS-177914 Add A View Button to the Angular List Editor
Scheduling SIS-177368 Scheduling Board - Negative Section Numbers
School Store SIS-150123 [Enhancement] Future Enrollment Option to Items Restricted to Associated School Enrollments
School Store SIS-177697 [Enhancement] Public Store Accessibility Enhancements
School Store SIS-177779 School Store Fix
Security SIS-154305 New Device Login Emails Formatting Without Line Breaks
Security SIS-178009 Certificate Issue Preventing Access to Centralized Services
Security SIS-178129 Administrators with Proper Rights Unable to Modify Their Own User Accounts
Security SIS-178157 User Account Not Showing for Users Where Modified By/Password Updated By is of User Not in Database
Transcript SIS-149750 Transcript Reports Automatically Generating in the New Look of Campus
Transcript SIS-175262 Transcript Reports Not Displaying in the New Look of Campus
Validations SIS-176534 [Enhancement] Validations Rules Enhancement

State-Specific Cases

State Case Number Description 
BIE SIS-177894bie Special Ed Printed Font Size Update
BIE SIS-177959 Special Ed Documents Print Fix
California SIS-176385 Updated Language Codes
California SIS-178046 Home Primary Language Updates
Colorado SIS-167941 Discipline Interchange Action File
Colorado SIS-175842 Language Codes Updated
Connecticut SIS-176388 Immunization Update
Connecticut SIS-176424 Connecticut
Delaware SIS-174209 Diploma Type Update
Delaware SIS-175088 Course Offerings Resource Activation
Delaware SIS-175089 Implementation of Sections Resource
Delaware SIS-176300 [Enhancement] Medicaid Eligibility Tool Added
Delaware SIS-176607 Implementation of Staff School Associations Resource
Delaware SIS-176611 Implementation of Student Program Associations Resource
Delaware SIS-177017 Behavior Updates
Delaware SIS-177218 Course State Code Update
Delaware SIS-177747 Class Periods Resource Activation
Delaware SIS-177800 State Assessment Codes Update
Delaware SIS-177822 Staff Education Organization Assignment Associations Resource Activation
Delaware SIS-177895 Gifted Tool
Delaware SIS-177912 Title 1 Tool
Delaware SIS-177913 Migrant Tool
Georgia SIS-174976 Student Program Associations Update
Georgia SIS-175023 Student Section Associations Logic Update
Georgia SIS-177085 Student Education Organization Associations and Student School Associations Updates
Georgia SIS-177274 Multiple Resource State Exclude Update
Georgia SIS-177462 Sections Resource Updates
Georgia SIS-177467 Discipline Actions Updates
Georgia SIS-177478 Student School Associations Update
Georgia SIS-177523 Georgia
Hawaii SIS-176495 Non-Binary Gender Added and Report Update
Idaho SIS-177327 ISEE Extract Student Course Enrollment - CollegeID and CollegeCredit Update
Idaho SIS-178332 Special Education Evaluation Summary Report Update
Indiana SIS-171603 Exclude Transcript from Ed-Fi Reporting
Indiana SIS-173744 [Enhancement] Fields Added to English Learners (EL)
Kansas SIS-177153 Student Assessment Ed-Fi Resource
Kansas SIS-177412 Student Education Organizations Responsibility Ed-Fi Resource
Kansas SIS-177436 Course Offerings Ed-Fi Resource
Kentucky SIS-175244 Career Readiness Report Updates
Kentucky SIS-176130 ILPA Tool Rights Update
Kentucky SIS-176226 KECS LEAD Extract
Kentucky SIS-176966 Special Ed IEP Transfer of Rights Date
Kentucky SIS-177191 Homeless
Maryland SIS-177362 P-Tech Enrollment Codes Added
Maryland SIS-177598 Virtual Education Tool Added
Massachusetts SIS-177012 Special Ed Custom Forms Update
Massachusetts SIS-177443ma Special Ed Printed Font Size Update
Michigan SIS-145929 Calendar Wizard Update
Michigan SIS-176301 Student Education Organization Association Update
Michigan SIS-176592 Early Childhood Program Code Update
Michigan SIS-176829 Teacher Student Data Link Update
Michigan SIS-177813 Ed-Fi ID Locator Update
Michigan SIS-178128 TSDL Schema Update
Minnesota SIS-175057 Ed-Fi
Minnesota SIS-176043 Ed-Fi
Minnesota SIS-176964 Ed-Fi
Minnesota SIS-177372 Ed-Fi
Minnesota SIS-177721 Early Education
Missouri SIS-170852 MOSIS Student Core Performance Enhancement
Missouri SIS-172010 Enrollments Updates
Missouri SIS-176278 Ed-Fi Resources Added
Missouri SIS-176984 MOSIS Student Enrollment and Attendance Update
Missouri SIS-177510 Ed-Fi Resource Removed
Missouri SIS-177873 Enrollments Fields Locked
Montana SIS-175457 [Enhancement] Cross-Site Enrollment State Reports Updates
Montana SIS-176105 District Assignment Titles Option Added
Montana SIS-177610 Special Ed IEP Statewide Assessments Update
Montana SIS-177892 Gifted Warning Message Update
Montana SIS-177961 Special Ed IEP Statewide Assessments Update
Nebraska SIS-176117 Special Ed IEP Verbiage Update
Nevada SIS-177199 Caseload Report Update
Nevada SIS-177236 Homeless Program Status Field Hidden
Nevada SIS-177443 Special Ed Printed Font Size Update
Nevada SIS-177488 Special Ed IEP Amended ESignature Fix
Nevada SIS-178125 Special Ed Data Plan Validation Added
New Mexico SIS-175139 Ed-Fi Child Count Education Organization Reference
New Mexico SIS-177127 Ed-Fi Discipline Actions Resource Update
New York SIS-169664 SIRS Student Daily Attendance Update
New York SIS-177448 [Enhancement] State Reporting Cross-Site Update
North Carolina SIS-176865 Principal Monthly Report
North Carolina SIS-177407 Available Program Tools
North Carolina SIS-177602 Program Updaes
North Carolina SIS-178174 Special Education State Reporting Tool Update
Ohio SIS-175055 Special Ed IEP Update
Ohio SIS-177267 Special Ed IEP Ad hoc Fix
Oklahoma SIS-170866 Adjustments to Transportation Reporting
Oklahoma SIS-173807 Attendance Summary Update
Oklahoma SIS-174045 SIF Updates
Oregon SIS-160423 CTE Course File
Oregon SIS-171014 CTE Student File
Oregon SIS-177663 Data Plan Update
Oregon SIS-177666 Career and Technical Education Updates
Pennsylvania SIS-173696 PIMS Staff Snapshot Update
Pennsylvania SIS-175626 PIMS Student Snapshot Update
Pennsylvania SIS-176222 CTE Program Code Added
South Dakota SIS-176120 BOR Transcript Reports Student Names from Protected Identity
South Dakota SIS-176854 Language Codes Updated
Tennessee SIS-174334 Create EIS052 Student Club Membership Extract
Tennessee SIS-176331 Ed-Fi: Student Education Organization Associations - Update Limited English Proficiency Indicator and Student Characteristics
Texas SIS-177092 Ed-Fi-CTE Program Reporting Period Attendance Resource Implemented
Texas SIS-177361 Ed-Fi-Prior Year Leaver Student Parent Association Resource Implemented
Utah SIS-174867 SIF StudentSchoolEnrollment Update
Utah SIS-176082 Youth In Care Program Updates
Utah SIS-177237 SIF StudentSectionEnrollment Update for CourseMembership
Utah SIS-177285 Dictionary Updates for End of Year Reporting
Vermont SIS-175765 Ed-Fi: Activate Student Program Associations
Vermont SIS-176085 Ed-Fi: Activate Student Section Associations
Vermont SIS-177180 Ed-Fi: Activate Grades Resource
Virginia SIS-169815 Master Schedule Report Updates
Virginia SIS-176426 Student Record Collection Update
Virginia SIS-176947 Student Behavior and Administrative Response Collection Updates
Virginia SIS-177314 Master Schedule Report Updates
Wisconsin SIS-160649 Ed-Fi Immunization Import Waiver Message Updated
Wisconsin SIS-172977 Ed-Fi Student Education Organization Associations and Student Language Instruction Program Associations Updates
Wisconsin SIS-175804 Residency/Census Status Dictionary Update for Pupil Count
Wyoming SIS-176820 SIF StudentParticpation and WDE684 Extract Updates
Wyoming SIS-177437 Immunization Update

See the Campus Release Pack Enhancements article for a list of just enhancement release notes. 

Technical Information

See the Technical Information - Release Pack Campus.2419 article for a list of schema changes in this release.


Accessibility – Alert Links Now Use Text Primary Color and Underline (SIS-177121) [Enhancement] 

To improve accessibility, alert links now use ‘text-primary’ for color and have an ‘underline’ property.

Path: N/A


Accessibility – Unnecessary ARIA Attributes Causing Unexpected Behavior (SIS-177370)

The following accessibility-related updates were made:

  • When a dialog is opened, the aria-describedby is automatically reading the contents for screen readers every time it opens. This behavior was removed.
  • Also, updates were made to ensure Escape closes dialogs.

Path: N/A


Accessibility Updates (SIS-177695) [Enhancement] 

The following accessibility-related updates were made:

  • Markup for the SIS Forgot Password dialog has been fixed
  • Autocomplete is set on input fields
  • Device registration screen accessibility issues were fixed
  • Portal Get District ID is now a button instead of a hyperlink
  • Portal page now autocompletes
  • Portal heading levels are now correct

Path: N/A


Accessibility – Closing Side Panel Moving Focus Away from Button Used to Close Panel (SIS-177791)

With the New Look of Infinite Campus turned off, closing the side panel was causing the focus to move off the button used to close the panel. This issue was updated and focus now remains on the button.

Path: N/A


Accessibility – Attribute Added to Show Help Button Linked to Expandable Content (SIS-178055) [Enhancement] 

The aria-controls tag was added to expandable content buttons so screen readers properly announce expandable content.

Path: N/A

Activity Registration

Remove Students List (SIS-165560) [Enhancement] 

Added the Removed Students List within Activity Registration. This allows non manual-add students to be deleted off of an Activity Roster and Activity Staff to maintain a record of students who were at one point on an activity's roster. This will provide districts with the ability to reference these students in the future and allow them to mass-export their forms for convenient storage/printing.

Path: Student Information > Activity Registration > Activity Monitor


Activity Registration Ad Hoc Reporting (SIS-174847)

An error occurred where a Save was needed on the Activity Roster for the ad hoc filter 'actRegRoster.registrationComplete' to show Complete. This has been corrected.

Path: Reporting > Ad Hoc Reporting > Filter Designer


Activity Registration Maintenance (SIS-177864)

The following updates have been made to the Activity Registration tool:

  • The Save & Next button for step 4 was not working when creating a new proposed activity that requires preapproval. This has been corrected.
  • When looking via Ad Hoc, the fundID was missing for cash and check refunds. This has been corrected.
  • Visual errors were occurring on the Form Cleanup card. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > Activity Registration


Test Score Modified Date Not Updating (SIS-176089)

The 'dbo.testScore.modifiedDate' did not populate upon import in the Assessment Center. This issue has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > Assessment Administration > Assessment Center > Map Data


Assessments with Key Words and Special Characters Not Importing (SIS-176287)

Assessments did not load when the 'Save & Test' option under Step 4 in the Assessment Center was selected if the assessment name included certain keywords and special characters. This issue has been resolved, and assessments load as expected.

Path: Student Information > Assessment Administration > Assessment Center > Test Mapping


Parent Date Format Applied to All Test Date Fields (SIS-177606)

There was an issue with the 'Apply to All Test Date Fields' option under Step 3 - Map Data not working. This issue has been corrected. The parent date data is applied to child/grandchild assessments in Step 3 as expected and no errors are generated in Step 4.

Path: Student Information > Assessment Administration > Assessment Center > Map Data


Behavior Delete Performance Enhancement (SIS-177531)

A performance enhancement has been put in place so that deleting a behavior incident runs faster.

Path: Behavior Office > Behavior Management

Campus Instruction

Pronouns in Instruction (SIS-167253) [Enhancement] 

Student pronouns have been added to the following tools in Instruction:

  • Roster and Roster Report
  • Seating Charts
  • Attendance and Positive Attendance
  • Student Demographics popup
  • Teaching Center Attendance

A preference has been added to Instruction Settings to allow teachers to Show Student Pronouns.

Path: Instruction

Campus Learning

Updates to Quizzes (SIS-176398) [Enhancement] 

Quizzes in Instruction have been enhanced! In addition to the existing question types of Multiple Choice and True/False, there are six new question types: Matching, Ordering, Fill in the Blank, Short Answer/Essay, Number Line, and Numerical. Additionally, questions can now be grouped into pages to provide more structure to quizzes. This release also includes the option the make some quiz questions worth more than others, instead of all question being worth the same proportion of points possible. 

See the Enhanced Quizzes notification for more information.

Path: Instruction > Curriculum > Curriculum List > New > Add a Quiz


Census (SIS-174342)

The broken link on person name in Military Connections has been fixed.

Path: Census > People > Military Connections


Census (SIS-177600) [Enhancement] 

The Census Wizard now requires users to enter a legal gender if they have a gender selected that does not match a legal gender, when editing household data.

Path: Census > Households > Census Wizard


Staff Locator Not Loading in the New Look of Campus (SIS-178078)

The Staff Locator tool did not perform in the New Look of Campus when users selected the 'Leave' or 'Cancel' options. This issue has been corrected. Users can locate staff records, create new ones, and navigate from the Staff Locator tool as expected in the New Look of Campus.

Path: Census > Staff > Staff Locator Wizard


Counseling Meeting Participant Warning Added (SIS-177719)

To prevent the mass creation of Contact Log records, users now receive a warning message when they are creating a Counseling Meeting with ten or more participants.

Path: Student Information > Counseling > Meetings


Core Attribute/Dictionary Fee Adjustment Requirement (SIS-175350)

In Core Attribute/Dictionary, when setting up the Adjustment Type to be 'required' would not make the Adjustment Type field required. This has been corrected.

Path: System Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute/Dictionary

SSRS Custom Report Fix (SIS-177745)

In custom SSRS reports, the calendarID displayed [object Object] instead of the actual calendar ID number when a field was hidden and debug mode was enabled. This has been corrected.

Path: N/A


DIS Batch Resync Update (SIS-176994)

An issue causing DIS synced records without a createdDate to be deleted from State Editions when a batch resync occurs has been corrected.

Path: N/A


SIF - Student Academic Record Update (SIS-177313)

The logic in the CourseHistory/Term/Courses/Course/MarkingPeriods/MarkingPeriod/GradeLevelWhenTaken/Code in the Student Academic Record object has been updated to correctly report the standard code mapped to the student’s grade level.

Path: System Settings > Data Interchange Administration


DIS Staff Syncing to Allow Duplicate Records (SIS-177830)

Staff syncing logic has been updated to allow State Edition linked districts to be able to create duplicate people and sync data for staff members even when there is another person in State Edition with the same State Staff ID.

This update is valid for all states, except for Kentucky.

Path: N/A

Early Warning

Insights Dashboard Not Displaying Templates with Ad Hocs and Subreport Fields Correctly (SIS-177862)

Code updates resulted in errors in the display of the Insights Dashboard and certain Insights Reports:

  • Reports with Ad Hoc Filters did not correctly filter in the aggregate dashboard view.
  • Some detail subreports did not include all columns, such as 'Student Full Name'.
  • Some default score filters were misaligned and omitted scores from the display.
  • Reports did not include the filter header in the full report view.

These errors were corrected. The Insights Dashboard and impacted Insight Reports now generate and display as intended.

Path: Insights > Aggregation > Insights Dashboard, Insights > Attendance > Reason by Period/ Reason by Weekday, Insights > Classroom Performance > Flagged Assignments


Ed-Fi Tool Rights Update (SIS-177036)

Ed-Fi Tool Right permissions have been updated to allow the appropriate access to the Ed-Fi Resource Preferences.

Path: User Management > Tool Rights


FRAM Meal Benefits Application Fix (SIS-177603)

An error occurred where the FRAM Meal Benefits Application in Portal did not accurately save the response to the Medicaid and SCHIP question. This has been corrected.

Path: Parent Portal > More > Meal Benefits

FRAM Communication Fix (SIS-177684)

When setting up a new FRAM Communication Verification - Post Notice, when entering a new 'no longer eligible' reason, the box was not allowing the same amount of original characters that the pre-populated template had. This has been corrected.

Path: FRAM > Setup > FRAM Communication

Grades Reporting

Grades Tab - Custom Report Cards (SIS-177667)

The Grades tab has been updated to improve the performance of generating Custom report cards.

Path: Student Information > General > Grades

Learner Planning

Special Ed Documents Delete Tool Rights Update (SIS-176694)

Previously, users without Special Ed Plan Delete tool rights would see the Delete button as grayed out. Instead of graying out the button, users without the Delete Tool Rights receive a warning message.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Documents


Special Ed IEP Error Fix (SIS-177213)

An issue when users were selecting a value with a long name for the Service Frequency on the Specially Designed Instruction editor and getting an error has been resolved.

Path: Student Information > Special Education > Special Ed Documents


Special Ed IEP Education Plan Editor Fix (SIS-177318)

An issue where certain users were able to proceed through an Individual Education Plan without fully completing the Education Plan editor has been resolved. This issue was only reported for users with Special Ed Documents rewritten in the New Look of Campus.

Path: Student Information > Special Education > Special Ed Documents


Special Ed Amending Historical Documents Fix (SIS-177522)

An issue when amending historical Special Education Documents or syncing Special Education Documents to the State was clearing out existing data has been fixed.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Documents


Special Ed Goal Monitoring Report Fix (SIS-177596)

An issue when generating the Special Ed Goal Monitoring report has been fixed.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Goal Monitoring

Special Ed Goal Monitoring Font Size Update (SIS-177894)

The font size of the Special Education Goal Monitoring Report has been increased to improve readability.

Path: Student Information > Special Education > Goal Monitoring


User Account Messenger Fix (SIS-176030)

When the "Guardians of Student based ad hoc filters" option was used, non-Guardian messenger contacts of students were pulled into the User Account Messenger tool. This has been corrected.

Path: User Management > User Account Administration > User Account Messenger


District Staff Tool Right (SIS-177623) [Enhancement] 

The ‘District Staff’ option in Messenger 2.0 tools will be placed behind a tool right. Those with the tool right can message anyone under the district staff category. District staff qualify as staff who do not have a district assignment or only have district assignment(s) at schools without a calendar in the active year.

Path: User Management > User Account Administration > User Account


Cached Response Log Preventing User from Accessing Infinite Campus (SIS-152748)

In situations where the same site is open in two windows and the New Look of Infinite Campus is toggled off in one window and the user returns to the other window, a redirect response is getting cached in the browser, causing Infinite Campus to no longer function correctly for the user, even after they have logged out of Infinite Campus in both browser windows. This issue was corrected in the system and for all currently impacted users.

Path: N/A


Use New Look Only Preference Causing Tools to be Inaccessible in Student and Parent Portal (SIS-178090)

In System Preferences, changing the “User access to the new look of Campus (Try New Look)” value to 'Use New Look Only' caused a failure in the portal menus. This issue was corrected.

Note: It is recommended that changes to this system preference be made during off-peak hours. Users with open sessions may experience issues if this setting is changed during their session. These issues are resolved when the user logs into Infinite Campus and starts a new session.

Path: System Settings > System Preferences > System Preferences > User access to the new look of Campus


OneRoster 1.2 - Secondary Email Address (SIS-148723) [Enhancement] 

An option has been added to the Connection Configuration section of 1.2 connections to 'Use Secondary Email Address.' Note: the secondary email setting for 1.1 is a global setting, and for 1.2, it's by connection.

Path: Instruction > Settings > Digital Learning Applications Configuration > click a tile > Edit > Connection Configuration


Inbox Messages for Keystore-Related Issues (SIS-173331) [Enhancement] 

Error reporting and the supporting Process Inbox messages have been updated to account for additional scenarios that cause Keystore failures.

Path: Message Center


OneRoster 1.1 - Category Information (SIS-173621) [Enhancement] 

Now that Category information is being returned via the OneRoster API for 1.1 connections, that information has been removed from the metadata property of the lineItem endpoint.

Path: No specific path


OneRoster - Grades Setting (SIS-173844) [Enhancement] 

A new OneRoster Setting called 'Use Local Grades for OneRoster 1.2' has been added. If this option is set to No, the CEDS/NCES grade level that that local grade level is mapped to is returned. If set to Yes, the local grade levels are returned. This option applies to all OneRoster 1.2 connections at the district.

Path: Instruction > Settings > Digital Learning Applications Configuration > Settings & Management > Use Local Grades for OneRoster 1.2.


OneRoster 1.2 - Role End Date (SIS-176834)

Logic has been updated to ensure that the End Date returned for a student enrollment is the correct end date. This date represents the last day that the student's enrollment is active.

Path: No specific path


OneRoster Connection Configuration Tool Tips (SIS-177908) [Enhancement] 

The tooltips for options in the Connection Configuration section have been updated with additional information about the effect of options.

Path: Instruction > Settings > Digital Learning Applications Configuration > click a tile > Edit > Connection Configuration

Online Payments

Payments Reporter Fix (SIS-177686)

An error occurred where the Payments Reporter failed to display records related to transactions with a RETURNVOID or EXCEPTION status. This has been corrected.

Path: System Settings > Payments > Payments Reporter


Payments Fix (SIS-177731)

When an optional payment was added to the cart then modified in some way before the payment was processed it was causing the payment to go into an exception status. Validation checks have been added to the cart to prevent this issue.

Path: Parent/Student Portal


Transaction Fees Fix (SIS-178171)

Some payments that the bank returned were incorrectly displaying returned Transaction Fees. This has been corrected.

Path: System Settings > Payments > Payments Reporter

Point of Sale

Point of Sale Fix (SIS-174405)

An error occurred where some Student transactions were incorrectly ringing up as Non-Reimbursable on terminals. This has been corrected.

Path: N/A


Application Manager Enhancement (SIS-176936) [Enhancement] 

The user interface for Application Manager has been enhanced for a better experience.

Path: Food Service > Administration > Application Manager


Title 1 Tools Moved to Program Participation (SIS-176925)

The Title 1 tool is now located in Student Information > Program Participation. Also, the Comments field has been standardized and the 'Created By' column has been added to the List View screen,

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Title 1


Add A View Button to the Angular List Editor (SIS-177914)

For accessibility purposes, a View button has been added to each card in list view editors in the following programs:

  • At Risk
  • States with Program Enabled: KS, NC, soon to be MT
  • States with SDE: NC
  • Career and Technical Education
  • States with Program Enabled: DE, GA, NC, OR, TN
  • States with SDE: GA, OR
  • Career Readiness
  • States with Program Enabled: HI, KY, NV
  • States with SDE: None
  • Dual Language Immersion
  • States with Program Enabled: DE, TX
  • States with SDE: TX
  • Early Education
  • States with Program Enabled: MN
  • States with SDE: None
  • Pregnant and Parenting
  • States with Program Enabled: DE (program is toggled off), NC, OR
  • States with SDE: None

Path: Student Information > Program Participation; Student Information > State Programs


Scheduling Board - Negative Section Numbers (SIS-177368)

Negative Section Numbers were assigned to courses in the Scheduling Board when a user saved changes and an error was returned. Both the error and the negative sections issue has been corrected.

Path: Scheduling & Courses > Scheduling Board

School Store

Future Enrollment Option to Items Restricted to Associated School Enrollments (SIS-150123) [Enhancement] 

Added the ability to pull in future enrolled students using the new "Include Future Enrollment" checkbox when items in the General Product setup are designated "Restricted to Associated School Enrollments."

Path: School Store > Product Inventory > General Product


Public Store Accessibility Enhancements (SIS-177697) [Enhancement] 

The Public Store has received several accessibility enhancements to the login page.

Path: Public Store

School Store Fix (SIS-177779)

Corrected a performance issue that was affecting the School Store.

Path: School Store


New Device Login Emails Formatting Without Line Breaks (SIS-154305)

The email users receive when logging into Infinite Campus using a new device were displaying without line breaks. This issue was corrected.

Path: N/A


Certificate Issue Preventing Access to Centralized Services (SIS-178009)

An error was causing the ACME KeyStore to return null, which prevented some districts from being able to access centralized services within Infinite Campus. This issue was corrected.

Path: N/A


Administrators with Proper Rights Unable to Modify Their Own User Accounts (SIS-178129)

Administrators and those with proper rights to access and edit user accounts were incorrectly prevented from modifying their own user account details. This issue was corrected.

Path: User Management > User Account Administration > User Account


User Account Not Showing for Users Where Modified By/Password Updated By is of User Not in Database (SIS-178157)

Users could not access user account information for users whose last Modified By ID or Password Updated By ID are of a user no longer in the database. This issue was corrected.

Path: User Management > User Account Information > User Account


Transcript Reports Automatically Generating in the New Look of Campus (SIS-149750)

Transcript reports were automatically generated in the New Look of Campus when users navigated from one student to another. This issue has been corrected. Users can now navigate to a different student and view their record as expected without any automatic report generation.

Path: Student Information > General > Transcripts


Transcript Reports Not Displaying in the New Look of Campus (SIS-175262)

Saved transcript report formats displayed inconsistently in the New Look of Campus after users selected the Transcripts 'Reports' option. This issue has been corrected. All Transcript reports display in the report list as expected.

Path: Student Information > General > Transcripts > Reports


Validation Rules Enhancement (SIS-176534) [Enhancement] 

Updated Contact and Household rules to be able to be scoped by year and school.

Path: Reporting > Data Validation > Validation Rules

State-Specific Notes


BIE Special Ed Printed Font Size Update (SIS-177894bie)

The BIE Special Education Documents font sizes have been increased to improve readability on all printed documents.

Path: Student Information > Special Education > Special Education Documents


BIE Special Ed Documents Print Fix (SIS-177959)

An issue where the BIE Individual Education Plan was not printing has been resolved.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Documents


California - Updated Language Codes (SIS-176385)

The list of available languages that can be assigned as a Home Primary Language has been updated to have the most common languages listed first (English, Spanish, etc.), with the remaining listed in alphabetical order. Additional updates were made to meet state requirements.

Path: Census > People > Demographics


California - Home Primary Language Updates (SIS-178046)

The list of available languages has been updated for the following:

  • The Chinese languages are listed together after the list of English and Spanish language options.
  • Cantonese and Mandarin now include Chinese in their description for searching purposes.
  • Sign language is listed below the Chinese languages.

Path: Census > People > Demographics > Home Primary Language


Colorado - Discipline Interchange Action File (SIS-167941)

A new Discipline Interchange Action File is now available. This report replaces what was previously called the School Discipline and Attendance Reports which included the Discipline by Action, Firearm (GFSA) Discipline, and Student Demographics files into one report.

As part of this report, the Behavior Management Behavior Resolution and Referral editors have new options.

See the articles linked above for complete reporting requirements and behavior incidents information.

Path: Reporting > CO Data Pipeline > Discipline Interchange Action File; Behavior Office > Behavior Management


Colorado - Language Codes Updated (SIS-175842)

The list of available language codes for Home Primary Language has been updated to include an option for Kissi (code kzz).

Path: Census > People > Demographics


Connecticut Immunization Update (SIS-176388)

The Polio immunization compliance rule has been updated for Connecticut. See the Connecticut Immunization Rules article for additional information.

Path: Student Information > Health Administration > Vaccine Setup

Connecticut (SIS-176424)

Thirteen new courses have been added to the SCED Course Identifier Dictionary.

Path: System Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute/Dictionary > Course > SCED Course Identifier > Dictionary


Delaware Diploma Type Update (SIS-174209)

Delaware-specific Diploma Types have been added to the data dictionary.

Path: System Settings > Core Attribute/Dictionary > Graduation > Diploma Type


Delaware Course Offerings Resource Activation (SIS-175088)

The Course Offerings resource has been implemented.

Path: Ed-Fi


Delaware Implementation of Sections Resource (SIS-175089)

The Sections resource has been implemented.

Path: Ed-Fi


Delaware Medicaid Eligibility Tool Added (SIS-176300) [Enhancement] 

A new read-only tool, Medicaid Eligibility, has been added for Delaware. This tool tracks student eligibility for Medicaid by month and year. Medicaid data is updated monthly with a manual import process.

Path: Student Information > Medicaid > Medicaid Eligibility

Delaware Implementation of Staff School Associations Resource (SIS-176607)

The Staff School Associations resource has been implemented.

Path: Ed-Fi


Delaware Implementation of Student Program Associations Resource (SIS-176611)

The Student Program Associations resource has been implemented.

Path: Ed-Fi


Delaware Behavior Updates (SIS-177017)

State Reporting fields have been added to both the Behavior Event and Behavior Resolution screens.

Path: Behavior Office > Settings


Delaware Course State Code Update (SIS-177218)

The Course State Code field has been updated to a read-only field. This field will be automatically populated with a 5-digit combination of SCED subject area and course identifier.

Path: Course/Section > Course Information


Delaware Class Periods Resource Activation (SIS-177747)

The Class Periods resource has been implemented.

Path: Ed-Fi


Delaware State Assessment Codes Update (SIS-177800)

State Assessment Codes have been updated.

Path: System Settings > Core Attribute/Dictionary > Test


 Delaware Staff Education Organization Assignment Associations Resource Activation (SIS-177822)

The Staff Education Organization Assignment Associations resource has been implemented.

Path: Ed-Fi


 Delaware Gifted Tool (SIS-177895)

The Gifted tool has been enabled.

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted


 Delaware Title 1 Tool (SIS-177912)

The Title 1 tool has been enabled.

Path: Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Title 1


 Delaware Migrant Tool (SIS-177913)

The Migrant tool has been enabled.

Path: Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Migrant


Georgia Student Program Associations Update (SIS-174976)

The Student Program Associations resource has been updated to include triggering and data element logic for the Career and Technical Education program.

Path: Ed-Fi


Georgia Student Section Associations Logic Update (SIS-175023)

Student Section Associations logic has been updated for the additionalTeachers data element.

Path: Ed-Fi


Georgia Student Education Organization Associations and Student School Associations Updates (SIS-177085)

Path: Ed-Fi


Georgia Multiple Resource State Exclude Update (SIS-177274)

When a course is marked as State Exclude, a course will NOT send. This change applies to the following resources:

Path: Ed-Fi


Georgia Sections Resource Updates (SIS-177462)

The following updates have been made to the Sections resource:

  • The taughtByESOLTeacher data element has been removed.
  • The classPeriodNumber data element has been added.

Path: Ed-Fi


Georgia Discipline Actions Updates (SIS-177467)

The following data elements have been added to the Discipline Actions resource:

  • disciplineStaffUniqueId
  • dataTypeIndicatorDescriptor

Path: Ed-Fi


Georgia Student School Associations Update (SIS-177478)

Logic has been added to the Student School Associations resource for the esolSegments data element.

Path: Ed-Fi


Georgia (SIS-177523)

Logic has been added for the attendance90Percent data element in both the Student Section Associations and Staff Section Associations resources.

Path: Ed-Fi


Hawaii Non-Binary Gender Added and Report Update (SIS-176495)

The gender, X: Non-Binary, was added to the Attribute Dictionary. The EL WIDA Student Pre-ID and Child Count Extracts have been updated to report the new gender code.

Path: Reporting > HI State Reporting > EL WIDA Student Pre-ID/Child Count Extract, Attribute Dictionary > Identity > Gender


Idaho - ISEE Extract Student Course Enrollment - CollegeID and CollegeCredit Update (SIS-177327)

A new College Issuing Credit Override field is available on Section. College ID will pull from the section override or the course if it is not posted (i.e. at the beginning of class vs. at the time a grade is earned). College credit also reports from the course prior to a grade earned being assigned or from the transcript.

Path: ID State Reporting > ISEE Extracts


Idaho Special Education Evaluation Summary Report Update (SIS-178332)

A new text field, Late Determination Reason Comments, has been added to the Idaho Evaluation Summary Report, Reevaluation/Redetermination, and ESR SLD documents. This new field is located on the Eligibility Determination editor and is available and required when SD: Scheduling Difficulties or ST: Staffing Issues are selected as the Late Determination Reason. This comments field is limited to 250 characters and does not display on the printed document.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Documents


Indiana-Exclude Transcript from Ed-Fi Reporting (SIS-171603)

A new 'Exclude State Reporting' checkbox has been added to the Additional Information section of the Transcripts tool for Indiana users. It provides the option for users to post a transcript and not report it to the state. The 'Exclude State Reporting' checkbox:

  • Only displays for districts that have Ed-Fi reporting activated.
  • Defaults to unchecked.

Path: Student Information > General > Transcripts > Additional Information


Indiana-Fields Added to English Learners (EL) (SIS-173744) [Enhancement] 

Two new fields have been added under the State Localized Elements section of the English Learners (EL) tool in Indiana:

  • English Proficiency Override
  • Assessment Used Override

These new fields have been implemented to facilitate accurate future reporting of 'limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor' (Proficiency) and 'ELLInstrumentUsedDescriptor' (Assessment Used) to the state.

Path: Student information > English Learners > English Learners (EL)


Kansas - Student Assessment Ed-Fi Resource (SIS-177153)

The Student Assessments Resource is now available for Kansas districts using Ed-Fi. This resource includes logic to report General Assessments required by KSDE.

Path: Ed-Fi


Kansas - Student Education Organizations Responsibility Ed-Fi Resource (SIS-177412)

The Student Education Organizations Responsibility Associations Resource now also sends the student's Enrollment End Date.

A resync is needed as part of this update.

Path: Ed-Fi


Kansas - Course Offerings Ed-Fi Resource (SIS-177436)

The Course Offerings Resource has been updated to report the credits value for the course by summing the credit value for all state-reported grading tasks, rounded to the nearest hundredth decimal position.

A resync is needed as part of this update.

Path: Ed-Fi; Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Sections > Grading Tasks > Credit


Kentucky - Career Readiness Report Updates (SIS-175244)

The following updates have been made to the Career Readiness Report:

  • Career Readiness courses not aligned with one of the KDE-approved State Course Codes now display in the validation report and are excluded from the final extract. This was a Validation report Warning and has been updated to be an Error.
  • Multiple instances of the same state course code within a Career Readiness record only report once in the final extract.
  • The data element Pass has been renamed to Status. Status uses a droplist with new values Pass (P), In Progress (IP), or Fail (F).
  • Career Readiness records without Pass (P) are excluded from the final extract.
  • New validations have been added:
    • A new validation warning has been added when the state course code is invalid during the reporting year based on the Course Code Editor start year and end year.
    • For each Career Readiness Record that has a status of Pass and valid state code, when less than 300 hours, an error returns on the validation report and is excluded from the final extract.
    • A validation warning displays when the Hours are less than 1.
  • A Modified Date has been added as an output field on the final extract.
  • Credential Associate Degree now populates from the CareerReadiness.credentialOrDegree field.

This report is now available for State Edition users.

Path: KY State Reporting> Career Readiness


Kentucky ILPA Tool Rights Update (SIS-176130)

Tool rights to Lock and Unlock ILPA Documents have been added to the New Look of Campus for Kentucky.

Path: Student Information > Special Education > Special Ed Documents


Kentucky – KECS LEAD Extract (SIS-176226)

Logic for Warning 1 and Warning 3 has been updated to ignore inactive courses.

Path: KY State Reporting > KECS LEAD Extract


Kentucky Special Ed IEP Transfer of Rights Date (SIS-176966)

When creating a new Kentucky Individual Education Plan when a previous IEP exists with a Transfer of Rights Date entered, that date now carries over into the newly created IEP.

Path: Student Information > Special Education > Special Ed Documents


Kentucky - Homeless (SIS-177191)

The automatic end date functionality for the Homeless tool has been restored.

Path: Student Information > Programs > Homeless


Maryland- P-Tech Enrollment Codes Added (SIS-177362)

New P-Tech codes were added to the Enrollment section of the Core Attribute/Dictionary. They display as droplist options for Local Start Status or Local End Status under the General Enrollment Information section of the Enrollment tool.

  • R55: Return: Starting year 5 of P-Tech
  • C55: Completed: Finished year 5 of P-Tech, no AA degree
  • W55: Withdraw: Left year 5 of P-Tech, did not continue education
  • T55: Transfer: Left year 5 of P-Tech for other K-12 education
  • C71: Completed: P-Tech Program AA Completion⁠
  • R56: Return: Starting year 6 of P-Tech
  • C56: Completed: Finished year 6 of P-Tech, no AA degree
  • W56: Withdraw: Left year 6 of P-Tech, did not continue education
  • T56: Transfer: Left year 6 of P-Tech for other K-12 education
  • E55: Transfer: Entry into year 5 of P-Tech from another P-Tech program
  • E56: Transfer: Entry into year 6 of P-Tech from another P-Tech program

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments


Maryland- Virtual Education Tool Added (SIS-177598)

A new Virtual Education tool has been added for Maryland users. This tool allows for the documentation of the following:

  • Start Date (required)
  • End Date
  • Virtual Program (required)
    • 01: In-Person
    • 02: Hybrid
    • 03: Remote
  • Comments

Path: Student Information > State Programs > Virtual Education


Massachusetts Special Ed Custom Forms Update (SIS-177012)

The following Special Ed Custom Forms have been updated for Massachusetts:

  • Attendance Sheet
  • Education Environment 3-5
  • Educational Environment 5-21
  • Evaluation Consent Form
  • Extended Evaluation
  • IEP Amendment
  • Level of Need 3-21
  • Notice of Proposed Action
  • Notice Refusal to Act
  • Placement Consent 3-5
  • Placement Consent 5-21
  • SPED Eligibility Determination

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Documents


Massachusetts Special Ed Printed Font Size Update (SIS-177443ma)

The Massachusetts Special Education Documents font sizes have been increased to improve readability on all printed documents.

Path: Student Information > Special Education > Special Education Documents


Michigan Calendar Wizard Update (SIS-145929)

The Calendar Wizard tool has been updated to ensure MSIX Course Section ID copies forward from calendar-to-calendar if the Copy Forward field is marked in the Attribute Dictionary.

Path: System Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute/Dictionary > Section


Michigan Student Education Organization Association Update (SIS-176301)

The homelessDescriptor field has been removed from both the configuration and all associated reporting logic in the Student Education Organization Association resource. It has also been removed from the JSON transaction.

The logic for Unaccompanied Youth has been removed from the studentChracteristicDescriptor array.

Path: Ed-Fi


Michigan Early Childhood Program Code Update (SIS-176592)

The following Program Code has been added to Early Childhood.

  • 22: Michigan Strong Beginning

Path: Student Information > Program Participation


Michigan Teacher Student Data Link Update (SIS-176829)

PIC field logic in the Teacher Student Data Link extract has been updated.

Path: Reporting > MI State Reporting > MSDS Extracts


Michigan Ed-Fi ID Locator Update (SIS-177813)

The Ed-Fi ID Locator Student Search has been updated to always include middleName.

Path: Ed-Fi


Michigan TSDL Schema Update (SIS-178128)

The schema for the Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL) has been updated for’23-’24.

Path: Reporting > MI State Reporting > MSDS Extracts


Minnesota – Ed-Fi (SIS-175057)

An issue with grade level RA student’s reporting has been resolved.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi


Minnesota – Ed-Fi (SIS-176043)

The Student Early Childhood Screening Program Associations resource has been updated to report records if the Preschool Screener Start Date falls within the school year.

A resync of the Student Early Childhood Screening Program Associations resource is required.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi


Minnesota – Ed-Fi (SIS-176964)

A SCED code for Science multi-grade & Social Studies multi-grade has been added for MCCC.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi


Minnesota – Ed-Fi (SIS-177372)

Course related resources have been updated to look at whether the State Report Exclude checkbox is marked or not.

A resync of the following resources is required:

  • Courses
  • Course Offerings
  • Sections
  • Student Section Associations
  • Staff Section Associations
  • Course Course Associations
  • Grades

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi


Minnesota – Early Education (SIS-177721)

An Enrollment droplist has been added to the Early Education tool.

Path: Student Information> State Programs> Early Education


Missouri MOSIS Student Core Performance Enhancement (SIS-170852)

The queries for generating the MOSIS Student Core extract has been optimized to improved performance.

Path: Reporting > MO State Reporting > MOSIS Extracts


Missouri Enrollments Updates (SIS-172010)

The Regular Hours Attended and Regular Hours Absent fields on the Missouri Enrollments tool have been renamed to Regular Hours Attended Override and Regular Hours Absent Override. These fields now behave as true override fields for reporting purposes and attendance calculations.

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments


Missouri Ed-Fi Resource Extensions Added (SIS-176278)

The Student Education Organization Associations and Student School Association resources have been updated to include localized extensions for Missouri.

Path: No specific path

Missouri MOSIS Student Enrollment and Attendance Update (SIS-176984)

Logic for reporting the Exit Destination District Code and Exit Destination School Code data elements on the MOSIS Student Enrollment and Attendance Extract has been updated.

Path: Reporting > MO State Reporting > MOSIS Extract


Missouri Ed-Fi Resource Removed (SIS-177510)

The Locations Ed-Fi resource has been removed for Missouri.

Path: No specific path


Missouri Enrollments Fields Locked (SIS-177873)

The Regular Hours Attended Override and Regular Hours Absent Override fields on the Missouri Enrollments tool are now name-locked, and their display name can no longer be modified.

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments


Montana Cross-Site Enrollment State Reports Updates (SIS-175457) [Enhancement] 

A new checkbox, Exclude Cross-Site Data, has been added to the following report editors for Montana:

When marked, the report population excludes students who are enrolled across multiple districts. This checkbox defaults to marked.

Check out the Cross-Site Enrollment video for more information. 

Path: Reporting > MT State Reporting


Montana District Assignment Titles Option Added (SIS-176105)

An additional value, Not State Reported, has been added to the Titles dropdown on the Montana District Assignment tool.

Path: Census > Census Staff > District Assignments


Montana Special Ed IEP Statewide Assessments Update (SIS-177610)

An important update on the Montana Individual Education Plan regarding Special Ed IEP Statewide Assessments has been made. The Statewide Assessments editor has been updated, with revised values available in the MAST With Accommodations ELA and Math dropdowns.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Documents


Montana Gifted Warning Message Update (SIS-177892)

Verbiage on the warning message for the Evaluation Date validation has been updated on the Montana Gifted tool.

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted


Montana Special Ed IEP Statewide Assessments Update (SIS-177961)

The Statewide Assessments editor on the Montana Individual Education Plan has been updated:

  • the MAST assessment has been added to the Assessment dropdown. The values in the dropdown have also been reordered.
  • the list of Support/Accommodations has been updated when MAST is selected as the Assessment and ELA is selected as the Content Area.
  • the list of Support/Accommodations has been updated when MAST is selected as the Assessment and Math is selected as the Content Area.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Documents


Nebraska Special Ed IEP Verbiage Update (SIS-176117)

Two fields on the Educational Needs editor of the Nebraska Individual Education Plan have been updated to match the printed documentation.

Path: Student Information > Special Education > Special Ed Documents


Nevada Caseload Report Update (SIS-177199)

An issue where the Caseload Summary Report not pulling in the Special Education Setting from the Nevada IEP or Enrollment record has been fixed.

Path: Student Information > Reports > Caseload Summary Report


Nevada-Homeless Program Status Field Hidden (SIS-177236)

The Homeless 'Program Status' field was made visible in the Homeless Detail editor as part of updates to the core Homeless tool released in Campus.2407. This field was previously unavailable for Nevada District Edition and State Edition users. The 'Program Status' field has been reverted to its previous hidden status on Nevada sites.

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless


Nevada Special Ed Printed Font Size Update (SIS-177443)

The Nevada Special Education Documents font sizes have been increased to improve readability on all printed documents.

Path: Student Information > Special Education > Special Education Documents


Nevada Special Ed IEP Amended ESignature Fix (SIS-177488)

An issue where eSignatures were not clearing out during the IEP Amend process was fixed for Nevada.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Documents


Nevada Special Ed Data Plan Validation Added (SIS-178125)

Validation has been added to the Nevada Data Plan that to place the Placement editor in a Complete Status, at least one record must be saved.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Documents

New Mexico 

New Mexico - Ed-Fi Child Count Education Organization Reference (SIS-175139)

The Student Special Education Program Associations resource has been updated to report the Child Count Education Organization Reference.

A resync on the Student Special Education Program Associations resource needs to be completed with this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


New Mexico - Ed-Fi Discipline Actions Resource Update (SIS-177127)

The disciplineActionDetailedResponse element in the Discipline Actions resource has been updated to report the related comments when the disciplineDescriptor is 8, 10, or 14.

A resync on the Discipline Actions resource needs to be completed with this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi

New York 

New York SIRS Student Daily Attendance Update (SIS-169664)

The attendance minutes calculation on the SIRS Student Daily Attendance extract has been updated to not duplicate when the student has multiple classes skinnied into one section. Period Attendance calculations only apply when the Whole Day Absence Minutes checkbox is NOT marked. The student must be marked absent in all classes, including all classes skinnied into the period, to be counted as absent for that date.

Path: Reporting > NY State Reporting > SIRS Extracts


New York State Reporting Cross-Site Update (SIS-177448) [Enhancement] 

All New York State Reports were updated to ensure correct reporting for Cross-Site Enrollment students. 

Check out the Cross-Site Enrollment video for more information. 

Path: Reporting > NY State Reporting

North Carolina 

North Carolina - Principal Monthly Report (SIS-176865)

The first release of the Principal Monthly Report (PMR) is now available. This release includes the user interface and the School Months tool, which is a required selection when generating the report.

Additional functionality for this report will be included in future releases.

Path: Reporting > NC State Reporting > NC PMR Extract; Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > School Months


North Carolina - Available Program Tools (SIS-177407)

The following programs are now available. See the linked articles for additional information:

Path: Student Information > Program Participation


North Carolina - Program Updates (SIS-177602)

The following updates have been made to Programs for North Carolina:

  • Foster Care
    • Program Status is now a required selection, along with Start Date.
  • Early Learning
    • Eligibility Category and Federal Funding Type have been removed.
    • Setting and Enrollment Type have been added and are required.
  • Read to Achieve
    • A State Defined Elements section has been added. This is where GCE Assessment Used information is added.
    • An Intervention Areas field has been added. Users can select as many applicable options as needed to the student's record.

Path: Student Information > Program Participation, State Programs


North Carolina Special Education State Reporting Tool Update (SIS-178174)

Two North Carolina Special Education State Reporting fields have been renamed. The EC Referral field is now EC Designated Course of Study, and EC Accommodation is now Comments.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > State Reporting


Ohio Special Ed IEP Update (SIS-175055)

The values available for the Type of Service field on the Related Services editor are now hard-coded:

  • 215002: Aide Services
  • 215003: Attendant Services
  • 215004: Audiological Services
  • 215006: Interpreter Services
  • 215008: Occupational Therapy Services
  • 215009: Orientation and Mobility Services
  • 215010: Physical Therapy Services
  • 215012: Psychological Services
  • 215013: Speech and Language Services
  • 215015: Transition Services
  • 215018: Counseling Services
  • 215021: Transportation
  • 215022: Social Work Services
  • 215026: School Health Services
  • 215027: School Nurse Services
  • 215030: Board Certified Behavior Analyst Services
  • 215099: Other

See the Ohio Individual Education Plan article for additional information.

Path: Student Information > Special Education > Special Ed Documents

Ohio Special Ed IEP Ad hoc Fix (SIS-177267)

An issue where the Secondary Planning field from the Ohio Individual Education Plan was not reporting in Ad hoc has been fixed (learningPlan.futurePostSecondary).

Path: Student Information > Special Education > Special Ed Documents, Reporting > Ad hoc Reporting > Filter Designer


Oklahoma Adjustments to Transportation Reporting (SIS-170866)

The Transportation, Statistical Summary, and Attendance reports have all been updated to report transportation more consistently.

Path: Reporting > OK State Reporting


Oklahoma Attendance Summary Update (SIS-173807)

The Attendance Summary reporting logic has been updated to ensure records for students with an active enrollment between the earliest extract Start Date and the latest extract End Date report.

Path: Reporting > OK State Reporting > Attendance Summary


Oklahoma SIF Updates (SIS-174045)

Logic for Student Personal/EnglishProficiency has been updated to allow districts to indicate an end to EL services when an EL record exists and the Program Status is Not EL. Logic for the read-only Bilingual field has been updated to accurately report based on the student’s most recent enrollment in the active year.

Path: SIF


Oregon - CTE Course File (SIS-160423)

The CTE Course File is now available. The Course file reports one row per CTE Course attempt per student for the selected school year, regardless of whether the student completed or passed the course.

Path: Reporting > OR State Reporting > OR CTE Collection > CTE Course


Oregon - CTE Student File (SIS-171014)

The CTE Student File is now available. This report includes at least one row per student in grades 9 and up, regardless of whether the student engages in CTE courses. A maximum of four Student Leadership Organizations reports per participating student; a maximum of two CTE IRC records reports per participating student; and a maximum of four CTE Work-based Learning records reports per participating student.

Path: Reporting > OR State Reporting > OR CTE Collection > CTE Student


Oregon Data Plan Update (SIS-177663)

A new checkbox, HS/Post HS Transition Program, has been added to the State Reported Data Plan editor of the Oregon Data Plan.

Path: Student Information > Special Education > Special Ed Documents


Oregon - Career and Technical Education Updates (SIS-177666)

New fields have been added to the Career and Technical Education tool. These fields are reported in the CTE Student File.

  • Work-Based Learning Type indicates the student's Career and Technical Education type - Cooperative Work Experience, Service-learning, etc.
  • Work-Based Learning CIP Code and CIP Code identify the Classification of Instructional Programs provided by the US Department of Education.

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Career and Technical Education


Pennsylvania PIMS Staff Snapshot Update (SIS-173696)

Logic for reporting the Years Experience and Years Experience in District elements on the PIMS Staff Snapshot Template has been updated.

Path: Reporting > PA State Reporting > PIMS Extracts > Staff Snapshot


Pennsylvania PIMS Student Snapshot Update (SIS-175626)

Logic for reporting the Grad Status Code element on the PIMS Student Snapshot Template has been updated to always report null.

Path: Reporting > PA State Reporting > PIMS Extracts


Pennsylvania CTE Program Code Added (SIS-176222)

A new CTE program code value, 01.8301: Vet/Animal Health Technology, has been added to the Attribute Dictionary for Pennsylvania.

Path: System Settings > Custom Data and Links > Attribute Dictionary > CTE Program

South Dakota 

South Dakota - BOR Transcript Reports Student Names from Protected Identity (SIS-176120)

When populated, the BOR Transcript now reports student first and last names from the Protected Identity Information section on the Identity record.

Path: Census > People > Identities; Student Information > General > Transcript > Preview SD BOR Release


South Dakota - Language Codes Updated (SIS-176854)

The list of available languages (used when assigning Home Primary Language) has been updated to include the following:

  • PRS - Afghan Persian, Dari
  • QUC - K'iche', Quiche
  • KEA - Kabuverdianu
  • RHG - Rohingya

Path: Census > People > Demographics


Tennessee - Create EIS052 Student Club Membership Extract (SIS-174334)

EIS 052 has been created to report student club membership data entered in the Organization Information section of the Career and Technical Education tool.

Path: TN State Reporting > EIS Batch Transmission

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Career and Technical Education


Tennessee - Ed-Fi: Student Education Organization Associations - Update Limited English Proficiency Indicator and Student Characteristics (SIS-176331)

Logic has been localized and updated for the limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor field and the studentCharacteristics field.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Texas-Ed-Fi-CTE Program Reporting Period Attendance Resource Implemented (SIS-177092)

The CTE Program Reporting Period Attendance Ed-Fi resource has been implemented for Texas. It includes state-specific fields and reporting logic where appropriate.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Texas-Ed-Fi-Prior Year Leaver Student Parent Association Resource Implemented (SIS-177361)

The Prior Year Leaver Student Parent Association Ed-Fi resource has been implemented for Texas. It includes state-specific fields and reporting logic where appropriate.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Utah - SIF StudentSchoolEnrollment Update (SIS-174867)

The KindergartenType extended element in the StudentSchoolEnrollment object has been updated to accurately report when a student changes grade levels from a kindergarten to a non-kindergarten grade.

Path: System Settings > Data Interchange Administration


Utah - Youth In Care Program Updates (SIS-176082)

The following updates have been made to the Youth In Care program:

  • The Residential Treatment Center field has been added to record the residential treatment center that applies to the Youth In Care record.
  • The ‘DHHS: Other Division of Human and Health Services’ value has been added to the Custody Type field.
  • The Codes in the DJJS Facility field have been updated to for end of year reporting.

Path: Student Information > State Programs > Youth In Care


Utah - SIF StudentSectionEnrollment Update for CourseMembership (SIS-177237)

The logic for the CourseMembership extended element in the StudentSectionEnrollment object has been updated to accurately report the membership days that apply to each section enrollment instance.

Path: System Settings > Data Interchange Administration


Utah - Dictionary Updates for End of Year Reporting (SIS-177285)

Dictionary updates have been made to the following fields for 2024 end-of-year reporting:

  • Updated the State Event Code for ‘Robbery or theft’ for Behavior Event Types
  • Added the ‘Cyber-bullying’ and ‘Hazing’ codes to the State Event Codes for Behavior Event Types
  • Updated the State End Status codes on Enrollments for ‘Early Graduate - Personalized, Competency-Based Learning’
  • Added the ‘Graduate - International Baccalaureate Education’ code to the State End Status codes on Enrollments

Path: System Settings > Core Attribute/Dictionary


Vermont Ed-Fi: Activate Student Program Associations (SIS-175765)

Student Program Associations have been activated for Dual Enrollment, EST, as well as SS504 Student Program Association FRD and Programs FRD. Also, homelessProgramServiceDescriptor has been updated as follows:

AE100 - VT100 - homelessProgramServicesDescriptor - If Mckinney-Vento = selected, reports 'Mckinney-Vento' - M - Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless > McKinney-Vento

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless > McKinney-Vento


Vermont - Ed-Fi: Activate Student Section Associations (SIS-176085)

The Student Section Associations resource has been activated for Vermont.

Path: Ed-Fi


Vermont - Ed-Fi: Activate Grades Resource (SIS-177180)

The Grades resource has been activated for Vermont.

Path: Ed-Fi


Virginia Master Schedule Report Updates (SIS-169815)

A new data element, 50% Course Enrollment Flag, now reports on the Virginia Master Schedule Report F record.

Path: Reporting > VA State Reporting > Master Schedule


Virginia Student Record Collection Update (SIS-176426)

A new data element, Hours of Flexible Instruction Time, now reports on the Virginia Student Record Collection.

Path: Reporting > VA State Reporting > Student Record Collection


Virginia Student Behavior and Administrative Response Collection Updates (SIS-176947)

The Virginia Student Behavior and Administrative Response Collection has been updated to match the state requirements.

Path: Reporting > VA State Reporting > SBAR


Virginia Master Schedule Report Updates (SIS-177314)

The Description for the State Code EOC270 has been updated in the Attribute Dictionary.

The following codes have been added to the list of codes that can report on the Virginia Master Schedule Report:

  • CSH274: Virginia Studies reports as 274.
  • CSH278: Civics and Economics reports as 278
  • EOC102: EOC Integrated Reading and Writing Component reports as 102.
  • EOC209: EOC Reading (2017), EOC English: Reading and Writing reports as 209 (209112).
  • EOC270: Virgina and US History (2020) reports as 270.
  • EOC274: Virginia Studies reports as 274.
  • 3203: Grade 3 Reading (paper) reports as 3203.
  • 3673: Quad 8 Grade 3 Reading (paper) reports as 3673.
  • 3683: Quad 8 Grade 3 Mathematics (paper) reports as 3683.
  • 4204: Grade 4 Reading (paper) reports as 4204.
  • 4674: Quad 8 Grade 4 Reading (paper) reports as 4674.
  • 4684: Quad 8 Grade 4 Mathematics (paper) reports as 4684.
  • 5190: Grade 5 Integrated Reading and Writing Component reports as 5190.
  • 5205: Grade 5 Reading (paper) reports as 5205.
  • 5675: Quad 8 Grade 5 Reading (papeer) reports as 5675.
  • 5685: Quad 8 Grade 5 Mathematics (paper) reports as 5685.
  • 5695: Quad 8 Grade 5 Science (paper) reports as 5695.
  • 6206: Grade 6 Reading (paper) reports as 6206.
  • 6676: Quad 8 Grade 6 Reading (paper) reports as 6676.
  • 6686: Quad 8 Grade 6 Mathematics (paper) reports as 6686.
  • 7207: Grade 7 Reading (paper) reports as 7207.
  • 7677: Quad 8 Grade 7 Reading (paper) reports as 7677.
  • 7687: Quad 8 Grade 7 Mathematics (paper) reports as 7687.
  • 8191: Grade 8 Integrated Reading and Writing Component reports as 8191.
  • 8208: Grade 8 Reading (2017) (paper) reports as 8208.
  • 8678: Quad 8 Grade 8 Reading (paper) reports as 8678.
  • 8688: Quad 8 Grade 8 Mathematics (paper) reports as 8688.
  • 8698: Quad 8 Grade 8 Science (paper) reports as 8698.

Path: Reporting > VA State Reporting > Master Schedule, System Settings > Custom Data and Links > Attribute/Dictionary > Test > State Code


Wisconsin Ed-Fi Immunization Import Waiver Message Updated (SIS-160649)

Verbiage has been updated on the error message when importing immunization data for students with waivers to better clarifying the error for users.

Path: Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Tools > Import Tool


Wisconsin - Ed-Fi Student Education Organization Associations and Student Language Instruction Program Associations Updates (SIS-172977)

The logic for the limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor in the Student Education Organization Associations resource and the logic for the proficiencyDescriptor in the Student Language Instruction Program Associations resource have been updated to report from the correct test record.

A resync on the Student Education Organization Associations and Student Language Instruction Program Associations resources needs to be completed with this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Wisconsin - Residency/Census Status Dictionary Update for Pupil Count (SIS-175804)

The name of the ‘NR-JUV: Non resident - Juvenile facility/jail’ value in the Residency/Census Status field for the Pupil Count state program has been updated.

Path: Student Information > State Programs > Pupil Count


Wyoming – SIF StudentParticpation and WDE684 Extract Updates (SIS-176820)

The EvaluationParentalConsentDate and EvaluationDate elements in the StudentParticipation object have been updated to report when the selected IEP has a Special Ed Status of N, R or I.

The StudentDateOfInitialConsent and StudentDateEvaluationComplete fields in the WDE684 TCS Extract have been updated to accurately report when the student has more than one primary enrollment and no prior year IEP.

Path: System Settings > Data Interchange Administration, Reporting > WY State Reporting > WDE684 TCS Extract


Wyoming Immunization Update (SIS-177437)

Previously, the Pneumococcal vaccine rules were stored in the PPV folder. The Pneumococcal vaccine rules are now stored in the PCV folder.

Path: Student Information > Health Administration > Vaccine Setup