Delaware Ed-Fi IDs

Ed-Fi ID Delaware


Students / Staff: Delaware assigns unique Ed-Fi IDs for students and staff. These unique IDs are populated into the Student State ID and Staff State ID fields, respectively. If Ed-Fi functionality is enabled on your version of Campus, the Use Ed-Fi ID button is available next to each Person Identifier to copy the Ed-Fi ID into the other fields (if desired).

Parents: Delaware does not assign unique Ed-Fi IDs for parents. However, a unique ID must be populated to send parent information to the state. If districts leave the Parent Ed-Fi ID field blank, a default value of (District ID) + (Person ID) is populated into the field and sent. 

Users must have Read, Write, and Add tool rights to the following for the ability to select the Get Ed-Fi ID button and access the Ed-Fi database to search and locate a person's Ed-Fi ID:

Demographics - Ed-Fi Configuration - Ed-Fi Locator - Ed-Fi Tools

Access to the System Administration Ed-Fi tools should be reserved for the Campus Administrator; however, access to the Error Log and Resync tool may be granted to other users, depending on their role within the district. 

Use extreme caution when assigning Delete tool rights. Deleting or modifying a person's Ed-Fi ID after it has been issued will cause the person's data to be deleted from the original person's record and synced to the new person's record. See the Tool Rights article for more information about Tool Rights and how they function.

Assign an Ed-Fi ID 

Tool Search: Demographics

The Get Ed-Fi ID tool must be used to enter Student State IDs and Staff State IDs. These fields are read-only and users may not manually enter IDs for students or staff. 

Select the Get Ed-Fi ID button to assign an Ed-Fi ID to a student or staff member. The Get Ed-Fi ID button is inactive if an Ed-Fi ID already exists for the individual.

Click here to expand...

Image of Person Identifiers screen for Delaware.Person Identifiers Editor

Contact Ed-Fi ID is a read-only field. This field is populated by resyncing the Parents and Student Parent Association resources.

To assign an Ed-Fi ID to a student or staff, press the Get Ed-Fi ID button. The Ed-Fi Locator screen displays. 

Image of Ed-Fi Locator tool for Delaware.Ed-Fi Locator

Enter the person's information. Fields in red are required. The information autofills if it already exists on the person's Demographics page. Entering additional identifying information is not required but is highly encouraged.

Ed-Fi ID Locator Editor

Field Names on LocatorDescription of Pre-populated Data
Last Name
*Required Field
Last name from the current Identity record of the individual being searched.
First Name
First name from the current Identity record of the individual being searched.
Middle Name
Middle name from the current Identity record of the individual being searched.
Birth Date
Birth date from the current Identity record of the individual being searched.
Ed-Fi ID
Does not pre-populate.
Search Intention
*Read-Only Field
Intent of the search. 
  • When creating a Student State ID, the search intention is set to Student.  This field selection may not be changed. 
  • When creating a Staff State ID, the search intention is set to Staff.  This field selection may not be changed. 
Search Results FieldsDescription
NameName of the individual returned in the search results.
Ed-Fi IDEd-Fi ID of the individual returned in the search results.
Birth DateBirth date of the individual returned in the search results.
Current District CodeDistrict Code of the individual returned in the search results.
Current School Code
School Code of the individual returned in the search results.
ScoreIndicates the quality of the match between the search criteria entered and the results within the Ed-Fi database. The higher the Score, the more similar the match to the search query. Only the Last Name, First Name, Gender, and Birth Date fields determine the matching score.
Use this Person

Once the correct person has been identified, click the Use This Person button to populate the Student State ID or Staff State ID (depending on the Search Intention) field within Campus.

Assign Ed-Fi IDUsed to assign a new Ed-Fi ID to the person if you cannot locate the person within the search results.