RTI Batch Setup

Tool Search: RTI Batch Setup

The RTI Batch Setup tool assigns intervention plans to a group of students. A list of historical RTI batches display on the list screen.

RTI Batches are school and calendar-specific.

Screenshot of the RTI batch setup list screen.RTI Batch Setup List Screen

Batches can be searched and filtered by Batch Name, Plan Type, and/or Batch Status.

Batch NameThe name of the batch.
StatusThe state of the batch. Statuses include:
  • Generated: plans have been generated.
  • Generating: plans are currently generating. 
  • Draft: batch is in progress.
Plan TypeThe plan associated with the batch. RTI Plan Types are created and managed in the RTI Plan Types tool.
Start Date & End DateThe first and last date of the intervention.
Created by:The user who created the batch.
RequestedThe number of plans requested.
ErrorThe number of plans that did not generate due to errors while generating.
GeneratedThe number of plans generated.
DetailClick the Detail button to view the batch information.

Click New to create a new batch. The Select Plan Type screen displays.

Select Plan Type

The Select Plan Type screen displays all active plan types available. RTI plan types are predetermined formats that designate the Content Area, Intervention Tier, and editors available within the RTI plan. All plans assigned to a student via the RTI Batch tool display on the RTI Documents tool. 

RTI Plan Types are created and managed in the RTI Plan Types tool.

Screenshot of the select plan type screen.Select Plan Type Screen

Select a plan type to create. The Prepare Intervention screen displays.

Prepare Intervention

The Prepare Intervention screen is used to set up the student(s) plan. Enter a Name for the batch and any information into the fillable fields. Any data entered into the form on the Prepare Intervention screen applies to ALL student plans.

Screenshot of the prepare intervention screen.Prepare Intervention

RTI Batch Name
The name of the batch.
Start Date
The first day of the intervention plan.
End Date
The last day of the intervention plan.
Universal Screeners Name

The intervention assessment given to students in the school. This is oftentimes the state assessment test (i.e., Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Examinations (WKCE), etc). 


Additional Universal Screener Name values can be added within the Attribute Dictionary.

Universal Screener ScoreThe score the student received on the Universal Screener.
Plan Description

A description of the plan. You can enter this description manually or select a template bank by clicking the template bank icon.


Canned plan descriptions are created in the RTI Template Banks tool.

Base Score The base score of the RTI plan. Defaults to 0 (zero).
Base Score Comments

Any comments about the base score for the RTI plan. You can enter this comment manually or select a template bank by clicking the template bank icon.


Canned base score comments are created in the RTI Template Banks tool.

Goal NameThe name of the intervention goal.
Goal TypeThe type of goal for the intervention. This is often used to organize goals for a school.
Goal ScoreThe score the student should receive to show successful completion of the intervention. Defaults to 0 (zero).
Goal Score Comments

Any comments about the goal score for the plan. You can enter this comment manually or select a template bank by clicking the template bank icon.


Canned goal score comments are created in the RTI Template Banks tool.


The intervention used for the intervention plan. Interventions are tied to specific Content Areas and Intervention Tiers (or all of them if none are specified in the intervention). Each plan type has one content area and one-tier.

Intervention values are created in the RTI Interventions tool.

Evaluation Method/ToolThe method or tool the intervention provider is going to use to measure the student's intervention progress. This list is set up in the Attribute Dictionary.
Intervention Description

A description of the intervention selected. This value is a read-only description pre-populated by the Intervention value selected.


This value is entered and managed in the RTI Interventions tool.


A link to any external or internal resource tied to the Intervention selected.


This link is entered and managed in the RTI Interventions tool.

Intervention Provider

The Intervention Provider for the RTI plan.


This list is managed in the RTI Intervention Provider tool.

Intervention Position

The position of the intervention provider.

This list is managed in the RTI Intervention Positions tool.


The location in which the intervention is delivered. You can enter the location manually or select a template bank by clicking the template bank icon. 


Canned location values are created and managed in the RTI Template Banks tool.

Direct Minutes
The targeted number of minutes the student will receive intervention instruction per intervention delivery event.
Session Frequency
The number of sessions the student receives per Service Frequency.
Service Frequency
The frequency in which the student will receive intervention delivery from an Intervention Delivery staff member.

Click Save to save progress or Save & Next to select students.

Add Students

The Add Students screen selects which students will have the plan associated with them. The All Students section displays all students from the Calendar, Ad hoc Filter, Grade, and/or Blended Learning Group selected. Students can also be searched by Student Name for selection. See the Blended Learning Groups article for more information.

Selecting an individual student's name adds that student to the Selected Students list and vice versa. 

Screenshot of the Add Students screen.Add Students

Click Generate & Next to create the batch plans or Cancel to go back. The Check Status screen displays.

Check Status

The Check Status screen is used to view the status of the plans. Statuses on this screen include: Generated, Error, or Deleted. 

Note: Individual RTI plans generated using the batch can only be modified using the RTI Documents tool.

Screenshot of the check status screen.Check Status

Tool Rights

See the Student Information Tool Rights article for additional information on the tool rights needed to create an RTI Plan for an individual student using the RTI Documents tool.

Action(s)Tool Rights
View the RTI Batch tool and existing batches on the list screenStudent Information > Response to Intervention > RTI Batch Setup > Read
Screenshot of the RTI batch setup read tool rights.
RTI Batch Setup Read
Select an existing batch and view details
  1. Student Information > Response to Intervention > RTI Batch Setup > Read AND
  2. Student Information > Response to Intervention > General > Documents > Plans > Document Sections > Read

Screenshot of the RTI batch setup read and RTI document sections read tool rights.RTI Batch Setup Read and RTI Document Sections Read

Create new RTI batch, select students, generate plans
  1. Student Information > Response to Intervention > RTI Batch Setup > Read, Write, Add, 
  2. Student Information > Response to Intervention > General > Documents > Plans > Document Sections > Read and Write

Screenshot of the RTI batch setup read, write, add, and  RTI document sections read and write tool rights.RTI Batch Setup Read, Write, Add and RTI Document Sections Read, Write

Note: users will need appropriate rights to their Calendar and Student Search in order to create batches.
DeleteAt this time, RTI Batches cannot be deleted. RTI plans generated using the batch can be deleted on the RTI Documents tool with Delete rights to Student Information > Response to Intervention > Documents > Plan.
Screenshot of the RTI plan delete tool rights.
RTI Plan Delete