Wisconsin General Ed-Fi Setup Checklist

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General Ed-Fi Checklist

Use this checklist of Ed-Fi tasks to verify you have entered, selected and saved appropriate options for reporting data through Ed-Fi.

DoneTaskUI Location

Enable Ed-Fi functionality via the Enable Ed-Fi system preference.System Settings > System Preferences > Enable Ed-Fi

Enter Connection Configuration, and ensure a Profile value is selected.

Reporting > Ed-Fi > Configuration > Connection

Set tool rights for Ed-Fi.User Management > User Groups > Tool Rights

Set all Resources to 'Off' and map the Ed-Fi Codes to Campus Codes via the Resource Preferences.
For the 2020-21 school year, do not configure the Course Transcripts resource until a notification has been sent to configure it.
Reporting > Ed-Fi > Configuration > Connection Config

Assign Ed-Fi IDs.Demographics > Person Identifiers

Enter District Agency Key for reporting Ed-Fi District Numbers.School & District Settings > District Information

Enter School Agency Key for reporting Ed-Fi School Numbers on the School Editor.School & District Settings > School Information

Toggle Resources to 'On' in Resource Preferences once all data setup is complete.
For the 2020-21 school year, do not turn on the Course Transcripts resource until a notification has been sent to turn it on.
Reporting > Ed-Fi > Configuration > Connection Config

Resync Ed-Fi Data (see the Recommended Sync Order for guidance on when to sync which resource).Reporting > Ed-Fi > Resync