Pupil Transportation Extract (Wisconsin)

Tool Search: Pupil Transportation

The Pupil Transportation Extract provides an aggregate count of students within Wisconsin districts who were transported during the regular school year. The counts are submitted for reimbursement by the state based on the number of miles transported.

Screenshot of Pupil Transportation Editor.Pupil Transportation Editor

Report Logic

The Pupil Transportation Record returns students based on the calendar selected in the report editor for all records assigned to the student. Reported values are based on the Transportation (Student) record where the student is assigned a Transportation Code of 01: Regular, and uses the Start Date, End Date and the Miles Transported field.

When generating the Detail Format, if the student has at least one valid transportation records where the Miles Transported field is blank or 0.00, the student's name displays in red, even if they are counted in one of the miles transported columns based on another valid transportation record where the Miles Transported value was populated. If the student name displays in red, it is up to the district to investigate why (perhaps the student is not being counted in the right column, for example).

Students report one time, regardless of how many transportation records they may have and how many schools in which they have enrollment records during the one school year.

  • If a student has multiple transportation records with different Miles Transported values, the record with the farthest distance reports. For example, if one record has a Miles Transported value of 2-5 miles and another record has a Miles Transported value of 8-12 miles, the student reports with the 8-12 mile range entry.
  • If a student has multiple transportation records with no Miles Transported value, that record is not considered in the count. For example, if one record does not have the Miles Transported field populated, and another record has a Miles Transported value of 8-12 miles, the student reports in the 8-12 miles range.
  • If all transportation records for a student do not have the Miles Transported field populated, those records do not display on the State Format. Those records do display on the Detail Format.
  • Students with any transportation records in the current year where the Transportation Code = '03' at any time will exclude the student from the report.
    • Students who also have at least one valid Transportation Record (Type = '01') are still excluded.

State Exclude Logic

  • Students marked as State Exclude on their Enrollment Record are not reported.
  • Students enrolled in a Grade Level marked as State Exclude are not reported.
  • Students enrolled in a Calendar marked as State Exclude are not reported.

Miles Transported

The Miles Transported field on the student's Transportation tab is a dropdown list that allows the school to select a range of miles transported.

  • 0-2 miles (hazardous area) - more than 0 miles but less than two miles
  • 2-5 miles - more than 2 miles but less than 5 miles
  • 5-8 miles - more than 5 miles but less than 8 miles
  • 8-12 miles - more than 8 miles but less than 12 miles
  • Over 12 miles - 12 miles or more

Report Editor




This extract can be generated in either the State Format (CSV), HTML or Detail (PDF). Use the HTML or Detail options for testing and review prior to submission to the state. Use the State Format (CSV) for the final submission.

The Detail format lists the student's name, state ID, miles transported and date range of the student's transportation record. Students must have a minimum of one valid transportation record where the Transportation Code = 01: Regular.

Select Calendars

At least one calendar needs to be selected in order to generate the extract. Multiple calendars can be chosen by using the CTRL and SHIFT keys. It is advised that not all calendars be chosen at once due to the amount of data that is returned in the extracts.

Calendars can be selected by active year, by school or by year.

Student Selection

Select students to include on the report by choosing either a Grade level of enrollment for the students or an Ad hoc Filter.

  • To include students in all grade levels, choose All Students in the Grade Level options.
  • Selecting an existing ad hoc filter reports only those students or courses included in those filters, if they meet the reporting requirements of the report.
Report GenerationUse the Generate Extract button to immediately display the results of the selected extract type/period. For a larger data set, use the Submit to Batch button. This allows the selection of a specific time in which the extract generates (after school hours). See the Batch Queue article for more information.

Generate the Report

  1. Select the desired Format for the report.
  2. Select the Calendars to include in the report.
  3. Select the students to include in the report by choosing either a Grade level or an Ad hoc Filter.
  4. Click the Generate Extract button to display the report immediately, or use the Submit to Batch button to determine when the report should generate. The report displays in the selected format.

Screenshot of Pupil Transportation Extract in State Format (CSV).Pupil Transportation Extract - State Format (CSV)

Screenshot of Pupil Transportation Extract in HTML Format.Pupil Transportation Extract - HTML Format

Screenshot of Pupil Transportation Extract in Detail Format.Pupil Transportation Extract - Detail Format

Report Layout

State Format and HTML Format

Data Element




Count of students enrolled in the district who are transported between zero and two miles.

Numeric, 3 digits

Transportation > Miles Transported



Count of students enrolled in the district who are transported between two and five miles.

Numeric, 3 digits

Transportation > Miles Transported



Count of students enrolled in the district who are transported between five and eight miles.

Numeric, 3 digits

Transportation > Miles Transported



Count of students enrolled in the district who are transported between eight and twelve miles.

Numeric, 3 digits

Transportation > Miles Transported



Count of students enrolled in the district who are transported a minimum of 12 miles.

Numeric, 3 digits

Transportation > Miles Transported


Detail Format

Data Element




Last name, first name of the student.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Demographics >  Last Name


Demographics > First Name


Student Number

Student's state-assigned identification number.

Numeric, 10 digits

Demographics > State ID


Miles Transported

Number of miles the student is transported.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Transportation > Miles Transported


Record Start Date

Reports the start date of the Transportation record determining the Miles Transported range.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Transportation > Start Date


Record End Date

Reports the end date of the Transportation record determining the Miles Transported range.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Transportation > End Date

Transportation endDate