CTS Attendance Tooling (Idaho CTE Tooling)

Tool Search: CTE Tooling

The CTS Attendance Tooling extracts data to assist districts in applying for CTS Attendance Funding.

Screenshot of CTE Tooling Editor with CTE Attendance Tooling Type.CTE Tooling Editor - CTE Attendance Tooling Type

Report Logic

To report, a student must have at least one enrollment active during the extract date range that is not marked as State Exclude or No Show or mapped to an excluded Grade Level or in an excluded Calendar. The reported section must be scheduled at least one day during the extract date range, with at least one rostered student. Courses must have a State Course Code and a CTE Course Level selected to report. At least one day in the calendar must be marked as School, Attendance, and Instruction.

Sections in a non-rotating schedule structure report one record. Sections in a rotating schedule structure report one record per unique rotation or per unique period per period schedule based on days per week and minutes per day.

Generating the CTE Attendance Tooling

  1. Select the Tooling Type of CTS Attendance Tooling.
  2. Select a CTE Course Level of Intro Courses or Inter & Capstone Courses. These levels are indicated on the Course tab.
  3. Enter a Start Date in mmddyyyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date.
  4. Enter an End Date in mmddyyyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date.
  5. If cross-site enrollment functionality is enabled at the district level, the Exclude Cross-Site Data checkbox will display (defaults to checked). Deselect if you want cross-site data included in the report.to display.
  6. Select an Ad hoc Filter to limit the results reported based on the pre-defined filter.
  7. Select the Format by using the dropdown list.
  8. Select a Calendar from the list. More than one can be selected.
  9. Click Generate Extract. to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate.

Users can submit a Student Assessment report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process will allow larger reports to be generated in the background without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Report Layout

Results are sorted by Calendar Name, then by the Campus-generated Section ID.

Element Name

Description & Format

Campus Location

CalendarNameThe name of the Calendar selected.

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Name


The SDE assigned State District Number for the reporting district.

Alphanumeric, 6 characters

System Administration > Resources > School



The State Code for the course. Courses with no State Code do not report.

Alphanumeric, 5 or 6 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Course Editor > State Code


CourseNameThe name of the Course.

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Name


The structure and environment of the course, indicates how student work is expected to be completed and the student's interaction with a teacher or other certificated staff person. Reports the Course Type of the section. 

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Course Type


A unique identifier of that describes the course section.

This field reports the concatenated names of all periods in which the course is schedule, each separated by a space. For example, if the class is scheduled during periods 01 and 02, reports as 01 02. If the concatenated value exceeds 15 characters, reports the last 15 characters. 

Alphanumeric, 15 characters

Reports based on System Administration > Calendar > Periods > Name


sectionNumberThe number of the section.

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Number

sectionIDReports the Campus-generated Section ID.This value is displayed in the upper left hand corner of the Section editor. 

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Section ID


PrimaryTeacherNameThe name of the Primary Teacher assigned to the section on the Staff History active on the extract End Date. Does not report if Staff History Role is NSR. Reports Last Name and First Name separated by a space.

Scheduling > Courses > Section > Staff History > Primary Teacher

Identity.lastName, Identity.firstName
PrimaryTeacherStateIDThe State Staff ID of the staff member reported above.

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Staff State ID

HostSchoolThe Provider School Name entered on the course. If null, reports the description of the Virtual/Distance Learning Provider code selected. Otherwise reports School Name.

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Provider School Name, Virtual/Distance Learning Provider; System Administration > Resources > School > Name

Course.providerSchoolName, Course.providerSchool, School.name
DaysOfWeekThe concatenated days this class is offered (M, T, W, TH, F), separated by a space.

Calculated, not dynamically stored
PeriodStartTimeIf the class is scheduled at the same period each session, reports the Period Start Time. If the class is scheduled during different periods, based on the periods reported in the record.

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Periods > Period Schedule/Periods Editor > Period Information > Start Time

PeriodEndTimeIf the class is scheduled at the same period each session, reports the Period End Time. If the class is scheduled during different periods, based on the periods reported in the record.

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Periods > Period Schedule/Periods Editor > Period Information > End Time

TotalDaysScheduledThe total days on which the section is scheduled within the date range. To report, days must be marked as School, Attendance, and Instruction.

Calculated, not dynamically stored

TotalStudentRosteredThe total number of students rostered into the section for at least one day. Students who drop a section and then re-enroll are only counted once.

Calculated, not dynamically stored
TotalAttendanceFor each rostered student, reports the total days that student was rostered into the class, minus the student's total absences.

Calculated, not dynamically stored
MinutesPerDayThe total minutes per day of for the section based on the Period Start and End Times, minus any non-instructional minutes.

Calculated, not dynamically stored

