Student Education Organization Associations (Vermont v3.6)

Tool Search: Ed-Fi

This association represents student information that is specific to a student’s relationship with an Education Organization. 

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When an enrollment is created and saved for a person and the enrollment overlaps a configured year.

  • Does not send a record when the enrollment is in a calendar marked as State Exclude.
  • Does not send a record when the enrollment is in a School marked as State Exclude.
  • Does not send a record when the No Show checkbox ix checked on the enrollment.

When any student data is edited for the person in the Data Elements fields below:

  • When the person’s identity record is changed: 
    • Race/Ethnicity
    • Gender
    • Home Primary Language
    • US Entry Type
  • When one of the person’s household locations is updated/changed: 
    • Mailing
    • Private
  • When one of the person’s household memberships is added/deleted/changed: 
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Private
  • When a student's IEP is locked or unlocked and/or a student's disability is changed on the IEP, Enrollment or State Special Education record.
  • When a student's contact information is changed: 
    • Email
    • Other Phone
    • Work Phone
    • Cell Phone
    • Pager
    • Private
  • When a student's LEP information is changed: 
    • Program Status
    • Identified Date
    • LEP Exit Date
    • Parent Refused
  • When a student's Response To Intervention Plan is locked/unlocked or the plan name changes.
  • When any of the Student Characteristics change:
    • Asylee, Refugee, Immigrant: When the student's US Entry Type is changed.
    •  Displaced Homemaker, Pregnant, Single Parent: When  a student's Special Population is changed.
    • Foster Care: A student has a Foster Care record that overlaps the configured year, Start/End Dates are changed so the record no longer overlaps the configured year, the record is deleted.
    • Economic Disadvantaged: A student has an SES FRAM Eligibility record that overlaps the configured year and meets the criteria selected in the Economic Disadvantaged resource preferences, Start/End Dates are changed so the record no longer overlaps the configured year, the record is deleted.
    • Parent in Military: A Military Connections record exists for a Guardian of the student, Start/End Dates are changed so the record no longer overlaps the configured year, the Guardian checkbox is checked/unchecked, the record is deleted.
    • Homeless, Unaccompanied Youth, Runaway: A student has a Homeless record that overlaps the configure year, Start/End Dates are changed so record no longer overlaps configured year,  the record is deleted, the Unaccompanied Youth field is changed, the Runaway checkbox is checked or unchecked.
DeleteThis record is deleted when the student no longer has an eligible enrollment in the District.
DeleteWhen the enrollment is marked as a No Show.

Resource Toggle and Resync Logic

This table describes the Resource Toggle and Trigger logic of this object.


Business Rule

NoneWhen a resource is toggled to OFF after data has sent, all sent data remains in the ODS but no new data sends.
ResyncWhen a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it is deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table.
ResyncWhen a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it is deleted from the ODS.
ResyncWhen a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync needs to be done to reflect the changes.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic

This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.


Business Rule

Post/DeleteNatural Key Change:  When the District Number/Ed-Fi District Number changes, a delete/post occurs with the cascading deletes from the LEA ID Change triggers. When an Ed-Fi ID changes, this happens with the cascading deletes from the Ed-Fi ID Change trigger.
DeleteCascading Deletes:  N/A - no dependent resources

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.


The record reports when an enrollment is created and saved that is aligned to a scoped year. 

  • The enrollment must overlap with the scope year to report.
  • Data only sends for the years that have valid configuration.

When using data in Campus that has a single date, the following logic applies to determine the scope year(s) to report the data to.

  • Current Year: Records are compared to today's date to determine when the record is eligible to report.
  • Previous Years: The record's date must be on or before the schools year's end date defined in the School Years editor. When blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used.
  • Future Years: The record's date must be on or after the schools year's start date defined in the School Years editor. When blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used.

When using data in Campus that have start and end dates, the following logic applies to determine the scope year(s) to report the data to.

  • Current Year: The records start date must be on or before today's date and the records end date must be on or after today's date.
  • Previous Years: The record's start date must be on or before the school year's end date and the record's end date must be after the school year's end date defined in the School Years editor. When blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used.
  • Future Years: The record's start date must be on or before the schools year's start date and the record's end date must be on or after the school year's start date defined in the School Years editor. When blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used.

Resource Preferences

This table describes the Resource Preferences of this object.

Data Element Label

Mapping Needed

Limited English Proficiency DescriptorEL Program Status
Disability DescriptorDisability
Language DescriptorHome Primary Language
Race DescriptorRace/Ethnicity
Student Characteristic DescriptorCareer Tech Special Populations
Economic Disadvantaged
Foster Care
Parent in Military
US Entry Type

Identity Mapping Object Key

This table describes the Identity Mapping Object Key of this object.


Object Key Data Source


Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Student Education Organization Association resource.

Data Element LabelBusiness Requirements and RulesMandatory, Conditional or Optional


idThe unique identifier of the resource.M

The identifier assigned to an education organization.

Reports out of the School Entity ID tied to the school record tied to each enrollment.

MSchool & District Settings > Schools > School Information > School Detail > Ed-Fi School ID

studentReferenceA reference tying the student to the education organization.

Reports the natural key of the Students resource.

MCensus > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID

addressesThe set of elements that describes an address, including the street address, city, state, and ZIP code.

Reports the most current Primary address that is marked as Mailing.
  • When more than one Primary Address is marked as Mailing, reports the address with most recent Household Membership Start Date
    • Otherwise, reports the primary address with most recent Address Start Date.
    • Otherwise, reports the primary address with the highest addressID.
  • Does not report when the Address Location Detail or Household Membership is marked as Private.

See the Scope Year logic to determine the eligibility of records for Current Year, Pevious Years and Future Years: 

See the Array section below for data logic for each field.


Census > Households > Household Addresses > Mailing


Census > Households > Household Members > Start Date


Census > Households > Household Addresses> Start Date


cohortYearsThe type and year of a cohort (e.g., 9th grade) the student belongs to as determined by the year that student entered a specific grade.

This is optional and does not report.
disabiltiesThe disability condition(s) that best describes an individual’s impairment, as determined by evaluation(s) conducted by the education organization.

See the Array section below for data logic for each field.

electronicMailsThe numbers, letters, and symbols used to identify an electronic mail (e-mail) user within the network to which the individual or organization belongs.

Reports the email address entered for that person.
  • Does not report when Email is marked as Private.
  • When blank, does not report.

See the Array section for data logic for each field.

OCensus > People > Demographics > Email
hispanicLatinoEthnicityAn indication that the individual traces their origin or descent to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central and South America, and other Spanish cultures, regardless of race.

The term Spanish origin can be used in addition to Hispanic or Latino.

Reports "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?" from the student's current identity:
  • When selection is Yes, reports True.
  • When selection is No, reports False.
OCensus >People > Identities > Is the Individual Hispanic or Latino?

internationalAddressesThe set of elements that describes an international address.

This is optional and does not report.
languagesThe language(s) the individual uses to communicate. It is strongly recommended that entries use only ISO 639-3 language codes.

See the Array section below for data logic for each field.

limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptorAn indication that the student has been identified as limited English proficient by the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC), or English proficient.

When the Identified Date is NULL, reportsblank.

Reports the Ed-Fi code mapped to EL when student has a EL Program Status of EL.
  • When the Parent Refused checkbox is checked, report the code mapped to Not EL.
    • When Not EL is not mapped, reports blank.

Reports the following when the student has an LEP Program Status of Exited LEP and the Program Exit Date falls in the monitoring period and the Monitoring option is mapped in the preferences:

  • Reports the code mapped to First Year Monitoring when today's date is on or between the EL Exit Date and the First Year Monitoring date.
  • Reports the code mapped to Second Year Monitoring when today's date is after the First Year Monitoring date and on or before the Second Year Monitoring date.

When the LEP Program Status is Exited LEP and the Program Exit Date is NULL, reports blank.

Otherwise, reports the code that is mapped to the student's Program Status.

When the student does not have a record, reports blank.

OStudent Information>  Program Participation > English Learners (EL)





loginIDThe login ID for the user; used for security access control interface.

This is optional and does not report.
oldEthnicityDescriptorPrevious definition of Ethnicity combining Hispanic/Latino and race:
  • 1 - American Indian or Alaskan Native
  • 2 - Asian or Pacific Islander 
  • 3 - Black, not of Hispanic origin 
  • 4 - Hispanic 
  • 5 - White, not of Hispanic origin

This is optional and does not report.

profileThumbnailFile name for the ProfileThumbnail photograph.

This is optional and does not report.
programParticipationsKey programs the student is participating in or receives services from.

This is optional and does not report.
racesThe general racial category which most clearly reflects the individual’s recognition of his or her community or with which the individual most identifies. The data model allows for multiple entries so that each individual can specify all appropriate races.

See Array section below for data logic for each field.

OCensus > People> Identities > Race/Ethnicity



sexDescriptorA person's gender.

Reports the Gender from the student's current identity record. This is NOT legal gender.

Reports the following based on the value selected in the droplist.
  • Female report Female.
  • Male report Male.
  • When blank or Non-binary, reports  Not Selected.
MCensus > People > Identities > Gender

characteristicsReflects important characteristics of the student’s home situation: Displaced Homemaker, Immigrant, Migratory, Military Parent, Pregnant Teen, Single Parent, and Unaccompanied Youth.

See Array section below for data logic for each field.

identificationCodesA coding scheme that is used for identification and record-keeping purposes by schools, social services, or other agencies to refer to a student.

See Array section below for data logic for each field.

indicatorsIndicator(s) or metric(s) computed for the student (e.g., at risk) to influence more effective education or direct specific interventions.

See Array section below for data logic for each field.
telephonesThe 10-digit telephone number, including the area code, for the person.

See Array section below for data logic for each field.
tribalAffiliationsAn American Indian tribe with which the student is affiliated.

This is optional and does not report.

Array Data Elements

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Student Address

Data Element LabelBusiness Requirements and RulesMandatory, Conditional or OptionalLocation

addressTypeDescriptorKey for address.

All addresses report as 'Home'. 


stateAbbreviationDescriptorThe abbreviation for the state (within the United States) or outlying area in which an address is located.

Reports the State for the address being reported.

MCensus > Addresses > Address Information > State

apartmentRoomSuiteNumberThe apartment, room, or suite number of an address.

Reports the value entered in Apt field when populated.

OCensus > Addresses > Address Information > Apt

buildingSiteNumberThe number of the building on the site, when more than one building shares the same address.

This is optional and does not report.
cityThe name of the city in which an address is located.

Reporst the City for the address being reported.

MCensus > Addresses > Address Information > City
countyFIPSCode5-digit code consisting of the two digit state code followed by the three digit FIPS code for the county.

This is optional and does not report.
doNotPublishIndicatorAn indication that the address should not be published.

This is optional and does not report.

latitudeThe geographic latitude of the physical address.

This is optional and does not report.
longitudeThe geographic longitude of the physical address.

This is optional and does not report.
nameOfCountyThe name of the county, parish, borough, or comparable unit (within a state) in which an address is located.

This is optional and does not report.
postalCodeThe five or nine digit zip code portion of an address.

Reports the Zip Code for the address being reported.

MCensus > Address > Address Information > Zip
streetNumberNameThe street number and street name or post office box number of an address.

Reports Address PO Box + Number + Street + Tag + Prefix + Dir.

MCensus > Addresses > Address Information > P.O. Box, Number, Street, Tag, Prefix, Direction







periodsThe time periods for which the address is valid. For physical addresses, the periods in which the person lived at that address.

This is optional and does not report.
beginDateThe first date the address is valid. For physical addresses, the date the person moved to that address.

This is optional and does not report.
endDateThe last date the address is valid. For physical addresses, this would be the date the person moved from that address.

This is optional and does not report.


Data Element LabelBusiness Requirements and RulesMandatory, Conditional or OptionalLocation


This descriptor defines a student's impairment,

Reports the Ed-Fi code from the Disabilities mapping for the student being reported. Only reports the distinct disabilities from the first five disability fields.

When the student has a locked IEP that overlaps the configured year, reports the disabilities entered on the IEP when mapped to an Ed-Fi Code.

When the student does not have an eligible IEP but has one or more disabilities on their enrollment, reports the disabilities when mapped to an Ed-Fi Code.
  • The enrollment must overlap the configured year
  • When the student has more than one enrollment, reports all distinct disabilities.
When the student does not have an eligible IEP or disabilities on enrollment, reports disabilities from the Special Ed State Reporting tool.
  • State Reporting record must overlap the configured year.
  • When the student has more than one State Reporting record, reports all distinct disabilities.

Special Ed > Special Ed Documents > Plan > IEP > Primary Disability, Secondary Disability



Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Primary Disability, Secondary Disability



Student Information > Special Ed > General > State Reporting > Primary Disability


disabilityDeterminationSource TypeDescriptor 

The source that provided the disability determination.

This is optional and does not report.

disabilityDiagnosis A description of the disability diagnosis.

This is optional and does not report.
orderOfDisability The order by severity of student's disabilities: 1- Primary, 2 - Secondary, 3 - Tertiary, etc.

Reports the order of disability based on the disability being reported from above:
  • When Primary Disability, reports 1.
  • When Secondary Disability, reports 2.
When the student has the same disability in multiple records from the same source (IEP, Enrollment, State Reporting) and the order is not the same, reports the order from the record with the most recent start date.
  • When the start dates are the same, the system picks a record to send.
designationsWhether the disability is IDEA, Section 504, or other disability designation.

This is optional and do not report.

Electronic Mail

Data Element LabelBusiness Requirements and Rules
Mandatory, Conditional or OptionalLocation
electronicMailTypeDescriptorThe type of email listed for an individual or organization. For example: Home/Personal, Work, etc.).
  • The Primary Email address reports as Home/Personal.
  • Does not report Secondary Email for students.
doNotPublishIndicatorAn indication that the electronic email address should not be published.

This is optional and does not report.
electronicMailAddressThe electronic mail (e-mail) address listed for an individual or organization.

Reports the email address entered for that person.

MCensus > People > Demographics > Email
primaryEmailAddressIndicatorAn indication that the electronic mail address should be used as the principal electronic mail address for an individual or organization.

This is optional and does not report.

Student Language

Data Element Label

Business Requirements and Rules

Mandatory, Conditional or Optional



The language(s) the individual uses to communicate. It is strongly recommended that entries use only ISO 639-3 language codes.

Reports the Language from the Home Primary Language saved on the student's current identity record.
  • Looks for a mapping saved to the Language Descriptor Override section in preferences. If there is a mapped value, report that mapping.
  • When an override is not there, looks to see whether the language standard code matches an Ed-Fi code. When yes, reports that value.
  • Reports the default value when saved on the Attribute and the standard code matches an Ed-Fi code.
  • Otherwise, reports NULL.


Census > People > Identities > Home Primary Language


usesA description of how the language is used (e.g. Home Language, Native Language, Spoken Language).

When Home Primary Language = NOT NULL, reports Home language.



Data Element Label

Business Requirements and Rules

Mandatory, Conditional or Optional



The general racial category, which most clearly reflects the individual's recognition of their community or with which the individual most identifies.

Determines the Race/Ethnicity(s) that are checked on the student's current identity record.
  1. Uses the Identity Race Ethnicity table to determine all of the check boxes checked for the students current identity ID.

Reports the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the corresponding Race Ethnicity. Reports all races when the student has more than one selected.

Does not report when the person does not have a Race/Ethnicity checked or there is not a corresponding mapping.

MCensus > People > Identities > Race/Ethnicity



Student Characteristics

Data Element LabelBusiness Requirements and RulesMandatory, Conditional or OptionalLocation

Student Characteristic Descriptor

This entity represents an individual for whom instruction, services and/or care are provided in an early childhood, elementary or secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of a school, education agency or other institution or program.

Reports each characteristic based on the requirements below. Student must have a Student School Association in the configured year to report a characteristic.


US Entry Type
Reports Asylee, Refugee, Immigrant when any one of these options is selected in the US Entry Type field on the student's Demographics record and mapped to an Ed-Fi Code in Resource Preferences.

Census > People > Demographics


Career Tech Special Populations

Reports Displaced Homemaker, Pregnant, Single Parent if the student has a Career Tech Program record that overlaps the configured year and one or more Special Populations are selected and mapped to an Ed-Fi Code in Resource Preferences.

Student Information Academic Planning > Programs > Program

Parent in Military
Reports when the student has a relationship with a Guardian that has an active Military Connections record within the configured year.
  • The Status on the Military Connections record must be checked in the Military Connections Resource Preferences to report.
  • Removes characteristic when the Guardian checkbox is removed from the student/guardian relationship.

Census > People > Military Connections





Reports Homeless, Unaccompanied Youth and/or Runaway when the student has a Homeless record that overlaps the configured year and is mapped in the Homeless Resource Preferences.

Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless



Foster Care

Reports when the student has a Foster Care record that overlaps the configured year and is mapped in the Foster Care Resource Preferences.

Student Information > Program Participation > Foster Care



Economic Disadvantaged

Reports when the student has a FRAM Eligibility record that overlaps the configured year and the record meets the criteria selected in the Economic Disadvantaged Resource Preferences.

FRAM > Eligibility


Reports when a student has a Flag in the configured year and the the Flag is mapped to an Ed-Fi Code in the Flags Resource Preferences.

Student Information> General> Flags

designatedByThe person, organization, or department that designated the characteristic.

This is optional and does not report.
periodsThe time periods for which characteristic was effective.

This is optional and does not report.
beginDateThe date the characteristic was designated.

This is optional and does not report.
endDateThe date the characteristic was removed.

This is optional and does not report.

Student Identification Codes

Data Element LabelBusiness Requirements and RulesMandatory, Conditional or Optional




A coding scheme that is used for identification and record-keeping purposes by schools, social services, or other agencies to refer to a student.

Reports the Local Student Number twice:

  • Reports the Local Student Number with descriptor = District.
  • Report Student State ID with descriptor = State.

Reports State when reporting the Student State ID.

MCensus > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID


The organization code or name assigning the assessment identification code.
  • Reports the District Number where the student is enrolled.
  • Reports State when reporting the Student State ID.
 MStudent Information > General> Resource > District Information> Number

IdentificationCode A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a student by a school, school system, a state, or other agency or entity.
  • Reports the Local Student Number/
  • Reports the Student State ID.
OCensus > People > Demographics > Local Student Number



Data Element LabelBusiness Requirements and RulesMandatory, Conditional or OptionalLocation
indicatorNameIndicator(s) or metric(s) computed for the student (e.g., at risk) to influence more effective education or direct specific interventions.
  • Reports the name from the RTI plan when the student has a locked plan that overlaps the reporting year.
    • When the plan name changes, a resync needs to be done to update.
  • Reports the student has more than one plan in the same school year with the same name, report the plan with the most recent start date.

Student Information > Response to Intervention > General > Documents > Plan



designatedByThe person, organization, or department that made a student designation.

This is optional and does not report.
indicatorIndicator or metric computed for the student (e.g., at risk) to influence more effective education or direct specific interventions.

Reports the name from the RTI plan.
OStudent Information > Response to Intervention> General> Documents > Plan
indicatorGroupThe name for a group of indicators.

This is optional and does not report.
periodsThe time periods for which the indicator was effective.

This is optional and does not report.
beginDateThe date when the indicator was assigned or computed.

Reports the Plan Start Date.
endDateThe date the indicator or metric was sunset or removed.

Reports the Plan End Date.


Data Element Label

Business Requirements and Rules

Mandatory, Conditional or Optional



The type of communication number listed for an individual or organization.

Reports based on the Phone Number type entered in Campus based on the chart below.

Campus PhoneEd-Fi Code
Cell PhoneMobile
Other PhoneHome
Work PhoneWork

MCensus > People > Demographics > Personal Contact Information > Other Phone, Work Phone, Cell Phone, Pager

An indication that the telephone number should not be published.

This is optional and does not report.


The order of priority assigned to telephone numbers to define which number to attempt first, second, etc.

This is optional and does not report.


The telephone number including the area code, and extension, when applicable.

  • Reports the Phone numbers entered in the Personal Contact Information for that person.
  • Does not report Phone Number is marked as Private.
  • When blank, does not report.
MCensus > People > Demographics > Personal Contact Information > Other Phone, Work Phone, Cell Phone, Pager





textMessageCapabilityIndicatorAn indication that the telephone number is technically capable of sending and receiving Short Message Service (SMS) text messages.

This is optional and does not report.



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Address Type Descriptor 

Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description
Doubled - up (i.e., living with another family)Doubled - up (i.e., living with another family)uri:// - up (i.e., living with another family)
Father AddressFather Addressuri:// Address
Guardian AddressGuardian Addressuri:// Address
Mother AddressMother Addressuri:// Address
Shelter, Transitional housing, Awaiting FosterShelters, Transitional housing, Awaiting Foster Careuri://, Transitional housing, Awaiting Foster Care
UnshelteredUnsheltered (e.g. cars, parks, campgrounds, temporary trailers including FEMA trailers, or abandoned buildings)uri:// (cars, parks, temporary trailers, or abandoned buildings)


Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description
Autism Spectrum DisordersAutism Spectrum Disordersuri:// Spectrum Disorders
Hearing Impairment, including DeafnessHearing Impairment, including Deafnessuri:// Impairment, including Deafness
Infant/Toddler with a DisabilityInfant/Toddler with a Disabilityuri:// with a Disability
Intellectual DisabilityIntellectual Disabilityuri:// Disability
Medical conditionMedical conditionuri:// condition
Mental impairmentMental impairmenturi:// impairment
Motor impairmentMotor impairmenturi:// impairment
Multiple DisabilitiesMultiple disabilitiesuri:// Disabilities
Orthopedic ImpairmentOrthopedic Impairmenturi:// Impairment
Other Health ImpairmentOther Health Impairmenturi:// Health Impairment
Physical DisabilityPhysical Disabilityuri:// Disability
Preschooler with a DisabilityPreschooler with a Disabilityuri:// with a Disability
Sensory impairmentSensory impairmenturi:// impairment
Serious Emotional DisabilitySerious Emotional Disabilityuri:// Emotional Disability
Specific Learning DisabilitySpecific Learning Disabilityuri:// Learning Disability
Speech or Language ImpairmentSpeech or Language Impairmenturi:// or Language Impairment
Traumatic Brain InjuryTraumatic Brain Injuryuri:// Brain Injury
Visual Impairment, including BlindnessVisual Impairment, including Blindnessuri:// Impairment, including Blindness

Electronic Mail Type Descriptors

Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description

Limited English Proficiency Descriptors

Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description
Limited Monitored 1Limited Monitored 1uri:// Monitored 1
Limited Monitored 2Limited Monitored 2uri:// Monitored 2

Race Descriptors

Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description
American Indian - Alaska NativeAmerican Indian - Alaska Nativeuri:// Indian - Alaska Native
Black - African AmericanBlack - African Americanuri:// - African American
Choose Not to RespondChoose Not to Responduri:// Not to Respond
Native Hawaiian - Pacific IslanderNative Hawaiian - Pacific Islanderuri:// Hawaiian - Pacific Islander

Student Characteristic Descriptors

Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description
Displaced HomemakerDisplaced Homemakeruri:// Homemaker
Economic DisadvantagedEconomic Disadvantageduri:// Disadvantaged
Foster CareFoster Careuri:// Care
Parent in MilitaryParent in Militaryuri:// in Military
Single ParentSingle Parenturi:// Parent
Unaccompanied YouthUnaccompanied Youthuri:// Youth

Student Identification System Descriptors

Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description
Canadian SINCanadian SINuri:// SIN
National MigrantNational Migranturi:// Migrant
State MigrantState Migranturi:// Migrant

Telephone Type Descriptors