OneRoster Prerequisites

The OneRoster API allows third-party vendors (such as an LMS) to retrieve data from Campus, if the vendor has been given the correct credentials and has coded their system to support the OneRoster API. The data that can be made available through this API includes roster and section data, as well as assignments, grades, and scores for certain Digital Learning Partner vendors. This API allows districts to more simply integrate their third-party program with Campus. See the OneRoster API for more information about what OneRoster is. 

Important Considerations

  • At the beginning of the school year, districts should not sync with vendors until student scheduling is finalized. Syncing prior to finalizing scheduling may cause incorrect data in the vendor system.
  • OneRoster data is scoped to the active school year.

Required Data Setup

Campus recommends verifying the following setup prior to creating a OneRoster connection. 


OneRoster 1.1 requires that a person record includes a username for that person to be available via the API, including students, parents, relatives, and staff. Verify that user accounts have been created for relevant staff, students, and parents. 

The User Account Batch Wizard can be used to easily create student accounts en masse. The Student Account Automation and Staff Account Automation security preferences can be used to automatically create user accounts going forward. If users don't need access to their accounts, leave the accounts disabled. 

OneRoster 1.2 does not require all person records to have a username. 

Email and Phone Number

Some vendors require an email address for each user, while others don't use email and phone data at all. Verify what your vendor requires. 

Email addresses are entered in the Demographics tool. By default, Email, not Secondary Email, is made available. 

OneRoster 1.1  OneRoster 1.2
  • Makes one email address and Other Phone number available via the API. 
  • To use Secondary Email Address, mark Use Secondary Email addresses for OneRoster 1.1 in Settings & Management. This setting applies to all 1.1 connections.
  • Makes one email address and both Other Phone and Cell Phone available via the API. 
  • To use Secondary Email Address, mark Use Secondary Email when you configure the OneRoster connection. This setting only applies to that specific connection. 

Tip for Google Classroom users: Google Classroom connections require that the email address entered for a user matches their Google Workspace account email address. See the Configure and Manage Google Classroom Connections article for more information about these connections. 

School Year Dates and Active Year

The Start and End Dates of a School Year affect when data is made available via the OneRoster API. If your state provides no other guidance for these dates, Campus recommends setting a Start Date of at least the first day of school district-wide and the End Date of at least the last day of school district-wide. Staff member data is only made available via the API if their active District Assignment falls within the School Year dates. If these dates are left blank, the system assumes dates of January 1st of the Start Year and December 31 of the End Year. 

Note: Data made available via the API is scoped to the School year set as Active. Make sure the correct year is set to active before enabling a connection. Scheduling and rosters must also be finalized. 

Grade Level Mappings

If your vendor pulls grade levels, verify that the State Grade Level Code is correctly mapped for each grade level. Each State Grade Level Code has a corresponding NCES Grade, which is effectively what is made available via the API. 

For OneRoster 1.2 connections, you have the option of making Local Grade Level available via the API instead. If desired, mark Use Local Grades for OneRoster 1.2 in Settings & Management. This setting applies to all 1.2 connections. 

Additional Census Records

Note that not all vendors make use of non-teacher staff, guardian, and relative data. If your vendor(s) doesn't you can skip this section. 

  • Non-Teacher Staff - These records have a role of 'administrator' in OneRoster 1.1 and 'aide' in OneRoster 1.2. To be made available via the API, these staff members must have a District Assignment that meets the following criteria:
    • Must have a Role other than (or in addition to) Teacher marked. If they have no Roles marked, consider using the Program role, which has no other associated logic in Campus. 
    • Assignment must be Active, indicated by no End Date or an End Date in the future. 
    • Assignment must be for a School that has a Calendar in the active year. 
    • Assignment dates must fall within the School Year date range described above. 
  • Guardians - Guardians are those whose Relationship to a student is marked as Guardian and Portal. The relationship must also be active. 
  • Relatives - Relatives are those whose Relationship to a student is marked as Portal. The relationship must also be active. 

Additional Prerequisites

Beyond the specific setup described in the previous section, the following prerequisites must be true for records to sync properly with OneRoster. This information may also help you troubleshoot when records are missing from the API. The OneRoster API Documentation can also be used to verify what data is being made available to the API. The OneRoster 1.1 Data Models and 1.2 Data Models articles can also help determine what data is returned by the OneRoster API.

Note that some vendors build additional logic around data such as Enrollment and Roster dates and section data. Work with your vendor to clarify their requirements. This vendor-specific logic is outside of Infinite Campus's control. 


  • Enrollments
    • Dates fall within the Active year
    • End Date isn't in the past. If it is, the student's record is considered 'inactive' and returns with a 'ToBeDeleted' status in the API. After school ends and student enrollments have an End Date, records are still made available in an 'active' status as long as the Enrollment End Date equals the Calendar End Date
      • Note: Prior to the start of school, student records are made available with a status of 'active'.
    • No Show and External LMS Exclude are not marked. 
  • Schedule
    • Roster Start and End Dates should be accurate. These dates are made available via the API and some vendors use them to determine whether records are active or not.


  • District Assignment
  • Section Staff History
    • The teacher must be associated with a section via the Section Staff History tool. The Teacher Schedule tool can also be helpful for verifying teaching assignments. 
    • Dates fall within the Active year
    • End Date isn't in the past.
    • Note that staff listed as Primary Teacher return in the API as 'role: teacher, primary: true' and Teachers return in the API as 'role: teacher, primary: false'. Associated records are not made available via the API for non-teacher staff member records in the Section Staff History tool.


Non-Teacher Staff

Note: changse to Census records and Courses may not be available to your vendor until the next day, depending on vendor setup. See the OneRoster Cache article for more information about triggering a manual cache refresh.