Tool Search: SCGT Extract
The Student Course Grade Teacher (SCGT) Collection is used to collect data specific to all courses a student has taken during a school year, the final grades the student received in the courses, and the teacher(s) associated with these courses.
The collection is intended to capture details from a student education viewpoint. This includes demographic information, the courses enrolled by the student, detailed final grade information, alpha, and numeric grades, information required to uniquely identify a distinct class and the semester or term, and information about the teacher(s) associated with the student and courses connected in educating the student.Maryland SCGT Extract Editor
Report Logic
- A record reports for each course on a student's schedule.
- Student has/had enrollment in the selected calendar with a start date on or before the extract editor Effective Date.
- Enrollment type can be Primary, Partial or Special Ed Services.
- The course must have a State Code that is not null and is not marked as Exclude during the enrollment start and end dates.
- If multiple enrollments exist, only the most recent primary enrollment as of the Effective Date on the extract editor reports.
- If no primary enrollment exists, the most recent enrollment is used.
- A record reports for each course associated with each primary, secondary, and special education enrollment if the student moved between schools for each school selected during report generation.
- Current, dropped, past, and future courses are reported if they meet the report criteria.
- A record reports for each course associated with each Primary, Secondary, and Special Ed enrollment record if the student moved between schools for each school selected on the extract editor.
- To prevent duplicate records when students have multiple enrollments in the same school calendar, Campus reports distinct records for each course/section in which the student was enrolled.
- The report uses the following sort order: Student ID, LEA Course Code, LEA Section Number.
The following records do NOT report.
- Courses marked as Exclude.
- Courses where the State Code value is null.
- Students who have no courses in their schedule.
- Students who have courses in their schedule but all courses have null State Code values.
Students with State excluded enrollment records or a enrollment records in state excluded calendars.
Calendar Exclude logic is ignored for Summer School calendars. If a summer school calendar is selected, the previous Enrollment must have a Service Type of Primary in order to report.
- Students with only a summer school enrollment record and no previous school year enrollment nor an enrollment in the reporting year.
Report Editor Fields
Field | Description |
Effective Date | Data is pulled as of the date selected in this field. |
Run Date | The date on which the report was generated. This date appears in the Submission Date field on the report. |
Submission Number | Displays in the file name after the date. Reports with left leading zeros if fewer than 3 digits. |
Drop Days | Sections are excluded from the report if all students have dropped the section after the number of instructional days indicated in this field. |
February Collection | When this checkbox is marked, additional Course Completion statuses are considered. |
Exclude Cross-Site Data | Cross-site section enrollment data is not included in the report when checked.
Choose Grades | Determines specific grades to include in the report. |
Ad Hoc Filter | Select a filter to limit results to students included in the filter. |
Format | Determines the format for the report.
Select Calendars | The calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report. |
Generate Report Submit to Batch | Users can submit the report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to be generated in the background without disrupting Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article. Each batch queue file is limited to 10 calendars. |
Report Layout
Element | Description | Location | ||||||||||||||||
LEA Number | The two-digit State designation of the reporting LEA. Reports the State District Number. Numeric, 2 digits | District Information > State District Number District.number | ||||||||||||||||
School Number | The reporting school's MSDE School Number. The school is reported using the following logic:
Numeric, 4 digits | Enrollment > Special Ed Fields > Providing School Enrollment > Home School School Information > State School Number EnrollmentMD.providingSchool EnrollmentMD.homeSchool | ||||||||||||||||
SASID | The student's unique student statewide identifier (SASID). Reports the Student State ID. Numeric, 10 digits | Demographics > Student State ID Person.stateID | ||||||||||||||||
Local Student ID Number (LASID) | The student's locally-assigned student number. Numeric, 10 digits | Demographics > Student Number Person. studentNumber | ||||||||||||||||
Last Name | The student's last name. Reports the last name from the current Identity record. Legal Last Name reports. If Legal Last Name is null, the Last Name reports. Alphanumeric, 25 characters | Identities > Current Identity > Legal Last Name or Last Name Identity.lastName | ||||||||||||||||
First Name | The student's first name. Reports the first name from the current Identity record. Legal First Name reports. If Legal First Name is null, the First Name reports. Alphanumeric, 15 characters | Identities > Current Identity > Legal First Name or First Name Identity.firstName | ||||||||||||||||
Middle Name | The student's middle name. Reports the middle name from the current Identity record. Legal Middle Name reports. If Legal Middle Name is null, the Middle Name reports. Alphanumeric, 15 characters | Identities > Current Identity > Legal Middle Name or Middle Name Identity.middleName | ||||||||||||||||
Generational Suffix | The student's generational suffix. Reports the suffix from the current Identity record. If the Legal First Name and Legal Name are not null, Legal Suffix reports. If the Legal First Name and Legal Middle Name are null, Suffix reports. Alphanumeric, 3 characters | Identities > Current Identity > Legal Suffix or Suffix Identity.suffix | ||||||||||||||||
Preferred Name | An alternative first name preferred by the student. Alphanumeric, 15 characters | Identities > Current Identity > Preferred Name Identity.alias | ||||||||||||||||
Date of Birth | The student's date of birth. Date field, 8 characters YYYYMMDD | Identities > Current Identity > Birth Date Identity.birthDate | ||||||||||||||||
Grade | The student's state grade level based on enrollment record. Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Enrollments > Grade GradeLevel.stateGrade | ||||||||||||||||
Gender | Indicates the student's gender. M: Male F: Female X: Non-Binary Reports the gender from the current Identity record. Legal Gender reports. If Legal Gender is null, Gender reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Identities > Current Identity > Legal Gender or Gender Identity.gender | ||||||||||||||||
Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity | Indicates if the student is considered Hispanic/Latino. If the Is the individual Hispanic/Latino? field = Yes, Y reports. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N | Demographics > Race Ethnicity > Is the individual Hispanic/Latino? Identity.hispanicEthnicity | ||||||||||||||||
American Indian or Alaska Native | Indicates whether the person has origins in any of original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community attachment. 1 = Yes 0 = No or Null Alphanumeric, 1 character | Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > American Indian or Alaska Native IdentityRaceEthnicity.federalCode | ||||||||||||||||
Asian | Indicates whether the person has origins in any of original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian Subcontinent. This area includes Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. 2 = Yes 0 = No or Null Alphanumeric, 1 character | Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Asian IdentityRaceEthnicity.federalCode | ||||||||||||||||
Black or African American | Indicates whether the person has origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. 3 = Yes 0 = No or Null Alphanumeric, 1 character | Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Black or African American IdentityRaceEthnicity.federalCode | ||||||||||||||||
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | Indicates whether the person has origins in any of original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. 4 = Yes 0 = No or Null Alphanumeric, 1 character | Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander IdentityRaceEthnicity.federalCode | ||||||||||||||||
White | Indicates whether the person has origins in any of original peoples of Europe, Middle East, or North Africa. 5 = Yes 0 = No or Null Alphanumeric, 1 character | Demographics > Race Ethnicity > White IdentityRaceEthnicity.federalCode | ||||||||||||||||
Homelessness Status | Indicates whether the student lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N) | Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Homeless Enrollment.homeless | ||||||||||||||||
Title 1 Indicator | Indicates if the student is considered Title 1. A value of Y is reported for all students in a school where Title 1 = Targeted Assistance Program or Schoolwide eligible targeted assistance or Schoolwide Program and the student is marked Title 1 on their enrollment record. OR if School > Title = Schoolwide Program, a value of Y is reported for all students. Values are reported as of the Effective Date entered on the extract editor. Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N | School Information > Title 1 Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Title 1 | ||||||||||||||||
Free/Reduced Price Meals | Indicates if the student receives free/reduced price meals. If the Migrant element reports Y, then this field reports F. Otherwise, the value reports from the FRAM record as of the Effective Date entered on the extract editor.
Alphanumeric, 1 character | FRAM > Eligibility POSEligibility.eligibility | ||||||||||||||||
Migrant | Indicates whether the student is a migratory student. Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N | Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Migrant | ||||||||||||||||
Foreign Exchange Student | Indicates whether the student is a foreign exchange student. If the student is in grade 9-12 as of the Effective Date selected on the extract editor, Y reports if the Foreign Exchange record is Y, J1, or F1. Otherwise, N reports. If the student is not in grades 9-12, N reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N | Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Foreign Exchange EnrollmentMD.foreignexchange | ||||||||||||||||
Special Education | Indicates the student's special education services. Values are reported as of the Effective Date entered on the extract editor.
Alphanumeric, 1 character | Enrollment >Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Status | ||||||||||||||||
Special Ed End Date | The date on which special education services ended. This date reports from the most recent IEP as of the Effective Date entered on the extract editor. Date field, 8 characters YYYYMMDD | Special Ed > Documents > IEP > Special Ed Exit Date SEPlan.exitDate | ||||||||||||||||
Special Ed Certificate | Indicates whether the student is on track to receive a MD High School Certificate of Completion. This is required if Special Education Services = Y. Y reports when
Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Special Ed > Documents > IEP > Sped Certificate SEPlan.otherAccommodations | ||||||||||||||||
English Language Learner | Indicates whether the student has a primary or home language other than English and has been assessed as having limited or no ability to understand, speak or read English. Students are classified based on the student’s status as of the last reportable day of attendance during the reporting period identified within this record.
Alphanumeric, 1 character | English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status, Identified Date, Program Exit Date Lep.programStatus Lep.identifiedDate | ||||||||||||||||
ELL Begin Date/ Entry Into the US | The date when the student began ELL services or entered the United States for the first time. If the Date Entered US field is null, the Date Entered US School reports. If the Date Entered US School field is null, the Identified Date from the earliest EL record reports. Date field, 8 characters YYYYMMDD | Demographics > Date Entered US School English Learners (EL) > EL > Identified Date Identity.dateEnteredUSSchool Lep.identifiedDate | ||||||||||||||||
EL Begin Date | The date when the student's ELL services started. Date field, 8 characters YYYYMMDD | Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Start Date Lep.identifiedDate | ||||||||||||||||
EL End Date | The date when the student's ELL services ended. Date field, 8 characters YYYYMMDD | Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Exit Date Lep.exitDate | ||||||||||||||||
English Learner ELA Assessment Exempt Status | Indicates the student receiving ESOL services in their first year of enrollment in a U.S. school is exempt from the PARCC English/Language Arts assessment and may substitute the required state assessment with the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ACCESS for ELs 2.0). When EL Status = Y, Y reports for student’s in their first year of enrollment in a U.S. School. Otherwise, N reports. Students are exempt if they are within 1 calendar year (365 days) of their first day enrolled in a US school. Alphanumeric, 1 character | English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status Demographics > Date Entered US School Identity.dateEnteredUSSchool | ||||||||||||||||
Foster Care Status | Indicates whether the student is in foster care. Y reports when the student has an active foster care record as of the report Effective Date selected in the extract editor OR the student’s enrollment end date. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N | Foster Care > Start Date / End Date FosterCare.startDate | ||||||||||||||||
Military Connected Indicator | Indicates whether the student has a parent or guardian in the military. Y reports when the Military Connected status is Y. N reports when the Military Connected status is N. U reports when the Military Connected status is U . Otherwise, this element reports blank. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Enrollments > Military Connected Status EnrollmentMD.militaryConnected Status | ||||||||||||||||
Filler 1 | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||
Submission Date | The date the file was submitted to the state. This field reports the Run Date entered on the extract editor. Date field, 8 characters YYYYMMDD | Run Date field on extract editor | ||||||||||||||||
Submission Number | Indicates the submission number based on sequence (starting with 001). Numeric, 3 digits | Submission Number field on the extract editor | ||||||||||||||||
Academic Year | The end year of the calendar selected on the extract editor. Date field, 4 characters YYYY | Calendar.endYear | ||||||||||||||||
LEA Course Code | The unique LEA assigned course code that identifies the course. Numeric, 10 digits | Course Information > Number Course.number | ||||||||||||||||
LEA Section Number | The unique identifier of the reporting course section. Numeric, 10 digits | Section Information > Section Number Section.sectionID | ||||||||||||||||
Section Title | The section title of the reporting course section. Alphanumeric, 30 characters | Course Information > Name | ||||||||||||||||
LEA Class Period | The district identifier for the reported course section. If students have multiple enrollments within in the same school, distinct records report for each course/section in which the student was enrolled. For multiple records where the combination of SASID, LEA Course Code, LEA Course Term, and LEA Section Number are the same, the record where the Course Completion Status is NOT "I" reports. Otherwise, the enrollment record with the most recent start date reports. Alphanumeric, 50 characters | Course Information > Number Section Information > SectionID Course.number | ||||||||||||||||
Unique LEA Classroom Key Elements | An additional optional element used as a component of the LEA classroom key. This field reports blank. | N/A | ||||||||||||||||
Instruction Outside of School Flag | Indicator of courses taken outside of the student’s primary school and reported on the student’s grade reports or transcripts of which the LEA does not have primary control. Y reports when Delivery is online or when the SCED Level is Dual Enrollment. Otherwise, this field reports N. Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N) | Course Information > Delivery or SCED Level Course.teachingMethod Course.scedCourseLevel | ||||||||||||||||
Course Marking Term | The semester or term of the reporting course. Field values are reported using the following logic:
Numeric, 2 digits | Term Setup > Term Detail | ||||||||||||||||
Filler 2 | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||
Course Completion Status | Indicates the completion status of the course at the time of data submission. This field reports values based on the following logic:
Alpha, 2 characters | Grading Task Setup > Grading Task Detail Section Information > Roster Score Group & Rubric Setup > Score Group List Items Detail > State Score | ||||||||||||||||
Course Grade-Alpha | The alpha grade earned by the student for the course. If the student has a State Score other than W, the State Score reports. Otherwise, NA reports. The State Score Code reports from grading tasks that meet the following criteria.
Alpha, 2 characters | Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Score Course Information > Grading Task > Score is marked State Reported | ||||||||||||||||
Standards Based- Grade | This field reports NA. | N/A | ||||||||||||||||
Filler 3 | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||
Filler 4 | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||
Teacher Information | ||||||||||||||||||
Multiple Teacher Course Indicator | Indicates whether the course is taught by multiple teachers. Alpha, 1 character Y or N | Section Information > Staff History > Role = Co-teacher SectionStaffHistory.role | ||||||||||||||||
Primary Teacher SATID | The ten-digit State-Assigned Teacher Identification (SATID) assigned in the Unique Teacher Identifier System (UTIS). Logic first looks to see if the teacher is considered the Primary Teacher (Course > Section > Staff History > Primary Teacher) and reports their Staff State ID as of the report generation date OR the last primary teacher for courses that have completed OR the primary teacher assigned to the section at the time of reporting for future courses. Numeric, 10 digits | Section Information > Staff History > Primary Teacher Demographics > Staff State ID Person.staffStateID | ||||||||||||||||
Primary Teacher LOCID | The primary teacher's locally-assigned identifier. Logic first looks to see if the teacher is considered the Primary Teacher (Course > Section > Staff History > Primary Teacher) and reports their Local Staff Number as of the report generation date OR the last primary teacher for courses that have completed OR the primary teacher assigned to the section at the time of reporting for future courses. Numeric, 10 digits | Demographics > Local Staff Number Person.staffNumber | ||||||||||||||||
Primary Teacher Last Name | The last name of the primary teacher. Logic first looks to see if the teacher is considered the Primary Teacher (Course > Section > Staff History > Primary Teacher) and reports their last name as of the report generation date OR the last primary teacher for courses that have completed OR the primary teacher assigned to the section at the time of reporting for future courses. Reports from the Legal Last Name field in the Protected Identity area of Census. If that field is null, then the name reports from Current Identity > Last Name field in Demographics. Alpha, 25 characters | Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name Demographics > Last Name Identity.lastName | ||||||||||||||||
Primary Teacher First Name | The first name of the primary teacher. Logic first looks to see if the teacher is considered the Primary Teacher (Course > Section > Staff History > Primary Teacher) and reports their first name as of the report generation date OR the last primary teacher for courses that have completed OR the primary teacher assigned to the section at the time of reporting for future courses. First pull First Name data from the Protected Identity field if populated. Reports from the Legal First Name field in the Protected Identity area of Census. If that field is null, then the name reports from Current Identity > First Name field in Demographics. Alpha, 25 characters | Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name Demographics > First Name Identity.firstName | ||||||||||||||||
Primary Teacher Middle Name | The middle name of the primary teacher. Logic first looks to see if the teacher is considered the Primary Teacher (Course > Section > Staff History > Primary Teacher) and reports their middle name as of the report generation date OR the last primary teacher for courses that have completed OR the primary teacher assigned to the section at the time of reporting for future courses. Reports from the Legal Middle Name field in the Protected Identity area of Census if the Legal First Name and Legal Last Name are not null. If the Legal First Name and Legal Last Name are null, then the name reports from Current Identity > Middle Name field in Demographics. Alpha, 25 characters | Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Middle Name Demographics > Middle Name Identity.middleName | ||||||||||||||||
Primary Teacher Generational Suffix | The generational suffix of the primary teacher. Logic first looks to see if the teacher is considered the Primary Teacher (Course > Section > Staff History > Primary Teacher) and reports their generational suffix as of the report generation date OR the last primary teacher for courses that have completed OR the primary teacher assigned to the section at the time of reporting for future courses. Reports from the Legal Middle Name field in the Protected Identity area of Census if the Legal First Name and Legal Last Name are not null. If the Legal First Name and Legal Last Name are null, then the suffix reports from Current Identity > Legal Suffix field in Demographics. Alpha, 3 characters | Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Suffix Demographics > Suffix Identity.suffix | ||||||||||||||||
Primary Teacher Maiden Last Name | Reports blank. | |||||||||||||||||
Primary Teacher Date of Birth | The primary teacher's date of birth. Date field, 8 characters YYYYMMDD | Demographics > Birth Date Identity.birthDate | ||||||||||||||||
Primary Teacher Gender | Indicates the primary teacher's gender.
Reports from the Legal Gender field in the Protected Identity area of Census. If that field is null, then the gender reports from Current Identity > Gender field in Demographics. Numeric, 1 digit | Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender Demographics > Gender Identity.gender | ||||||||||||||||
Primary Teacher Ethnicity | Indicates whether or not the primary teacher is considered Hispanic/Latino.
Alphanumeric, 1 character | Demographics > Is the Individual Hispanic/Latino? Identity.hispanicEthnicity | ||||||||||||||||
Primary Teacher Race | The five-digit code indicating the primary teacher's race.
For example, if a teacher is considered both white and black, they would report a value of 00305. Numeric, 5 digits | Demographics > Race Ethnicity IdentityRaceEthnicity.federalCode | ||||||||||||||||
Filler 5 | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||||||||
Secondary Teacher SATID | The ten-digit State-Assigned Teacher Identification (SATID) assigned in the Unique Teacher Identifier System (UTIS). Logic looks to see if the teacher has a Role = Co-teacher and then reports their Staff State ID. Numeric, 10 digits | Demographics > Staff State ID Person.staffStateID | ||||||||||||||||
Secondary Teacher LOCID | The secondary teacher's locally-assigned identifier. Logic looks to see if the teacher has a Role = Co-teacher and then reports their Local Staff Number. Numeric, 10 digits | Demographics > Local Staff Number Person.staffNumber | ||||||||||||||||
Secondary Teacher Last Name | The last name of the secondary teacher. Reports from the Legal Last Name field in the Protected Identity area of Census. If that field is null, then the name reports from Current Identity > Last Name field in Demographics. Alpha, 25 characters | Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name Demographics > Last Name Identity.lastName | ||||||||||||||||
Secondary Teacher First Name | The first name of the secondary teacher. Reports from the Legal First Name field in the Protected Identity area of Census. If that field is null, then the name reports from Current Identity > First Name field in Demographics. Alpha, 15 characters | Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name Demographics > First Name Identity.firstName | ||||||||||||||||
Secondary Teacher Middle Name | The middle name of the secondary teacher. Reports from the Legal Middle Name field in the Protected Identity area of Census if the Legal First Name and Legal Last Name are not null. If the Legal First Name and Legal Last Name are null, then the name reports from Current Identity > Middle Name field in Demographics. Alpha, 15 characters | Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Middle Name Demographics > Middle Name Identity.middleName | ||||||||||||||||
Secondary Teacher Generational Suffix | The generational suffix of the secondary teacher. Reports from the Legal Middle Name field in the Protected Identity area of Census if the Legal First Name and Legal Last Name are not null. If the Legal First Name and Legal Last Name are null, then the suffix reports from Current Identity > Legal Suffix field in Demographics. Alpha, 3 characters | Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Suffix Demographics > Suffix Identity.suffix | ||||||||||||||||
Secondary Teacher Maiden Last Name | Reports blank. | |||||||||||||||||
Secondary Teacher Date of Birth | The secondary teacher's date of birth. Date field, 8 characters YYYYMMDD | Demographics > Birth Date Identity.birthDate | ||||||||||||||||
Secondary Teacher Gender | Indicates the secondary teacher's gender.
Reports from the Legal Gender field in the Protected Identity area of Census. If that field is null, then the gender reports from Current Identity > Gender field in Demographics. Numeric, 1 digit | Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender Demographics > Gender Identity.gender | ||||||||||||||||
Secondary Teacher- Ethnicity | Indicates whether the secondary teacher is Hispanic or Latino.
Alpha, 1 character Y or N | Demographics > Race Ethnicity > Is the individual Hispanic/Latino? Identity.hispanicEthnicity | ||||||||||||||||
Secondary Teacher- Race | The five-digit code indicating the secondary teacher's race.
For example, if a teacher is considered both white and black, they would report a value of 00305. Numeric, 5 digits | Demographics > Race Ethnicity IdentityRaceEthnicity.federalCode | ||||||||||||||||
Filler 6 | N/A | N/A |