Section Staff History

Tool Search: Section Staff History

The Section Staff History tool tracks the history of teachers for a particular course section. It lists active primary teachers, teachers and section staff in addition to former primary teachers, teachers and section staff.

Screenshot of the Section Staff History tool, located at Scheduling & Courses, CoursesSection Staff History

Read - View existing Section Staff History information.
Write - Edit existing Section Staff History information.
Add - Add information to Section Staff History.
Delete - Remove Section Staff History information.

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.

As part of the America COMPETES Act (America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science Act of 2007), school districts need to track which teachers were teaching which students at any point in time.

Generate the Section Staff History Report to quickly find course sections that do not have a Primary Teacher assigned.

Active primary teacher, teacher and section staff information display on the Section edtior as read-only fields.

Screenshot of the Section Information editor listing the Primary Teacher, Teacher and Staff information from Staff historySection Detail - Read-Only Fields

State Edition

For District Edition users that sync data to a State Edition, all section staff records sync even though those records are not visible in the interface.

A message indicating there is no primary teacher assigned displays when the current date is before the start of a term and there is no primary teacher assigned for at least the first date of the term.

Section Staff History Editor

The Section Staff History editor consists of the following areas:

  • Staff History list of teachers and staff past and present, listing their start and end dates and the District Assignment.
  • Staff History Detail that notes selected teacher/staff person's start and end dates (if any) of the section. This includes current start dates and future states.
  • Teacher Display Name on Section that determines what teacher name displays on the Sections editor.

In addition to these areas, a text explanation of the use of the Start and End Date fields exists. The action bar provides options for adding a new primary teacher, new teacher, or new section staff member, as well as saving and deleting assigned staff.

The following table defines the fields located on the Section Staff History tool. The same elements availablei here are also displayed when a teacher's name is selected and displayed in the Staff History Detail area.

Data Element


Ad hoc Field Name


Name of the teacher assigned to the course. Primary Teacher, Teacher and Section Staff names display if assigned to the section.

  • A Primary teacher is the main teacher assigned to the section, spends the most time instructing the students, and is often responsible for organizing lesson plans, grading assignments, and performs the main duties of a teacher in the classroom. This person's name is usually the name entered in the Teacher Display Name field and included in classroom reports.
  • A Teacher is the second instructor in the room, still leads instruction time, but not as much as the Primary Teacher. This could be a para teacher, or a rotating elective teacher, or in some instances when the classroom population is higher, a second teacher is assigned to balance instruction time.
  • A Section Staff does not instruct the students, but is in the classroom and assists the primary teacher and teacher with classroom management.


Reports staff in First Name, Last Name order

District Assignment

Displays the staff person's district assignment record as entered on the District Assignment record.

This field pulls the Title (or, in some locations, the State Title) assigned to the selected staff person on the District Assignment record. Only assignments within the current school will be available for selection. This field is not required.

Once a District Assignment selection has been made on the Section Staff History Editor, the following logic is applied:

  • Users may not remove a District Assignment when that staff person has a section assignment. A warning message will appear indicating that the District Assignment is linked to a Course Section.
  • Users may not remove the Title/State Title selection from the District Assignment when the staff person has a section assignment. A warning message will appear indicating that the District Assignment is linked to a Course Section.
  • Users may not remove the Teacher checkbox selection when that staff person has a section assignment. A warning message will appear indicating the District Assignment is linked to a Course Section.

When a District Assignment is ended for a teacher, the start and end dates of the District Assignment display in the selected District Assignment option.



This field is not available in all states and options may vary per state.

Determines the assigned position of the primary teacher, teacher or section staff. This is used in state reports and indicates the teacher of record for the section or indicates the assignment is not state reported.


Reports assigned code (TR, NR, etc.).

Assignment Start and End Dates

Dates the staff person began and ended the teaching assignment on the course section. Dates can be entered in mmddyy format or can be selected using the calendar icon. 

In most situations, these fields will be left blank. They are only populated if the primary teacher, teacher or section staff are assigned to the section after the first day of the first schedule term, or if the primary teacher, teacher or section staff are no longer assigned to the section before the end of the last scheduled term.

Assignment start dates are inclusive of the date entered. Like other date fields in Campus, a start date of September 15 means the assignment starts at 12:00am on September 15, and an end date of October 15 means the assignment ends at 11:59pm on October 15.


Assignment dates cannot exceed the section's term start or end dates. If a section meets for multiple terms, the earliest term start date and latest term end date is used. For example, an assignment start date of November 1 cannot be entered for a section that meets January-March.

Note that assignment dates for primary teachers cannot overlap.



Returns the entered date in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Percent The percentage of instruction for which the teacher is responsible in the course/grade/subject by individual student. StaffHistory.percent

Minutes The number of instruction minutes for which the teacher is responsible in the course/grade/subject by individual student. StaffHistory.minutes
Access to Section Dates

Entered dates determine when a primary teacher or teacher can access course information in Campus Instruction (Grade Book, Planner, etc.). There are two options:

  • Unrestricted - No specific dates need to be entered (the date fields cannot be populated). Allows access to Campus Instruction tools without restriction for the duration of the calendar year.
  • Date Range - Specific dates do need to entered in mmddyy format or by using the calendar icon to select a date. Access to Campus Instruction tools is limited to the time between the entered dates. For example, a primary teacher is going on Family Leave for a 12 week period. The teacher taking over that section (a long-term substitute) would be assigned as the staff person during that time. This teacher would also be assigned Access Dates during that time period. When the primary teacher returns, the substitute would no longer have access to Campus Instruction for that section.

Access dates can be used to prevent a teacher who already has calendar access to the upcoming school year from accessing Campus Instruction tools before a specific date. Access dates can also be used to provide a teacher or staff person access to Campus Instruction tools only for a certain date range.



Returns the entered date in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Comments Indicates why the teacher was added, what changed were made to the teaching assignment, etc.


Modification Alerts

When Section Staff History information is modified, a record of the change is available at the bottom of the Staff History Detail editor. This change alert displays the name of the user who made the modification, the date of the modification and the time.

Screenshot of the Modification Alerts Section Staff History Modification Details

Teacher Display Name on Section

To modify the teacher's name, select one of the following options:

  • Continue using the current Teacher Display Name from the section. This selection displays the primary teacher's name as it is currently entered.
  • Use a new Teacher Display Name on the Section. When this option is selected, the person making the change can enter the display name. This is helpful in elementary schools where the primary teacher name is displayed along with breakout section teachers, like the music or art teacher.

When choosing Continue using the current Teacher Display Name from the Section, the Section editor displays the teacher's name as entered on the Section Staff History tool.

When choosing Use a New Teacher Display Name on the Section, enter the name of how it should display and click the Save button. The Section tool displays the teacher's name as entered on the Section Staff History tool.

Screenshot of the Teacher Dispay Name on the SectionTeacher Display Name Options

For the addition of a New Primary Teacher, the default option is Use a new Teacher Display Name on the Section tool. For the addition of a New Teacher or a New Section Staff, the default option is Continue using the current Teacher Display Name from the Section tool.

Add a New Primary Teacher

The process for adding section staff history is the same for all three types of staff (primary teacher, teacher, section staff). Because the Primary Teacher information is used in multiple areas of Campus for reporting and data entry, users should ensure each course section has an active primary teacher first.

  1. Select the New Primary Teacher icon from the action row. The Staff History Detail editor displays.
  2. Select the primary teacher's Name from the dropdown list.
  3. Select the District Assignment from the dropdown list.
  4. If necessary, select the primary teacher's Role from the dropdown list.
  5. If this primary teacher is started after the start of the term or ending before the end of the term, enter the Assignment Start Date or Assignment End Date (best practice is to leave it blank).
  6. Choose the appropriate option for this primary teacher's Access to Section Dates by choosing the Unrestricted radio button or the Date Range radio button, and enter dates if appropriate.
  7. Enter any necessary Comments for this staff history entry.
  8. Determine how the Primary Teacher's name should display on the Section editor.
  9. Click the Save icon when finished. The primary teacher displays in the Staff History list and be viewable on the Course Sections tool.

Add a New Teacher

The process for adding section staff history is the same for all three types of staff (primary teacher, teacher, section staff). Because the Primary Teacher information is used in multiple areas of Campus for reporting and data entry, users should ensure each course section has an active primary teacher first.

  1. Select the New Teacher icon from the action row. A Staff History Detail displays.
  2. Select the teacher's Name from the dropdown list.
  3. Select the District Assignment from the dropdown list.
  4. If necessary, select the teacher's Role from the dropdown list.
  5. If this teacher is started after the start of the term or ending before the end of the term, enter the Assignment Start Date or Assignment End Date (best practice is to leave it blank).
  6. Choose the appropriate option for this teacher's Access to Section Dates by choosing the Unrestricted radio button or the Date Range radio button, and enter dates if appropriate.
  7. Enter the Start Date (best practice is to leave it blank).
  8. Enter any necessary Comments for this entry.
  9. Determine how the Teacher's name should display on the Section tool.
  10. Click the Save icon when finished.

Add a New Section Staff

The process for adding section staff history is the same for all three types of staff (primary teacher, teacher, section staff). Because the Primary Teacher information is used in multiple areas of Campus for reporting and data entry, users should ensure each course section has an active primary teacher first.

Section Staff data is used for reporting purposes in some states. Users who are Section Staff do not have access to the course tools for this section under Campus Instruction.

  1. Select the New Section Staff icon from the action row. A Staff History Detail displays.
  2. Select the Section staff's Name from the dropdown list.
  3. Select the District Assignment from the dropdown list.
  4. If necessary, select the section staff's Role from the dropdown list.
  5. If this section staff started after the start of the term or ending before the end of the term, enter the Assignment Start Date or Assignment End Date (best practice is to leave it blank).
  6. Enter any necessary Comments for this staff history entry.
  7. Determine how the section staff's name should display on the Section tool.
  8. Click the Save icon when finished.

End Primary Teacher, Teacher or Section Staff Assignments Before the End of the Term

  1. Select the teacher to end the section assignment.
  2. Enter an Assignment End Date.
  3. Enter an Access End Date.
  4. Click the Save icon when finished.

Section Staff History Validations

The following validations occur when entering data on the Section Staff History tool.

Validation Logic
Automatic End Date Behavior for Primary Teacher

This validation occurs when the section has an existing active primary teacher and a new primary teacher is added to the section.


A section can only have one active Primary Teacher for any given day.

Automatic End Date Adjustment Behavior for the Primary Teacher Record When the primary teacher has been ended on some date and a new primary teacher is created, but the start date is before the end date of the previous primary teacher, the result in an adjustment of the previous primary teacher end date).
Historical Record Overlap

A historical primary teacher record exists for a person and a new primary teacher record exists for the same date range.

Self Overlap

A primary teacher record exists for a staff person. Adding a non-primary teacher record for the same person during the same date range causes two records for the same section at the same time.

Section Staff History Information in Ad hoc Query Wizard

Staff History information is available in the Query Wizard for Student data types and Course/Section data types.

When building Student data type filters, the fields are available in the Learner > Schedule > Course/Section > Staff History folder. When building Course/Section data type filters, the fields are available in the Section Information > Staff History folder. The same fields are available in each location.

Screenshot of the Student Staff History fields in Ad hoc ReportingStaff History Ad hoc Fields for Student Data Filters

Screenshot of the Course Section Staff History fields in Ad hoc Reporting. Staff History Ad hoc Fields for Course/Section Data Filters

See the Staff History Editor section for the related Ad hoc field and information on how that field returns data.

The following Ad hoc fields are not included on the Staff History Editor but are part of the Staff History table, and return the following information:

  • staffhistory.staffType - Reports values of P (Primary Teacher, T (Teacher) or S (Section Staff), depending on the type of staff the person is for that section. This returns the first Primary Teacher, then Teacher, then Section Staff in personID order, providing one record persection.
  • staffhistory.sectionID - Returns the numeric value of the Course Section ID, located on the Section Editor.
  • staffhistory.personID - Returns the numeric value of the staff person's Identity record in Campus, located on the Identities or Demographics editors.