Habitually Truant (Wisconsin)

Tool Search: School Performance Report

The SPR Habitually Truant type reports students in grades K through 12 who are absent from school without an acceptable excuse for part or all of five or more days on which school is held during a semester. This information is submitted to the state and distributed for parents and other stakeholders to analyze via an online report card.

All district files need to be submitted to DPI by June 30 and can be submitted throughout the year.

Screenshot of the Habitually Truant Extract editor.Habitually Truant Extract Editor

Report Logic

The Habitually Truant Extract reports the number of habitual truants (un-duplicated total number of different students who meet the definition) by grade level (K-12) and then by race/ethnicity/gender category. Each student is counted once in each category, regardless of the number of times the student is declared habitually truant.

Students report only for the most recent grade in a given school, including the chosen School Override. Truancy is determined by all valid enrollments in that district.

Student Age

Students are reported when they are under 18 years of age. If a student is age 18 on a report date, the student reports when:

  • The student turns 18 during Semester 2 and is habitually truant during Semester 2.
  • The student turns 18 during Semester 1 and is habitually truant during Semester 1.
  • The student turns 18 during the summer prior to Semester 1 (after the last instructional day of the previous school year, but before the first instructional day of the current school year) and is habitually truant during Semester 1. If the student is not enrolled in the previous school year, the prior year's calendar for the current school is used.

If a student is age 18 on the report date, they are not counted when:

  • The student turns 18 during Semester 1 and is habitually truant during Semester 2.
  • The student meets none of the criteria in the bulleted section above. 

Semesters are defined by the value entered in the Second Term Date field on the extract editor.

State Exclude

Students who meet the above criteria do not report when:

  • The enrollment record is marked as state exclude or as No Show.
  • The grade level of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.
  • The calendar is marked as State Exclude.

Report Editor

The following table defines the available options on the report editor.

Data Element


Extract Type

Indicates which SPR Extract is being generated. For this instance, choose the Habitually Truant option.

Second Semester Start Date

Entered date determines the start date of the second semester. Dates can be entered in mmddyy format or can be chosen by using the calendar icon.

Unexcused Minutes for Truancy

Indicates the number of minutes a student is considered truant.


Determines how the report is generated. Options are:

  • State Format (CSV)
  • HTML
  • Detail Format (CSV)
  • Detail Format (PDF)


Indicates which school and year is being reported. Calendars can be selected by active year, school name or by year.

Student Selection

Select students to include on the report by choosing either a Grade level of enrollment for the students or an Ad hoc Filter.

  • To include students in all grade levels, choose All Students in the Grade Level options.
  • Selecting an existing ad hoc filter reports only those students or courses included in those filters, if they meet the reporting requirements of the report.
Report Generation

Use the Generate Extract option to immediately produce the report.

Or, use the Submit to Batch option to choose when the report should generate. This option is helpful when the amount of data being returned is large and could tax the server. Choosing a time after normal school hours may be best. See the Batch Queue article for more information.

Generate the School Performance Reports

  1. Select the Habitually Truant option from the Extract Type dropdown list.
  2. Enter the Second Semester Start Date.
  3. Enter the Unexcused Minutes for Truancy value.
  4. Select the Format in which to generate the report.
  5. Select the Calendars to include in the report.
  6. Select the students to include in the report by choosing either a Grade level or an Ad hoc Filter.
  7. Click the Generate Extract button to display the report immediately, or use the Submit to Batch button to determine when the report should generate. The report displays in the selected format.

Sample images of each format type are included in the Report Layout sections.

HTML and State Format Report Layout

The HTML and State Formats meet the reporting needs as defined by DPI. The State Format is the only format that should be submitted to the state, and does not include any column headers.

For the CSV format, students appear once for each absent day.

Screenshot fo the Habitually Truant report in State Format (CSV).Habitually Truant - State Format (CSV)

Screenshot of the Habitually Truant report in HTML Format.Habitually Truant - HTML Format

Data Element



School Number

District-assigned school number for the calendar selected in the extract editor where the student qualified as habitually truant.

If the School Override field is populated on the student's enrollment record, that school number displays on the report.

Numeric, 4 digits

School Information > Number


Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > School Override

Race Ethnicity/ Gender

Indicates the reported students as being Pacific Islander, Asian, Black, White or Hispanic and notes if the student was male or female. Values report as follows:

  • IM - American Indian or Alaskan Native Male
  • IF - American Indian or Alaskan Native Female
  • AM - Asian Male
  • AF - Asian Female
  • BM - Black Male
  • BF - Black Female
  • WM - White Male
  • WF - White Female
  • PM - Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Male
  • PF - Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Female
  • HM - Hispanic Male
  • HF - Hispanic Female
  • TM - Two or more races Male
  • TF - Two or more races Female

(R/E) Alphanumeric, 2 characters

(G) Alphanumeric, 1 character (M or F)

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity


Demographics > Gender


GradeReports the most recent (based on the Start Date of the enrollment record) grade level of enrollment.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters
Enrollments >  Grade



Total count of students in that race/Ethnicity/Gender group who are considered habitually truant.

Numeric, 3 digits

Calculated value, data not stored


Detail CSV Format Report Layout

This detail format is for data analysis and troubleshooting; it is NOT submitted to the state. Reported students are those who are included in Count column of the State and HTML and Formats described above. Data is sorted in the following order:

  1. Last Name
  2. First Name
  3. School Number
  4. Absent Date

Screenshot fo the Habitually Truant report in Detail CSV Format.Habitually Truant - Detail CSV Format

Data ElementDescriptionLocation
School Number

District-assigned school number for the school where the absence occurred.

If the School Override field is populated on the student's enrollment record, that school number displays on the report.

Numeric, 4 digits

School Information > Number


Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > School Override

School Name

Displays the name of the school.

If the School Override number does not correspond to a number in the district, a blank value reports for the school name.

Alphanumeric, 40 characters

School Information > Name

Last NameReports the student's last name.

Alphanumeric, 40 characters
Demographics > Last Name

First NameReports the student's first name.

Alphanumeric, 35 characters
Demographics > First Name

Middle NameReports the student's middle name.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
Demographics > Middle Name

Student NumberDisplays the assigned state ID for the student.

Numeric, 10 digits
Demographics > Student State ID

Person IDDisplays the Campus assigned person ID for the student.

Numeric, 10 digits
Demographics > Person ID

Race Code

Reports the student's race/ethnicity code as follows:

  • I = American Indian or Alaskan Native
  • A = Asian
  • B = Black
  • W = White
  • H = Hispanic
  • T = Two or More Races

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity

GenderReports the student's gender as either M(ale) or F(emale).

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Demographics > Gender

Birth DateReports the student's birth date.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Demographics > Date of Birth

GradeReports the student's most recent grade level of enrollment.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters
Enrollments > Grade

School OverrideReports the School Override Number, if populated. If it is not populated, a blank value reports.

Numeric, 4 digits
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > School Override

Absent DateReports the date the student was marked absent. This requires the Status of the attendance entry to be Absent and the Excuse to be Unexcused.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)


Truancy Semester

Indicates if the Absent Date falls before or after the value entered in the Second Semester Start Date field.

  • Reports a value of 1 for absent dates before the date entered in the editor.
  • Reports a value of 2 for absent dates after the date entered in the editor.

Numeric, 1 digits

Calculated value

Detail PDF Format Report Layout

This detail format is for data analysis and troubleshooting; it is NOT submitted to the state. Reported students are those who are included in Count column of the State and HTML and Formats described above. Data is sorted by the student's last name. The name of the school associated with the student's unexcused absence reports.

Students who have an active school override are marked with an asterisk next to their name.

Screenshot of the Habitually Truant report in Detail PDF FormatHabitually Truant - Detail PDF Format

Data ElementDescriptionLocation
Student NameReports the student's Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial

Alphanumeric, 50 characters
 Demographics > Last Name, First Name, Middle Name




Student NumberDisplays the assigned state ID for the student.

Numeric, 10 digits
Demographics > Student State ID

Person IDDisplays the Campus assigned person ID for the student.

Numeric, 10 digits
Demographics > Person ID

GradeReports the student's most recent grade level of enrollment.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters
Enrollments > Grade

Race Code

Reports the student's race/ethnicity code as follows:

  • I = American Indian or Alaskan Native
  • A = Asian
  • B - Black
  • W = White
  • H = Hispanic
  • T = Two or More Races

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity

GenderReports the student's gender as either M(ale) or F(emale).

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Demographics > Gender

Birth DateReports the student's birth date.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Demographics > Date of Birth

Absent DateReports the date the student was marked absent. This requires the Status of the attendance entry to be Absent and the Excuse to be Unexcused.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)


Truancy Semester

Indicates if the Absent Date falls before or after the value entered in the Second Semester Start Date field.

  • Reports a value of 1 for absent dates before the date entered in the editor.
  • Reports a value of 2 for absent dates after the date entered in the editor.

Numeric, 1 digits

Calculated value