Tool Search: Transcripts
A transcript is a historical record of a student's performance in a course. The information listed on the transcript can vary from district to district, depending on district preferences. Each district records grade information that students receive on transcripts and report cards. Grade information is connected to a student's course schedule.
Student Transcript
Read - View transcript records.
Write - Edit existing transcript records.
Add - Add and save new transcript records.
Delete - Remove transcript records.
Users can enter a desired value when the Free Form Entry sub-right is assigned (only Read rights are needed). If a user is not assigned this sub-right, values can only be selected from the dropdown list. This applies to the Course Name, Course Number, School Name, and School Number fields on the Transcript.
Users must also be assigned Modify Rights to the Calendar via the Calendar Rights tool:
- If the Modify Rights checkbox is not marked, the user only has Read rights to the Transcript.
- If the Modify Rights checkbox is marked, assigned tool rights are enforced.
Assigned User Group rights take precedence over the Modify Rights checkbox.
See the Tool Rights article for more information about Tool Rights and how they function.
Transcript information is available in the Query Wizard for Student data types in the Student > Learner Portfolio > Transcript Detail folder.
Transcript Ad hoc Fields
Navigation and Features
The home screen of the Transcript tool is a read-only view of the student's transcript records. It is typically organized by the school year, with the most current school year first. This view displays basic course information - the , grade level, course number and name, whether the course was repeated, the score received, GPA-related fields (Weighted, Unweighted, Weight), credit information (Earned, Attempted, Credit Type), length of the course (Actual Term, Terms Long), and a Comments field.
All transcript records for all school years and calendars are listed here. Click anywhere on the transcript record to modify additional details for the selected record. Alternatively, use the Edit button to add or modify a record quickly. Clicking anywhere on a transcript record opens the Detail view of just that record; using the Edit button allows for the quick editing of the entire transcript. Only the two most recent groups of transcript records are listed in Edit mode. Mark the Show All Records button to display every transcript record for the student.
Click here to expand...
Feature | Image |
Get a quick view of the student's transcript by school year (automatic sort option). See the Column Grouping section for more information. Sorting happens within each grouping.
In the first image to the right, the Course Number column is sorted ascending (A-Z), and includes an up arrow indicating the sort has been altered. In the second image, the Course Number column is sorted descending (Z-A), and includes a dow | |
Group the column headings using click-and-drag technology. This re-sorts the transcript entries into a sort by the selected groupings.
The default sort option is Year. This is the school year in which the student took that course, and the score received was posted on the transcript. All transcript records are displayed in year order, with the most recent year first. You can remove this (click the X next to Year) or click and drag additional columns into the header.
The graphic to the right shows the Course Name added to the header. Now, the transcript records are sorted by Year and then by Course Name.
Each time a new column heading is added to the header, transcript data is sorted accordingly. Column headings can be moved to sort by, for example, Course Name and then by Year.
See the Column Grouping section for additional information. | |
The image to the right shows transcript data for the 2017-18 school year and the other school years are collapsed. | |
Click Edit to modify existing records quickly. Once opened, you can change current records and add new ones (by clicking Add Rows).
Use the Add Rows option like the Batch Add option on the original Transcript. An Add Rows pop-up displays where the number of rows can be entered. The number of Rows, School Year, School Name (may also be Transfer School Name), and Grade level are required.
When you are finished, click Save to save the changes and return to the Main screen. Click Cancel to return to the Main screen. The Free Form Entry sub-right applies to the Course Number, Course Name, School Number, and School Name fields. When assigned, any value can be entered into these four fields.
| |
Once in Edit mode, only the two most recent groups of transcript records display. These groups can be records from the last two school years or the same school year but from different calendars.
When there are more records to show, a note of Additional Records is hidden at the end of the two groups. Mark Show All Records to display more transcript entries.
When all records are displayed, a note of End of Records displays.
|   |
Use the New Details button to add a new record. When finished adding, click the arrow next to the Save button and choose Save to save the record and return to the Main screen or Save & New to save the record and add another. |  |
Add transcript-related documents using the Documents option. See the Documents section for more information. |  |
Print the student's transcript from the Main screen by clicking the Reports button. See the Reports section for more information. |  |
On the Detail screen, transcript information is organized into cards - School Information, Course Information, Scoring Information, Transcript Credit Information, and Additional Information.
Localized fields and district-defined fields are displayed on the Additional Information card, which is collapsible.
When viewing the details of an existing record, navigate to the next record by clicking the name of the next course rehe lower right-hand corner, or view the previous transcript record by clicking the name of the previous course record. | 
Inactive courses are displayed in the field dropdown lists with an INACTIVE label in both s.
When printing the Transcript, the INACTIVE label does NOT print.

Scores are organized into Score Groups and Rubrics. When GPA Values and/or GPA Unweighted Values are added to the Score Group, those values are displayed in parentheses behind the score name.
Score groups and rubrics associated with the selected course for the record are displayed first in the dropdown list.
Identical Score Group/Rubrics When identically named Score Groups and Rubrics exist, the type of group is appended to the end of the group name. For example, a Score Group named Habits of Engaged Learner and a Rubric named Habits of Engaged Learner would be listed in the score dropdown as Habits of Engaged Learner—Score Group and Habits of Engaged Learner—Rubric (see the second image for an example).
When there are identically named Score Groups or Rubrics with the same name and the same scores, only one entry is listed for the group, and the scores display as duplicates. (see the third image for an example).
When there are two identical Score Groups and an identically named Rubric, one entry is listed for the Rubric, and one entry is listed for the duplicate Score Groups; the scores of the Score Group are duplicated (see the fourth image for an example). | 

Modified By information displays at the end of the transcript record as part of the Additional Information card. It indicates the last user to change the transcript and when (date and time). This does not display for transferred records or converted district data.
Add a new detail record by manually populating the cards with the appropriate information. When ready to save, click the Save icon or click the down arrow next to the Save icon to save the entry or save the entry and add a new entry (Save & New).
Use the Auto-fill Course Fields Based on Course Number Selection preference to automatically populate other course-related fields. This is available when adding a new Detail record, adding new Rows, and editing existing records. By removing the checkbox, it can be turned off (other course fields will not auto-fill).
These fields are auto-filled:- State Code
- Terms Long
- GPA Weight
- Credits Attempted
- Credit Type
- Credit Overflow Override
- SCED Subject Area
- SCED Course Identifier
- Online Learning
When adding a new record, enter part of a course name or number (at least one character - symbols, letters, or numbers). Matching results display in the dropdown list for easy selection.
Course Names and Numbers are populated from the following:- Course/Section from the school where the student was previously enrolled (School Number on the Transcript record).
- Course/Section from the school selected in the Campus toolbar where the student is currently enrolled.
- Course Master used at the district.
The list of courses returned also depends on the school year selected for the Transcript record. If no school year is selected, the school year selected in the Campus toolbar is used.
When selecting a course number, appropriate fields, including SCED and Online Learning fields, are auto-populated when adding a new record from either the Detail or the Main screen. GPA Weight, Credits Attempted, Credit Type, Terms Long, and Credit Overflow Override are also updated as Course Numbers are entered. Editing an existing record does not change those values automatically.
The Free Form Entry sub-right applies to the Course Number, Course Name, School Number, and School Name fields. When assigned, any value can be entered into these four fields.
An Original Value label is displayed next to the original values populated for the Course Number and Course Name (see the second image to the right). Re-selecting the original value does not populate the additional fields from the Course. | 
Error messages display when a field exceeds the maximum character limit, noting the correct field length. Records cannot be saved until the correct field length is entered. |  |
Things to Know
Grade Levels
- A grade level must exist within the calendar for it to be associated with a transcript record.
- When a grade level is marked as Exclude from GPA, courses taken by a student in that grade level may still display on the transcript (depending on other course setup scenarios). This only indicates that scores received for courses taken in that grade level are NOT factored into GPA calculations.
Refer to Grade Level Setup for additional information.
Course Name and Course Number
If the exact same course name and number are available in multiple course catalogs, all instances of that course name/course number populate the dropdown lists. Users can select which calendar/course catalog is appropriate for the Transcript record.
Course Name and Number values return as follows:
- When a new entry is added for a course taken at the same school selected in the Campus toolbar, the Course Name and/or Course Number values populate from the available courses at that school. Once a number is selected, the score field displays the score group associated with that course at the top of the list of all score groups/rubrics.
- When a new entry is added for a course not taken at the school selected in the Campus toolbar, the Course Name and Course Number values populate from the school where the student was previously enrolled. This occurs when the previous school is in the same district.
- The Course Master (Course Catalog) used at the district is also used to return applicable courses.
When adding or modifying a transcript record, the name of the Course Catalog displays after the course name or number.
Course Number with Course Catalog Name
Transcript records are sorted by Course Number ascending in alphanumeric order starting with 0, 1, 2, 3, A, B, C, then by Course Name alphanumeric order, then by Actual Term number, numeric ascending (12 is after 2), then by the transcript ID. For example:
- 000123 - Algebra
- 0001234 - Algebra
- 000200
- 02
- 123 - Algebra
- ALG123 - 123Algebra
- ALG123 - Algebra
Credit Type
Credits types are sorted in the following order.
- Credit Groups and Standards associated with the selected School name on the Transcript Record sort first. These are selected on the School Standards tool.
- Credit Groups and Standards not associated with the selected School name follow and include a label of NOT IN USE.
When entering transcript records by typing in the School field (not selecting options from a dropdown list), Credit Groups and Standards display as if a School is selected on the Transcript record.
Transcript entries are grouped by Year, School Name, and Grade Level. Each column can be re-sorted by clicking on the column header. In addition to those options, the transcript can be grouped by clicking and dragging the column headers into the very top row to suit your preferences.
Click the column header you wish to add to the group option and drag it to the group row. The transcript re-sorts by the headers listed. Refreshing the browser returns the grouping to the default option of records grouped by Year, School Name, and Grade Level.
Click and Drag Grouping
When grouped, records can be sorted by clicking the dragged value in the header to ascend or descend. The records within those groups are sorted by clicking the table headers.
Edit an Existing Transcript Record
When editing a Course Name or Course Number, enter at least one character to return a list of matching values.
Two options exist for editing existing records:
- Locate the record in the list of transcript items, click on it to open the Detail Screen, and modify the information (option 1); OR
- Click the Edit button, which changes each row of the existing records into editable fields (option 2).
Option 1
Hover over the row that needs to be modified. Click anywhere in that row to view or edit the record. This opens that record in the Detail Screen, where updates can be made to any of the available fields.
- Click the Save button when finished; or
- Click the arrow next to the Save button to Save & New, where changes are made to the record and a new Details screen displays for the addition of another transcript record; or
- Use Save & Next, where changes are made to the record, and the next record in the transcript is displayed for editing.
Click Transcript Record to Edit the Details
Option 2
Click the Edit button. This changes the read-only view of the transcript record to an editable format. Update the fields as needed; use the tab keys to move through the fields and rows.
Click Save when finished.
Choose Edit to modify all rows of the Transcript
From this view, additional rows can be added for a quick batch add of transcript data. See the section below for more information.
Add New Rows to the Transcript Record
When in Edit mode, where every existing row is editable, an option exists to add rows to the transcript. This can be used to add several transcript records at once, which is useful when entering basic transcript information for a new transfer student.
- From the Main screen, click the Edit button, then click the Add Rows button. An Add Rows pop-up will display, where you can enter the number of rows needed.
- In the pop-up, select the school year, school name, and grade level in addition to the number of rows. The School Year and School Name are prepopulated with the school selected in the Campus toolbar, and the Grade Level is prepopulated with the student's current grade level or enrollment.
- Click the Add Rows button. The empty rows are displayed at the top of the Transcript record for the selected school year, school, and grade level.
- Enter the appropriate information for the new transcript records. Use the tab keys to move through the rows.
- Click Save when finished. The new transcript records are saved.
Repeat these steps as needed. There is no limit to the number of rows that can be added.
Note the following when modifying information in the Add Rows pop-up:
- When changing the School Name, if the School Number or District Number has not yet been changed, those fields are automatically updated to the associated values related to the newly changed School Name.
- When changing the Grade Level, if the NCES Grade Level has not yet been changed, that field is automatically updated to the associated value related to the newly changed Grade Level.
- Each time the Add Rows button is selected, the values in the pop-up default to the last information used to add rows. This makes adding several records at one time (Batch Add) faster.
- When canceling the Add Rows pop-up and then selecting Add Rows again, the values in the Add Rows fields return to the associated values related to the calendar selected in the Campus toolbar.
Add as many rows as needed. Only those that are populated are saved. Any rows that do not have the fields populated are removed when saving the record. Any new records with an existing group (School Year, School Name, Grade Level) are merged with others in that group upon saving.
Add Rows
A new row or a new record cannot be saved until all required fields are populated. Field popups display when data is missing from the required fields.
Required Entry Message Display on Main Screen
Required Entry Message Display on Detail Screen
Add a New Detail Record
From the Main screen, click the New Details button. This opens the Detail screen, where a new transcript record can be entered. See the Detail Screen Card Descriptions section for information on the available cards and fields.
When you're finished adding the record, click Save to save it and return to the Main screen. Then, click the arrow next to the Save button for Save & New, which saves the entered information and opens a new Details record to add another record. Alternatively, click Cancel to not save any information. Using the Save & New option carries overall school information from this record to a new record.
Add a New Details Record
Delete a Transcript Record
When a record needs to be permanently and completely removed, select ) that records row from the Main screen. The Transcripts Detail Screen . Acknowledge the pop-up that indicates the record will be permanently removed after deletion. To avoid deleting the record, click Cancel.
Delete Transcript Record
Detail Screen Card Descriptions
Expand the items below to see descriptions of the fields available on the transcript.
School Information Fields
School Information fields provide information on where the student was enrolled when the selected course was taken.
School Information Fields
Click here to expand...
Field | Description | Auto-Fill Behavior | Ad hoc Field Name |
School Year | Identifies the year the student received the score for the selected courses. School years sort in descending school year order (i.e, 2017-18, 2016-17, etc.). | This field auto-fills on the current year value. | transcriptDetail.startYear, transcriptDetail.endYear
Returns the start and end year in which the student took the course in YYYY format. |
School Name / Transfer School Name
| Identifies the name of the school where the student took the course.
This state-designated name populates from the selected school/calendar when the score is posted to the transcript. School names are sorted in alphabetical order.
The Free Form Entry sub-right applies to this field. When assigned, any value can be entered here.
See the School Name Attribute section below for more information. | | transcriptDetail.schoolName |
School Number | Identifies the state-assigned school number where the student took the course.
This populates from the selected school/calendar when the score is posted to the transcript. School numbers are sorted in numeric (ascending) order.
The Free Form Entry sub-right applies to this field. When assigned, any value can be entered here. | This field auto-fills on the School Name value. | transcriptDetail.schoolNumber |
District Number | Identifies the district where the student took the course. When the score is posted to the transcript, this field populates from the selected school/calendar. | This field auto-fills on the School Name value. | dist.number |
| Indicates the grade level of enrollment when the student received the score for the course. Grade levels are sorted by the sequence assigned to the grade level. | This field auto-fills on the student's current grade level value. | transcriptDetail.grade |
NCES Grade | Indicates the NCES (National Center for Education Statistics) grade level when the score was received.
The NCES Grade Level mapping is set using the Grade Level Definitions tool. NCES grades are sorted by the sequence assigned to the grade level.
This field is required to send transcripts using the eTranscript tool. | N/A | enrollmentHistory.ncesGrade |
School Name Attribute
When necessary, users can modify options for certain transcript fields in the Core Attribute/Dictionary. The district maintains dictionary values entered in the Attribute/Dictionary. Note that when users are assigned the Free Form Entry sub-right, any value can be entered for the School Name (as well as School Number, Course Name, and Course Number).
Transcript Course Attributes
The Data Type selection determines the School Name attribute's behavior.
When TranscriptCourse.schoolName has a Data Type of textfield, the School Name and School Number lists on the Transcript Editor populate from the list on the Schools editor. A Data Type of textfield is the default option.
When TranscriptCourse.schoolName has a Data Type of drop-down list, the School Name and School Number lists on the Transcript Editor populate with the Name (School Name) and Code (School Number) from the associated dictionary (first image) of the attribute plus the School Name and Number on the School editor (second image).
School Name Dictionary Items
|  School Editor
The list of available school names on the Transcript editor is sorted into groups for Transfer and District. Values from the attribute dictionary are included in the Transfer group, and values from the Schools editor are included in the District group.
School Name Attribute Groups
Course Information Fields
Course Information fields detail the specifics of the course. Course information auto-fills when the Auto-fill Course Fields Based on Course Number Selection preference is marked.
Course Information Fields
Note the following information about the Auto-fill Course Fields Based on Course Number Selection Preference:
- When the preference is NOT marked to auto-fill, when the course number is selected, and the course name field is empty or has not been modified, the course name still auto-fills from the selected course number.
- This preference is stored locally for each user. If the user removes the checkbox for the preference (auto-fill does not occur) and clears the browser cache, the preference defaults back to being marked the next time the user adds Transcript records.
- When the user removes the checkbox from the Add Rows modal, the preference is also not marked when adding a new Details record, and vice versa.
- The Course Number selection always respects the preference's current status. When it is marked and new rows are added, then remove the checkbox and add two more rows, the auto-fill does not occur.
Click here to expand...
Field | Description | Auto-Fill Behavior | Ad hoc Field Name |
Course Number | Identifies the -defined or school-defined number of the course. Course numbers are sorted in numeric ascending order. - Inactive courses are displayed with a red INACTIVE label.
- The original value selected for this field displays with a gray ORIGINAL VALUE label. Re-selecting the original value does not populate the additional fields dependent on the Course (these fields vary by state).
The Free Form Entry sub-right applies to this field. When assigned, any value can be entered here. | This field auto-fills when the auto-fill preference is marked on the Course Name, State Code, GPA Weight, Terms Long, Credits | transcriptDetail.courseNumber |
Course Name | Identifies the district-defined or school-defined name of the course. Courses are sorted in numeric ascending order based on the course number.
- Inactive courses are displayed with a red INACTIVE label.
- The original value selected for this field displays with a gray ORIGINAL VALUE label. Re-selecting the original value does not populate the additional fields dependent on the Course (these fields vary by state).
The Free Form Entry sub-right applies to this field. When assigned, any value can be entered here. | N/A | transcriptDetail.courseName |
State Code | Displays the course's state-designated identification number.
Changes made to the Course Number field ALWAYS change this field. | This field auto-fills on the Course Number and Course Name values. | transcriptDetail.stateCode |
Date | Displays the month, day, and year the score was posted in the Grade Book or the date the score was manually added to the student's transcript. | |
Returns the entered date in MM/DD/YYYY format. |
Actual Term | Indicates the term in which the student took the course. | N/A | transcriptDetail.actualTerm |
Terms Long | Identifies the number of terms the course met for this transcript entry. | This field auto-fills on the Course Number values. | transcriptDetail.termsLong |
Calendar Terms | Displays the total number of terms in the calendar. | N/A | transcriptDetail.termsLong |
Start Term | Indicates the term number representing the first term the course met for this transcript entry (e.g... 1 = first term = Q1 or S1, 2 = second term = Q2 or S2, etc.). This is displayed as the first number in the Term column on the main view of the student's Transcript. | N/A | transcriptDetail.startTerm |
Start Date | Identifies the date on which the transcript course term starts. | N/A | transcriptDetail.termstartDate |
End Term | Displays the term number representing the last term the course met for this transcript entry. | N/A | transcriptDetail.endTerm |
End Date | Identifies the date on which the transcript course term ends. | N/A | transcriptDetail.termEndDate |
Scoring Information fields detail the scores and GPA information the student received for the selected course.
Scoring Information Fields
Click here to expand...
Field | Description | Auto-Fill Behavior | Ad hoc Field Names |
Score | Displays the score the student received for the transcript entry. This field also displays the GPA Value and the Unweighted Value in the dropdown list.
When a course is selected, the score group assigned to the course appears first in the list of all score groups/rubrics.
If a course number does not match the school's list of course numbers (e.g., a transferred course), all score groups used by the district are listed.
When a score is changed, ALL of the GPA fields update. | This field auto-fills GPA Value, GPA Max, Unweighted GPA. | transcriptDetail.score
Returns either the letter grade or the numeric value, depending on the score group assigned to the course. |
Weighted GPA Value | Displays the GPA value of this score based on the grading scale for the district or school. This is used for Weighted GPA calculations and Unweighted GPA calculations when the transcript record does not have an Unweighted GPA Value. This field accepts up to four decimal points (XXX.XXXX). | This field auto-fills on the Score value. | transcriptDetail.gpaValue |
Percent | Indicates the percentage value represented by the score received on this entry.
This field accepts up to four decimal points (XXX.XXX). | N/A | transcriptDetail.percent |
GPA Max | Identifies the maximum GPA value achievable for this course an
| This field auto-fills on the Score value. | transcriptDetail.gpaMax |
GPA Weight | Identifies the GPA weighting for this entry up to four decimal places.
If the GPA Weight on a Transcript Course Record is blank/null, the GPA Value for that Course is not included in any Weighted or Unweighted GPA calculations on the transcript.
This field accepts up to four decimal points (XX.XXXX). | This field auto-fills on the Course Number value. | transcriptDetail.gpaWeight |
Unweighted GPA Value | Indicates the Unweighted GPA value of this score based on the grading scale for the district or school. This is used for Unweighted GPA calculations.
This field accepts up to four decimal points (XXX.XXXX). | This field auto-fills on the Score value. | transcriptDetail.unweightedGPAValue |
Transcript Credit Information Fields
Transcript Credit Information displays the number of credits the student earned and attempted for the course record and to which credit category (type) it applies. Note that values for Credits Attempted, Credit Type, and Credit Rollup Overflow auto-fill on the populated Course Number Information.
When adding a new transcript record, a blank row of credit-related fields displays. This allows users to add the appropriate credit values without adding a row first.
Transcript Credit Information Fields
The Transcript Post tool posts the Credit Type assigned to the Grading Task of the course. If additional Credit Types are needed, they must be added to the course transcript record manually.
Two Credit Types for One Course
The Credit Earned and Credits Attempted can be adjusted for each Credit Type on the Transcript Credit Information screen.
Detail View for Two Credit Types
Click here to expand...
Field | Description | Auto-Fill Behavior | Ad hoc Field Name |
Credits Earned | Stores the actual credit value earned for the associated transcript entry. | N/A | transcriptDetail.creditsEarned |
Credits Attempted | Stores the maximum possible credit available for the associated transcript entry. | This field auto-fills on the Course Number value. | transcriptDetail.creditsAttempted |
Credit Type | Displays all standard/credit groups and categories.
Standards display in the Credit Name field based on the first parent group into which the standard is associated.
See the Things to Know section for more information on Credit Types.
A NOT IN USE label displays if the Credit Group is not selected in the School Standards tool. | This field auto-fills on the Course Number value. | transcriptDetail.standardName1 transcriptDetail.standardName2 |
Credit Overflow Override | This field is set for a single course Grading Task and is used to roll credits when the current credit type has met its credit requirements. The credits from the course apply to the credit type. If that credit type has met its requirements, it then looks at the overflow setup for the course's original credit type.
Choices in this field are limited to the siblings of the credit type selected in Credit Name field.
A NOT IN USE label displays if the Credit Group is not selected in the School Standards tool. | This field auto-fills on the Course Number value. | transcriptDetail.secondaryCredit
Returns the code associated with the credit type.
Add and Remove | Use the Add button to add a new row for transcript credit information to the current course record.
Use the Remove button to eliminate the existing transcript credit information for the current course record.
| N/A | N/A |
The Additional Information fields provide further details on the transcript entry and include localized fields (used for state reports) and district-defined fields (created by the district). This section is collapsible or expandable by clicking the minus/plus sign on the right-hand side.
Localized and district-defined fields are not included in this article. Instead, see your state's articles for more information on Transcript procedures for your state.
Additional Information Fields
Click here to expand...
Field | Description | Auto-Fill Behavior | Ad hoc Field Name |
Transcript ID | A unique identifier for the transcript entry. The ID is used in state reports and allows users to easily identify which transcript record relates to the record on the report. | N/A | transcriptDetail.transcriptID |
Bonus Points | GPA bonus points associated with this entry.
This field accepts values less than 100 and up to four decimal points (XX.XXXXX). | N/A | transcriptDetail.bonusPoints |
Status | Status of course, such as R (required) or E (elective), etc. | N/A | transcriptDetail.status |
Task Code | The code associated with the transcript entry.
This field should be populated with either the Grading Task Code (entered on the Grading Task Detail) or the Standard Number Code (entered on the Standard Detail editor) | N/A | N/A |
Standard Number | State- or district-defined number for this standard. This field populates with the Standard Number (entered on the Standard Detail editor). | This field auto-fills on the Standard Name value. | transcriptDetail.standardNumber |
Standard Name | State- or district-defined standard name for this course. | This field auto-fills on the Standard Number value. | transcriptDetail.standardName |
Repeat Course | Indicates the student has previously taken this course. | N/A | transcriptDetail.repeatCourse
Returns a value of 0 if the checkbox is not marked, or a value of 1 if the checkbox is marked. |
Technology | Indicates whether the transcript entry meets technology reporting requirements. | N/A |
Returns a value of 0 if the checkbox is not marked, or a value of 1 if the checkbox is marked. |
Comments | Lists any general notes on the transcript entry.
This field is also displayed on the Main Detail view.
The entire comment displays in the pop-up text when the user hovers over this field on the Main screen. | N/A | transcriptDetail.comments |
Upload previous student transcript reports from other schools of enrollment for a particular student. This uses the Digital Repository features. There is no limit to the number of documents uploaded here, but be aware that your district may have set a maximum file size value.
Mark the Consent statement (files cannot be saved if this is not marked), and click the Select File button to locate and upload documents. File names must be unique. Click the Save button when finished. A successful upload displays a Done next to the Select Files button. Close the side panel by clicking the Cancel button.
Transcripts Document Upload
Uploaded files can be sorted by Newest (most recently uploaded) or Oldest. Click the red X next to the file name to remove an uploaded document.
For more information on document upload, see the Managing Document Attachments article.
Document Upload Delete
Click the Reports button on the main screen to print the student's transcript. This opens a side panel with all available Transcript Reports. The Default Report contains the standard transcript elements and can be printed without creating a transcript report in Report Preferences. Other reports listed here have been created in Report Preferences.
Choosing any report from the side panel opens in a new browser window. Reports are in PDF format.
Control whether the Default Transcript Report displays as a print option by setting the Enable Default Transcript System Preferences.
Print Transcript Record
All transcript courses are displayed on the printed transcript regardless of how a student is scored and what transcript preference options were selected for credits and standards. This selection affects the credit/standard groups displayed in the Credit Summary and Standards Summary.
Note that In-Progress grades and planned courses are not counted in the Credit Summary.