Graduation (Nebraska)
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:08 am CDT
Tool Search: Graduation
Fields on the Graduation tool that are specific to the state of Nebraska are described below. Fields that do not require unique, state-specific data are described in the Graduation article.
State Reporting Graduation Fields
State Reporting Graduation FieldsPost Grad Activity Determination
The student's post-graduation activity determination method.
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Options include:
- 0: Unavailable
- 1: Administrative Records Match
- 2: Follow-up Survey
- 3: Observation
- 4: Exit Survey
Database: Graduation.postGradDetermination
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Graduation elements > postGradDetermination (graduation.postGradDetermination)
Grad Year
The year the student graduated.
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Database: Graduation.gradYear
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Graduation elements > postGradDetermination (graduation.gradYear)
Individual Student Compliance Data
Indicates the student's compliance status.
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Options include:
- Compliance: The student completed or opted-out for any reason
- Non-Compliance: The student did not complete and submit FAFSA and was not opted-out for any reason
Database: Graduation.financialAid
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Graduation elements > financialAid (graduation.financialAid)
State Seal Information
State Seal InformationState Seals and Certs
The type of seal or certificate the student earned.
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Options include:
- 00: World language proficiency certificate
- 01: Gold bilingual or multilingual seal
- 02: Platinum bilingual or multilingual seal
Database: GraduationSeal.stateSeal
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Graduation elements > Graduation Seal: stateSeal (graduationSeal.stateSeal)
Date Earned
The day the student received the seal.
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Database: GraduationSeal.earnedDate
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Graduation elements > Graduation Seal: stateSeal (graduationSeal.earnedDate)
The language in which the student received their seal.
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Database: GraduationSeal.language
Ad Hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Graduation elements > Graduation Seal: stateSeal (graduationSeal.language)