Classic View: Student Information > General > Graduation
Search Terms: Graduation
The Graduation tool provides districts with the ability to track graduation information used in state reporting, AYP (Average Yearly Progress) determinations and NCLB (No Child Left Behind) report cards. Districts can track when a student first entered ninth grade and calculate their expected graduation date.
The fields listed below are the specific to Pennsylvania. See the Graduation article for information on creating or deleting a Graduation record, Tool Rights information, and graduation scenario examples.
Graduation Awards Information
Graduation Awards Information
Date Earned
The date the student earned the award.
Identifies the type of award earned upon graduation to be placed on a student's transcript.
The provider of the award or credential. This is an open attribute dictionary list.
When the Provider field is null for CTE and NCTE records, Graduation Award information does not print on the student's Transcript. See the Transcript article for additional information.
Award Type: Industry Credential
The type of CTE award or credential.
This field displays when the Award is marked as CTE.
Award Type: Award Fact
The type of award credential.
This field displays when the Award is marked as NCTE.
The language in which the student earned state recognition. The values available are populated from the Definition.iso639-2Language dictionary.
This field displays when the Award is marked as Seal.