Health Screenings (Kentucky)

Tool Search: Screenings

The Screenings tool stores health screening information for a student. If a screening has been completed in the past, it will be shown within the Screening History window. When a certain type of screening is selected from the dropdown list, only the areas requiring data entry will open.

Screenshot of the Screenings editor.Screenings

Required Field Logic

Required Health Screening fields set in the Attribute/Dictionary are constrained by the Type of screening selected when creating a new screening record. This means required fields in certain subscreenings that do not pertain to the screening type do not need to be filled out in order to save the screening. Required fields are enforced  on subscreenings that automatically open when creating the screening record. Additional expanded subscreens with required fields are also enforced when data is entered.

If a screening record has been created without any required fields, and then the record is edited, the required fields enforcement will be in effect upon Saving.

Screenings and Sub-Screenings

When adding a new health screening, health staff can select a screening type from the Screening Detail section and populate data for the opened screening editors. These editors that open are referred to as sub-screenings, and the following table lists which screening types open which screening editors. Sometimes the screening type has the same name as an editor.

Health staff are welcome to populate additional screening editors by expanding the plus sign next to a collapsed editor.


Screening Type


Early Childhood

Height/Weight and Vital Signs



Early Childhood Screening

Child and Teen Checkup




Lead Level

Health Appraisal

Height/Weight and Vital Signs





Sports Physical

Sports Physical

Child and Teen Checkup

Height/Weight and Vital Signs



Child and Teen Checkup




Height/Weight and Vital Signs




Height/Weight and Vital Signs

Height/Weight and Vital Signs

Re Screen













Lead LevelLead Level


Height/Weight and Vital Signs







 Screening Type Fields and Description

The following table defines the fields needed for each type of screening. Options listed in the dropdown lists can be modified (if proper tool rights are assigned) in the Attribute Dictionary.


Sub-Screening EditorFieldsDescription
Sports Physical

Physical Status

Indicates the result of the student's sports physical.

CommentsProvides a text field for entering details about the screening.
Height, Weight and Vital Signs 

Screening DateDate the student received the screening. This field populates based on the Screening Date entered when a Screening Type is selected, but it can be modified as needed.

Indicates the student's growth assessment, based on the BMI percentile. Options are:

  • UW: Underweight, 0-4th percentile
  • HW: Healthy Weight, 5th-85th percentile
  • OW: Overweight, 86th-95th percentile
  • O: Obese, >95th percentile

Enter the student's height and weight. These fields allow the BMI and BMI Percentile to calculate. Based on the BMI Percentile, the Status can be assigned.

HeightDefined as the distance from the student's feet to the top of his/her head. This data is entered in inches. If a student were 6 feet, 2 inches tall, the height would be entered at 74 inches. This field is limited to five characters - two places before the decimal point and two characters after the decimal point (e.g.,74.22)

Indicates how much the student weighs in pounds. If a student weights 156 pounds, the entry would read 156.00.


The Body Mass Index is a measure of a student's weight in relation to height. This field is auto-calculated based on the entered height and weight values, and cannot be modified.

BMI Percentile

A value on the CDC BMI for age growth charts, determined after the calculation of the student's BMI. This value is auto-calculated based on the student's BMI, age and gender using data from a CDC-recommended chart that is built into the calculation.

While this field is auto-calculated, the value can be modified if the district is using a different chart for calculating percentile.

Blood Pressure

This is the force exerted by circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels. Enter values in XXX/XX format.

PulseValue indicates the heartbeats per minute. Enter values in XXXX format.
RespirationIndicates the number of breaths per minute. Enter values in XXX format.
CommentsProvides a text field for entering details about the screening.

Screening DateDate the student received the screening. This field populates based on the Screening Date entered when a Screening Type is selected, but it can be modified as needed.
Vision Check Type

Identifies the results as being from a vision screening (S) or vision exam (E).

Test Type

Indicate the name of the vision screening instrument being used to test the student's visual acuity. Tests are assumed to measure acuity at 20 feet, except for codes H and O1, which measure acuity at 10 feet.

  • T: HOTV - 20 ft
  • H: HOTV - 10 ft
  • S: Snellen
  • L: LEA Symbols
  • O: Other - 20 ft
  • O1: Other - 10 ft

Indicates the result of the screening.

Far Acuity LIndicates the ability of the left eye to see far. Entry is limited to five digits.
Far Acuity RIndicates the ability of the right eye to see far. Entry is limited to five digits.
Cor(rective) Lens

Indicates whether the student wears corrective lenses for proper vision.

External Inspection

Indicates the result of an examination of the visual appearance of the eye by a healthcare professional.

Near Acuity LIndicates the ability of the left eye to see near. Entry is limited to five digits.
Near Acuity RIndicates the ability of the right eye to see near. Entry is limited to five digits.
Plus Lens

Determines if the student has an excessive amount of far-sightedness (hyperopia). Also referred to as convex lens testing.

Stereo Vision

Determines if the student's eyes work together. Also referred to as binocular vision or muscle balance.

Cover Test

Selection indicates the student was able to follow an object with one eye covered.

Color VisionIndicates the results of a test for color blindness.

Determines if the student's eyes work together for near vision.

Corneal Reflex

Indicates the student has an involuntary reflex of blinking when stimulation of the eye occurs.

Vision Referral DateIndicates the date the student was given a referral for a vision test. It is suggested with the 1525 release that health staff use the Follow-up functionality to track referrals.

Provides a text field for entering details about the screening.


Screening DateIndicates the date the student received the hearing test. This field populates based on the Screening Date entered when a Screening Type is selected, but it can be modified as needed.

Displays the results of the hearing test.

Hearing Type

Selection indicates the type of test given.

Otoacoustic Emissions L

Results of the measurement of sounds given off by the inner ear when the cochlea is stimulated by a sound in the left ear.

Otoacoustic Emissions R

Results of the measurement of sounds given off by the inner ear when the cochlea is stimulated by a sound in the left ear.

Tympanometry L

Status of the student's left middle ear test and the mobility of the student's eardrum.

Tympanometry R

Status of the student's right middle ear test and the mobility of the student's eardrum.

Otoscopic L

Status of the student's left auditory canal and ear drum test.

Otoscopic R

Status of the student's right auditory canal and ear drum test.

250 L - 8000 LIndicates the range, in Hz, at which the student can hear frequencies of sound for the left ear. These are values entered up to 3 characters.
250 L - 8000 RIndicates the range, in Hz,  at which the student can hear frequencies of sound for the right ear. These are values entered up to 3 characters
CommentsProvides a text field for entering details about the screening.
Early Childhood


Indicates where the screening took place:

Early Ed Experiences

Selection displays where the student received education before attending school.

Readiness Referral

Indicates where the student has been referred for Early Childhood services.


Indicates the student's healthcare coverage.

CommentsProvides a text field for entering details about the screening.
Child and Teen Checkup Screening

Date of ExamIndicates when the exam occurred. This field populates based on the Screening Date entered when a Screening Type is selected, but it can be modified as needed.

Indicates the reason for the exam.

  • I: Initial Entry
  • 6: 6th Grader
  • 9: 9th Grader

Indicates where the exam was performed.


Displays the results of the screening.

  • N: Normal
  • R: Referred
  • K: Known condition
Early Childhood Expiration DateIndicates the date the student's screening expires. This date must be AFTER the date entered in the Date of the Exam field.

Indicates the student's healthcare coverage.

CommentsProvides a text field for entering details about the screening.

Screening DateIndicates the date the screening occurred. This field populates based on the Screening Date entered when a Screening Type is selected, but it can be modified as needed.
ScoreIndicates the score the student received. This can be a whole number or a number with a decimal place. (NN.N).
Development Test

Indicates the type of test the student received. 

Development Status

Indicates the result of the test.

Social/Emotional Status

Displays the student's status for social and emotional health.

With the 1525 release, there is a separate Social-Emotional sub-screening and this field is no longer necessary. It can be hidden through the Attribute/Dictionary to preserve historical data while avoiding incorrect data entry in the future.

CommentsProvides a text field for entering details about the screening.

Screening DateIndicates the date the screening occurred. This field populates based on the Screening Date entered when a Screening Type is selected, but it can be modified as needed.
Test Type

Indicates the test used in this screening.

ScoreIndicates the score the student received. This can be a whole number or a number with a decimal place (NN.N).

Indicates the result of the test.

  • P: Passed
  • F: Failed, needs follow-up
CommentsProvides a text field for entering details about the screening.

DateIndicates the date the screening occurred. This field populates based on the Screening Date entered when a Screening Type is selected, but it can be modified as needed.
Speech Test

Indicates the type of test given to the student.

Speech Status

Indicates the results of the screening.

CommentsProvides a text field for entering details about the screening.

Skin Test Date

Date the student received the TB skin test. This field populates based on the Screening Date entered when a Screening Type is selected, but it can be modified as needed.

Place Given

Indicates where the student received the test.

Date ReadDate the results of the test were read.
Results mmIndicates the results of the skin test.
X-Ray DateIndicates the date the student received an X-Ray.
TB Status

Indicates the results of the X-Ray.

Med Start DateIf medication is given for treatment of TB, the entered date indicates when the medication was first taken.
Med End DateIf medication is given for treatment of TB, the entered date indicates when the medication will last be taken.
Refused DateDate the student (or parents/guardians) refused treatment.
Free from Communicable TBWhen marked, indicates the student does not have TB.
CommentsProvides a text field for entering details about the screening.

Screening DateIndicates the date the student received the scoliosis screening. This field populates based on the Screening Date entered when a Screening Type is selected, but it can be modified as needed.
CharacterIndicates the results of the test.
Scoliosis TypeIndicates the type of scoliosis test given.
Degree of CurveThe measurement, in degrees, of spinal curvature. Up to 3 characters can be entered.
Curvature Location

Identification of the area of the student's back in which the degree of curve is measured.

  • LT - Left thoracic
  • RT - Right thoracic
  • LL - Left lumbar
  • RL - Right lumbar
CommentsProvides a text field for entering details about the screening.

Dental DateIndicates the date the student received the dental screening. This field populates based on the Screening Date entered when a Screening Type is selected, but it can be modified as needed.
Dental Test Type

Indicates the type of dental screening performed was an exam (E) or screening (S). 


Indicates the results of the dental screening or exam.

  • P: Passed
  • F: Failed, needs follow-up
Expiration DateIndicates the date the dental screening expires. This date must be AFTER the date entered in the Date field.
Dental Sealants Present

Indicates if sealants are present.

Caries History

Indicates the student has any existing decay of teeth that has been treated.

Untreated Caries

 Indicates the student has existing decay of teeth that has not been treated.

Soft Tissue Pathology

Indicates the student has existing dental soft tissue.


Indicates the student has existing issues with the jaw sitting correctly when the mouth is closed.

Urgent Treatment

Indicates the student needs care immediately.

Restorative Care

Indicates the student has received care to restore teeth.

Preventative Care

Indicates the student receives preventative dental care.

Dental Erosion

Indicates the result of an examination of the student's dental enamel for areas of discoloration or erosion.

Dental Waiver DateIndicates the date of the student's dental waiver.
Dental Waiver Reason

Indicates the reason for the dental waiver.

Referral Date

Indicates the date the student was referred for dental care.


Use the Follow-up functionality to track referrals.

CommentsProvides a text field for entering details about the screening.
Lead Level

Screening DateIndicates the date the student took the screening. This field populates based on the Screening Date entered when a Screening Type is selected, but it can be modified as needed.
Lead LevelIndicates the level of lead for the student, usually administered as a blood test. This is a five character alphanumeric field.

Indicates the result of the lead screening.

  • P: Passed
  • F: Failed, needs follow-up
CommentsProvides a text field for entering details about the screening.

Screening DateIndicates the date the student took the screening. This field populates based on the Screening Date entered when a Screening Type is selected, but it can be modified as needed.
Test Type

Indicates the concussion test administered, either a baseline exam (B) or a post-injury exam (B). 

ScoreIndicates the score the student received. This is an eight-character field.

Indicates the results of the screening.

Expiration DateIndicates the date the screening expires. This date must be AFTER the original screening date.
CommentsProvides a text field for entering details about the screening.

Add a Health Screening

Health Screenings are entered as a record to track health and wellness data on students. The Screenings tool houses the results of the screening, and health office staff can add follow-up recommendations for students and parents if further testing is needed.

Multiple screenings can be added for a student. Screenings display in chronological order with the most recent screening listed first. When multiple different screenings are entered on the same day, the most recently entered one is listed first.

  1. Select the New icon near the top of the Screening tool.
  2. The Date will auto-populate with the current date. If this is incorrect, enter the correct date in mmddyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and select the date.
  3. Select the correct type of screening from the Type dropdown field. This will open the appropriate screening records to be filled in for this type.
  4. Enter pertinent information related to the student’s screening within the appropriate fields.
  5. When finished, select the Save icon at the top of the tool. This screening record will now appear within the Screening History editor.

Add a Screening Follow-up

  1. In the Screening History list, select an existing screening. The related screening panel opens. 
  2. Locate the Follow-up editor within that screening and click the Add Follow-up button.
  3. Enter the Follow-up Date in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a date.
  4. Select the Follow-up Type from the dropdown list. 
  5. Select the Contact Type from the dropdown list.
  6. Enter Comments about the Follow-up that describe the reason for it and any further actions needed by the health office staff or student guardians.
  7. Click the Save icon at the top of the Screenings tool to save the entry. 

Multiple follow-ups can be added to a screening.

View Screenings and Follow-ups

To view an existing screening, select that screening from the Screening History list. The screening panels related to that screening expand to see the entered data.

To view a follow-up for an existing screening, select that screening from the Screening History list and navigate to the Follow-ups editor. Use the Open/Edit Follow-up button to expand the record. When finished viewing, use the Close Follow-up button to collapse the record. Click the X to the left of the follow-up record to delete the information.

Created and Modified information displays, indicating when the record was first entered and when it was last modified, and by whom. This data appears when creating or modifying any sub-screening and when adding follow-up data.

Screenings created and saved prior to the .1525 Release will NOT display this information until the record is modified again. New or modified data on these historic records will be stored, causing the Created date to be the date it was re-saved, but it will NOT modify the original Screening Date.

Early Childhood Screening Detail

A summary of the student's screenings displays in the Screening Detail section when the selected screening type is Early Childhood. This table lists the sub-screenings, the date of the sub-screening, any entered expiration date, the status of the screening, and any follow-ups entered for the sub-screening. This table is populated from the data entered for each sub-screening.

The following table defines the summary table.


Indicates the number of days remaining before the Child and Teen Checkup (Physical) or Dental screening expires.

  • 30+ - 30 days or more until expiration
  • < 30 - less than 30 days until expiration
  • EXP - screening has expired
ScreeningThe sub-screenings that are contained in the Early Childhood Screening Type.
Event DateThe Screening Date that is populated for each of the sub-screenings.
Expiration DateThe date that the Child and Teen Checkup or Dental screening will expire. The date is populated from the Child and Teen Checkup or Dental Expiration date on the sub-screening or it will auto-calculate as one year after the Screening Date if a value is not entered.
StatusThe value that is populated in the Status field for each sub-screening. Missing displays in red if the Status is blank.
Met Timeline

Indicates if the screening date is within the required number of days of the Early Childhood student's E01 date.

  • 45 days for the Height/Weight and Vital Signs, Vision, Hearing, Developmental, and Social-Emotional screenings
  • 60 days for the Child and Teen Checkup
  • 90 days for the Dental and Lead Level screenings
Treatments/Total Follow-UpsIndicates the number of follow-ups with a Type of T: Treatment/Total number of follow-ups for the screening.

Print Student Screenings

Select one of the Print icons at the top of the Screenings tool. A PDF view of the student's entered screenings displays.

These print options print screening records for the selected student only. More health reports are available in the Health Reports folder. 

Print All

The Print All option prints all records of saved screenings for the students. Screenings print in reverse chronological order (the earliest screening prints first).

Print Selected Year

The Print Selected Year option prints the entered screenings recorded during the year selected in the Campus toolbar. If a screening was recorded in December of 2013, and the year in the Campus toolbar was 2013-14, the screening prints. If the screening was recorded in December of 2013, and the year selected in the Campus toolbar was 2014-15, the screening does not print.

Print Selected Screening

The Print Selected Screening option prints a summary of the selected screening from the Screening History list only. For this option, a screening must be selected.