Student Program Evaluations (Arizona v3.6)

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This event entity represents the recording of a student's survey results based on their participation in the 21cclc program.  It will depend on a student having a 21cclc program record and the survey fields being populated.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a 21cclc program record exists within the scope year and the Evaluation Date is populated.

Note: If there is more than record returned, report from the record with the most recent evaluation date

Delete/PostWhen Evaluation Date is updated.
PostWhen an attendanceUnit record that is tied to a CCLC-reportable course is updated to delete = '0'.

If one of the survey questions are changed

DeleteDelete record if evaluation date is removed
DeleteWhen the 21cclc program record is deleted
DeleteWhen the 21cclc program dates are updated to no longer fall within the scope year

Object Data Elements

Data Element Labels in bold are part of the Natural Key and are required data elements for Data to send to Ed-Fi.

Data Element LabelBusiness Requirements and RulesM, C or O



The unique identifier of the resource.M

The month, day, and year on which the evalution was conducted.

Reports the Evaluation Date.

MStudent Information > Program Participation > State Programs > 21st CCLC > Evaluation Date

educationOrganizationId: EducationOrganization Identity Column (school entity Id)

Do not Report

programEvaluationReferenceThe Natural Keys of the ProgramEvaluation resource
  • programEvaluationEducationOrganizationId
  • programEvaluationPeriodDescriptor
  • programEvaluationProgramName
  • programEvaluationProgramTypeDescriptor
  • programEvaluationTitle
  • programEvaluationTypeDescriptor

Reference the ProgramEvaluation where the programEvaluationTypeDescriptor is 'Teacher Survey' and the programEvaluationEducationOrganizationId is the same as the District Entity Id

studentReferenceThe Natural Keys for Students resource
  • studentUniqueId: A unique alphanumeric code assigned to a student.

Report the value

Note: Report the Ed-Fi id field from the Student State Id field

evaluationDurationThe actual or estimated number of clock minutes during which the evalution was conducted.

Do not Report

An unordered collection of studentProgramEvaluationExternalEvaluators. The external person(s) - non staff that conducted the evalution.

Do not report.

staffEvaluatorStaffsAn unordered collection of studentProgramEvaluationStaffEvaluatorStaffs. Reference to staff that evaluated the student.

See the array requirements below.

An unordered collection of studentProgramEvaluationStudentEvaluationElements. The Student's rating and/or rating levels earned for an Program Evaluation Element.

Report an element based on the array below for each survey question answered

OStudent Information > Program Participation > State Programs > 21st CCLC
studentEvaluationObjectivesAn unordered collection of studentProgramEvaluationStudentEvaluationObjectives. The Student's rating and/or rating levels earned for an Program Evaluation Objective.

Does not report.
summaryEvaluationCommentsAny summary comments about the evalution to be captured.

Does not report.
summaryEvaluationRatingThe numeric summary rating or score for the evaluation.

Does not report.
summaryEvaluationRatingLevelDescriptorThe summary rating level achieved based upon the rating or score.

Does not report.
_etagA unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource.O


Staff Evaluator Staffs

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Data Element LabelBusiness Requirements and RulesM, C or OLocation
staffEvaluatorStaffReferenceThe Natural Keys for Staffs resource.

staffUniqueID: A unique alphanumeric code assigned to a staff.

Reports the Staff State ID tited to the person in the Survey Completed By field.
OStudent Information > Program Participation > State Programs > 21st CCLC > Survey Completed By

Student Evaluation Elements

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Data Element LabelBusiness Requirements and RulesM, C or OLocation
elementRatingLevelDescriptorThe rating level achieved based upon the rating or score for the Evaluation Element.

Does not report.
evaluationElementRatingThe numerical rating or score for the Evaluation Element.

Report numeric value (1-4) from corresponding question dropdown
MStudent Information > Program Participation > State Programs > 21st CCLC

The Natural Keys of the ProgramEvaluationElement resource

  • evaluationElementProgramEvaluationEducationOrganizationId
  • evaluationElementProgramEvaluationPeriodDescriptor
  • evaluationElementProgramEvaluationProgramName
  • evaluationElementProgramEvaluationProgramTypeDescriptor
  • evaluationElementProgramEvaluationTitle
  • evaluationElementProgramEvaluationTypeDescriptor
  • programEvaluationElementTitle

Report reference based on corresponding question:

  1. When question is: "While this student was in your regular school day class, assess their change in Positive Peer Relationships"
    1. Reference programEvaluationElementTitle 'Change in Positive Peer Relationships'
  2. When question is: "While this student was in your regular school day class, assess their change in Positive Classroom Behavior"
    1. Reference programEvaluationElementTitle 'Change in Positive Classroom Behavior'
  3. When question is: "While this student was in your regular school day class, assess their change in Class Participation"
    1. Reference programEvalutionElementTitle 'Change in Classroom Participation'

MStudent Information > Program Participation > State Programs > 21st CCLC