Tool Search: Course Information
BIE Course Data
The BIE Course Data section of the Course Editor is used to identify BIE funded and approved courses. Fields within this section are used for state and federal reporting and are therefore only reporting indicators. Additional course or program setup may be needed as determined by the school, district or state. Fields within the BIE Course Data section sync to NASIS.
If your district uses Course Masters, the same fields display on the Course Master editor and Course editor.
BIE Course Data Editor
BIE Course Data Editor
Field | Description |
BIE Core Type | Required field with two selection options:
BIE Approved |
BIE Funded |
Postsecondary Credit | Indicates students receive postsecondary credit for successful completion of the course. |
Advanced Placement | The course is an Advanced Placement course. |
International Baccalaureate | The course is part of a International Baccalaureate program. |
Dual Credit | Students receive dual credit for successful completion of the course. |
College Preparation | The course is part of a College Preparation curriculum. |
Career Development | The course is part of a Career Development curriculum. |