Driver's Education (Delaware)

Tool Search: Driver's Education

The Delaware Department of Education manages the ability to get a driver's license for all Delaware residents under 18. Successful completion of the program results in a Blue Certificate that is exchanged at the DMV for a driver's license.

Driver Education records may not overlap. Users must end-date an open record before creating a new one. 

Screenshot of the Delaware Driver's Education editor. Delaware Driver's Education Editor

Creating a Driver's Education Record

  1. To add a Driver's Education record, press New.  
  2. Enter the appropriate information for the record and press Save. For more information on data entry for each field, please see this article's Program Information Fields and State-Defined Elements sections. 

Program Information Fields

Start Date

The date the student began participating in the Driver's Education program. The start date for Driver's Education records is not tied to student enrollment or school calendar records. 

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Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > Funded Program > Driver's Ed > driversEdDE.startDate

End Date

The date on which the student ended their participation in the Driver's Education program. The end date for Driver's Education records is not tied to student enrollment or school calendar records. 

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Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > Funded Program > Driver's Ed > driversEdDE.endDate

Program Status

Program Status allows the user to indicate the student's current status in the Driver's Education program. 

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Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > Funded Program > Driver's Ed > driversEdDE.programStatus

Status Reason

Use this field to indicate why the student left the driver's education program. 

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AIAcademically Ineligible
BTWBehind the Wheel
NANot Applicable

Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > Funded Program > Driver's Ed > driversEdDE.exitReason

State Defined Elements

Certificate Received

Use this field to determine the certificate the student received from the driver's education program.

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BCBlue CertificateStudent meets the following criteria:
  •  Has successfully completed the 44-hour driver education course to receive a “High School Driver Education Certificate”.
WCWhite CertificateStudent meets the following criteria:
  • Has reached 16 years of age
  • Has a Driver Education instructor's recommendation
BC SpEdBlue Certificate SpEdStudent meets the following criteria:
  • Has an active IEP and, in consultation with the Driver Education teacher, has met Blue Certificate criteria through accommodations.
WC IEPWhite Certificate IEPStudent meets the following criteria:
  • Has an active IEP and, in consultation with the Driver Education teacher, has met White Certificate criteria through accommodations.
N/ANo CertificateThe student did not receive a certificate.

Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > Funded Program > Driver's Ed > driversEdDE.certificateReceived

School Year

Use this field to select the school year in which the certificate was received. 

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Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > Funded Program > Driver's Ed > driversEdDE.schoolYear

Date of Issuance

Use the Date of Issuance field to select the date on which the certificate was received. 

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Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > Funded Program > Driver's Ed > driversEdDE.dateofIssuance

Printing Summary of Driver Education Records

  1. To print a summary of Driver Education records for a student, press Print
  2. A summary of all Driver Education records for the student displays. 

Screenshot of a Print Summary of student driver education records.Print Summary of Student Driver Education Records

Tool Rights

Full rights to the Driver's Education tool require RWA rights to the Student Information > State Programs > Driver's Education

  • Read rights allow the user to view the Driver's Education tool.
  • Write rights allow the user to modify existing Driver's Education records.
  • Add rights allow the user to add new Driver's Education records.
Screenshot of the Delaware Driver's Education Tool Rights.Delaware Driver's Education Tool Rights