Data Validation Report

Tool Search: Data Validation Report

Data Validation Tools are available as part of the Campus Data Suite, Campus State Edition, and districts connected to a State Edition.

The Data Validation Report allows users to generate a report containing data based on Validation Groups established via the Validation Groups tool. District users can run the report against their local data set or the state's data set.
Screenshot of Data Validation Report.


  • Create rules within the Validation Rules tool. 

    Rules only need to be created if users want to report data on user-defined criteria. Validation Groups can be made using Campus-supplied rules which are populated automatically within the Validation Groups tool.

  • Setup groups within the Validation Groups tool.

Tool Rights

Screenshot of tool rights

The following table describes how tool rights work for the Data Validation Report: 

Users MUST have at least read tool rights to the Data Validation Report and their user groups should be assigned to the applicable reports in the Validation Groups Tool to generate the report.

Data Validation ReportUsers are able to generate a report.Users are able to generate a report.Users are able to generate a report.Users are able to generate a report.

Generating the Data Validation Report

The Data Validation Report can be generated using previously established Validation Groups.Screenshot of Data Validation Report.

Data Validation Report Editor

Data Validation GroupAllows the user to select the Data Validation Group that will be used for the report.
Data Validation GroupDescriptionThe description of the Data Validation Group being used for the report.
Report Data Source 
For State-Linked District Editions Only.
If a Data Validation Group is State-owned, the report may be generated against the State Edition's database. If 'State Dataset' is chosen, then Report Processing is locked to Batch Queue.Screenshot of state dataset
Output OptionsGenerate NowGenerates the report immediately after selecting the Generate button.
Submit to Batch QueueSubmits the report to that Batch Queue to generate at later time.
Users are able to select a date and time for the report to generate. For more information regarding Batch Queue, refer to the Batch Queue article.
Format OptionsAllows the user to select whether the report will generate in HTML or CSV format.
Batch Queue ListDisplays a list of reports that have been submitted to the Batch Queue.
Start DateThe date range for the list of reports displayed in the Batch Queue List.
End Date
Report TitleTitle of the submitted report.
Queued TimeTime the report was generated.
StatusStatus of the report. When the report is completed, users can click on the 'Completed' link to view the report.
RefreshRefreshes the list of reports in the Queue list.
GenerateGenerates the report.
ResetClears the fields in the Data Validation Report editor.

To generate the Data Validation Report:

  1. Select a Data Validation Group. A description of the group displays below the name of the group.
  2. Select an Output Optioneither Generate Now or Submit to Batch Queue.
  3. Select a Format for the report, either HTML or CSV.
  4. Select the Generate button. The Report will appear in a separate window in the designated format.

Understanding the Data Validation Report

Some Validation Rules will run based on the school and year that has been selected in your Context Menu.

Understanding the Data Validation Report means understanding what data is being reported per rule within the Validation Group.

The Summary section lists all rules within the report, the number of students (occurrences) and the severity of each report. Rules included in the report are based on rules within the Validation Group being reported.

To quickly access rule information, select the name of the rule within the Rule column. You will be automatically sent to the area within the report where rule data exists. 

The columns and information reported for each report is based on how each rule is defined within the Validation Rules tool.

Screenshot of data validation output

If a Baseline Rule is used, the total population is returned along with the rate of the Primary Rule compared against the Baseline Rule.

Screenshot of total population and rate of the primary rule