Enhanced Quizzes - Spring 2024

Starting with the release of Campus.2419, options for creating and administering quizzes have been greatly expanded.

This article summarizes the features available in the first release (Campus.2419) and will be updated to describe continuing enhancements available in later releases.

Enhancements to Quizzes (Campus.2419)

The initial release of quiz enhancements includes new question types and the option to group questions into pages. 

Additional Question Types

In addition to the existing True/False and Multiple Choice questions, the following new question types are available: 

Screenshot of an example of a number line question, with presidents placed by term start year. Example of a Number Line Question

Each type has its own settings and options to provide flexible and tailored questions. For example, for Fill in the Blank questions, you can choose to have students respond by typing in a text box, or by selecting options from a list: 

Screenshot of a fill in the blank question with text boxes. Screenshot of a fill in the blank question with dropdown lists.

Quiz Structure

Quiz questions can now be organized into pages. This option can be used to group related questions and provide group-specific instructions.

In this example, the instructions for the page include a poem for students to read and then questions to answer about that poem.

Questions and pages can be reordered as desired. 

Flexible Scoring

Previously, quiz questions were each worth an equal number of points, based on the number of questions and the points possible. With this release, you can make some questions worth more than others using the Points field that displays for each question once it is created. These Points represent the relative weight of the question.