Impact Aid and Military Connections Site

Tool Search: Impact Aid/Military Connections Site

The Impact Aid Site tool is used to track Impact Aid (Title VIII) sites in a district. Impact Aid Sites can be created on this tool. The Impact Aid Program provides financial assistance to school districts that include in the district boundaries parcels of federal land.

Screenshot of the Impact Aid/Military Connections Site Editor. Impact Aid/Military Connections Site Editor

See the People Setup Tool Rights article for information about rights needed to use this tool.

Sites created on this tool will populate the following fields:

In order for the Impact Aid information to display, the System Preference of Turn on Federal Impact Aid Tracking needs to be set to Yes.

Impact Aid Workflow

Follow these steps to track Impact Aid information in Campus. For additional information on Impact Aid, see the Department of Education website.



Create Impact Aid Sites.

Turn on the System Preference for tracking Federal Impact Aid.

Assign Impact Aid Sites to household guardians on the Impact Aid tab.

Assign Impact Aid Sites to Addresses within the district.

Generate the Impact Aid Site Report to find students who live on Federal installations.

Generate the Impact Aid Employment Report to find guardians who are employed by the government.

Add Impact Aid and Military Connection Sites

  1. Select the New icon from the action bar. An Impact Aid/Military Connections Site Detail displays.
  2. Enter the Name of the Impact Aid Site.
  3. Enter the Code for the Site. NOTE: For users in Montana, the code MUST be 10 characters exactly in alphanumeric format and must be unique (meaning, the same code cannot be assigned to other Impact Aid Sites).
  4. Enter a Description of the site.
  5. Mark the Indian Land checkbox to indicate the site is on a reservation or other land designated as part of a Tribal community.
  6. Enter the Address of the Site.
  7. Enter the City and Zip Code of the Site. 
  8. Click the Save icon when finished. The new site will be listed in the Impact Aid/Military Connections Site Editor.