FRYSC Group Programs (Kentucky)

Tool Search: FRYSC Group Program Setup

The FRYSC Group Program Setup tool allows users to create and manage FRYSC Group Programs used in student FRYSC records. 

FRYSC Group Programs can be assigned to students en masse via the FRYSC Group Program Participation Wizard.

Screenshot of the FRYSC Group Program Setup Tool.FRYSC Group Program Setup Tool

FRYSC Group Programs created within this tool are available for use in creating a FRYSC Group Program record for a student on the FRYSC tool

Tool Rights

Users must have at least R(ead) tool rights in order to access the FRYSC Group Programs tool.

The following describes user access based on tool rights:

  • R(ead) - Users can view existing FRYSC Group Programs.
  • W(rite) - Users can view and modify existing FRYSC Group Programs.
  • A(dd) - Users can create new FRYSC Group Programs as well as view and modify existing FRYSC Group Programs.
  • D(elete) - Users can create, view, modify and delete FRYSC Group Programs.

Creating a New FRYSC Group Program

Users with at least Add tool rights can create new FRYSC Group Programs.

Screenshot of Creating a New FRYSC Group Program.Creating a New FRYSC Group Program

To create a new FRYSC Group Program: 

See the table below for more information about each field.

  1. Select the New button. The FRYSC Group Program Detail editor will appear below.
  2. Enter a Program Title
  3. Select a Program Category.
  4. Indicate who the Program is for.
  5. Select the Time Frame.
  6. Enter a Start Date
  7. Enter an End Date (optional).
  8. Select a Partner Agency (optional).
  9. Enter the Total Volunteer Hours (optional).
  10. Enter a Volunteer Count (optional).
  11. Enter the Total Program Hours (optional).
  12. Enter the # of Meetings (optional).
  13. Enter any Comments about the program.
  14. Select the Save icon. The program is now available for use in student FRYSC records.
Program TitleName of the group program.
Program CategoryThe category of the group program. These categories are hard-coded within Campus.
Program is for
  • Students - Indicates the program is for students.
  • Parents - Indicates the program is for parents.
Time FrameThe timeframe for which the program is implemented (i.e., Winter Break, After School, Weekend, etc).
Start DateThe first day of the program.
End DateThe last day of the program.
Partner AgencyThe agency which provides some type of service for the student. This field is pre-populated based on values entered in the Attribute/Dictionary.
Total Volunteer HoursThe total number of hours all volunteers have or will dedicate to the program.
Volunteer CountThe number of volunteers who will participate in the program.
Total Program HoursThe total number of hours for the entire program.

# Meetings 

The number of meetings required for this program.
CommentsAny comments about the program.

Deleting a FRYSC Group Program

Users with D(elete) tool rights can delete existing FRYSC Group Programs. Once a program is deleted, it can no longer be used in student FRYSC records.

To delete a FRYSC Group Program:

  1. Select the program from the FRYSC Group Program Editor window.
  2. Click the Delete button (see Image 5). 
  3. Select OK to delete the program from Campus.