ELL Screener Tests Setup (Illinois)

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In order to accurately collect data used in the ELL Screener Extract, certain tests need to be added in Campus in a specific manner. The ELL Screener Extract reports students who have at any time had an active enrollment in the selected calendar AND who have ELL Screener Information populated in the Student Assessment tab within the start and end dates entered on the extract editor.

Reported Assessment Tests

The following tests are reported in the ELL Screener Extract:


Test Name


Pre-IPT (Pre-K)


Pre-LAS 2000 (Pre-K)




Other ELPT (Pre-K)


Checklist (Pre-K)


Interview (Pre-K)


Observation (Pre-K)


Other Process (Pre-K)





11Access for ELLs Test Results from Another State
12Other State Assessment Results
13Private School Student



These tests are considered the Parent test. For each test above a series of subject matter child tests must also be created, as listed in the table below:

















The list of available assessments would look like this:

Screenshot showing tree structure for tests set up for ELL Screener.Assessment Test List

The following information provides instruction on creating the parent test and the child test with the correct information selected in order to report the data on the ELL Screener Extract.

Assessment Type

In order to report tests on the LEP Assessments Tab, the Assessment Type must be set to LID: LEP for Identification on both the Parent Test and the Child Tests.

Screenshot showing details of an ELL Screener test for LEP Assessment Type.LEP Assessment Type Selection

Creating a Parent Test

  1. Select the New icon from the action bar. A Test Detail editor appears below the Tests list.
  2. Enter the Name of the test.  It is advised to have the name be clear that it is for the ELL Screener.
  3. Do not select a Parent Test from the dropdown. Because this is a parent test, no selection is required.
  4. Enter the Code of the parent test (see the first table in the Reported Assessment Tests section for the appropriate code and test name.
  5. Select the Assessment Type of LID: LEP for Identification.
  6. Under Test Type, select District Test.
  7. In the Score Fields section, mark the Date option.
  8. All other fields should remain blank.
  9. Click the Save icon when finished. The new parent test will appear in the Tests list.

The fields left blank on the Parent Test are selected when creating the Child Test.

Screenshot of editor with key fields used to create a Parent Test highlighted.Parent Test Creation

Creating a Child Test

For each parent test created, at least seven child tests are needed. This is because the Screener Extract reports the raw score and result score for each subject associated with the parent test.

  1. Select the New icon from the action bar. A Test Detail editor appears below the Tests list.
  2. Enter the Name of the test. It is advised to have the name be clear that it is for the ELL Screener and is for a particular subject of the ELL Screener.
  3. Select a Parent Test from the dropdown. For example, a child test named ELL Screener - Pre-IPT Composite would have a parent test of ELL Screener Pre-IPT.
  4. Enter the Code of the parent test. See the second table in the Reported Assessment Tests section for the appropriate code and test name.
  5. Select the Assessment Type of LID: LEP for Identification.
  6. Select the Subject for the child test. See the second table in the Reported Assessment Tests section for the necessary subjects.
  7. Under Test Type, select District Test.
  8. In the Score Fields section, mark the Raw Score and Result option.
  9. Create Result Statuses for reporting the Result Code for the test.
  10. All other fields should remain blank.
  11. Click the Save icon when finished. The new parent test will appear in the Tests list.
  12. Repeat this process for each subject needed.

Screenshot of editor with key fields used for creating a child test highlighted.Child Test Creation

Screenshot showing example of how result statuses could be configured for a child test.Child Test - Sample Result Statuses

Once the test is created, scores can be entered for the students who take the test on the Student Assessment tab.