Tool Search: Special Ed Documents
This article details the fields located within Michigan's special education documents that are used for state reporting purposes, including Evaluations, Individual Education Plans (IEP), and other document types. For more specific information about the Evaluation or IEP, see the corresponding linked documentation for each section below.
All field listed below report on the General Collection and Student Record Maintenance reports. All fields below report for Ed-Fi. See the Michigan Ed-Fi Data v3.1 - Student Special Education Program Associations article for additional information.
Evaluation Summary Report
The Individual Education Program (IEP) or Evaluation team uses the Evaluation to document the student's educational needs and the student's determination of eligibility for special education. See the Michigan Evaluation Summary report article for the most up-to-date format of the evaluation.
Evaluation Header Editor
Evaluation Header Editor
Evaluation Compliance
Indicates the appropriate timeliness status for the evaluation of eligibility for the student.
- 11: IEP completed within 30 school days
- 12: IEP completed within extended timeline
- 13: IEP Not Timely: Parent did not make child available
- 14: IEP Not Timely: Timeline began in previous district
- 15: IEP Not Timely: Personnel not available for Eval.
- 16: IEP Not Timely: Personnel not available for IEP
- 17: IEP Not Timely: External reports not available
- 18: IEP Not Completed: Student died
- 19: IEP Not Completed: Parent withdrew consent
- 20: IEP Not Completed: Parent made child unavailable
- 21: IEP Not Completed: Student moved
- 22: Moved to Michigan from other state w/ current IEP
Initial Eval Result
Indicates if the student is eligible for an initial IEP.
- 1: Student was found eligible
- 2: Student was found not eligible
- 3: Student was found eligible, services refused
Consent Date
The date on which the school received the signed Parental Consent to Evaluate form.
The date the IEP is complete and when the notice of the offer of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) was made.
Days Over Timeline
The number of school days beyond the completion of the evaluation and initial IEP.
Part C Transition Timeliness
Indicates if the student transitioned to Part C in a timely manner.
- 50: IEP held on or before the child’s third birthday
- 53: IEP after 3rd birthday: Parent did not make child available
- 54: IEP after 3rd birthday: Timeline began in previous district
- 55: IEP after 3rd birthday: Personnel not available for evaluation
- 56: IEP after 3rd birthday: Personnel not available for IEP
- 57: IEP after 3rd birthday: External reports not available
- 61: IEP after 3rd birthday: Late Notification from Part C to Part B LEA
- 62: IEP held after the child's third birthday: Late referral to Part C
Individual Family Service Plan Evaluation Summary Report
The Individual Family Service Plan Evaluation Summary Report (IFSP ESR) is used to evaluate the needs of the student' family to determine their need for assistance and services to support the student's development. See the Michigan IFSP Evaluation Summary Report article for the most up-to-date format for the IFSP ESR.
Evaluation Header Editor
Evaluation Header Editor
Initial Referral Date
The date the agency responsible for completing the evaluation, assessment and determination of eligibility for services under Part C of IDEA was first made aware of the possibility of eligibility.
Completed IFSP Meeting Date
The date the IFSP meeting took place.
Referral Agency
The type of agency who referred the child as potentially eligible for Part C services.
- DHS: Human Services
- ED: Education
- FAM: Family Member/Parent
- HO: Hospital/Medical Facility
- MH: Mental Health
- OTH: Other
- PH: Public Health
- PHY: Physician
- UKN: Unknown
IFSP Timeliness
Indicates whether the initial IFSP was completed within the required timeframe under Part C regulations.
- 01: Timely
- 05: Untimely: Personnel Availability
- 06: Untimely: Personnel Lack of Training or Knowledge of Timeliness or Requirements
- 07: Untimely: Other Personnel Reason
- 08: Untimely Acceptable Reason: Child/Parent unavailable due to illness, hospitalization, or death
- 09: Untimely with Acceptable Reason: Child or parent unavailable due to family schedule
- 10: Untimely Acceptable Reason: Child/Parent unavailable due to parent cancelled/no show
- 11: Untimely with Acceptable Reason: Unable to contact family
- 12: Untimely with Acceptable Reason: Family Moved
- 14: Untimely with Acceptable Reason: Other child or parent reason
Eligibility Determination Editor
Eligibility Determination Editor
Indicates if the student is eligible to receive a service plan for Part C and/or special education services.
- 01: Eligible for both Part C and Special Ed
- 02: Eligible for both Part C and Special Ed - Special Ed services refused
- 03: Eligible for Part C only
Individual Education Plan
The Individual Education Plan is used to document all special education information for a student required by the state. See the Michigan Individual Education Plan article for the most up-to-date format of the IEP.
Education Plan Editor
Education Plan Editor
Offer of a FAPE
Supplementary Services Editor
Supplementary Services Editor
The name of the service provided to the student. Services are set up at the Special Ed Services tool.
Outcomes Measures Plan
The editors available on the Outcomes Measures Plan (OMP) provide all information required by the state of Michigan. OMPs function in conjunction with a plan and measure incremental progress towards plan goals. See the Michigan Outcome Measures Plan article for the most up-to-date format of the OMP.
Education Plan Editor
Education Plan Editor
Parent Input
The manner in which the OMP team received the parent/guardian's input.
- A Meetings
- B Collected Separately
- C Incorporated in Assessment
- D Not Included
Parent Input Date
The date the OMP team received the parent/guardian's input.
Child Outcomes Review Editor
Child Outcomes Review Editor
Indicates the student is entering Part C services and will be evaluated as such.
Indicates the student is continuing Part C services and will be evaluated as such.
Indicates the student is exiting Part C services and will be evaluated as such.
EC Assessment Tool
The method of determining the student's level of functioning within the three areas assessed at the initiation of special education service and when they either exits from early childhood special education, begin kindergarten, or within thirty (30) days of their sixth birthday.
Other Tool Used
The description of the type of assessment tool used, when it is not one of the values provided in the EC Assessment Tool field. This field reports when the EC Assessment Tool is Part C Exit Tool: Other.
The month, day, and year of the first day when the child was assessed for entry into or exit from the early childhood special education program. The Date reports when the Entry or Exit checkbox is marked.
Child has positive social relationships (1A)
The extent the student shows age-appropriate social-emotional skills and functioning, across a variety of settings and situations.
- 1: Not Yet
- 2: Between 1 and 3
- 3: Emerging
- 4: Between 3 and 5
- 5: Somewhat
- 6: Between 5 and 7
- 7: Completely
Child has positive social relationships (1B Progress Made)
Indicates if the student has made progress since their last assessment. Options are Yes or No.
Child acquires and uses knowledge and skills (2A)
The extent the student shows their ability to acquire and use new knowledge and skills.
- 1: Not Yet
- 2: Between 1 and 3
- 3: Emerging
- 4: Between 3 and 5
- 5: Somewhat
- 6: Between 5 and 7
- 7: Completely
Child acquires and uses knowledge and skills (2B Progress Made)
Indicates if the student has made progress since their last assessment. Options are Yes or No.
Child takes appropriate action to his/her need (3A)
The extent the student takes appropriate action to meet their needs.
- 1: Not Yet
- 2: Between 1 and 3
- 3: Emerging
- 4: Between 3 and 5
- 5: Somewhat
- 6: Between 5 and 7
- 7: Completely
Child takes appropriate action to his/her need (3B Progress Made)
Indicates if the student has made progress since their last assessment. Options are Yes or No.
Individual Family Service Plan
The Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) is used to document the services the family requires to support their student's developmental needs. See the Michigan Individual Family Service Plan article for the most up-to-date format of the IFSP.
Education Plan Editor
IFSP Education Plan Editor
Current IFSP Date
The date of the notice or offer of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) associated with the child's most recent individualized family service plan (IFSP).
Service Coordination Agency
The agency the IFSP team coordinates with to provide the student's services.
- DHS: Human Services
- ED: Education
- HO: Hospital/Medical Facility
- MH: Mental Health
- OTH: Other
- PH: Public Health
- UKN: Unknown
Timeliness of Locked Plan
The timeliness when the IFSP was completed.
- 1: Timely New Services
- 2: Untimely: Provider Availability
- 3: Untimely Services
- 4: No New Services
- 5: Untimely with Acceptable Reason: illness, hospitalization, or death
- 6: Untimely with Acceptable Reason: family schedule
- 7: Untimely with Acceptable Reason: parent cancelled or was a no show
- 8: Untimely with Acceptable Reason: Unable to contact family
- 9: Untimely with Acceptable Reason: Family Moved
- 10: Untimely with Acceptable Reason: Parent did not provide consent
- 11: Untimely with Acceptable Reason: Other child or parent
- 12: No New Services
EO Primary Service Setting
The environment in which the majority of services are provided.
- 31: Age 0-2: Home
- 38: Age 0-2: Other Setting
- 41: Age 0-2: Community-Based Setting
Enrollment Status
IFSP Enrollment Status Editor
Special Ed Setting
The location where the student's special education services take place.
Early Intervention Related Services
IFSP Early Intervention Related Services Editor
The State Code assigned to the Service reports. Services are set up at the Special Ed Services tool.
Transition Plan Editor
IFSP Transition Plan Editor
Part C Exit Date
The date the student left or will leave Part C services.
Part C Exit Reason
The reason the student is exiting Part C services.
- 30: Age 3, Part B eligible
- 31: Age 3, Not Part B eligible w/referral
- 32: Age 3, Not Part B eligible w/o referral
- 33: Age 3, Part B eligibility not determined
- 34: Completion of IFSP
- 35: Deceased
- 36: Moved within state
- 37: Withdrawn
- 38: Unable to contact
- 39: Moved out of state