Career and Technical Education (CTE) (Oregon)
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:06 am CDT
Tool Search: Career and Technical Education (CTE)
The CTE tool tracks student participation in Career and Technical Education courses and aids in monitoring student progress toward course completion. The Oregon Board of Education defines CTE (or Work-Based Learning) as follows:
Structured learning in the workplace or simulated environment provides opportunities for sustained interactions with industry or community professionals that foster in-depth, firsthand experience of the expectations and application of knowledge and skills required in a given career field.
A student can have multiple active CTE records at one time.
Career and Technical Education Editor
Read - Access and view existing CTE records.
Write - Modify existing CTE records.
Add - Add new CTE records.
Delete - Permanently remove CTE records.
For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.
Enter New CTE Records
- Click New. A Program Information editor displays.
- Enter the Start Date, which indicates the date the student began attending CTE programming.
- Select the appropriate Program Status.
- Select the appropriate Work-Based Learning Type.
- Select the appropriate CTE Pathway.
- Select the appropriate Career Cluster.
- Select the appropriate Special Population.
- Select the appropriate Education Facility.
- Enter the number of Hours the student is required to attend CTE classes.
- Enter any Comments related to the student's programming.
- Continue entering fields as needed for your district and/or state for the remaining sections of the CTE Record - State or District Defined Elements (if any), Course Information, Certificate Information, etc.
- Click Save. The new record is listed for the student.
To modify existing CTE records, click View next to the appropriate record and make the necessary adjustments. Save when finished.
To end a record, click View next to the appropriate record and add an End Date. Click Save when finished.
Print CTE Summary Report
Click Print to display a PDF view of the student's Career and Technical Education (CTE) records.
Print Summary of CTE RecordCTE Program Information Fields
CTE Program Information
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Start Date
Indicates the date the student was added to the CTE Program. Dates can be entered in mm/dd/yy or use the calendar icon to select a date.
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Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > startDate (careerTechEd.startDate)
CTE Student
End Date
Indicates the date the student ended or completed the CTE Program. Dates can be entered in mm/dd/yy or use the calendar icon to select a date.
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Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > endDate (careerTechEd.endDate)
CTE Student
Program Status
Identifies the student's status in the CTE program.
- 01: Participant
- 02: Concentrator
- 03: Completer
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Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > programStatus (careerTechEd.programStatus)
CTE Student
Work-Based Learning Type
Identifies the type of CTE program the student participates in.
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Cooperative Work Experience
The placement of students by the high school and/or college in a structured work-based learning experience that is directly related to their classroom studies and under the control of the high school and/or college. Each student should have theoretical knowledge and/or practical experience in a relevant major field of study prior to being placed in a cooperative work experience.
A program or set of strategies that is designed to prepare individuals to enter and succeed in a Registered Apprenticeship program; has a documented partnership with at least one, if not more, Registered Apprenticeship program(s); and is approved by the Oregon State Apprenticeship and Training Council.
Service Learning
School-Based Enterprise Experience
Workplace Simulation/Tech-Based Learning
Not Applicable
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > wblType (careerTechEd.wblType)
CTE Student
CTE Pathway
Indicates the type of CTE program in which the student participates.
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Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > ctePathway (careerTechEd.ctePathway)
CTE Student
Career Cluster
Indicates the field of study to which the CTE program belongs.
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Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > careerCluster (careerTechEd.careerCluster
CTE Student
Special Population
Indicates any specific population the student belongs. This could include individuals with disabilities, individuals in economically disadvantaged circumstances, individuals preparing for nontraditional fields, single parents, or persons in other groups defined under the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V).
Districts can modify this list as needed.
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Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > specialPopulation (careerTechEd.specialPopulation)
CTE Student
Education Facility
Indicates the location where the CTE Program is taking place.
Districts can modify this list as needed.
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Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > educationFacility (careerTechEd.educationFacility)
CTE Student
Indicates the total hours the student has participated in the CTE program or in job-related activities.
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Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > hours (careerTechEd.hours)
CTE Student
State-Defined Elements
CTE State-Defined Elements
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Work-Based Learning CIP Code
Code indicating the CIP code associated with the Course, CTE Program, and/or Certification. These options cannot be modified.
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Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > wblCIPCode (careerTechEd.wblCIPCode)
CTE Student
Course Information
This section lists the specific courses the student is taking related to the assigned CTE Program.
- Mark the Auto-fill Course Fields... checkbox to populate the Course Name, State Course Code, Credits and SCED Code when the Course Number is entered.
- Mark the Dual Enrollment checkbox to indicate the student has multiple concurrent enrollments.
- Click Add to display another row to add Course records.
CTE Course InformationThis section lists which certificates, degrees, or credentials the student has completed or is working towards completion. Use the Add button to add more rows for a certificate; use the Remove button to remove rows.
CTE Certificate Information
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Certificates, Credentials, Associate Degrees
Indicates which Certificate(s), Credentials, or Associate Degree(s) the student has received or will receive upon program completion.
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Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > certCredentialDegree (careerTechEd.certCredentialDegree)
CTE Student
Administered Date
Date the certificate/credential/associate degree was administered.
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Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > administeredDate (careerTechEd.administeredDate)
CTE Student
Credential Status
Indicates the status of the credential - Fail, In Progress, Pass.
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Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > credentialStatus (careerTechEd.credentialStatus)
CTE Student
CIP Code
Identifies the CIP Code for the credential.
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Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > cipCode (careerTechEd.cipCode)
CTE Student
Other Certificates, Credentials, Associate Degrees
Lists other certificates, credentials, and associate degrees the student is working towards or has completed.
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Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > otherCertCredentialDegree (careerTechEd.otherCertCredentialDegree)
CTE Student
Organization Information
This section lists clubs or groups in which the student participates that relate to the CTE program. Use the Add button to add more rows for a certificate; use the Remove button to remove rows.
Organization Information
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Student Organization
Identifies the organization in which a CTE student is actively participating. The list of organizations cannot be modified.
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Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > studentOrganization (careerTechEd.studentOrganization)
CTE Student
Start Date
Indicates the date the student began membership in the organization.
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Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > organizationStartDate (careerTechEd.OrganizationStartDate)
CTE Student
End Date
Indicates the date the student ended membership in the organization.
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Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > organizationEndDate (careerTechEd.OrganizationEndDate)
CTE Student
Student Organization Member ID
Indicates the student's Member ID in the Student Organization.
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Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > studentOrganizationMemberID (careerTechEd.studentOrganizationMemberID)
CTE Student
Student Organization Charter ID
Indicates the charter ID of the student organization.
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Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > Career and Technical Education (CTE) > studentOrganizationCharterID (careerTechEd.studentOrganizationCharterID)
CTE Student