OLR Ad hoc Letters

This documentation applies to both versions of Online Registration.

Tool Search: Letter Designer

The email messages parents receive when starting a new parent application and when application statuses change are in the Letter Designer. Any person who needs access to these letters must be a member of the OLR Administrator user group. This user group is created by Infinite Campus when OLR is installed. It is the customer’s responsibility to assign users to this group.

These letters have already been created for the school but require the district's review before contact information is included.

Image of Ad hoc Letter Designer OLR LettersAd hoc Letter Designer OLR Letters

Available Letters

The following letters are provided and are visible in the OLR Administration group in the Saved Letter Formats:

  • OLR Approved/Posted
  • OLR Denied
  • OLR Hold
  • OLR Hold - Address Verification
  • OLR New - New Registration Notification
  • OLR Posted - Portal Activation Notification
  • OLR Status - Status Change Notification
  • OLR Un-Posted

Additional letters can be created as needed.

Application status letters are only sent en masse to parents or guardians when the batch posting process is used for annual update applications. New type application status letters are not sent en masse. Each status letter is sent for each manual process step for submitting, holding/denying, or approving an application.

The recipient of application status update emails is the parent or guardian who submitted the student's application.

Edit Available Letters

To modify the content of the letters, select the letter from the Saved Format List and click the Edit button. In the next window, make the necessary changes and click the Save Format button.

Do NOT modify items labeled with (L). This coding determines the data that is pulled from Campus to the letter.

Screenshot of an example where a letter is edited in the Ad Hoc Letter Designer tool.Editing Letters

Data Tags

As noted above, items labeled with (L) pull data from the OLR Applications into the Email Notifications. These fields are defined below. 

  • (L)FIRSTNAME(L) - Pulls in the user's First name.
  • (L)LASTNAME(L) - Pulls in the user's Last name.
  • (L)OLRLSTATUS(L) - Pulls the current Status of the OLR Application.
  • (L)EMAILCOMMENTS(L) - Pulls in any Email Comments entered by Staff under the Staff Approval section of OLR Applications.
  • (L)OLRLINK(L) - Pulls in the OLR Email Link.
  • (L)APPID(L) - Pulls in the Application Number created when the user started OLR Registration.

The following are used to insert the GUIDs for parents/guardians to create portal accounts. They only work when the letter is sent from an OLR status configured to Post data. These data tags DO NOT differentiate between which parent is #1, #2, and so on within the application. 

  • (L)PARENT1(L)
  • (L)PARENT2(L)
  • (L)PARENT3(L)
  • (L)PARENT4(L)

This will only work for up to four parents/guardians in an application. Any guardians added after the fourth will not receive the email. All parents will need a listed email address to receive the email. The parent that started the application will get all the GUIDs for the parents/guardians in the primary household. They must leave the (L)PARENT1(L), (L)PARENT2(L), (L)PARENT3(L),(L)PARENT4(L) in for all the emails to send out.