Tool Search: Chronic Absenteeism Report
The Chronic Absenteeism Report provides information about a school’s chronic absenteeism rate for Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF) reporting. Both Federal and State guidelines/calculations are included.
Before You Begin
Districts should run the Attendance Aggregation Refresh tool for all calendars after taking a release that includes Campus.2507. This updates attendance output for Chronic Absenteeism. Once this is done, the tool runs automatically each night.
Attendance information is updated when the Attendance Aggregation Refresh (AAR) tool's quartz job runs at 3:45 am each morning. The quartz job recalculates and updates the Attendance Day Aggregation table from which the Chronic Absenteeism calculation is derived.
If you need up-to-the-minute attendance information, use the Attendance Aggregation Refresh (AAR) tool to trigger an attendance refresh manually. When manually run BEFORE 11 am, the current day's attendance data is NOT included. When manually run AFTER 11 am, the current day's attendance data is included.
Chronic Absenteeism Report Editor
Report Logic
Term | Definition |
Chronic Absenteeism | Students are considered chronically absent when marked absent for 10% or more of their scheduled school days. The Federal Chronic Absenteeism calculation is the student's day absent (for 50% or more of scheduled minutes) divided by the student's scheduled days. |
Ed Facts Chronic Absenteeism | Students are considered chronically absent when marked absent for 10% or more of their scheduled school days, with absences tied to specific NV State Attendance Codes. |
Nevada State Chronic Absent Attendance | Students are considered chronically absent when marked absent for 10% or more of their scheduled school days, with absences tied to specific NV State Attendance Codes. See State Mapped Attendance Codes below. |
Report Editor
Field | Description |
Effective Date | Defaults to the current date. Attendance reports for the school year in which the Effective Date falls and includes attendance information through the end of the previous school day. Please note that the report does NOT include all of the calendar days until the end of the year. |
Format | Determines how the report displays.
Enrollment Start Status | Select which Enrollment Start Status will be included in the report. CTRL-click or SHIFT-click to select multiple. |
Ad Hoc Filter | Select an Ad Hoc filter to limit report results to those that meet filter requirements. |
Filter By | The report can be filtered using the following options:
Select District instead of All Schools or All Calendars for a given year. |
Exclude Cross- Site Data | Cross-site section enrollment data is not included in the report when checked.
Calendar Selection | Select the calendar of enrollment from which to pull student data. Calendars can be chosen by the active year, school name, or year. |
Generate Extract | Select to generate the report immediately. |
Submit to Batch | Select to generate the report at a later time. For additional guidance, see the Batch Queue article. |
Generate the Report
- Enter the desired Effective Date.
- Select the desired Format.
- Select the appropriate Enrollment Start Statuses.
- Select an Ad hoc Filter if desired.
- Select the appropriate Filter By option.
- Based on the Filter By option, choose the desired Calendars or Schools.
- Click Generate Extract to display the report's results immediately, or click Submit to Batch to generate the report later.
Chronic Absenteeism, HTML Format
Chronic Absenteeism, CSV Format
Report Layout
Data Element | Description | Location |
District Number | The District number on the student's enrollment. | School & District Settings > District > District Information > State District Number District.number |
School Code | The District Number and School Number on the student's enrollment.
| School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > State School Number School & District Settings > District > District Information > Master District Code Not dynamically stored |
District Name | The District Name on the student's enrollment. | School & District Settings > District > District Information > Name |
School Name | The School Name on the student's enrollment. | School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > Name |
State Unique ID | The student's State ID. | Demographics > Student State ID Person.stateid |
Last Name | The student's last name. | Demographics > Last Name Identity.lastname |
First Name | The student's first name. | Demographics > First Name Identity.firstname |
Grade Level | The student's grade level. Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Enrollments > Grade Enrollment.grade System Administration > Calendar > Grade Levels > State Grade Level Code |
Ethnicity | The student's ethnicity. The following codes report.
Alphanumeric, 1 character | Demographics > State Race Ethnicity Identity.raceEthnicity |
Gender | The student's gender. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Demographics > Gender Identity.gender |
IEP Status | Indicates the student's IEP status.
A student is considered Special Ed if they have an active and locked IEP as of the effective date. Alphanumeric, Y or N | Special Ed > General > Documents > Plan > Education Plan > IEP Enrollment.specialEdStatus |
EL Status | Indicates whether the student was assigned EL status. A student is considered EL if they have an active EL Program Status of EL as of the Effective Date selected on the extract editor. Alphanumeric, Y or N | English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status, Identified Date, Program Exit Date Lep.programStatus Lep.identifiedDate Lep.exitDate |
EL Four Years Exited < = 4 Years | Indicates whether the student exited the EL program less than or equal to four years ago. Y reports if the Effective Date is greater than the Program Exit Date AND less than or equal to the 4th year Monitoring Date on the student’s most recent EL record. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric Y or N | English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status, Identified Date, Program Exit Date Lep.programStatus Lep.identifiedDate Lep.exitDate |
FRL Status | The student's free/reduced lunch status. This field reports Y if the student has a FRAM record with an Eligibility of Free or Reduced as of the report's Effective Date. Otherwise, the field reports N. When a school is marked as CEP under Provision, all students report Y regardless of an active FRAM record. When a school is marked as Provision II, and the calendar(s) in the report have an End Year that is greater than one year from the Provision Base Year, all students report Y. For example, if the Provision Year for a school is 2020-21 and
Alphanumeric Y or N | FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility > Eligibility Type > Eligibility POSeligibility.eligibility |
504 Status | Indicates whether the student is assigned a 504 status. If the student is assigned an active 84 Flag/Program, Y reports. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric Y or N | Flags Programs > Program Code Program.code |
Homeless Status | Indicates the student's homeless status. Y reports if the student's Primary Nighttime Residence is populated or the Unaccompanied Youth checkbox is marked. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric Y or N | Homeless > Primary Nighttime Residence HomelessNV.PrimaryNighttimeResidence Homeless > Unaccompanied Youth HomelessNV.UnaccompaniedYouth |
Total Days Scheduled | The total number of days the student has a course scheduled within the school. Days scheduled are instructional days that document attendance where the student takes a course as noted on a student schedule. If a student has multiple enrollments in the same school throughout the year, applicable days are added in this field. | Calculated, not dynamically stored |
Total Days Enrolled | The total number of days that the student is scheduled. Days enrolled are instructional days that require attendance, as noted on a student's schedule. If a student has multiple enrollments in the same school/multiple calendars, the days from all enrollments are added together. | Calculated, not dynamically stored |
Ed Facts Days Absent | Reports the total number of days a student is considered absent. If a student had multiple enrollments, SUM all days absent for each enrollment for the personID. Numeric, XXX | Attendance > Attendance Code AttendanceExcuse > State Code Calculated, not dynamically stored |
Ed Facts Percent Absent | Reports the percentage of Ed Facts chronic absence a student has for the enrollment. Ed Facts Days Absent / Total Days Scheduled * 100, round to nearest hundredth Results are truncated to the hundredth place. Numeric, XX.XX% | Calculated, not dynamically stored |
Ed Facts Chronic Absent Indicator | Reports whether the student meets the Ed Facts definition of Chronically Absent. Note: Students absent 10% or more of their scheduled school days are considered chronically absent. Reports Y if Ed Facts Percent Absent is 10% or more. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric Y or N | Calculated, not dynamically stored |
NV State Days Absent | Reports the total number of days a student is considered absent. If a student had multiple enrollments, SUM all days absent for each enrollment for the personID. Numeric, XXX | Attendance > Attendance Code Calculated, not dynamically stored. |
NV State Percent Absent | Reports the percentage of NV State chronic absence a student has for the enrollment. NV State Days Absent / Total Days Scheduled * 100, round to nearest hundredth. Results are truncated to the hundredth place. | Calculated, not dynamically stored. |
NV State Chronic Absent Indicator | Reports whether the student meets the federal definition of Chronically Absent. Note: Students absent 10% or more of their scheduled school days are considered chronically absent. Reports Y if NV State Percent Absent is 10% or more. Otherwise, reports N. | Calculated, not dynamically stored. |
Federal Days Absent | Reports the total number of days a student is considered absent. If a student had multiple enrollments, SUM all days absent for each enrollment for the personID. Chronic Absenteeism is a view on the Student's Attendance tool. The calculated value is not NV-specific. Numeric, XXX | Attendance > Chronic Absenteeism > Days Absent (Federal) Calculated, not dynamically stored. |
Federal Percent Absent | Reports the percentage of chronic absence a student has for the enrollment. Chronic Absenteeism is a view on the Student's Attendance Tab. The calculated value is not NV-specific. Numeric, XXX | Attendance > Chronic Absenteeism > Days Absent (Federal) Attendance > Chronic Absenteeism > Total Days Enrolled Calculated, not dynamically stored. |
Federal Chronic Absent Indicator | Indicates if a student is chronically absent. Reports Y if Federal Percent Absent is 10% or more. Otherwise, reports N. If a student has multiple enrollments, complete the following calculation to identify Chronically Absent: If the Percent Absent is greater than 10%, mark Y.Alphanumeric, Y or N | Calculated, not dynamically stored. |
Total Days District Scheduled | Reports the total number of days the student is scheduled across all enrollments in the district. Days scheduled are instructional days that document attendance where the student takes a course as noted on a student schedule. | Calculated, not dynamically stored. |
Total Days District Enrolled | Reports the total number of days the student is scheduled across all enrollments in the district. Days scheduled are instructional days that require attendance, where the student takes a course, as noted on a student schedule. | Calculated, not dynamically stored. |
Total Calendar Instructional Days | Report the total number of days marked Instructional on the calendar. | Calendar Setup > Day Setup > Day Detail > Instruction Calculated, not dynamically stored |
Prorated Days Enrolled | Days Enrolled prorated to standard 180-day Calendar. (180/Total Calendar Instructional Days) * Total Days Enrolled | Calculated, not dynamically stored |
Prorated Days Scheduled | Days Scheduled prorated to standard 180-day Calendar. (180/Total Calendar Instructional Days)) *Total Days Scheduled | Calculated, not dynamically stored |
Prorated Days Enrolled District | Sum of Prorated Days Enrolled across all enrollments | Calculated, not dynamically stored |
Prorated Days Scheduled District | Sum of Prorated Days Scheduled across all Enrollments. | Calculated, not dynamically stored |
Year in School (YIS) | Flag indicating if YIS has been met (Y/N). If Prorated Days Enrolled >= 91, then report ‘Y’. Otherwise, report ‘N’. | Calculated, not dynamically stored |
Year in District (YID) | Flag indicating if YID has been met (Y/N). If Prorated Days Enrolled in District >= 91, report ‘Y’. Otherwise, report ‘N’. | Calculated, not dynamically stored |
State-Mapped Attendance Codes
The list below provides the Nevada State Mapped Attendance Codes counted as Absent Days in the Ed Facts and NV State Chronic Absenteeism Calculations, regardless of the Local Status/Excuse combination. The exception is 'MDP: Medical Professional Excuse Provided', which is only considered for Ed Facts—not NV State.
State Code | State Definition | Chronic Absenteeism Calculation(s) |
CIR | Circumstance - Family circumstance, family business, per-arranged, personal business, or emergencies | Ed Facts - NV State |
CIT | Child in Transition | Ed Facts - NV State |
DOM | Domestic - Over 10 days and or unexcused reason for absence | Ed Facts - NV State |
JUV | Juvenile Detention - Short-term placement in juvenile detention | Ed Facts - NV State |
MED | Medical - Parent Provided Excuse | Ed Facts - NV State |
NCU | Absence greater than 3 days - Parent notification sent | Ed Facts - NV State |
RPC | Required Parent Conference | Ed Facts - NV State |
RWY | Runaway | Ed Facts - NV State |
SUS | Suspension - Out of School | Ed Facts - NV State |
SUS2 | Suspension - Out of School - NRS required | Ed Facts - NV State |
TRU | Truant - Officer confirmed | Ed Facts - NV State |
U | Absent Unexcused | Ed Facts - NV State |
UNV | Unverified - Absence reason unknown | Ed Facts - NV State |
HDE | Excused medical - requires 72 hrs absent via health code for certain health-related situations | Ed Facts - NV State |
MDP | Medical Professional Excuse Provided | Ed Facts |
REL | Pre-approved religious absences are allowed up to five full days per school year. Absences after five days WILL count for NV State Calculation. | Ed Facts - *NV State *ALL days count toward Federal Chronic Absenteeism, but the first 5 days do not count toward NV State Calculation. Example: A student has 10 days marked 'REL'. 10 days would count towards Federal, and 5 days would count towards NV State. |