Teaching Center

Tool Search: Teaching Center

The Teaching Center provides a hub for a variety of common teacher tasks. Current-day attendance and assignments to be scored are sorted by period. Teachers in districts with Campus Learning have access to additional tools.

This tool has been optimized for use on mobile devices, such as phones and tablets.

Prior to the release of Campus.2227, this tool was called the "Control Center."

Screenshot of the Teaching Center with tiles for sections and options for attendance, scoring, and other tools for each section. Use the Teaching Center to take attendance and score assignments easily, as well as other common tasks.

Access to this tool is not governed by tool rights. Any users with access to Instruction tools can view Teaching Center.

The calendar name displays at the top of the Teaching Center, followed by a dash and the Term. Navigate between terms using the arrow buttons at the top right. Sections are grouped by period into tiles for each classroom. If one section meets during the period, the Course Number - Section Number and the Course Name display. If multiple sections meet during a period, the number of sections is listed, as shown in the image below. Screenshot comparing how a period with multiple sections displays by default and a period with one section. The default view of periods in the Teaching Center. Customize in the Settings menu (gear icon).  Buttons display for each period that open side panels to take attendance and score assignments. Additional buttons may display for teachers with Campus Learning. 

Additional options may display based on tool rights and district setup. 


If you have tool rights to Discussions, a button displays with a speech bubble icon. Click this button to view the Discussions tool in a side panel. From there, view student responses and reply. Use the discussions tool itself to create discussions, or create scored discussions in the assignment editor.


If your district has enabled Student Questions and you have turned it on in the Settings for a section, a button displays with a hand icon. Click this icon to view questions students have ask and respond. See the Student Questions article for more information about enabling and using this feature.

Sections that meet in other days of a day rotation are listed at the bottom, if applicable. The Teaching Center does not obey context of the School and Calendar selected so that teachers can view information for everywhere they teach. Assignments with a due date in the current term are displayed.

Classroom Settings

Click the gear icon at the top right of each period to customize that tile. 

In the Settings menu, customize the name of the classroom. This name only displays here in the Teaching Center, it does not appear anywhere else in Campus, for you or your students. 

The Included Sections list includes all sections that meet during this period. 

Customize the icon that displays for each period by selecting an icon and color. A Preview of what the icon looks like displays. 

Click Save to apply your changes. 

Screenshot of the Classroom Settings side panel. 

Taking Attendance

Attendance that has NOT been taken is indicated by a gray check next to the student icon. Completed attendance is indicated with a green checkmark. Click the student icon, the first one in each tile, to enter student attendance.

Screenshot of the attendance side panel.  Indicate if students are Present, Absent, or Tardy.

Mark the Present, Absent, or Tardy buttons to record student attendance. Click Screenshot of the comments icon.  to enter a comment for absences and tardies if applicable. Comments display in Campus Student and Campus Parent. A count of all present, absent, and tardy students displays above the attendance buttons. 

Click Save when finished.

If attendance has been recorded by the attendance office, the attendance code displays with any comments, which cannot be edited by the teacher.

Tip: If a student is in multiple sections in the same period (such as skinnied courses) the student is only listed once in the attendance list.

Blended Learning/Virtual Attendance

Beginning in the fall of 2020, Campus supports Blended Learning scheduling, which allows schools to create groups of students to rotate through in person and virtual instruction. Based on a variety of Virtual Attendance Preferences managed by the school or district, teachers may see a variety of options for recording virtual attendance. 

Depending on Blended Learning groups, students in a section are divided into Physical and Virtual sections. The options for recording virtual attendance vary based on district setup: 

Virtual Attendance Scenarios:

  • Teacher cannot record virtual attendance at all. In this scenario, attendance is processed through administrative tools and teachers can still record regular attendance.
  • Teachers can mark students as Participated. 
  • Students record their own participation through attendance Check-Ins in Campus Student. Parents may also have the option of checking in for their students, such as for elementary age students. A green circle with a checkmark displays for students who checked in.
  • Students/Parents can check in, but teachers can override by unmarking the Participated checkbox.
    NOTE: Depending on district setup, unmarking Participated may cause a student to be marked as absent. This checkbox is not just an indication of whether a student spoke up during an online discussion.
Screenshot of how blended learned displays with students listed in physical and virtual groups. 
Record Physical and Virtual attendance. 

Note: Participation information, including Participation Comments, is not visible in in Campus Student and Campus Parent. For Virtual Attendance, students and parents can only see whether the student checked in and if the teacher unmarked the Participated checkbox after the student checked in. Within Campus, participation information is visible in the Classroom Monitor, the Section Attendance tool, and in Ad hoc Reporting.

Scoring Assignments

The Assignments icon allows teachers to score assignments due on or before the current day. To display, an assignment's End Date must be within the current Term.

Screenshot of scoring assignments via the teaching center, with assignments for a section listed with lozenges indicating assignment type and numbers of turned in, assigned, and scored students.Unscored assignments are listed by default, with options for All and Missing assignments. 

In the panel that opens, unscored assignments are listed by default. Click All to view all assignments in the section or Missing to view assignments flagged as missing.

Three numbers display for an assignment. 

  • Turned In: The number of assignments that have been turned in and have not been scored.  
  • Assigned: The number of students who were assigned the work but have not yet been scored. 
  • Scored: The number of students who have scores for the assignment. 

When all students have been scored, the assignment is removed from the Unscored list.

Click on an assignment to score it. The scoring window that displays depends on the size of the device you're using and whether the assignment has submissions enabled.

If submissions are enabled, the submission scoring screen displays.

For assignments where submissions are not enabled, clicking an assignment to score it opens the full scoring editor used elsewhere in Campus Instruction.

On a small device like a phone, a simple scoring editor displays. 

Using the buttons at the top, view All students (including those with scores), only Unscored, or those flagged as Missing. Click the Score Analysis button to view Score Analysis for the assignment.

Screenshot of scoring an assignment with filter options at the top and score fields for each student. Score and flag assignments. 

  • Filling Scores: Fill options display at the top of the scoring panel. Anything entered in the Fill Scores area overwrites data entered on the current panel.
  • Scoring Individuals: Scores and flags can also be recorded for individual students. Enter numeric scores or select a score from the dropdown for assignments scored using Marks or Rubrics.
    • Assignments with multiple alignments display with multiple score fields.
    • Scores that include extra credit are shaded blue.
    • If students have individualized due dates, a Due Date displays for each student. Otherwise, the Due Date displays at the top.
    • Any attendance events on the due date are indicated.
  • Flags: Click Screenshot of the Show Flags/Comments button.  to add flag and comment fields to each student. Click the Turned In button or use the flag dropdown list to select a different flag. Once a flag is selected, click it to remove it. Keyboard shortcuts, such as typing 'M' to flag as missing, cannot be entered in the Teaching Center. The Turned In and Missing flags cannot be marked at the same time. If a score is entered for an assignment flagged as missing, options display for resolving the flag.

Student Information

Screenshot of the Student Information side panel, with sections contact information, schedules, grades, and attendance. Click on a student's name to view contact and schedule information. 

Click on a student's name to open the student information panel.

Basic information about the student is listed at the top, with sections for additional information.

If the student has a health condition, an icon displays with a link to additional information.

Click View Profile to view additional student information in the Profile.

If your school is using Blended Learning, the students blended learning group also displays.

SectionDescriptionExample Image
Contact InformationContact Information is based on the student's Household. The emergency contact priority is shown below the individual's name, if entered.

Screenshot of a student's contact information.

Today's ScheduleThe student's schedule is listed with Room numbers. The section where the student is currently scheduled is indicated with a border.

Screenshot of a student's schedule for the current day.

GradesGrades are only shown for the current section, from which the student's information was accessed.

Screenshot of the student's grades

AttendanceAttendance is shown for the current month, for this section only. Absences and tardies are totaled in the legend at the bottom. Scroll within the calendar to view other months.

Screenshot of the student's attendance in a calendar format.