Tool Search: SPED State Reporting
The Oklahoma Special Education State Reporting allows users to store and manage student Special Education state reporting data.
This tool consists of two sections: State Reporting and SPED Flags.
See the core Special Education State Reporting article for information on necessary tool rights, SPED Flags functionality, and guidance on adding SPED State Reporting or Setting records

Special Education State Reporting Detail Fields
Select an existing record or click New to open the detail screen. The below example is from Montana, but your screen may have different fields.
Special Education State Reporting Detail Screen
Field | Description | Ad hoc Field Name |
Program Start Date | The start date of the Special Ed State Reporting record. | SpecialEDState.startDate |
Program Exit Date | The end date of the Special Ed State Reporting record. | SpecialEDState.endDate |
Basis of Exit | The reason the student exited special ed services. | SpecialEDState.spedExitReason |
Program Designation (6-21) | The location where the student receives their education. | SpecialEDState.specialEdSetting |
Continuation of Eligibility | Indicates the student is still eligible for special ed services. | SpecialEDState.continueEligibility |
Summer Program (DIS=12) | Indicates the student participates in a summer program. | SpecialEDState.summerProgram |
Primary Disability | The student's first disability. | SpecialEDState.disability1 |
Secondary Disability | The student's secondary disability. | SpecialEDState.disability2 |
Suspected Disability (DIS=15) | The student's unconfirmed but suspected disability. | SpecialEDState.disability3 |
Extended School Year | Indicates the student is participating in an Extended School Year program. | SpecialEDState.extendedYear |
Out of Home Placement | Indicates the student's setting is out of their home. | SpecialEDState.ohp |
Related Service | The service the student receives. | SpecialEDState.spedService |
Special Ed Status | The student's special ed status. | SpecialEDState.specialEdStatus |