Tool Search: Digital Upload K-12 Report
The K-12 Immunization Digital Upload is used to report student immunization compliance for each vaccine dose.
CO Digital Upldate K-12 Report
Report Logic
The report aggregates a count of days between the student's birth date and immunization dose dates per vaccine. The report can be run against a district’s active year as well as any prior year.
Prior to running report:
- The City ID field located at System Administration > Resources > School must be populated.
- Users need to validate that the County and County number is accurate according to the State. This is located at System Admin > Resources > Counties. The counties in which the School(s) reside at System Administration > Resources > District Counties must also be populated.
Report Editor
Field | Description |
Effective Date | The date the report will run. The field is auto-populated with the current date, but can be changed by using the calendar icon to select a date or entering a new date in mmddyy format. |
Format | Selection determines whether the extract generates in the State Upload, CSV, or HTML format. |
Calendar Selection | At least one calendar needs to be selected in order to generate the report. Calendars can be selected by the active year, by school name or by year. |
Report Generation | The report can be generated immediately using the Generate Report button. Or, use the Submit to Batch button to select when the report is generated. See the Batch Queue article for more information on this functionality. |
Generate the K-12 Digital Upload Report
- Enter the desired Effective Date.
- Select the Format of the report.
- Select the Calendar(s) from which to report information.
- Click the Generate Extract button or use the Submit to Batch button. The report displays in the desired format.
Report Layout
Data Element | Description | Location |
District Name | The name of the district selected in the report editor. Alphanumeric | System Administration > Resources > District Information > Name dis.district |
School Code | The State School Code. Numeric | System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number sch.Number |
School Name | The school name. Alphanumeric | System Administration > Resources > School > Name |
School Address | The address of the school. Alphanumeric | System Administration > Resources > School > Address sch.address |
School City ID | The city ID of the school. Alphanumeric | System Administration > Resources > School > City ID sch.cityid |
School County ID | The school county ID of the school. Alphanumeric | System Administration > Resources > District Counties > Number county.number |
School Zip Code | The zip code of the school. Numeric | System Administration > Resources > School > Zip |
Date Created | The effective date selected in the report editor. YYYY-MM-DD (space) HH:MM:SS | Selected in report editor |
Student ID | The student's State identification number. Numeric | Census > People > Demographics > Student State ID student.stateID |
Grade | The student's grade level. Alphanumeric | Student > General > Enrollments > Grade student.grade |
DTaP 1 immunization.code = DTap-DTP | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the first DTaP dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate1date minus student.birthdate |
DTaP 2 immunization.code = DTap-DTP | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the second DTaP dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate2date minus student.birthdate |
DTaP 3 immunization.code = DTap-DTP | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the third DTaP dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate3date minus student.birthdate |
DTaP 4 immunization.code = DTap-DTP | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fourth DTaP dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate4date minus student.birthdate |
DTaP 5 immunization.code = DTap-DTP | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fifth DTaP dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate5date minus student.birthdate |
DTaP 6 immunization.code = DTap-DTP | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the sixth DTaP dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate6date minus student.birthdate |
DTaP 7 immunization.code = DTap-DTP | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the seventh DTaP dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate7date minus student.birthdate |
DTaP 8 immunization.code = DTap-DTP | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the eight DTaP dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate8date minus student.birthdate |
DTaP 9 immunization.code = DTap-DTP | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the ninth DTaP dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate9date minus student.birthdate |
DTaP 10 immunization.code = DTap-DTP | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the ninth DTaP dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate10date minus student.birthdate |
DTaP Exempt | The name of the exemption claimed for the DTaP vaccine. Alphanumeric | Student > Health > Immunizations If immCpl.exemption is not null and expired date <= effective date, the immCpl.stateexemption description reports (i.e. Personal, Religious, Medical, or Lab Verified). If immCpl.exemption is null, 'None' reports. |
DTaP In Process | Reports as 1 for in-process students. Numeric | N/A |
Polio 1 immunization.code = IPV, OPV, or IPV/OPV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the first Polio dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate1date minus student.birthdate |
Polio 2 immunization.code = IPV, OPV, or IPV/OPV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the second Polio dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate2date minus student.birthdate |
Polio 3 immunization.code = IPV, OPV, or IPV/OPV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the third Polio dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate3date minus student.birthdate |
Polio 4 immunization.code = IPV, OPV, or IPV/OPV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fourth Polio dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate4date minus student.birthdate |
Polio 5 immunization.code = IPV, OPV, or IPV/OPV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fifth Polio dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate5date minus student.birthdate |
Polio 6 immunization.code = IPV, OPV, or IPV/OPV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the sixth Polio dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate6date minus student.birthdate |
Polio 7 immunization.code = IPV, OPV, or IPV/OPV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the seventh Polio dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate7date minus student.birthdate |
Polio 8 immunization.code = IPV, OPV, or IPV/OPV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the eighth Polio dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate8date minus student.birthdate |
Polio 9 immunization.code = IPV, OPV, or IPV/OPV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the ninth Polio dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate9date minus student.birthdate |
Polio 10 immunization.code = IPV, OPV, or IPV/OPV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the tenth Polio dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate10date minus student.birthdate |
Polio Exempt | The name of the exemption claimed for the Polio vaccine. Alphanumeric | Student > Health > Immunizations If immCpl.exemption is not null and expired date <= effective date, the immCpl.stateexemption description reports (i.e. Personal, Religious, Medical, or Lab Verified). If immCpl.exemption is null, 'None' reports. If the student is over 18 years old, "Aged Out" reports. |
Polio In Process | Reports as 1 for in-process students. Numeric | N/A |
MMR 1 immunization.code = MMR or MMRV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the first MMR dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate1date minus student.birthdate |
MMR 2 immunization.code = MMR or MMRV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the second MMR dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate2date minus student.birthdate |
MMR 3 immunization.code = MMR or MMRV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the third MMR dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate3date minus student.birthdate |
MMR 4 immunization.code = MMR or MMRV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fourthMMR dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate4date minus student.birthdate |
MMR 5 immunization.code = MMR or MMRV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fifth MMR dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate5date minus student.birthdate |
MMR 6 immunization.code = MMR or MMRV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the sixth MMR dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate6date minus student.birthdate |
MMR 7 immunization.code = MMR or MMRV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the seventh MMR dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate7date minus student.birthdate |
MMR 8 immunization.code = MMR or MMRV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the eighth MMR dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate8date minus student.birthdate |
MMR 9 immunization.code = MMR or MMRV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the ninth MMR dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate9date minus student.birthdate |
MMR 10 immunization.code = MMR or MMRV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the tenth MMR dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate10date minus student.birthdate |
MMR Exemption | The name of the exemption claimed for the MMR vaccine. Alphanumeric | Student > Health > Immunizations If immCpl.exemption is not null and expired date <= effective date, the immCpl.stateexemption description reports (i.e. Personal, Religious, Medical, or Lab Verified). If immCpl.exemption is null, 'None' reports. |
MMR In Process | Reports as 1 for in-process students. Numeric | N/A |
HepB 1 immunization.code = HepB or HepB-2 | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the first Hepatitis B dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate1date minus student.birthdate |
HepB 2 immunization.code = HepB or HepB-2 | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the second Hepatitis B dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate2date minus student.birthdate |
HepB 3 immunization.code = HepB or HepB-2 | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the third Hepatitis B dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate3date minus student.birthdate |
HepB 4 immunization.code = HepB or HepB-2 | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fourth Hepatitis B dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate4date minus student.birthdate |
HepB 5 immunization.code = HepB or HepB-2 | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fifth Hepatitis B dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate5date minus student.birthdate |
HepB 6 immunization.code = HepB or HepB-2 | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the sixth Hepatitis B dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate6date minus student.birthdate |
HepB 7 immunization.code = HepB or HepB-2 | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the seventh Hepatitis B dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate7date minus student.birthdate |
HepB 8 immunization.code = HepB or HepB-2 | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the eighth Hepatitis B dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate8date minus student.birthdate |
HepB 9 immunization.code = HepB or HepB-2 | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the ninth Hepatitis B dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate9date minus student.birthdate |
HepB 10 immunization.code = HepB or HepB-2 | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the tenth Hepatitis B dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate10date minus student.birthdate |
HepB Exempt | The name of the exemption claimed for the Hepatitis B vaccine. Alphanumeric | Student > Health > Immunizations If immCpl.exemption is not null and expired date <= effective date, the immCpl.stateexemption description reports (i.e. Personal, Religious, Medical, or Lab Verified). If immCpl.exemption is null, 'None' reports. |
HepB In Process | Reports as 1 for in-process students. Numeric | N/A |
Varicella 1 immunization.code = Varicella or MMRV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the first Varicella dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate1date minus student.birthdate |
Varicella 2 immunization.code = Varicella or MMRV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the second Varicella dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate2date minus student.birthdate |
Varicella 3 immunization.code = Varicella or MMRV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the third Varicella dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate3date minus student.birthdate |
Varicella 4 immunization.code = Varicella or MMRV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fourth Varicella dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate4date minus student.birthdate |
Varicella 5 immunization.code = Varicella or MMRV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fifth Varicella dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate5date minus student.birthdate |
Varicella 6 immunization.code = Varicella or MMRV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the sixth Varicella dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate6date minus student.birthdate |
Varicella 7 immunization.code = Varicella or MMRV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the seventh Varicella dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate7date minus student.birthdate |
Varicella 8 immunization.code = Varicella or MMRV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the eighth Varicella dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate8date minus student.birthdate |
Varicella 9 immunization.code = Varicella or MMRV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the ninth Varicella dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate9date minus student.birthdate |
Varicella 10 immunization.code = Varicella or MMRV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the tenth Varicella dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate10date minus student.birthdate |
Varicella Exempt | The name of the exemption claimed for the Varicella vaccine. Alphanumeric | Student > Health > Immunizations If immCpl.exemption is not null and expired date <= effective date, the immCpl.stateexemption description reports (i.e. Personal, Religious, Medical, or Lab Verified). If immCpl.exemption is null, 'None' reports. |
Varicella In Process | Reports as 1 for in-process students. Numeric | N/A |
Varicella History | Reports 1 if the Exemption = Lab Verified. Reports 0 (zero) otherwise. | Student > Health > Immunizations If immCpl.exemption is not null and expired date <= effective date AND immCpl.stateexemption = L (Lab Verified), reports 1. If immCpl.exemption is null, 0 reports. |
Tdap 1 immunization.code = Tdap | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the first Tdap dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate1date minus student.birthdate |
Tdap 2 immunization.code = Tdap | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the second Tdap dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate2date minus student.birthdate |
Tdap 3 immunization.code = Tdap | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the third Tdap dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate3date minus student.birthdate |
Tdap 4 immunization.code = Tdap | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fourth Tdap dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate4date minus student.birthdate |
Tdap 5 immunization.code = Tdap | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fifth Tdap dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate5date minus student.birthdate |
Tdap 6 immunization.code = Tdap | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the sixth Tdap dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate6date minus student.birthdate |
Tdap 7 immunization.code = Tdap | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the seventh Tdap dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate7date minus student.birthdate |
Tdap 8 immunization.code = Tdap | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the eighth Tdap dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate8date minus student.birthdate |
Tdap 9 immunization.code = Tdap | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the ninth Tdap dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate9date minus student.birthdate |
Tdap 10 immunization.code = Tdap | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the tenth Tdap dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate10date minus student.birthdate |
Tdap Exempt | The name of the exemption claimed for the Tdap vaccine. Alphanumeric | Student > Health > Immunizations If immCpl.exemption is not null and expired date <= effective date, the immCpl.stateexemption description reports (i.e. Personal, Religious, Medical, or Lab Verified). If immCpl.exemption is null, 'None' reports. |
Tdap In Process | Reports as 1 for in-process students. Numeric | N/A |
HIB 1 immunization.code = Hib or Hib-3 | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the first HIB dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate1date minus student.birthdate |
HIB 2 immunization.code = Hib or Hib-3 | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the second HIB dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate2date minus student.birthdate |
HIB 3 immunization.code = Hib or Hib-3 | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the third HIB dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate3date minus student.birthdate |
HIB 4 immunization.code = Hib or Hib-3 | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fourth HIB dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate4date minus student.birthdate |
HIB 5 immunization.code = Hib or Hib-3 | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fifth HIB dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate5date minus student.birthdate |
HIB 6 immunization.code = Hib or Hib-3 | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the sixth HIB dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate6date minus student.birthdate |
HIB 7 immunization.code = Hib or Hib-3 | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the first seventh dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate7date minus student.birthdate |
HIB 8 immunization.code = Hib or Hib-3 | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the eighth HIB dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate8date minus student.birthdate |
HIB 9 immunization.code = Hib or Hib-3 | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the ninth HIB dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate9date minus student.birthdate |
HIB 10 immunization.code = Hib or Hib-3 | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the tenth HIB dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate10date minus student.birthdate |
HIB Exempt | The name of the exemption claimed for the HIB vaccine. Alphanumeric | Student > Health > Immunizations If immCpl.exemption is not null and expired date <= effective date, the immCpl.stateexemption description reports (i.e. Personal, Religious, Medical, or Lab Verified). If immCpl.exemption is null, 'None' reports. |
HIB In Process | Reports as 1 for in-process students. Numeric | N/A |
PCV 1 immunization.code = PCV, PPV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the first PCV dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate1date minus student.birthdate |
PCV 2 immunization.code = PCV, PPV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the second PCV dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate2date minus student.birthdate |
PCV 3 immunization.code = PCV, PPV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the third PCV dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate3date minus student.birthdate |
PCV 4 immunization.code = PCV, PPV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fourth PCV dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate4date minus student.birthdate |
PCV 5 immunization.code = PCV, PPV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fifth PCV dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate5date minus student.birthdate |
PCV 6 immunization.code = PCV, PPV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the sixth PCV dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate6date minus student.birthdate |
PCV 7 immunization.code = PCV, PPV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the seventh PCV dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate7date minus student.birthdate |
PCV 8 immunization.code = PCV, PPV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the eighth PCV dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate8date minus student.birthdate |
PCV 9 immunization.code = PCV, PPV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the ninth PCV dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate9date minus student.birthdate |
PCV 10 immunization.code = PCV, PPV | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the tenth PCV dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate10date minus student.birthdate |
PCV Exempt | The name of the exemption claimed for the PCV vaccine. Alphanumeric | Student > Health > Immunizations If immCpl.exemption is not null and expired date <= effective date, the immCpl.stateexemption description reports (i.e. Personal, Religious, Medical, or Lab Verified). If immCpl.exemption is null, 'None' reports. |
PCV In Process | Reports as 1 for in-process students. Numeric | N/A |
Compliance | Reports a value of 1 if the student's immunization compliance status for all required grade/age level is Compliant, No Requirement, or In Progress. Numeric | Calculated |
HepD Two Dose Series immunization.code = HepB-2 | Indicates if the student has received two doses in the Hepatitis B 2 dose series vaccines. | Calculated = Reports 1 if immunization.doseDate1date of immunization.code = HEpB-2 AND immunization.dosesDate2date of immunization.code = HepB-2 are not null. Otherwise, 0 (zero) reports. |
DT 1 immunization.code = DT | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the first DT dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate1date minus student.birthdate |
DT 2 immunization.code = DT | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the second DT dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate2date minus student.birthdate |
DT 3 immunization.code = DT | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the third DT dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate3date minus student.birthdate |
DT 4 immunization.code = DT | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the first fourth dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate4date minus student.birthdate |
DT 5 immunization.code = DT | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the first fifth dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate5date minus student.birthdate |
DT 6 immunization.code = DT | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the first sixth dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate6date minus student.birthdate |
DT 7 immunization.code = DT | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the seventh DT dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate7date minus student.birthdate |
DT 8 immunization.code = DT | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the eighth DT dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate8date minus student.birthdate |
DT 9 immunization.code = DT | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the ninth DT dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate9date minus student.birthdate |
DT 10 immunization.code = DT | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the tenth DT dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate10date minus student.birthdate |
Td 1 immunization.code = Td | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the first Td dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate1date minus student.birthdate |
Td 2 immunization.code = Td | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the second Td dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate2date minus student.birthdate |
Td 3 immunization.code = Td | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the third Td dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate3date minus student.birthdate |
Td 4 immunization.code = Td | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fourth Td dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate4date minus student.birthdate |
Td 5 immunization.code = Td | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fifth Td dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate5date minus student.birthdate |
Td 6 immunization.code = Td | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the sixth Td dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate6date minus student.birthdate |
Td 7 immunization.code = Td | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the seventh Td dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate7date minus student.birthdate |
Td 8 immunization.code = Td | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the eighth Td dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate8date minus student.birthdate |
Td 9 immunization.code = Td | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the ninth Td dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate9date minus student.birthdate |
Td 10 immunization.code = Td | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the tenth Td dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate10date minus student.birthdate |
Measles 1 immunization.code = Measles | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the first Measles dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate1date minus student.birthdate |
Measles 2 immunization.code = Measles | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the second Measles dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate2date minus student.birthdate |
Measles 3 immunization.code = Measles | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the third Measles dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate3date minus student.birthdate |
Measles 4 immunization.code = Measles | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fourth Measles dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate4date minus student.birthdate |
Measles 5 immunization.code = Measles | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fifth Measles dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate5date minus student.birthdate |
Measles 6 immunization.code = Measles | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the sixth Measles dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDat60date minus student.birthdate |
Measles 7 immunization.code = Measles | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the seventh Measles dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate7date minus student.birthdate |
Measles 8 immunization.code = Measles | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the eighth Measles dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate8date minus student.birthdate |
Measles 9 immunization.code = Measles | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the ninth Measles dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate9date minus student.birthdate |
Measles 10 immunization.code = Measles | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the tenth Measles dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate10date minus student.birthdate |
Mumps 1 immunization.code = Mumps | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the first Mumps dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate1date minus student.birthdate |
Mumps 2 immunization.code = Mumps | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the second Mumps dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate2date minus student.birthdate |
Mumps 3 immunization.code = Mumps | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the third Mumps dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate3date minus student.birthdate |
Mumps 4 immunization.code = Mumps | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fourth Mumps dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate4date minus student.birthdate |
Mumps 5 immunization.code = Mumps | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fifth Mumps dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate5date minus student.birthdate |
Mumps 6 immunization.code = Mumps | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the sixth Mumps dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate6date minus student.birthdate |
Mumps 7 immunization.code = Mumps | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the seventh Mumps dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate7date minus student.birthdate |
Mumps 8 immunization.code = Mumps | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the eighth Mumps dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate8date minus student.birthdate |
Mumps 9 immunization.code = Mumps | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the ninth Mumps dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate9date minus student.birthdate |
Mumps 10 immunization.code = Mumps | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the tenth Mumps dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate10date minus student.birthdate |
Rubella 1 immunization.code = Rubella | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the first Rubella dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate1date minus student.birthdate |
Rubella 2 immunization.code = Rubella | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the second Rubella dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate2date minus student.birthdate |
Rubella 3 immunization.code = Rubella | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the third Rubella dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate3date minus student.birthdate |
Rubella 4 immunization.code = Rubella | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fourth Rubella dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate4date minus student.birthdate |
Rubella 5 immunization.code = Rubella | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the fifth Rubella dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate5date minus student.birthdate |
Rubella 6 immunization.code = Rubella | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the sixth Rubella dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate6date minus student.birthdate |
Rubella 7 immunization.code = Rubella | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the seventh Rubella dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate7date minus student.birthdate |
Rubella 8 immunization.code = Rubella | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the eighth Rubella dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate8date minus student.birthdate |
Rubella 9 immunization.code = Rubella | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the ninth Rubella dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate9date minus student.birthdate |
Rubella 10 immunization.code = Rubella | The number of days between the student's birthdate and the date of the tenth Rubella dose administered. Numeric | Student > Health > Immunizations; Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date Calculated value = immunization.doseDate10date minus student.birthdate |
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