Core SIF - AttendanceCodeInfo

Tool Search: SIF

The current version of SIF is v2.7.

This object provides information about a particular attendance code, allows applications to synchronize each other's attendance code tables, or provides a dynamic list of attendance codes. 

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Object Triggering

Event TypeRequirement
AddWhen a new Attendance Code is created and saved in System Administration > Attendance > Attendance Codes > Attendance Excuses Editor >Attendance Excuse Detail.
  • Report 2 AttendanceCodeInfo objects associated with the attendance code when Type = A and Excuse is NOT = X (unexcused, blank, unknown or excused). Each AttendanceCodeInfo will have a unique RefId:
    1. Object 1: Report the AbsenceValue = 1.0
    2. Object 2: Report the AbsenceValue = 0.5
  • Report 1 AttendanceCodeInfo object associated with the attendance code when (Status = A and Excuse NOT = X) IS NOT TRUE. There will only be 1 RefId associated with this attendance code:
    1. Object 1: Report the AbsenceValue = 0.0
    2. This is meant to communicate that we report a single RefId associated with this Attendance Code when the Attendance Code is not an unexcused, blank, unknown or excused absence.
  • When an attendance code is changed from NOT (Status = A, Excuse NOT = X), both new RefIds must be added.
  • This is meant to communicate that that when the Attendance code is for unexcused absences, we store and report 2 separate RefIds for this Attendance Code. We would not be using the same RefId as we would for the non unexcused absences since those will have an AbsenceValue = 0.0. The RefIds that are for unexcused absences will have AbsenceValue = 0.5 and 1.0.

When an Attendance Code is changed and saved in System Administration > Attendance > Attendance Codes > Attendance Excuses Editor > Attendance Excuse Detail

  1. When an Attendance Code that is generating an object with an AbsenceValue = 1.0 or 0.5 is changed, a CHANGE event must be provided for both objects.
  • When an Attendance code is changed from (Excuse = X) T1.b, to (Type = A and Excuse NOT = X) TR1a, both new RefIds must be added for:
    1. Object 1: Report the AbsenceValue = 1.0
    2. Object 2: Report the AbsenceValue = 0.5
  • When an Attendance Code that is generating an object with an AbsenceValue = 1.0 or 0.5 is changed, a CHANGE event must be provided for both objects.
DeleteWhen an Attendance Code is deleted.
  • When an Attendance Code that has (Excuse NOT = X) is deleted.
  • When an Attendance Code that has (Excuse NOT = X) is changed to HAVE (Excuse = X).
  • When an Attendance Code that has (Excuse = X) is deleted.
  • When an Attendance Code that has (Excuse = X) is changed to HAVE (Excuse NOT = X).
  • When an Attendance Code that has Status = A and Excuse NOT = X is deleted or changed to no longer have (Status = A, Excuse NOT = X), delete both objects associated with this Attendance Code.
    1. When an Attendance Code that DOES NOT have (Status = A and Excuse NOT = X) is deleted, send a delete for this object.
    2. When an Attendance Code that DOES NOT have (Status = A and Excuse NOT = X) is changed to HAVE (Status = A and Excuse NOT = X).
    3. The Attendance Code reporting 0.0 will be deleted and 2 new AttendanceCodeRefIds will be created with 0.5 and 1.0 AbsenceValue.

Object Population and Business Rules

The SIF Agent and Zone must have access rights assigned to AttendanceCodeInfo.
The district must belong to the same calendar and year assigned to the SIF Zone in order to populate.
Does not have "Exclude From SIF Reporting" = Checked on the Calendar.

A Natural RefId is not created for this object, it is created by a compilation of IDs. Users can use other IDs within the object to run batch.

Note: This object only has SchoolInfoRefId as other ID.

Object Data Elements

Data Element LabelDescriptionBusiness RulesData Source GUI PathDatabase FieldM, C or O
@RefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies this AttendanceCodeInfo entity.

@SchoolInfoRefIdThe Id (GUID) that identifies the school where the attendance code is used.The RefId for the school
AttendanceCodeLocally defined code for attendance.Reports from CodeSystem Admin> Attendance > Attendance Codes > Attendance Excuses Editor > Attendance Excuse Detail > CodeattendanceExcuse.codeM
AttendanceTypeType of attendance code.

Reports from Status

  1. Report based on the Status field on the AttendanceExcuse Detail:
    1. When Absent, report "Absent"
    2. When Tardy, report "Tardy"
    3. When Early Release, report "EarlyDeparture"
    4. When Present, report "Present"
    5. Otherwise, report "Other"
System Admin > Attendance > Attendance Codes > Attendance Excuses Editor> Attendance Excuse Detail > StatusattendanceExcuse.statusM
AttendanceStatusExcused status of the attendance code.

Reports from Excuse

  1. Report based on the Excuse field on the AttendanceExcuse Detail:
    1. When Unknown, report "Unknown"
    2. When Excused, report "Excused"
    3. When Exempt, report "NA"
    4. When Unexcused, report "Unexcused"
    5. Otherwise, report "NA"
System Admin > Attendance > Attendance Codes > Attendance Excuses Editor > Attendance Excuse Detail > ExcuseattendanceExcuse.excuseM
DescriptionThe text description of the attendance code.
  1. Reports the non-null Description 
  2. When there is no non-null Description, do not report this element
System Admin > Attendance > Attendance Codes > Attendance Excuses Edito > Attendance Excuse Detail > DescriptionattendanceExcuse.descriptionO
AbsenceValueThe amount of absence represented by AttendanceCode, up to three decimal places.
  1. Report 2 AttendanceCodeInfo objects associated with the attendance code when Status = A and Excuse NOT = X. Each AttendanceCodeInfo will have a unique RefId:
    1. Object 1: Report the AbsenceValue = 1.0
    2. Object 2: Report the AbsenceValue = 0.5
  2. Report 1 AttendanceCodeInfo object associated with the attendance code when (Status = A and Excuse = X) There will only be 1 RefId associated with this attendance code:
    1. Object 1: Report the AbsenceValue = 0.0

System Admin > Attendance > Attendance Codes > Attendance Excuses Editor > Attendance Excuse Detail > Status

System Admin > Attendance > Attendance Codes > Attendance Excuses Editor >Attendance Excuse Detail> Excuse


UsedForDailyAttendanceIs this attendance code used for daily attendance?
  1. When AbsenceValue = 0.0, report "No".
  2. Otherwise, report "Yes".

UsedForPeriodAttendanceIs this attendance code used for period attendance?
  1. When AbsenceValue = 0.0, report "No".
  2. Otherwise, report "Yes"