MN v3.3 - Student Special Education Program Associations

Reports the Special Education data for a student.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.

PostWhen an IEP is created, locked, and overlaps the configured year and the student has an enrollment in the configured year that has a Special Ed Service value of '4', '5', '6', or '7'.
The student has a State Reporting SPED record (Sped Enrollment fields) with a Special Ed Service value of '4', '5', '6', or '7' that overlaps the configured year and the student has an enrollment in the configured year.

  • When a student has two enrollments in the same School, Calendar & Schedule Structure with the same start date, report from the enrollment service type in the following order:

    1. P: Primary Enrollment
    2. S: Partial/Ancillary
    3. N: Special Ed Services
  • When an enrollment with a higher priority is deleted, the enrollment with lower priority will post a new record.
  • Do not send a record if enrollment is in a calendar marked as Exclude.
  • Do not send a record if enrollment is in a school marked as Exclude.
  • Do not send a record if enrollment is marked as No Show.
  • Do not send records if the Calendar Grade Level "Exclude from State Reporting" checkbox is selected for the grade level that the student's enrollment is tied to.

When the disability values are changed:

  • When the End Date value changes.
  • When the Special Ed Disability Setting value changes.
  • When the Service Hours value changes.

When the Special Ed Service value changes from '4', '5', '6', or '7'.

  • When all enrollment records with a Special Ed Service value of '4', '5', '6' or '7' are deleted.
  • If the student's enrollment is marked as No Show.
  • The state reporting record (SpEd enrollment fields) no longer overlaps the configured year.
  • The IEP no longer overlaps the configured year.

School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync Logic

This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.

NoneIf a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send.
ResyncIf a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it will be deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table.
ResyncIf a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it will be deleted from the ODS.
ResyncIf a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync will need to be done to reflect the changes.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic

This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.

Post/DeleteNatural Key changes: 
  • LEA Reference - District Numbers cannot change after data has been sent. If a district number changes, we would expect an Ed-Fi error and this change would not be supported.
  • If an Ed-Fi ID changes, a delete/post will occur with the cascading deletes from the Ed-Fi ID Change triggers.
  • If the IEP Start Date changes the resource will delete/repost.
DeleteCascading Deletes:  N/A there are no dependent resources.

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.

Business Rules
The record will send to any year with which the IEP or State Reporting record overlaps.
Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Resource Preferences

This table describes the Resource Preferences of this object.

Data Element Label

Mapping Needed

Special Education Setting Descriptors
Special Education Setting Descriptors
Special Education Setting Descriptors
Enrollment Special Ed Setting

Plan Special Ed Setting

State Reporting Special Ed Setting
Select the Program Type Descriptor associated with this ProgramProgram Type Descriptor

Identity Mapping Object Key

This table describes the Identity Mapping Object Key of this object.

campusObjectTypeObject Key Data Source

Event Queue Detail

This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.

Campus TableEd-Fi ActionFields
planPost/Put/DeleteThe primary table used for sending data for this resource.
enrollmentPutReports ideaEligibility and specialEducationSettingDescriptor.
specialedstatePost/Put/DeleteThe primary table used for sending data for this resource.

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Student Special Education Program Associations resource.

Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementLogicM, C or O


id The unique identifier of the resource.
beginDateThe month, day, and year on which the 
student first received services.
Report the Start Date from the Enrollment record.MStudent Information > General > Enrollments > Start Date


The identifier assigned to an 

education organization.

  1. Report the Ed-Fi School ID.
  2. If Ed-Fi School ID is NULL, report:
    1. ttddddsssmmm


      • tt = district type
      • dddd = district number, left zero filled
      • sss = school number, left zero filled
      • mmm = 000 for all organizations reported in Ed-Fi


School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > school record > Ed-Fi School ID

tt: School & District Settings > District > District Information > district record > Type

dddd: School & District Settings > District > District Information > district record > State District Number

SSS: School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > school record > State School Number






The identifier assigned to an 

education organization.


The formal name of the Program of 

instruction, training, services, or 

benefits available through federal, 

state, or local agencies.


The type of program.

Report the following values within the program.

  • educationOrganizationId:
    • Report the Ed-Fi District Number, if it exists
    • If Ed-Fi District Number is NULL, report:
      1. ttddddsss


        1. tt = district type
        2. dddd = district number, left zero filled
        3. sss = 000
  • programName: 'Special Education'
  • programTypeDescriptor: 'Special Education'

School & District Settings > District > District Information > district record > Ed-Fi District Number

tt: School & District Settings > District > District Information > district record > Type

dddd: School & District Settings > District > District Information > district record > State District Number




The identifier assigned to a local
education agency.

  1. Look to see if the Placing District is not Null.
    1. If so, report the Placing District Number.
    2. Otherwise, do not report.

CStudent Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Placing District


An unordered collection of student Special Education Program Association Disabilities. 

The disability condition(s) that best 

describes an individual’s impairment, as related to special education services received.


A disability category that describes 

a child’s impairment.


The order by severity of student’s disabilities: 

1- Primary, 2 - Secondary, 3 - Tertiary, 


  1. Report all disability values saved in the enrollment record that are mapped to a valid disabilityDescriptor value
    • report the orderOfDisability according to the chart below
  2. If there are no mapped disability values, do not report.
Field Name


1Primary Disability1
2Secondary Disability 12
3Secondary Disability 23

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Primary Disability

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Secondary Disability 1

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Secondary Disability 2




endDateThe month, day, and year on which the Student exited the Program or stopped receiving services.
  1. Report the Start Date from the Enrollment record, if it exists.
  2. Otherwise, do not report.

Student Information > General > Enrollments > End Date



Indicator of the eligibility of the student to receive special education services according to the Individuals with 

Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

This is optional, does not report.


iepBeginDateThe effective date of the most recent IEP.

This is optional, does not report.


The end date of the most recent IEP.

This is optional, does not report.


The date of the last IEP review.

This is optional, does not report.

lastEvaluationDate The date of the last special education 

This is optional, does not report.


Indicates whether the Student receiving 

special education and related services is: 

1) in the age range of birth to 22 years, and 2) has a serious, ongoing illness or a chronic condition that has lasted or is anticipated to

last at least 12 or more months or has required at least one month of hospitalization, and that requires daily, ongoing medical 

treatments and monitoring by appropriately trained personnel which may include parents

 or other family members, and 3) requires the routine use of medical device or of assistive technology to compensate for the loss of usefulness of a body function needed to participate in activities of daily living, and 4) lives with ongoing threat to his or her continued well-being. Aligns with federal requirements.

This is optional, does not report.


Indicates whether the Student receiving special education and related services has been designated as multiply disabled by 

the admission, review, and dismissal committee as aligned with federal requirements.

This is optional, does not report.

This descriptor defines the reason a student exited a program.

This is optional, does not report.


Indicate the total number of hours of instructional time per week for the school that the student attends.

This is optional, does not report.

Indicates whether the Student received services during the summer session or between sessions.

This is optional, does not report.


An unordered collection of student Special Education Program Association Service Providers. The staff providing Special Education services to the student.

This is optional, does not report.

The number of hours per week for special education instruction and therapy.

This is optional, does not report.

An unordered collection of student Program Association Services. This association represents the Special Education program(s) that a student participates in or receives services from. 

This is optional, does not report.

The major instructional setting (more than 50 percent of a student’s special education program).
  1. Report the mapped descriptor value to any setting value saved in the enrollment record.
  2. If there are no mapped setting values, do not report.
CStudent Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Disability Setting

Special Education Service Hours

The number of hours the student received Special Ed services with a Special Ed status of 4 or 6.

  1. If Special Ed Service value = '4' or '6', report any numeric value saved in the enrollment record (UI has a 6 character max). Round the value up or down to only report one decimal. (0-4: round down, 5-9 round up).
  2. Otherwise, do not report.

If 'Service Hours' is null, report the Direct and Indirect minutes per session from the student's IEP.

This field includes an implied decimal. Service Hours are calculated as follows:

  • The sum of Direct and Indirect Minutes for each individual Service is multiplied by the Number of Sessions per Frequency and the Total is then divided by Service Frequency.
    • Service Frequency is expressed as follows:
      • Day = 1
      • Week = 5
      • Term = 36 divided by # of Terms, all multiplied by 5
      • Month = 20
      • Year = 180
  • Number of Days In Service in the MARSS record is determined as the days between the Start and End Dates of the service (STS_BEG_DAT and STS_END_DAT). Only Instructional days are considered in this count.
  • Service Hours are calculated as Minutes multiplied by Days, then divided by 60.
  • Service Hours from multiple services in the same IEP are combined as one total.
CStudent Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Service Hours


Resource Preferences Continued

The Ed-Fi Configuration tool is used to establish Ed-Fi data resources.

The following describes how to set the resource preferences for the Student Special Education Program Association resource. If the Configure or Edit buttons do not display, then the resource does not need to be mapped and the toggle button can be used to turn the resource on or off.

 If a mapping is changed, a resync must be performed on the resource in order for the new mappings to send correctly. Any item not mapped will not report to Ed-Fi.
  1. Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Special Education Setting Descriptors.

    Enrollment Special Ed Disability Setting
    Attribute DictionarySystem Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute Dictionary > Enrollment > Special Ed Disability Setting
    UI LocationStudent Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Disability Setting

  2. Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Disability Descriptors.
Attribute DictionarySystem Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute Dictionary > Enrollment > Primary Disability
UI LocationStudent Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields


        3. Click Save.