Event Dashboard

Tool Search: Event Dashboard

The Event Dashboard is used to manage data certification events. From here, users can check the status of events, approve district-certified events, request re-certification of an event, and close events. 

Data Certification tools are only available in State Editions of Campus and districts connected to a State Edition of Campus.

screenshot of the event dashboard


Data Certification Workflow

To view a simplified version of the state-level data certification workflow, see the Setup and Workflow (State Data Certification) article.

Read - Users can view events, approve certifications, and request re-certification.
Write - Users can view events, approve certifications, and request re-certification.
Add - Users are able to view events, approve certifications, and request re-certification.
Delete - Users can view events, approve certifications, and request re-certification.

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.

Approving a District Certification

Events sent down to districts are reviewed and approved within the Event Dashboard. 

Only users with a Primary event type membership matching the data certification type(s) of the event are allowed to certify the event to the state.

Event admins cannot certify a district unless they also have a type membership for one or more of the types associated with the event.

screenshot of selecting an event and reviewing each district's status

To review each district's status in certifying the event, select the event from the Event Administration Editor. Details about the event as well as the District Approval Status editor will appear. To quickly locate a district, enter search criteria to narrow the results. Enter the district name, district number, progress, status or the snapshot date. Matching results are filtered to limit the number of districts listed.

The Status column will indicate the district's current status in approving the event. The following describes each potential status:

  • Uncertified - This means the event has not been certified by all reviewers in the district. The state can decide whether or not to proceed with approving certification if not all reviewers certify.
  • Certified - This means the event has been certified by all reviewers in the district. Data for this district should be reviewed and if the certification is accurate, the state should decide if it approved.
  • Approved - This means the event has already been certified by the district and approved by the state. No further action is required.
  • Recertification Requested - This means the district certified the event but the state disagrees with the certification and is requiring the district correct data before the event is approved.

Screenshot of Reviewing Event Status of Each District

You can also view the status of each reviewer per district and whether or not they have certified the event by selecting the blue hyper-linked button in the Progress column.

Screenshot of Reviewing Reviewer Progress Per District

If Snapshot functionality is enabled, you can review snapshot data per district by selecting the snapshot within the Snapshot Date column.

Once a district certifies an event, a padlock icon will appear next to the snapshot. This indicates the snapshot has been locked and will not be overwritten by any recurring snapshots. If recurring snapshots are scheduled and the district has not certified the event, their data snapshot will continue to be overwritten by the recurring snapshot until the event is certified. See the Snapshot Scheduler article for more information.

Snapshot functionality is manually enabled by Campus and requires a setup fee. For more information, please contact Infinite Campus.

Screenshot of Reviewing Snapshot Data Per District

You can also review state-wide snapshot data for the event by selecting the Review State-Wide Snapshot button. An editor will appear, asking you to select the definitions to review and the format of the generated report.

Screenshot of Reviewing the State-Wide Snapshot

Once data has been reviewed for a certified district and deemed accurate, mark the checkbox next to the district's name and select the Approve Certification button. The district has now been approved for the event and not additional action is required. 

Event admins cannot certify a district unless they also have a type membership for one or more of the types associated with the event. 

If you disagree with the district's certification, you can request them correct and recertify the event by selecting the Request Certification button. 

Screenshot of Approving a District's Event Certification

Requesting Re-certification of an Event

If the district-certified event does not meet the approval of the state, the state can request event recertification. 

To request recertification of an event, mark the checkbox next to the district's name, enter the Recertification Request Reason and select the Submit Request Recertification button.

Screenshot of Requesting Recertification

Once a recertification request has been sent, the district will display a Status of "Recertification Requested" within the District Certification Statuses editor.

Screenshot of Indication of the Recertification Request

District users with type membership(s) matching the event's type(s) will receive an email and Process Inbox message indicating the state requires a recertification of the event.

Screenshot of Process Inbox Message at the District-Level Indicating the Recertification Request

Once the district has corrected data and recertified the event, the event will change to have a Status of "Certified". 

Review the district's data and if you approve of the certification, mark the checkbox next to the district's name and select Approve Certification

Screenshot of Approving a District's Recertified Event

Once all districts have been approved for an event, the event should be closed.

Closing an Event

Once an event has been State Approved (meaning all districts have certified their data and they have been approved by the state), users with an Event Admin Membership to the event will receive an email and Process Inbox message indicating the event is ready to be closed.

 Screenshot of Process Inbox Message Indicating Event is Ready to be Closed

Before closing the event, ensure all districts have a Status of "Approved" and no additional changes need to be made to the event.

Once the event his deemed ready to be closed, select the Close Data Certification Event button found at the top of the tool and enter any Closing Comments.

Screenshot of Entering Closing Comments

Selecting Save Comment, Don't Close will not close the event but will save any closing comments entered. These comments will automatically appear the next time the Close Event editor is opened.

Selecting Close Event will close the event. Once an event is closed it can no longer be certified and will disappear from the Event Dashboard.

To access the closed event, go to the Event tool. From here you can review closed event details.