Work Assignment Extract (Massachusetts)

Tool Search: Extracts

The Work Assignment Extract collects work assignment information on individual public school educators for the Education Personnel Information Management System (EPIMS) data collection.

Screenshot of Work Assignment Extract. Work Assignment Extract 

Report Logic

  • Report work assignment records for staff.
    • The staff must be assigned to the section as a Primary Teacher OR a Teacher in order for a record to populate on the Work Assignment.
    • Report staff that are tied to the selected Calendar(s) AND District Assignment Start Date is on or before the Effective Date AND the Staff History>Start Date <= the Effective Date.
      1. Report Staff even if District Assignment End Date or Staff History>End Date is on or before the Effective Date.
        • Do not report Staff if District Assignment End Date is After District Assignment Start Date AND before the selected calendar Start Date
      2. Do not report Staff that have a Job Classification code (District Assignment>Title (StandardCode)) of NULL
    • Always report Staff from Schools that have Staff Assignment Type of 02.
    • The record for the course section the staff is assigned must NOT report when course State Code = exempt OR when Course>Active = NOT Checked.
    • Do not report a record when report Effective Date < Course Term Start Date, OR when Staff History>Start Date != Null and > Effective Date.
    • If the Job Classification (Title) code is 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2310, 2325, (or 4100) report course information.
      • Report one instance for each section of each course
    • If the Job Classification (Title) code is NOT 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2310, 2325 (or 4100) then DO NOT include course information for the record and only report one instance for the assignment
    • Excludes grade level, calendar, and calendar excludes.
    • Do not report Staff Assignments where the staff has an Employment Exclude checkbox checked (District Employment > Exclude)
    • Do not report Staff Assignment if the District Assignment has the Exclude checkbox checked
    • Report Staff Assignment if the Employment Exclude checkbox is not checked.
    • Report Staff Assignment if the assignment does not have the Exclude checkbox checked.
    • At least one student must be rostered with a Roster Start Date of null or on or before the extract Effective Date.
  • Must have active District Assignment> Title = NOT Blank and Teacher = checked in order for the Course/Section>Section Editor> District Assignment dropList to populate.

When HR is enabled:

  • Report staff that are tied to the selected Calendar(s) AND Work Assignment Start Date is on or before the Effective Date AND the Staff History>Start Date <= the Effective Date.
    1. Report Staff even if Work Assignment End Date or Staff History>End Date is on or before the Effective Date.
      1. Do not report Staff if Work Assignment End Date is after Work Assignment Start Date AND before the selected calendar Start Date.
    2. Do not report Staff that have a Job Classification standard code (Work Assignment > Title) of NULL.
  • Do not report Staff Assignments that have the District Employment SIF Exclude check box checked (Personnel Master > HR General Information > Employment Dates > SIF Exclude).
  • Do not report Staff Assignment that have all Work Locations with a SIF Exclude check box checked.
  • Do not report a Staff's Work Assignment where the Work Location has a SIF Exclude check box checked.
  • Report Staff Assignment if at least one Work Assignment does not have the SIF Exclude checkbox checked.
  • Report Staff Assignment if there is a District Employment without a check in the SIF Exclude check box (Personnel Master > HR General Information > Employment Dates > SIF Exclude).
  • Must have active Work Assignment > Title = NOT Blank and Role of Teacher (Work Assignment > Roles & Qualifications) selected in order for the Course/Section>Section Editor> District Assignment dropList to populate.

The District Assignment Title must have a Standard Code filled out on the Attribute Dictionary (Attribute/Dictionary > EmploymentAssignment > Title > Dictionary).

This standard code should be the 4-digit state code.

Screenshot of Campus Attribute Dictionary.Campus Attribute Dictionary

Report Editor Field Descriptions

The following fields are available on the report editor.



Extract Type

Select Work Assignment Extract.

Effective Date

The date from which data is pulled for the report.


Report format that is being generated. When submitting the extract to the state, use the State Format (CSV). When verifying or reviewing data prior to submitting the extract, use one of the other formats. Options include HTML and CSV.

Header Off

Selecting this checkbox places a header on the report. The Report Header includes the record type, record name, and district number. For example, "EPIMS,WORK_ASSIGNMENT, 001."

Include Validation Column (HTML Only)Selecting this option includes a column at the end of the extract when generate in HTML format. This column lists error identification numbers, which refer to errors identified in documentation maintained by the state. See the State EPIMS website for more information.
Ad hoc FilterSelecting a filter limits records returned to those that meet the criteria of the pre-defined Ad hoc filter.
Exclude Cross-Site Data
When marked, Cross-Site data will not be included in the extract.

Select Calendars

The calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report. Can be set to display only the active year, or be sorted by school or by year. At least one calendar must be selected in order for the report to generate.


Users have the option of submitting a SIMS report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Report Example

Screenshot of Work Assignment Extract HTML Example.Work Assignment Extract HTML Example

Report Layout

Element Name


Type, Format, Length

Campus Database and UI Location


A unique number assigned to an individual by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Alphanumeric, 8 characters


Demographics > Staff State ID

HR Enabled: hrDemographics.

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > HR General Information - Current Record > State Number

Local Employee Number

A number used at the local district to identify an employee.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters


Demographics > Local Staff Number

HR Enabled:
Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > HR General Information - Current Record > Personnel Number

First Name

A name given to an individual at birth, during a naming ceremony, or through legal change.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters


Demographics > First Name

HR Enabled:
Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > HR General Information - Current Record > First Name

Middle Name

A secondary name given to an individual at birth, during a naming ceremony, or through legal change.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters


Demographics > Middle Name

HR Enabled:
Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > HR General Information - Current Record > Middle Name

Last Name

The person's last name.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters


Demographics > Last Name

HR Enabled:
Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > HR General Information - Current Record > Last Name

District School ID

The eight-digit code for the district and/or school where the individual is currently employed. Each district/school in Massachusetts has an eight-digit code assigned by the ESE. The first four digits represent the district code. The second four digits represent the school code. The last four digits for a district position report as “0000."

Numeric, 8 digits


School Information > State School Number

HR Enabled:

  1. Report the first four digits of State District Number and the School Number.
  2. Please report from the Course>Section>Primary Teacher>District Assignment. Report the State District Number and the School Number from the associated Calendar of District Assignment
  3. If a teacher has work assignments in more than one school, report field WA06, District/School ID, with the associated State District Number and School number for school in which the record/class section is located when the WA report is generated for the multiple schools
  4. Please look to the School in which the teacher has a work assignment and report the District Number and School number combination for the school in which the assignment and class/section being reported is.
  5. Left Justify / Zero pad if School Number < 4 digits.

Job Classification

A description of the specific group of duties and responsibilities of a position. Reports based on state validations.

See the Title Code List  for possible values and reporting logic.

Numeric, 4 digits

EmploymentAssignment. title

District Assignment > Title

HR Enabled:
Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Work Assignments > Work Assignment Editor > Work Assignment Details > Title

Teacher Paraprofessional Assignment

The specific educational or educational support activity in which teachers, paraprofessionals, and other instructional staff are involved and employed on a daily basis. Reports based on state validations.

See the Assignment Code List  for possible values and reporting logic.

Numeric, 3 digits

EmploymentAssignment. assignmentCode

District Assignments > Assignment Code

HR Enabled:
Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Work Assignments > Work Assignment Editor > Work Assignment Details > Assignment Code


The predominant grade(s) for which the specific assignment provides educational services. Reports based on state validations.

Additional reporting logic is as follows:

  1. Only reports a non 00 value when Primary and/or Secondary Teacher > District Assignment > Title code = 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2310, 2325, or 4100, AND when Teacher Paraprofessional Assignment is NOT = 406,
  2. Report 00 when District Assignment >Title code does not = 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2310, 2325, or 4100, OR when Teacher Paraprofessional Assignment = 406,
  3. Report 00 if Course > Grade = Null or when staff is not assigned to a course.

Numeric, 4 digits


Course/Section > Course > Grade

HR Enabled:

  1. Report the Grade value (Scheduling > Courses > Course > Course Information) for the Course
    1. Only reports a non 00 value when Primary and/or Secondary Teacher Work Assignments > Work Assignment Editor > Work Assignment Details > Title code(WA07) = 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2310, 2325, or 4100 , AND when WA08 NOT = 406,
    2. Report 00 when Work Assignments > Work Assignment Editor > Work Assignment Details > Title code (WA07) does not = 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2310, 2325, or 4100, OR when WA08 = 406,
    3. Report 00 if Course>Grade = Null or when staff is not assigned to a course.

Subject Area Course

The subject area/course taught by an individual or for which the staff member provides support.Reports based on state validations.

Logic is as follows:

  1. When Grade = 00, Subject Area Course reports as 00000.
  2. Else, Subject Area Course = Scheduling > Courses > Course > State Code.
  3. When State Code = "exempt", or is Null, record will not report for course.

Alphanumeric, 7 characters


Course > State Code

Class Section

The class section code provided by the school district. Reports based on state validations.

Logic is as follows:

  1. Logic reports Course number + Section number. No spaces between the numbers.
  2. Otherwise, reports 0.
  3. Logic only reports a non 0 value when Primary and/or Secondary Teacher > District Assignment > Job Classification (Title code) = 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2310, 2325, or 4100.
  4. Logic reports a default = 0 when District Assignment >Job Classification (Title code) does not = 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2310, 2325, or 4100.
  5. If Subject Area Course field reports a value of 00000, Class Section reports as 0.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters


Courses > Section > Section Number

HR Enabled:

  1. Reports Course number + Section number. No spaces between the numbers.
    1. Otherwise reports 0.
  2. Only reports a non 0 value when Primary and/or Secondary Teacher> Work Assignment> Title code (WA07) = 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2310, 2325, or 4100.
  3. Report Default = 0 when Work Assignment>Title code (WA07) does not = 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2310, 2325, or 4100.
  4. If Subject Area / Course reports 00000, Class Section must report 0.

Full Time Equivalent

The ratio between the hours expected of a full-time position and the number of actual hours being provided by an individual.

Calculated by summing the FTE of all District Assignments that have at least one active section. Each FTE is then divided by that total and each result is multiplied by the District Employment FTE Percent and divided by the number of sections in each assignment and rounded to two decimal points.

Calculates based on the FTE Percent of the most recent District Employment active on or before the extract Effective Date.

Value cannot exceed 1.0. Inactive sections are calculated the same way. 

When a staff member is not assigned to a section, they will report using the following calculation:

    • District Assignment FTE / District Employment FTE

When the staff member's record has a Job Classification of 2305, 2306, 2307, or 2308 and a Term Status of 02, year-long courses (Course Term of 01) are included in the calculation.

    • (District Employment FTE / District Assignment FTE) / (# of sections with a Term Status of 02 + Course Term of 01

Courses with a Term Status of 01 are calculated separately from those course with a Term Status of 02 and 03.

Numeric, 5 digits

Not stored. This is a calculated field.

District Assignment > FTE of Assignment

HR Enabled:

FTE = District Assignment FTE / the number of staff section records belonging to the District Assignment (active and inactive records are separated). 

The FTE calculation is separate for those records with Term Status (WA17) = 01, and those records with Term Status = 02.

HR Enabled:
Personnel > Personnel Master > Work Assignments > Work Assignment Editor > Salary Information > Position FTE

Instructional Paraprofessional Qualification

A two-digit code that denotes the level of paraprofessional training achieved by the individual who is working in a Title I school.

Reports a value of 99 for all records.

Numeric, 2 digits

EmploymentAssignment. paraproQualification

District Assignments > Parapro Qualification

Highly Qualified Status

Indicates whether an individual meets the US DOE definition and criteria of highly qualified to teach a particular subject area or course.

Reports a value of 99 for all records.

Numeric, 2 digits

Calculated, not dynamically stored

Credentials > Credential Type, Subject Type, Core Subject Area; Course > Subject Type, Core Academic Class

Subject Matter Competency

Indicates how an individual has demonstrated or has not demonstrated subject matter competency for this position.

Reports a value of 99 for all records.

Numeric, 2 digits

EmploymentAssignment. subjectMatterCompetency

Credentials > Subject Matter Competency

Course Term

A division in a school year during which instruction is regularly given to students. See the Course Term Code List  for possible values. Reports based on state validations.

Numeric, 2 digits

Not Stored.

Term Status

The two-digit code that identifies a course term as active or inactive at the time of the collection.

Reporting logic is as follows:

  • EOY, 6154: When Effective Date >= last Term Start Date in calendar, and Course Term = 01, 33, 22, 44, or 55, Term Status reports as 01. 
  • EOY: When the last course term End Date >= the last calendar term End Date, Term Status reports as 01. Else, 02. 
  • EOY, 6155: When Effective Date >= last Term Start Date in calendar, and Course Term = 41, 21, 31, or 51, Term Status reports as 02. 
  • October, 6156: When Effective Date < last Term Start Date in calendar, and Course Term = 01, 31, 21, 41, or 51, Term Status reports as 01. 
  • October, 6157: When Effective Date < last Term Start Date in calendar, and Course Term is setup to report 22, 32, 33, 43, 44, 53, 54, or 55, the course record must not report. 
  • Otherwise, when none of the above scenarios apply, and the course is active (taught) during the term on the date of the Effective Date, Term Status reports as 01. 
  • When the course is not active during the term on the date of the Effective Date, Term Status reports as 02. 
  • Latest term date: System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > Term Schedule/Terms Editor > End Date (choose the End Date with the latest End Date). 
  • A section is taught during the last term when a check mark exists under the latest term in the Section Schedule Placement (Q4, in this example).
  • When a staff is not assigned to a course (and therefore has no course Start Date), but populates on the report, Course Term and Term Status report as 01.
  • If teacher has a Staff History end date before the extract effective date, report 03 when the term is active (01).
  • If the Assignment End Date is null or after the extract effective date, report 01 if the term is active (and meets all other conditions).
  • Cannot be NULL.

Numeric, 2 digits

Not Stored.

Title Code List

The following expandable areas describe the logic for Core and HR Enabled reporting:

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Reporting logic is as follows:

  1. Logic reports from the Course > Section > Primary Teacher > District Assignment. Report the Title Code from the associated Calendar of District Assignment.
  2. Default the Section > Primary Teacher > District Assignment to the People > District Assignment associated with that Calendar 
    • If more than one district assignment in that Calendar, display the District Assignment where Teacher is checked
    • If more than one district assignment in that Calendar has Teacher checked, do not default, leave blank. Users will have to associate the assignment themselves
  3. If Primary Teacher > District Assignment is null (blank), logic reports fields associated with the course with defaults of 0 or 99, see below: 
    • Teacher Paraprofessional Assignment = 000
    • Grade = 00
    • Subject Area / Course = 00000
    • Class Section = 0
    • Instructional Paraprofessional Qualification = 99
    • Highly Qualified Status = 99
    • Subject Matter Competency = 99
  4. If District Assignment >Title code > (Standard Code) = 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2310, 2325, 2330 or 4100 report associated course related fields when they are the Section > Primary Teacher.
  5. If the Primary Teacher's District Assignment > Title code > (Standard Code) does not = 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2310, 2325, 2330 or 4100 report associated course related fields with defaults of:
    • Grade= 00
    • Subject Area / Course = 00000
    • Class Section = 0
    • Instructional Paraprofessional Qualification = 99
    • Highly Qualified Status = 99
    • Subject Matter Competency = 99
  6. For Secondary Teachers, do not default Section > District Assignment.
  7. If Secondary Teacher > District Assignment is not null and Title code = 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2310, 2325, 2330 or 4100 , report associated course related fields.
  8. If Secondary Teacher > District Assignment is null or Title not = 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2310, 2325, 2330 or 4100 report defaults of 0 or 99 in course related fields: 
    • Grade = 00
    • Subject Area / Course = 00000
    • Class Section = 0
    • Instructional Paraprofessional Qualification = 99
    • Highly Qualified Status = 99
    • Subject Matter Competency = 99
  9. The only exception to the above is when WA07 = 3323 AND either school.Title1 = Checked, OR schoolAttribute.title1 has a dictionary Code = SWELIGSWPROG in the latest (most recent Effective Date) School History record with an Effective Date <= the extract Effective Date. When this is True:
    • Grade = 00
    • Subject Area / Course = 00000
    • Class Section = 0
    • Instructional Paraprofessional Qualification = 99
    • Highly Qualified Status = 99 
    • Subject Matter Competency = 99

Possible reporting values is as follows:




Administrative Aides


Administrative Clerks and Secretaries


Assistant/Associate/ Vice Superintendents




Deputy/associate/vice-/assistance principal


Diagnostic and Evaluation Staff


Educational Interpreters


Guidance Counselor


Information Services & Technical Support


Instructional Coach


Junior ROTC Instructor


Librarians and Media Center Directors


Long Term Substitute Teacher


Occupational Therapist


Orientation and Mobility Instructor


Other Administrative Support Personnel


Other District Wide Administrators


Other Related Special Education Staff


Other School Administrator/ Coordinator




Physical Therapist




Principal/headmaster/headmistress/head of school




Recreation and Therapeutic Recreation Specialists


Rehabilitation Counselor


School Adjustment Counselor - Non-Special Ed


School Adjustment Counselor - Special Education


School Business Official


School Nurse – Non-Special Education


School Nurse – Special Education


School Nurse Leader (SNL)


School Psychologist – Non-Special Education


School Psychologist – Special Education


School Social Worker – Special Education


School Social Worker – Non-Special Education


Special Ed Administrative Aides


Special Ed Administrative Clerks and Secretaries


Special Ed Administrator


Speech Pathologist


Superintendent of Schools


Supervisor/Director of Guidance


Supervisor/Director of Pupil Personnel


Supervisor/Director/Coordinator - Prof Development


Supervisor/Director/Coordinator of Assessment


Supervisor/Director/Coordinator of Curriculum


Supervisor/Director/Coordinator: Arts


Supervisor/Director/Coordinator: English


Supervisor/Director/Coordinator: ELL


Supervisor/Director/Coordinator: Foreign Language


Supervisor/Director/Coordinator: Hist/Social Stud


Supervisor/Director/Coordinator: Library/Media


Supervisor/Director/Coordinator: Mathematics


Supervisor/Director/Coordinator: Reading


Supervisor/Director/Coordinator: Science


Supervisor/Director/Coordinator: Technology




Teacher - support content instruction




Virtual Course Teacher


Virtual Course Co-Teacher


Work Study Coordinator

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  1. Logic looks at Course > Section > Primary Teacher > District Assignment and reports the Title Code (standard code) from the associated Calendar of District Assignment
  2. Default the Section > Primary Teacher > District Assignment to the People >District Assignment associated with that Calendar 
    1. If more than one work assignment in that Calendar, display the District Assignment where Teacher role is selected.
    2. If more than one district assignment in that Calendar has Teacher checked, do not default and leave blank.
  3. If Primary Teacher > District Assignment is null (blank), logic reports fields associated with the course with defaults of 0, see below: 
    1. WA08 = 000
    2. WA09 = 00
    3. WA10 = 00000
    4. WA11 = 0
    5. WA13 = 99
    6. WA14 = 99
    7. WA15 = 99
  4. If District Assignment > Title standard code>= 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2310, 2325, 2330 or 4100 report associated course related fields when they are the Section > Primary Teacher.
  5. If the Primary Teacher's District Assignment > Title standard code > does not = 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2310, 2325, 2330 or 4100 report associated course related fields with defaults of:
    1. WA09 = 00
    2. WA10 = 00000
    3. WA11 = 0
    4. WA13 = 99
    5. WA14 = 99
    6. WA15 = 99
  6. For Secondary Teachers, do not default Section > District Assignment.
  7. If Secondary Teacher > District Assignment is not null and Title standard code = 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2310, 2325, 2330 or 4100, logic reports associated course related fields with report logic listed below.
  8. If Secondary Teacher > District Assignment is null or Title (standard code) not = 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2310, 2325, 2330 or 4100, logic reports defaults of 0 in course related fields: 
    1. WA09 = 00
    2. WA10 = 00000
    3. WA11 = 0
    4. WA13 = 99
    5. WA14 = 99
    6. WA15 = 99
  9. The only exception to the logic above is when WA07 = 3323 AND either school.Title1 = Checked, OR schoolAttribute.title1 has a dictionary Code = SWELIGSWPROG in the latest (most recent Effective Date) School History record with an Effective Date <= the extract Effective Date. When this is True:
    1. WA09 = 00
    2. WA10 = 00000
    3. WA11 = 0
    4. WA13 = 99
    5. WA14 = 99
    6. WA15 = 99

Assignment Code List

The following reporting logic is used:

  1. Report 000 for records where District Assignment > Title code does NOT = 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2310, 2325 or 4100.
  2. Else, report Assignment Code.
    1. Report from the Course > Section > Primary Teacher and/or Secondary Teacher > District Assignment > Assignment Code.
    2. Report the Assignment Code from the associated Calendar of District Assignment.

The following reporting logic is used when HR is enabled:

  1. Report 000 for records where Work Assignments > Work Assignment Editor > Work Assignment Details > Title code does NOT = 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2310, 2325 or 4100.
  2. Else, report Assignment Code.
    1. Report from the Course > Section > Primary Teacher and/or Secondary Teacher > District Assignment > Assignment Code.
    2. Report the Assignment Code from the associated Calendar of District Assignment.
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Not Applicable

Not Applicable


Core - Non-Secondary Level Classroom Teacher

A classroom teacher providing instruction in a core subject area to students in grades PK through grade 6. Grade 6 can be included at the middle school level.


Core - Secondary Level Classroom Teacher

A classroom teacher providing instruction in a core subject to students in grades 6 and above. Grade 6 can be included at the middle school level.


Core - Mild/Moderate Disab Sole Content Teacher

A special education teacher that provides the sole content instruction in a core academic area. Instruction may be provided in a variety of settings (e.g., resource room, self-contained classroom, etc.).


Core - Severe Disabilities Sole Content Teacher

A special education teacher that provides the sole content instruction in a core academic area. Instruction may be provided in a variety of settings (e.g., resource room, self-contained classroom, etc.).


Mild/Mod Disabilities Consultative Content Teacher

A consultative content teacher teaches content but is not the sole or lead teacher. A consultative content teacher supports the teaching of content either in the lead content teacher’s classroom or in a resource room. This assignment is required to be HQ (WA14) but should be reported as “not applicable” in SMC (WA15).


Severe Disabilities Consultative Content Teacher

A consultative content teacher teaches content but is not the sole or lead teacher. A consultative content teacher supports the teaching of content either in the lead content teacher’s classroom or in a resource room. This assignment is required to be HQ (WA14) but should be reported as “not applicable” in SMC (WA15).


Core - Vision Impairments

A teacher of core content to students who have vision impairments.


Core - Deaf/Hard of Hearing

A teacher of core content to students who are deaf or hard of hearing.


Non-Secondary Level ESL Teacher

Teacher providing English language development or English as a second language (ELD/ESL) instruction to students who are limited English proficient (LEP) at the non-secondary level.


Secondary Level ESL Teacher

Teacher providing English language development or English as a second language (ELD/ESL) instruction to students who are limited English proficient (LEP) at the secondary level.


Core Support Content General Education

A Classroom teacher providing support in a core subject.


Non-Secondary Content Support ESL Teacher

An ESL teacher, at the non-secondary level, who collaborates with the content teacher to teach language related to content but is not the sole or lead teacher. An ESL teacher who supports the teaching of content by tailoring instruction to address the development of vocabulary and English language skills of limited English proficient (LEP) students in content classrooms.


Core - Other Bilingual Education

The sole content teacher provides instruction to limited English proficient (LEP) students in English and in their native language. This assignment includes instructors in Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) classrooms.


Secondary Content Support ESL Teacher

An ESL teacher, at the secondary level, who collaborates with the content teacher to teach language related to content but is not the sole or lead teacher. An ESL teacher who supports the teaching of content by tailoring instruction to address the development of vocabulary and English language skills of limited English proficient (LEP) students in content classrooms.


Core Subject: Sheltered Content Teacher

The sole content teacher in general education classrooms where some of the students are limited English proficient (LEP). It is understood that this teacher has undergone "skill and knowledge" training to teach LEP students.


Non-Core - CVTE Teachers

A teacher of career and vocational technical education, which is considered non-core under the NCLB definition of core content.


Non-Core - Vision Impairments

A teacher of non-core content to students who have vision impairments.


Non-Core - Speech/ Lang/Hearing Disorders

A teacher of non-core content to students who have speech/language disorders.


Non-Core - Deaf/Hard of Hearing

A teacher of non-core content to students who are deaf or hard of hearing.


Non-Core - Non-Second Level Classroom Teacher

A classroom teacher providing instruction in a non-core subject area to students in grades PK through grade 6. Grade 6 can be included at the middle school level.


Non-Core - Secondary Level Classroom Teacher

A classroom teacher providing instruction in a non-core subject to students in grades 7 and above. Grade 7 can be included at the middle school level.


Non-Core - Other SPED Instructional Staff

A special education teacher of non-core content.


Non-Core Support Content General Education

A classroom teacher providing support in a non-core subject.


SPED Shared Phy Ed at Non-Secondary Level

A teacher in physical education who provides instruction to special education students in grades PK through 6.


SPED Shared Phy Ed at Secondary Level

A teacher in physical education who provides instruction to special education students in grades 7 and above.


SPED Shared Vocational Education

A teacher in vocational education who provides instruction to special education students.


SPED Other Shared Instructional Staff

A teacher who provides instruction in non-core content (not including physical education or vocational education) to special education students.


Paraprofessionals - Title I

A paraprofessional whose primary responsibility is to support Title I students.


Paraprofessional - LEP

A paraprofessional whose primary responsibility is to support Limited English Proficient (LEP) students.


Paraprofessional - CVTE

A paraprofessional whose primary responsibility is to support Career and Vocational Technical Education students.


Paraprofessionals - SPED

A paraprofessional whose primary responsibility is to support Special Education students.


Paraprofessionals - Other

A paraprofessional whose primary responsibility is not articulated in the definitions for codes 401--404.

406Non-Instructional Paraprofessionals

Course Term Code List

Report default = 01 when District Assignment>Title code does not = 2305, 2306, 2310, 2325, 2330 or the first 2 left justified digits = 33

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Full year course


The schedule structure is semesters and the course is in semester 1.


The course is for semester 2.


The schedule structure is trimesters and the course is in trimester 1.


The course is in trimester 2.


The course is in trimester 3.


The course is in multiple consecutive trimesters.


The course is in multiple non-consecutive trimesters


The schedule structure is Quarters and the course is in Quarter 1.


The course is in Quarter 2.


The course is in Quarter 3.


The course is in Quarter 4.


The course is in multiple consecutive quarters.


This course is in multiple non-consecutive quarters.


The schedule structure is quinmesters and the course is in quinmester 1.


The course is in quinmester 2.


The course is in quinmester 3.


The course is in quinmester 4.


The course is in quinmester 5.


The course is in multiple consecutive quinmesters.


The course is in multiple non-consecutive quinmesters.


The course is in Mini Term 1.


If the schedule structure is divided up into more than 5 terms, they are considered mini terms.


The course is in Mini Term 2.


The course is in Mini Term 3.


The course is in Mini Term 4.


The course is in Mini Term 5.


The course is in Mini Term 6.


The course is in Mini Term 7.


The course is in Mini Term 8.


The course is in Mini Term 9.


The course is in multiple consecutive Mini Terms.


The course is in multiple non-consecutive Mini Terms.


The course is part of a calendar that is flagged for Summer School.

