Core SIF - AssessmentRegistration

Tool Search: SIF

The current version of SIF is v2.7.

This object represents the assignment of a specific assessment to be taken by a student.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Batch SIF_Condition elements:

  1. Existing SIF_Condition elements to support: 
    1. @RefId
    2. @StudentPersonalRefId
    3. @AssessmentAdministrationRefId

Object Triggering

Event TypeRequirement
AddAn assessment is assigned to a student.

Scenario: There is a test called A that has a parent called B. If the user removes the parent test B by selecting “(no parent)” in the Parent Test dropList in A, an add event is triggered for A when test A is assigned to the student.

Scenario: Our zone is set to the year 14-15. There is a test with a year of 13-14. If the user changes the test year to 14-15 and the test is assigned to the student, an add event is triggered for our zone.

Scenario: Our zone is set to all year. There is a test with a year of 13-14 which is assigned to the student, then an add event is sent. If the user changes that same test year to any other year or null, no event should be triggered.

Note: This Scenario is ONLY valid once Add Event is sent. Currently, when you change the Year after an Add event is sent, it's sending a Delete Event when the Year is changed. That Delete Event shouldn't send as the Zone year will still be valid. 


A field is changed and saved on the Test Score Detail for the parent (non-child) assessment.

Field = Date

DeleteThe assessment assigned to the student is deleted.

Scenario: There is a test called A without a parent. If the user adds a parent test called B, a delete event is triggered for A when test A is assigned to the student.

Scenario: Our zone is set to the year 14-15. There is a test with either no year or a year of 14-15. If the user changes the test year to a non-null year other than 14-15, a delete event is triggered for our zone if the test is assigned to the student in 14-15.

Note: If the student's enrollment is deleted, delete won't send.

Object Population and Business Rules

Applies to parent (non-child) assessments that are assigned to the student.
Create a trigger on (Student Info>General>Assessment>Test Scores>Test Score Detail):
  • (Student Info>General>Assessment>Test Scores>Test Score Detail>Date) = Null or falls within an enrollment Start and End Date range that is within in the SIF Zone Year selected. The student must have an enrollment in the SIF Zone Year selected.
  • When the assessment has a Year NOT = Null AND NOT matching the SIF Zone Year selected, this assessment must NOT report.
Do Not Report When:
  • The student referenced has 'No Show' = Checked in their latest enrollment in the SIF Zone Year, AND (System Admin>Data Interchange>Zones>Zone List>Data Filtering Options>Exclude No Show Enrollments) = Checked for the applicable Zone.
  • The student referenced has 'State Exclude' = Checked in their latest enrollment in the SIF Zone Year, AND (System Admin>Data Interchange>Zones>Zone List>Data Filtering Options>Exclude All State Exclude Enrollments) = Checked for the applicable Zone.
  • The student only has non-Primary enrollments in the SIF Zone Year, AND (System Admin>Data Interchange>Zones>Zone List>Data Filtering Options>Exclude All Secondary Enrollments) = Checked for the applicable Zone.

Object Data Elements

Data Element LabelDescriptionBusiness RulesData Source GUI PathDatabase FieldM, C or O
@RefIdThe GUID that uniquely identifies this object.

@StudentPersonalRefIdThe student associated with the registration.

@AssessmentAdministrationRefIdThe assessment administration associated with the registration.


CreationDateTimeDate/time assignment is made.
  1. Report the student's assessment date from (Student Info>General>Assessment>Test Scores>Test Score Detail>Date).
  2. When (Student Info>General>Assessment>Test Scores>Test Score Detail>Date) = Null, report (Assessment>Test Setup>Tests>Test Detail>Start Date).
    • When (Assessment>Test Setup>Tests>Test Detail>Start Date) = Null, report the student's latest enrollment Start Date in the calendar associated with the SIF Zone (can be in the future).
  3. Format is in format YYYY-MM-DD concatenated with "T00:00-00:00".
Student Information > General > Assessment > Test Scores > Test Score Detail > Date


Records student-specific special conditions during the test.
Optional. Does Not Report.