CRDC Questions Calculated in Campus

Tool Search: Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) 

Campus calculates the answers for the following questions via mappings you'll use the CRDC Setup Tool to create. Alternatively, you may choose to create Ad hoc filters to answer these questions. This information is provided for you to use as a reference.

1. SCHR: School Characteristics 

(ONLY for SCHR-3: Grades with Students Enrolled) 

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Instructions: (All schools and justice facilities)

For the Fall 2023 snapshot date, indicate whether this school had at least one student enrolled in each grade in the table. Please select "Yes" or "No" for each grade.

  • Students must be counted in the school where they physically and/or remotely attend for more than 50% of the school day.
  • Check ungraded if students are not classified by You may check grades and also check ungraded if some students are classified by grade and others are not.

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels

Skip Logic:  

When skip logic is provided:

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data. 

1) Preschool-grade 12, UG

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcGradesWithStudents

Permitted Values: Yes/No/Null

Length of Permitted Values: 3


Element Name

Data Element

SCHR-3.3SCH_GRADE_G01Grade 1
SCHR-3.4SCH_GRADE_G02Grade 2
SCHR-3.5SCH_GRADE_G03Grade 3
SCHR-3.6SCH_GRADE_G04Grade 4
SCHR-3.7SCH_GRADE_G05Grade 5
SCHR-3.8SCH_GRADE_G06Grade 6
SCHR-3.9SCH_GRADE_G07Grade 7
SCHR-3.10SCH_GRADE_G08Grade 8
SCHR-3.11SCH_GRADE_G09Grade 9
SCHR-3.12SCH_GRADE_G10Grade 10
SCHR-3.13SCH_GRADE_G11Grade 11
SCHR-3.14SCH_GRADE_G12Grade 12

All CRDC Grade Levels will display with results for each grade:

  • Show “Yes” next to each grade level offered at this school where at least one student is enrolled in a grade that is mapped to the CRDC Grade Level
  • Show “No” next to all grade levels at this school where no student is enrolled  in a grade that is mapped to the CRDC Grade Level
  • Only report students where their enrollment is in the school being reported or the School of Accountability field is set to the reporting school.
An override column will be next to the results with a droplist next to each grade level that can be set to Yes, No or NULL
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • NCES School Number, School Name, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name and CRDC Grade Level

3. PSCH: Preschool 

(NOT for PSCH-2a, 2b, 2c, 2d)

PSCH-1: Preschool Age for Non-IDEA Children

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Instructions: (Only for schools offering preschool)

For the Fall 2023 snapshot date, indicate whether non-IDEA students in each of the specified ages were served in preschool. Please select "Yes" or "No" for each option.

  • Children must be the specified age as of the snapshot date (i.e., as of October 1 or the closest school day to October 1).

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Fall Snapshot IDEA Students

Skip Logic:  

When skip logic is provided:

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.

2) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcPreschoolAgesNonIDEA

Permitted Values: Yes/No/NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 3


Element Name

Data Element


 Children age 3 years


 Children age 4 and 5 years


Indicate whether any of the school’s preschool services or programs serve non-IDEA children in the ages specified.

  • Children age 3 years
  • Children age 4 and 5 years

Results Logic:  Report if the school has any students with a qualifying enrollment in a grade level that is mapped to the CRDC Grade Level = Preschool and they meet the age requirement being reported
  • The student's age is calculated by comparing their birth date to the Fall Snapshot Count Date entered in the Report Options
  • Report “Yes” next to each Age where there is at least 1 student = to that age on the Fall Snapshot Count Date
  • Report "No" next to each Age where there is not any student that is = that age on the Fall Snapshot Count Date
  • Report "NULL" if the school does not have any students in a grade level that is mapped to the CRDC Grade Level = Preschool
  • Do not include students if they are mapped in the Fall Snapshot IDEA Category Mapping
  • Use the Enrollment logic to determine a student's eligibility to report
An override column will be next to the results with a droplist next to each grade level that can be set to Yes, No, or NULL
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, CRDC Grade Level, Age
  • The age of the student at the time of the count date will be displayed (not their current age if it has changed)

PSCH-3: Preschool Enrollment

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Instructions: (Only for schools offering preschool)

For the Fall 2023 snapshot date, enter the number of children enrolled in preschool.

  • Enter enrollment of children in preschool programs and/or services for children ages 3 through 5.
  • Include children who are 2 years of age who are allowed to enroll in preschool at the start of the school year because they will turn 3 years of age sometime during the school year.
  • For preschool students with disabilities (IDEA), report data based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1). For all other entries, report data based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).

Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Fall Snapshot IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot EL Students, Fall Snapshot 504 Students

Associated Date Range: Fall 2023 snapshot date

Skip Logic:  

When skip logic is provided:

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data. 

2) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcPreschoolEnrollment

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7

LayoutData ElementMaleFemaleTotal
PSCH-3.1, PSCH-3.2Hispanic or Latino of any raceSCH_PSENR_HI_M SCH_PSENR_HI_F
PSCH-3.3, PSCH-3.4American Indian or Alaska NativeSCH_PSENR_AM_MSCH_PSENR_AM_F
PSCH-3.7, PSCH-3.8Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderSCH_PSENR_HP_MSCH_PSENR_HP_F
PSCH-3.9, PSCH-3.10Black or African AmericanSCH_PSENR_BL_MSCH_PSENR_BL_F
PSCH-3.13, PSCH-3.14Two or More racesSCH_PSENR_TR_MSCH_PSENR_TR_F


PSCH-3.15, PSCH-3.16English Learners (EL)SCH_PSENR_EL_MSCH_PSENR_EL_F
PSCH-3.17, PSCH-3.18Students with Disabilities (IDEA)SCH_PSENR_IDEA_MSCH_PSENR_IDEA_F
PSCH-3.19, PSCH-3.20Students with Disabilities (Section 504 Only)SCH_PSENR_504_MSCH_PSENR_504_F
PSCH3.1-PSCH3.14:   Count and display the total number of distinct students that fall into each Data Element listed
  • Use the Fall Snapshot Enrollment, Race/Ethnicity & Gender logic to determine which Data Element to report the students in
  • Report any students with a qualifying enrollment in a grade level that is mapped to the CRDC Grade Level = Preschool
  • Report all students who are ages 3, 4 or 5 on the Fall Snapshot date
  • Report any student who is the age of 2 on the Fall Snapshot date and 3rd birthday occurs on or before the last day of the Regular School Year
  • Student's birthday must be on or before 6/30/XX of the reporting year
  • If there are no students in a data element, report "0" (not null)
PSCH3.15-PSCH3.20:   Report the total number of distinct students by gender for the following category mappings:
  • PSCH3.15 & PSCH3.16:  Use the Fall Snapshot EL Students to report students in proper data element
  • PSCH3.17 & PSCH3.18 Use Fall Snapshot IDEA Students to report students in the proper data element
  • PSCH3.19 & PSCH3.20 Use Fall Snapshot Section 504 Students  to report students in the proper data element
  • If there are no students in a data element, report "0" (not null)
Show Totals in the question summary in the following groupings:   Race/Ethnicity by Gender & Total Number by Gender
  • The totals in the summary will be updated upon hitting save.  Totals are not reported, they are only there for data verification.
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box next to each data element. 
  • The field must accept NULL, Alpha & Numeric values
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • NCES School Number, School Name, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, IDEA, EL, Section 504

PSCH-4a: Preschool Enrollment of English Learner Students

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Instructions: (Only for schools reporting greater than zero overall EL preschool student enrollment)

For the Fall 2023 snapshot date, enter the number of students in preschool who were English learners (EL).

  • Include all English learner (EL) preschool students, regardless of whether they were enrolled in EL programs.

Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Fall Snapshot EL Students 

Associated Date Range: Fall 2023 snapshot date

Skip Logic:  

When skip logic is provided:

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data. 

1) SCHR-2. Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO.


1) Skip and leave blank if Preschool English Learner Male Enrollment (SCH_PSENR_EL_M) + Preschool English Learner Female Enrollment (SCH_PSENR_EL_F) is Zero

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcPreschoolEnrollmentEL

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7

LayoutData ElementMaleFemaleTotal
PSCH-4a.1, PSCH-4a.2Hispanic or Latino of any raceSCH_PSELENR_HI_MSCH_PSELENR_HI_F
PSCH-4a.3, PSCH-4a.4American Indian or Alaska NativeSCH_PSELENR_AM_MSCH_PSELENR_AM_F
PSCH-4a.7, PSCH-4a.8Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderSCH_PSELENR_HP_MSCH_PSELENR_HP_F
PSCH-4a.9, PSCH-4a.10Black or African AmericanSCH_PSELENR_BL_MSCH_PSELENR_BL_F


PSCH4a.1-PSCH4a.14:   Count and display the total number of distinct Fall Snapshot EL Students that fall into each Data Element listed
  • Use the Enrollment, Race/Ethnicity & Gender logic to determine which Data Element to report the students in
  • Only report students who are selected and saved in the Fall Snapshot EL Students category mapping for the reporting school
  • Report "0" if there is not a student that is eligible in a data element
Show Totals in the question summary in the following groupings:   Race/Ethnicity by Gender & Total Number by Gender
The totals in the summary will be updated upon hitting save.  Totals are not reported, they are only there for data verification.
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box next to each data element
  • Totals will be blank in the override columns
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, EL

PSCH-4b: Preschool Enrollment of English Learner Students - EL Students in EL Programs

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Instructions: (Only for schools reporting greater than zero overall EL preschool student enrollment)

For the Fall 2023 snapshot date, enter the number of students in preschool who were enrolled in EL programs.

  • Include preschool students served through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Title III, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act, and preschool students who received EL services through other programs designed for EL students.
  • Data reported in this table are a subset of the preschool students who are EL as reported in table PSCH- 4a.

Category Mapping: Grade Levels,  Fall Snapshot Students Enrolled in EL Programs, Fall Snapshot IDEA Students

Skip Logic:  

When skip logic is provided:

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data. 

1) SCHR-2. Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO.


1)  Skip and leave blank if Preschool English Learner Male Enrollment (SCH_PSENR_EL_M) + Preschool English Learner Female Enrollment (SCH_PSENR_EL_F) is Zero

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcPreschoolEnrollmentELPrograms

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7

LayoutData ElementMaleFemaleTotal
PSCH-4b.1, PSCH-4b.2Hispanic or Latino of any raceSCH_PSELPROGENR_HI_MSCH_PSELPROGENR_HI_F
PSCH-4b.3, PSCH-4b.4American Indian or Alaska NativeSCH_PSELPROGENR_AM_MSCH_PSELPROGENR_AM_F
PSCH-4b.7, PSCH-4b.8Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderSCH_PSELPROGENR_HP_MSCH_PSELPROGENR_HP_F


PSCH4b.1-PSCH4b.14:   Count and display the total number of distinct Fall Snapshot Students Enrolled in EL Programs that fall into each Data Element listed
  • Use the Enrollment, Race/Ethnicity & Gender logic to determine which Data Element to report the students in
  • Only report students who are selected and saved in the Fall Snapshot Students Enrolled in EL Programs category mapping for the reporting school
  • Report "0" if there is not a student that is eligible in a data element
  • Report null if both answers on question PSCH4b data elements PSCH4b.15 & PSCH4b.16 are "0"
PSCH4b.15-PSCH4b.16:   Count and display the total number of IDEA students who are also Fall Snapshot IDEA Students Enrolled in EL Programs that fall into each data element listed
  • Use the Enrollment & Gender logic to determine which data element to report the students in
  • Students must be in both the Fall Snapshot IDEA Students & Fall Snapshot Students Enrolled in EL Programs category mappings to report
  • Report "0" if there is not a student that is eligible in a data element
  • Report null if both answers on question ENRL-1 data elements PSCH4b.15 & PSCH4b.16 are "0"
Show Totals in the question summary in the following groupings:   Race/Ethnicity by Gender & Total Number by Gender, IDEA by Gender
  • The totals in the summary will be updated upon hitting save.  Totals are not reported, they are only there for data verification.
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box next to each data element
  • Totals will be blank in the override columns
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, EL Programs, IDEA

PSCH-5: Preschool Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - IDEA

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Instructions: (Only for schools reporting greater than zero overall IDEA preschool student enrollment)

For the Fall 2023 snapshot date, enter the number of students with disabilities served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) who were enrolled in preschool at this school.

  • Include preschool students with disabilities served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Preschool students with disabilities served under IDEA may or may not also be served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
  • Do not include preschool students with disabilities served only under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
  • Count of preschool students with disabilities (IDEA) should be based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).

Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Fall Snapshot IDEA Students

Skip Logic:  

When skip logic is provided:

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data. 

1)  Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO


1)  Skip and leave blank if Preschool IDEA Male Enrollment (SCH_PSENR_IDEA_M) + Preschool IDEA Female Enrollment (SCH_PSENR_IDEA_F) is Zero

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcPreschoolEnrollmentIDEA

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7

LayoutData ElementMaleFemaleTotal
PSCH-5.1, PSCH-5.2Hispanic or Latino of any raceSCH_PSIDEAENR_HI_MSCH_PSIDEAENR_HI_F
PSCH-5.3, PSCH-5.4American Indian or Alaska NativeSCH_PSIDEAENR_AM_MSCH_PSIDEAENR_AM_F
PSCH-5.7, PSCH-5.8Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderSCH_PSIDEAENR_HP_MSCH_PSIDEAENR_HP_F



PSCH5.1PSCH5.1-PSCH5.14:   Count and display the total number of distinct Fall Snapshot IDEA Students that fall into each Data Element listed
  • Use the Enrollment, Race/Ethnicity & Gender logic to determine which Data Element to report the students in
  • Only report students who are selected and saved in the Fall Snapshot IDEA Students category mapping for the reporting school
  • Report "0" if there is not a student that is eligible in a data element
PSCH5.2PSCH5.15-PSCH5.16:   Count and display the total number of students who are Fall Snapshot EL students that fall into each data element listed
  • Use the Enrollment & Gender logic to determine which data element to report the students in
  • Students must be in both the Fall Snapshot IDEA Students & Fall Snapshot EL Students category mappings to report
  • Report "0" if there is not a student that is eligible in a data element
PSCH5.3Show Totals in the question summary in the following groupings:   Race/Ethnicity by Gender & Total Number by Gender, EL by Gender
  • The totals in the summary will be updated upon hitting save.  Totals are not reported, they are only there for data verification.
PSCH5.4In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box next to each data element
PSCH5.5Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, IDEA, EL

PSCH-6: Preschool Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - Section 504 Only

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Instructions: (Only for schools reporting greater than zero overall Section 504 only preschool student enrollment)

For the Fall 2023 snapshot date, enter the number of students with disabilities served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504 only) who were enrolled in preschool at this school.

  • Do not include preschool students with disabilities served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Fall Snapshot 504 Students, Fall Snapshot EL Students 

Skip Logic:  

When skip logic is provided:

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data. 

1)  Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO


1)  Skip and leave blank if Preschool 504 Male Enrollment (SCH_PSENR_504_M) + Preschool 504 Female Enrollment (SCH_PSENR_504_F) is Zero

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcPreschoolEnrollment504 

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7

LayoutData ElementMaleFemaleTotal
PSCH-6.1, PSCH-6.2Hispanic or Latino of any raceSCH_PS504ENR_HI_MSCH_PS504ENR_HI_F
PSCH-6.3, PSCH-6.4American Indian or Alaska NativeSCH_PS504ENR_AM_MSCH_PS504ENR_AM_F
PSCH-6.7, PSCH-6.8Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderSCH_PS504ENR_HP_MSCH_PS504ENR_HP_F
PSCH-6.9, PSCH-6.10Black or African AmericanSCH_PS504ENR_BL_MSCH_PS504ENR_BL_F
PSCH-6.13, PSCH-6.14Two or More racesSCH_PS504ENR_TR_MSCH_PS504ENR_TR_F


PSCH-6.15, PSCH-6.16English Learners (EL)SCH_PS504ENR_EL_MSCH_PS504ENR_EL_F

PSCH6.1PSCH6.1-PSCH6.14:   Count and display the total number of distinct Fall Snapshot 504 Students that fall into each Data Element listed
  • Use the Enrollment, Race/Ethnicity & Gender logic to determine which Data Element to report the students in
  • Only report students who are selected and saved in the Fall Snapshot 504 Students category mapping for the reporting school
  • Report "0" if there is not a student that is eligible in a data element
PSCH6.2PSCH6.15-PSCH6.16:   Count and display the total number of Fall Snapshot 504 students who are also Fall Snapshot EL students that fall into each data element listed
  • Use the Enrollment & Gender logic to determine which data element to report the students in
  • Students must be in both the Fall Snapshot 504 Students & Fall Snapshot EL Students category mappings to report
  • Report "0" if there is not a student that is eligible in a data element
PSCH6.3Show Totals in the question summary in the following groupings:   Race/Ethnicity by Gender & Total Number by Gender, EL by Gender
  • The totals in the summary will be updated upon hitting save.  Totals are not reported, they are only there for data verification.
PSCH6.4In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box next to each data element
PSCH6.5Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, 504, EL

5. ENRL: Enrollment

ENRL-1: Student Enrollment

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Instructions:  (Schools and justice facilities, grades K-12, UG)

For the Fall 2023 snapshot date, enter student enrollment. Enter the number of students who were enrolled in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent).

  • Students must be counted in the school where they physically and/or remotely attend for more than 50% of the school day.
  • For students with disabilities (IDEA), report data based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1). For all other entries, report data based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • Note: Student enrollment will also be used for skip logic within tables. For example, if a school reports zero K- 12 male Asian students, then subsequent tables with the same reporting period will not require data to be entered for K-12 male Asian students.

Category Mapping: Fall Snapshot IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot 504 Students, Fall Snapshot EL Students 

Skip Logic:  

When skip logic is provided:

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.

1) SCHR-3.1. Grades with Students Enrolled - Preschool (SCH_GRADE_PS) is NO.  

2) NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES) 

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcOverallEnrollment

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7

LayoutData ElementMaleFemaleNonbinaryTotal
ENRL-1.1, ENRL-1.2, ENRL-1.3Hispanic or Latino of any raceSCH_ENR_HI_MSCH_ENR_HI_FSCH_ENR_HI_X
ENRL-1.4, ENRL-1.5, ENRL-1.6American Indian or Alaska NativeSCH_ENR_AM_MSCH_ENR_AM_FSCH_ENR_AM_X
ENRL-1.10, ENRL-1.11, ENRL-1.12Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderSCH_ENR_HP_MSCH_ENR_HP_FSCH_ENR_HP_X
ENRL-1.13, ENRL-1.14, ENRL-1.15Black or African AmericanSCH_ENR_BL_MSCH_ENR_BL_FSCH_ENR_BL_X
ENRL-1.19, ENRL-1.20, ENRL-1.21Two or More racesSCH_ENR_TR_MSCH_ENR_TR_FSCH_ENR_TR_X

ENRL-1.22, ENRL-1.23, ENRL-1.24English Learners (EL)SCH_ENR_EL_MSCH_ENR_EL_FSCH_ENR_EL_X
ENRL-1.25, ENRL-1.26, ENRL-1.27Students with Disabilities (IDEA)SCH_ENR_IDEA_MSCH_ENR_IDEA_FSCH_ENR_IDEA_X
ENRL-1.28, ENRL-1.29, ENRL-1.30Students with Disabilities (Section 504 Only)SCH_ENR_504_MSCH_ENR_504_FSCH_ENR_504_X
ENRL1.1-ENRL1.21:   Count and display the total number of distinct students that fall into each Data Element listed
  • Use the Enrollment, Race/Ethnicity & Gender logic to determine which Data Element to report the students in
  • If there are no students in a data element, report "0" (not null)
ENRL1.22-ENRL1.30:   Report the total number of distinct students by gender for the following category mappings:
  • ENRL1.22 - ENRL1.24:  Fall Snapshot EL Students
  • ENRL1.25 - ENRL1.27 Fall Snapshot IDEA Students
  • ENRL1.28 - ENRL1.30 Fall Snapshot 504 Students
  • If there are no students in a data element, report "0" (not null)
Show Totals in the question summary in the following groupings:   Race/Ethnicity by Gender & Total Number by Gender
  • The totals in the summary will be updated upon hitting save.  Totals are not reported, they are only there for data verification.
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box next to each data element. 
  • The field must accept NULL, Alpha & Numeric values
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, IDEA, 504, EL

ENRL-2a: Enrollment of English Learner Students - All EL Students

Click here to expand...

Instructions: (Only for schools and justice facilities (grades K-12, UG) reporting greater than zero overall EL student enrollment)

For the Fall 2023 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were English learners (EL).

  • Include all English learner (EL) students, regardless of whether they were enrolled in EL programs.

Category Mapping:  Fall Snapshot EL Students

Skip Logic:  

 When skip logic is provided:

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.

1) SCHR-3.1. Grades with Students Enrolled - Preschool (SCH_GRADE_PS) is NO. 

Notes: Skip and leave blank  if English Learner Female Overall Enrollment (SCH_ENR_EL_F) + English Learner Male Overall Enrollment (SCH_ENR_EL_M) + English Learner Nonbinary Overall Enrollment (SCH_ENR_EL_X) is Zero

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcELEnrollment

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7

LayoutData ElementMaleFemaleNonbinaryTotal
ENRL2a.1, ENRL2a.2, ENRL2a.3Hispanic or Latino of any raceSCH_ELENR_HI_MSCH_ELENR_HI_FSCH_ELENR_HI_X
ENRL2a.4, ENRL2a.5, ENRL2a.6American Indian or Alaska NativeSCH_ELENR_AM_MSCH_ELENR_AM_FSCH_ELENR_AM_X
ENRL2a.10, ENRL2a.11, ENRL2a.12Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderSCH_ELENR_HP_MSCH_ELENR_HP_FSCH_ELENR_HP_X
ENRL2a.13, ENRL2a.14, ENRL2a.15Black or African AmericanSCH_ELENR_BL_MSCH_ELENR_BL_FSCH_ELENR_BL_X

ENRL2a.1-ENRL2a.21:   Count and display the total number of distinct Fall Snapshot EL Students that fall into each Data Element listed
  • Use the Enrollment, Race/Ethnicity & Gender logic to determine which Data Element to report the students in
  • Only report students who are selected and saved in the Fall Snapshot EL Students category mapping for the reporting school
  • Report "0" if there is not a student that is eligible in a data element
  • Report null if both answers on question ENRL-1 data elements ENRL1.22 - ENRL1.24 are "0"
Show Totals in the question summary in the following groupings:   Race/Ethnicity by Gender & Total Number by Gender
The totals in the summary will be updated upon hitting save.  Totals are not reported, they are only there for data verification.
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box next to each data element
  • Totals will be blank in the override columns
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, EL

ENRL-2b: Enrollment of English Learner Students - EL Students in Programs

Click here to expand...

Instructions: (Only for schools and justice facilities (grades K-12, UG) reporting greater than zero overall EL student enrollment)

For the Fall 2023 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in EL programs. 

  • Include students served through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Title III, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act, and students who received EL services through other programs designed for EL students.
  • Data reported in this table are a subset of the students who are EL as reported in table ENRL-2a. 

Category Mapping:   Fall Snapshot Students Enrolled in EL Programs, Fall Snapshot IDEA Students

Skip Logic:  

When skip logic is provided:

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data. 

1) SCHR-3.1. Grades with Students Enrolled - Preschool (SCH_GRADE_PS) is NO. 

2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES)  


1) Skip and leave blank if English Learner Female Overall Enrollment (SCH_ENR_EL_F) + English Learner Male Overall Enrollment (SCH_ENR_EL_M) + English Learner Nonbinary Overall Enrollment (SCH_ENR_EL_X) is Zero

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier:  crdcELProgramEnrollment

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7

LayoutData ElementMaleFemaleNonbinaryTotal
ENRL2b.10, ENRL2b.11, ENRL2b.12Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderSCH_ELPROGENR_HP_MSCH_ELPROGENR_HP_FSCH_ELPROGENR_HP_X

ENRL2b.1-ENRL2b.21:   Count and display the total number of distinct Fall Snapshot Students Enrolled in EL Programs that fall into each Data Element listed
  • Use the Enrollment, Race/Ethnicity & Gender logic to determine which Data Element to report the students in
  • Only report students who are selected and saved in the Fall Snapshot Students Enrolled in EL Programs category mapping for the reporting school
  • Report "0" if there is not a student that is eligible in a data element
  • Report null if answers on question ENRL-1 data elements ENRL1.22 - ENRL1.24 are "0"
ENRL2b.22-ENRL2b.24:   Count and display the total number of IDEA students who are also Fall Snapshot IDEA Students Enrolled in EL Programs that fall into each data element listed
  • Use the Enrollment & Gender logic to determine which data element to report the students in
  • Students must be in both the Fall Snapshot IDEA Students & Fall Snapshot Students Enrolled in EL Programs category mappings to report
  • Report "0" if there is not a student that is eligible in a data element
  • Report null if answers on question ENRL-1 data elements ENRL1.22 - ENRL1.24 are "0"
Show Totals in the question summary in the following groupings:   Race/Ethnicity by Gender & Total Number by Gender, IDEA by Gender
  • The totals in the summary will be updated upon hitting save.  Totals are not reported, they are only there for data verification.

In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box next to each data element
  • Totals will be blank in the override columns
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, EL Programs, IDEA

ENRL-3: Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - IDEA

Click here to expand...

Instructions: (Only for schools and justice facilities (grades K-12, UG) reporting greater than zero overall IDEA student enrollment)

For the Fall 2023 snapshot date, enter the number of students with disabilities served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) who were enrolled in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) at this school.

  • Include students with disabilities served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Students with disabilities served under IDEA may or may not also be served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
  • Do not include students with disabilities served only under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
  • Count of students with disabilities (IDEA) should be based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).

Category Mapping:  Fall Snapshot Idea Students, Fall Snapshot EL Students

Skip Logic:  

When skip logic is provided:

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data. 

1) SCHR-3.1. Grades with Students Enrolled - Preschool (SCH_GRADE_PS) is NO. 

2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES)


1) Skip and leave blank if IDEA Female Overall Enrollment (SCH_ENR_IDEA_F) + IDEA Male Overall Enrollment (SCH_ENR_IDEA_M) + IDEA Nonbinary Overall Enrollment (SCH_ENR_IDEA_X) is Zero

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcIDEAEnrollment

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7

LayoutData ElementMaleFemaleNonbinaryTotal
ENRL3.10, ENRL3.11, ENRL3.12Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderSCH_IDEAENR_HP_MSCH_IDEAENR_HP_FSCH_IDEAENR_HP_X

ENRL3.1-ENRL3.21:   Count and display the total number of distinct Fall Snapshot IDEA Students that fall into each Data Element listed
  • Use the Enrollment, Race/Ethnicity & Gender logic to determine which Data Element to report the students in
  • Only report students who are selected and saved in the Fall Snapshot IDEA Students category mapping for the reporting school
  • Report "0" if there is not a student that is eligible in a data element
  • Report null if answers on question ENRL-1 data elements ENRL1.25 - ENRL1.27 are "0"
ENRL3.22-ENRL3.24:   Count and display the total number of Fall Snapshot IDEA students who are also Fall Snapshot EL students that fall into each data element listed
  • Use the Enrollment & Gender logic to determine which data element to report the students in
  • Students must be in both the Fall Snapshot IDEA Students & Fall Snapshot EL Students category mappings to report
  • Report "0" if there is not a student that is eligible in a data element
  • Report null if answers on question ENRL-1 data elements ENRL1.25 - ENRL1.27 are "0"
Show Totals in the question summary in the following groupings:   Race/Ethnicity by Gender & Total Number by Gender, EL by Gender
  • The totals in the summary will be updated upon hitting save.  Totals are not reported, they are only there for data verification.
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box next to each data element
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, IDEA, EL

ENRL-4: Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - Section 504 Only

Click here to expand...

Instructions: (Only for schools and justice facilities (grades K-12, UG) reporting greater than zero overall Section 504 only student enrollment)

For the Fall 2023 snapshot date, enter the number of students with disabilities served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504 only) who were enrolled in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) at this school.

  • Do not include students with disabilities served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Category Mapping:  Fall Snapshot 504 Students, Fall Snapshot EL Students

Skip Logic:  

When skip logic is provided:

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data. 

1) SCHR-3.1. Grades with Students Enrolled - Preschool (SCH_GRADE_PS) is NO. 

2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES)


1) Skip and leave blank if 504 Female Overall Enrollment (SCH_ENR_504_F) + 504 Male Overall Enrollment (SCH_ENR_504_M) + 504 Nonbinary Overall Enrollment (SCH_ENR_504_X) is Zero

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdc504Enrollment

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7

LayoutData ElementMaleFemaleNonbinaryTotal
ENRL4.1, ENRL4.2, ENRL4.3Hispanic or Latino of any raceSCH_504ENR_HI_MSCH_504ENR_HI_FSCH_504ENR_HI_X
ENRL4.4, ENRL4.5, ENRL4.6American Indian or Alaska NativeSCH_504ENR_AM_MSCH_504ENR_AM_FSCH_504ENR_AM_X
ENRL4.10, ENRL4.11, ENRL4.12Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderSCH_504ENR_HP_MSCH_504ENR_HP_FSCH_504ENR_HP_X
ENRL4.13, ENRL4.14, ENRL4.15Black or African AmericanSCH_504ENR_BL_MSCH_504ENR_BL_FSCH_504ENR_BL_X
ENRL4.19, ENRL4.20, ENRL4.21Two or More racesSCH_504ENR_TR_MSCH_504ENR_TR_FSCH_504ENR_TR_X

ENRL4.22, ENRL4.23, ENRL4.24English Learners (EL)SCH_504ENR_EL_MSCH_504ENR_EL_FSCH_504ENR_EL_X
ENRL4.1-ENRL4.21:   Count and display the total number of distinct Fall Snapshot 504 Students that fall into each Data Element listed
  • Use the Enrollment, Race/Ethnicity & Gender logic to determine which Data Element to report the students in
  • Only report students who are selected and saved in the Fall Snapshot 504 Students category mapping for the reporting school
  • Report "0" if there is not a student that is eligible in a data element
  • Report null if answers on question ENRL-1 data elements ENRL1.28 - ENRL1.30 are "0"
ENRL4.22-ENRL4.24:   Count and display the total number of Fall Snapshot 504 students who are also Fall Snapshot EL students that fall into each data element listed
  • Use the Enrollment & Gender logic to determine which data element to report the students in
  • Students must be in both the Fall Snapshot 504 Students & Fall Snapshot EL Students category mappings to report
  • Report "0" if there is not a student that is eligible in a data element
  • Report null if both answers on question ENRL-1 data elements ENRL1.28 - ENRL1.30 are "0"
Show Totals in the question summary in the following groupings:   Race/Ethnicity by Gender & Total Number by Gender, EL by Gender
  • The totals in the summary will be updated upon hitting save.  Totals are not reported, they are only there for data verification.
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box next to each data element
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, 504, EL

7. COUR: Courses & Classes

COUR-1: Grade 7/8 Algebra 1 Classes

Click here to expand...

Instructions: (Only for schools and justice facilities with any grade 7-8, UG middle school age students)

This table is about CLASSES. For the Fall 2023 snapshot date, enter the number of Algebra I classes for students in grades 7-8 (or the ungraded equivalent) in this school.

  • Report classes that cover the content of Algebra I outlined in the definition, even if the name of the course or class is not Algebra I.
  • Report classes in which students were enrolled and not classes offered.
  • Mathematics courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

Category Mapping:  Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8

Skip Logic  

When skip logic is provided: 

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.  
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcAlgebra1Middle

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7


Element Name

Data Element

COUR1.1SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0708Number of Algebra I classes for students in grades 7-8 
Count and display the total number of Algebra I courses for the data element listed
  • Use the Course Count logic to determine the values reported
  • Only report courses that are selected and saved in the Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8 category mapping for the reporting school
  • Report "0" if there is not a course that is eligible in a data element
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to enter in values
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number

COUR-2: Grade 7 Algebra I Enrollment Indicator

Click here to expand...

Instructions: (Only for schools and justice facilities with grade 7, UG middle school age students reporting greater than zero Algebra I classes for students in grades 7-8 (or the ungraded equivalent)

For the Fall 2023 snapshot date, indicate whether the school had any students in grade 7 (or the ungraded equivalent) enrolled in Algebra I. Please select “Yes” or “No.”

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8

When skip logic is provided: 

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.  
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.

1) COUR-1. Grade 7/8 Algebra I Classes: Number of Algebra I classes for students in grades 7-8 (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0708 is > 0)

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcAlgebra1Grade7Indicator

Permitted Values: Yes, No, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 3


Element Name

Data Element

COUR2.1SCH_ALGENR_G07_INDWhether the school had any students in grade 7 enrolled in Algebra I 
Report Yes if the school has at least 1 student enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 7
  • At least 1 eligible student must be scheduled into an eligible Algebra I course
  • Use the Fall Snapshot Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grade 7
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8 category mapping
Report No if the school does not have any students enrolled in Algebra in Grade 7
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a droplist to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade

COUR-3: Grade 8 Algebra I Enrollment Indicator

Click here to expand...

Instructions: (Only for schools and justice facilities with grade 8, UG middle school age students and reporting greater than zero Algebra I classes for students in grades 7-8 (or the ungraded equivalent))

For the Fall 2023 snapshot date, indicate whether the school had any students in grade 8 (or the ungraded equivalent) enrolled in Algebra I. Please select “Yes” or “No.”

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8

Skip Logic:  

When skip logic is provided: 

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.  
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.

1) COUR-1. Grade 7/8 Algebra I Classes: Number of Algebra I classes for students in grades 7-8 (SCH_ALGCLASSES_GS0708 is > 0)

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcAlgebra1Grade8Indicator

Permitted Values: Yes, No, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 3


Element Name

Data Element

COUR3.1SCH_ALGENR_G08_INDWhether the school had any students in grade 8 enrolled in Algebra I 
Report Yes if the school has at least 1 student enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 8
  • At least 1 eligible student must be scheduled into an eligible Algebra I course
  • Use the Fall Snapshot Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grade 8
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8 category mapping
Report No if the school does not have any students enrolled in Algebra in Grade 8
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a droplist to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name

COUR-4a: Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8

Click here to expand...

Instructions: (Only for schools and justice facilities with any grades 7-8, UG middle school age students enrolled in Algebra I)

Enter the number of students in grades 7-8 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in Algebra I. 

  • Enter the number of students in grades 7 or 8 enrolled in Algebra Include ungraded middle school age students enrolled in Algebra I in the count.
  • Do not count students scheduled to take the Algebra I course, but not yet enrolled.
  • Mathematics courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on a single day at the end of the regular school year.
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on a single day at the end of the first block, and on a single day at the end of the second block.

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year English Learners

Skip Logic:  

When skip logic is provided: 

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.  
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.

1) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

2) COUR-2 (SCH_ALGENR_G07_IND) and/or COUR-3 (SCH_ALGENR_G08_IND) is Yes.

Logic Identifier: crdcAlgebra1Grades7And8Enrollment

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7

LayoutData ElementMaleFemaleNonbinaryTotal
COUR4a.1, COUR4a.2, COUR4a.3Hispanic or Latino of any raceSCH_ALGENR_G0708_HI_MSCH_ALGENR_G0708_HI_FSCH_ALGENR_G0708_HI_X
COUR4a.4, COUR4a.5, COUR4a.6American Indian or Alaska NativeSCH_ALGENR_G0708_AM_MSCH_ALGENR_G0708_AM_FSCH_ALGENR_G0708_AM_X
COUR4a.10, COUR4a.11, COUR4a.12Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderSCH_ALGENR_G0708_HP_MSCH_ALGENR_G0708_HP_FSCH_ALGENR_G0708_HP_X
COUR4a.13, COUR4a.14, COUR4a.15Black or African AmericanSCH_ALGENR_G0708_BL_MSCH_ALGENR_G0708_BL_FSCH_ALGENR_G0708_BL_X
COUR4a.19, COUR4a.20, COUR4a.21Two or More racesSCH_ALGENR_G0708_TR_MSCH_ALGENR_G0708_TR_FSCH_ALGENR_G0708_TR_X

COUR4a.22, COUR4a.23, COUR4a.24English Learners (EL)SCH_ALGENR_G0708_EL_MSCH_ALGENR_G0708_EL_FSCH_ALGENR_G0708_EL_X
COUR4a.25, COUR4a.26, COUR4a.27Students with Disabilities (IDEA)SCH_ALGENR_G0708_IDEA_MSCH_ALGENR_G0708_IDEA_FSCH_ALGENR_G0708_IDEA_X
Report the distinct total number of students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 7 or Grade 8 using the Student Roster Count logic.   Only students who were included in the total for COUR-2 or COUR-3 can be reported in this question.
  • At least 1 eligible student must be scheduled into an eligible Algebra I course using the Student Roster Count logic.
  • Use the Regular School year Enrollment, Gender & Race/Ethnicity logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grade 7 or Grade 8
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Algebra I - Grade 7 or Grade 8 category mapping
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Regular School Year IDEA Students and/or Regular School Year EL Students category mappings
Report Null if the school does not have any students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 7 or Grade 8
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a droplist to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA

COUR-4b: Students who Passed Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8

Click here to expand...

Instructions: (Only for schools and justice facilities reporting greater than zero grades 7-8, UG middle school age students enrolled in Algebra I)

Enter the number of students in grades 7-8 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were reported as enrolled in Algebra I in COUR-4a, who successfully completed (i.e., passed) Algebra I by the end of the regular 2023–24 school year, not including intersession or summer.

  • Successfully completing a course means earning a credit for the class or earning a similar passing mark.
  • Count only students who were enrolled in Algebra I as reported in COUR-4a.

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students

Skip Logic:

When skip logic is provided: 

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.  
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.

1)  For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

2) COUR-4a. Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8: Number of students in grades 7-8 enrolled in Algebra I (SCH_ALGENR_G0708 is > 0)

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcAlgebra1Grades7And8Pass

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7

LayoutData ElementMaleFemaleNonbinaryTotal
COUR4b.1, COUR4b.2, COUR4b.3Hispanic or Latino of any raceSCH_ALGPASS_G0708_HI_MSCH_ALGPASS_G0708_HI_FSCH_ALGPASS_G0708_HI_X
COUR4b.4, COUR4b.5, COUR4b.6American Indian or Alaska NativeSCH_ALGPASS_G0708_AM_MSCH_ALGPASS_G0708_AM_FSCH_ALGPASS_G0708_AM_X
COUR4b.10, COUR4b.11, COUR4b.12Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderSCH_ALGPASS_G0708_HP_MSCH_ALGPASS_G0708_HP_FSCH_ALGPASS_G0708_HP_X
COUR4b.13, COUR4b.14, COUR4b.15Black or African AmericanSCH_ALGPASS_G0708_BL_MSCH_ALGPASS_G0708_BL_FSCH_ALGPASS_G0708_BL_X
COUR4b.19, COUR4b.20, COUR4b.21Two or More racesSCH_ALGPASS_G0708_TR_MSCH_ALGPASS_G0708_TR_FSCH_ALGPASS_G0708_TR_X

COUR4b.22, COUR4b.23, COUR4b.24English Learners (EL)SCH_ALGPASS_G0708_EL_MSCH_ALGPASS_G0708_EL_FSCH_ALGPASS_G0708_EL_X
COUR4b.25, COUR4b.26, COUR4b.27Students with Disabilities (IDEA)SCH_ALGPASS_G0708_IDEA_MSCH_ALGPASS_G0708_IDEA_FSCH_ALGPASS_G0708_IDEA_X
Report the distinct total number of students who passed Algebra I in Grade 7 and Grade 8 on the last using the Student Roster Count logic of the school year.   Only students who were included in the total for COUR-2 or COUR-3 can be reported in this question.
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Algebra I course
  • Use the Regular School Year Enrollment, Gender & Race/Ethnicity logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grade 7 or Grade 8 on the last day of the school year
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8 category mapping
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Regular School Year IDEA Students and/or Regular School Year EL Students category mappings
The student must have a passing score in at least 1 Algebra I course based on the Passing Score Indicator identified on the Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8 category mapping
  • If Grading Task is selected as the passing score indicator count the student if they meet the following:
    • The student has a posted grade to all of the grading tasks selected and are marked as passing
    •  A passing score is when the posted score has the Passing check box checked on the score group aligned to the grading tasks
  • If Transcript is selected as the passing score indicator count the student if they meet the following
    • The student has a posted transcript record for the course in the reporting school year and the sum of the total number of credits earned is > or = the total # of credits on the Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8 category mapping
    • Use the Course Number to identify matching courses from the category mapping to transcript records
    • Sum all credits earned from all transcript records in the reporting year that having a matching course number
  • If Advanced Options are saved, use the passing score indicator selected and the Advanced Options logic to count the student:
    • If more than 1 course is saved in the Course Requirement box, the student must pass all courses identified in 1 row to be counted.
    • If Grading Task is selected as the passing score indicator, the student must have a passing score for all selected grading tasks on the required courses
    • If Transcript is selected as the passing score indicator, the student must have a posted transcript record for all the courses selected in the required courses in the reporting school year and the sum of the total number of credits earned is > or = the total # of credit.  
      • If the total number of credits is added to advanced options and there are total # of credits on the pass score options, the student must meet that total number of credits entered in the advanced options
    • If there is more than 1 Course requirement row added to advanced options, the student only has to meet the requirements in 1 of the options to be reported.

Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria
Report NULL if the answer for COUR-2 and COUR-3 is NULL or '0'
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value
The user will be able to select a link on a result and a side panel will display the eligible students
  • Students will only appear 1 time in the side panel even if they pass more than 1 eligible course
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA
  • A student/course combination will appear more than 1 time in the export if the course crosses multiple sections but will only be counted 1 time
  • The export looks at the current Passing Score Criteria on the Course Mapping to display students.   If this was changed after the results were generated, it is possible the results will not match the export totals.

COUR-5: Grade 8 Geometry Enrollment Indicator

Click here to expand...

Instructions: (Only for schools and justice facilities with grade 8, UG middle school age students)

For the Fall 2023 snapshot date, indicate whether the school had any students in grade 8 (or the ungraded equivalent) enrolled in Geometry. Please select “Yes” or “No.”

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Geometry - Grade 8

Skip Logic:  

When skip logic is provided: 

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.  
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcGeometryGrade8Indicator

Permitted Values: Yes, No, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 3


Element Name

Data Element

COUR5.1SCH_GEOMENR_G08_INDWhether the school had any students in grade 8 enrolled in Geometry 
Report Yes if the school has at least 1 student enrolled in Geometry in Grade 8 on the Fall Snapshot Date
  • At least 1 eligible student must be scheduled into an eligible Geometry course using the Student Roster Count logic.
  • Use the Fall Snapshot Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grade 8
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Geometry - Grade 8 category mapping
Report No if the school does not have any students enrolled in Geometry in Grade 8
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a droplist to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name

COUR-6: Student Enrollment in Geometry in Grade 8

Click here to expand...

Instructions: (Only for schools and justice facilities with any grade 8, UG middle school age students enrolled in Geometry)

For the Fall 2023 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grade 8 (or the ungraded equivalent) enrolled in Geometry.

  • Enter the number of students in grade 8 enrolled in Include ungraded middle school age students enrolled in Geometry in the count. Do not count students scheduled to take the Geometry course, but not yet enrolled.
  • Mathematics courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Geometry - Grade 8

Skip Logic:  

When skip logic is provided: 

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.  
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.

1) COUR-5. Grade 8 Geometry Enrollment Indicator: School with students in grade 8 enrolled in Geometry  (SCH_GEOMENR_G08_IND is YES)

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcGeometryGrade8Enrollment

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7


Element Name

Data Element

COUR6.1SCH_GEOMENR_G08Total Number of Students
Report the distinct total number of students enrolled in Geometry in Grade 8 for each data element
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Geometry course using the Student Roster Count logic
  • Use the Fall Snapshot Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grade 8
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Geometry - Grade 8 category mapping
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element
Report NULL if the answer for COUR-5 is NULL or No
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name

COUR-7: Classes in Mathematics Courses in High School

Click here to expand...

Instructions: (Only for schools and justice facilities with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students)

This table is about CLASSES. For the Fall 2023 snapshot date, enter the number of classes for students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were in this school for each mathematics course.

  • Report classes that cover the content of mathematics courses outlined in the definitions, even if the name of the course or class is not Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, advanced mathematics, or Calculus.
  • Report classes in which students were enrolled and not classes offered.
  • Mathematics courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • Mathematics courses include Advanced Placement courses and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

Category Mapping:  Algebra I - High School, Algebra II, Geometry - High School, Advanced Mathematics, Calculus

Skip Logic:  

When skip logic is provided: 

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.  
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcMathClassesHigh

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7


Element Name

Data Element

COUR7.1SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALGNumber of High School Algebra I Classes
COUR7.2SCH_MATHCLASSES_GEOMNumber of High School Geometry Classes
COUR7.3SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2Number of High School Algebra II Classes
COUR7.4SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVMNumber of High School Advanced Mathematics Classes 
COUR7.5SCH_MATHCLASSES_CALCNumber of High School Calculus Classes
Count and display the total number of Geometry, Algebra I, Algebra II, Advanced Mathematics & Calculus courses for the data element listed
  • Use the Course Count logic to determine the values reported
  • Only report courses that are selected and saved in the Geometry - High School, Algebra I - High School, Algebra II, Advanced Mathematics & Calculus category mappings for the reporting school
  • Report "0" if there is not a course that is eligible in a data element
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to enter in values
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number

COUR-8a: High School Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 9 & 10

Click here to expand...

Instructions:  (Only for schools and justice facilities (with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students) reporting greater than zero classes in Algebra I)

Enter the number of students in grades 9-10 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in Algebra I.

  • Enter the number of students in grade 9 or 10 enrolled in Algebra Include ungraded high school age students enrolled in Algebra I in the count.
  • Do not count students scheduled to take the Algebra I course, but not yet enrolled.
  • Mathematics courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on a single day at the end of the regular school year.
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on a single day at the end of the first block, and on a single day at the end of the second block.

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Algebra I - High School, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students

Skip Logic: 

When skip logic is provided: 

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.  
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.

1) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

3) COUR-7.1: Number of Algebra I classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG > 0)

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcAlgebra1Grades9And10Enrollment

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7

LayoutData ElementMaleFemaleNonbinaryTotal
COUR8a.1, COUR8a.2, COUR8a.3Hispanic or Latino of any raceSCH_ALGENR_GS0910_HI_MSCH_ALGENR_GS0910_HI_FSCH_ALGENR_GS0910_HI_X
COUR8a.4, COUR8a.5, COUR8a.6American Indian or Alaska NativeSCH_ALGENR_GS0910_AM_MSCH_ALGENR_GS0910_AM_FSCH_ALGENR_GS0910_AM_X
COUR8a.10, COUR8a.11, COUR8a.12Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderSCH_ALGENR_GS0910_HP_MSCH_ALGENR_GS0910_HP_FSCH_ALGENR_GS0910_HP_X
COUR8a.13, COUR8a.14, COUR8a.15Black or African AmericanSCH_ALGENR_GS0910_BL_MSCH_ALGENR_GS0910_BL_FSCH_ALGENR_GS0910_BL_X
COUR8a.19, COUR8a.20, COUR8a.21Two or More racesSCH_ALGENR_GS0910_TR_MSCH_ALGENR_GS0910_TR_FSCH_ALGENR_GS0910_TR_X

COUR8a.22, COUR8a.23, COUR8a.24English Learners (EL)SCH_ALGENR_GS0910_EL_MSCH_ALGENR_GS0910_EL_FSCH_ALGENR_GS0910_EL_X
COUR8a.25, COUR8a.26, COUR8a.27Students with Disabilities (IDEA)SCH_ALGENR_GS0910_IDEA_MSCH_ALGENR_GS0910_IDEA_FSCH_ALGENR_GS0910_IDEA_X
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Algebra I in Grades 9 or 10 for each data element
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Algebra I course using the Student Roster Count logic
  • Use the Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grade 9 or 10
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Algebra I - High School category mapping
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Regular School Year IDEA Students and/or Regular School Year EL Students category mappings
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA

COUR-8b: High School Students who Passed Algebra I - Grades 9 & 10

Click here to expand...

Instructions: (Only for schools and justice facilities reporting greater than zero grades 9-10, UG high school age students enrolled in Algebra I)

Enter the number of students in grades 9-10 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were reported as enrolled in Algebra I in COUR-8a, who successfully completed (i.e., passed) Algebra I by the end of the regular 2023–24 school year, not including intersession or summer.

  • Successfully completing a course means earning a credit for the class or earning a similar passing
  • Count only students who were enrolled in Algebra I as reported in COUR-

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Algebra I - High School, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students

Skip Logic:  

When skip logic is provided: 

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.  
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.

1) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

3) COUR-8a. Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 9 & 10: Number of students in grades 9-10 enrolled in Algebra I (SCH_ALGENR_G0910 is > 0)

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcAlgebra1Grades9And10Pass

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7

LayoutData ElementMaleFemaleNonbinaryTotal
COUR8b.1, COUR8b.2, COUR8b.3Hispanic or Latino of any raceSCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_HI_MSCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_HI_FSCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_HI_X
COUR8b.4, COUR8b.5, COUR8b.6American Indian or Alaska NativeSCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_AM_MSCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_AM_FSCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_AM_X
COUR8b.10, COUR8b.11, COUR8b.12Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderSCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_HP_MSCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_HP_FSCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_HP_X
COUR8b.13, COUR8b.14, COUR8b.15Black or African AmericanSCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_BL_MSCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_BL_FSCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_BL_X

COUR8b.25, COUR8b.26, COUR8b.27Students with Disabilities (IDEA)SCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_IDEA_MSCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_IDEA_FSCH_ALGPASS_GS0910_IDEA_X
Report the distinct total number of students who passed Algebra I in Grades 9 or 10.   Only students who were included in the total for COUR-8a can be reported in this question.
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Algebra I course using the Student Roster Count logic
  • Use the Regular School Year Enrollment, Gender & Race/Ethnicity logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grades 9, 10
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Algebra I - High School category mapping
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Regular School Year IDEA Students and/or Regular School Year EL Students category mappings
The student must have a passing score in at least 1 Algebra I course based on the Passing Score Indicator identified on the Algebra I - High School category mapping
  • If Grading Task is selected as the passing score indicator count the student if they meet the following:
    • The student has a posted grade to all of the grading tasks selected and are marked as passing
    •  A passing score is when the posted score has the Passing check box checked on the score group aligned to the grading tasks
  • If Transcript is selected as the passing score indicator count the student if they meet the following
    • The student has a posted transcript record for the course in the reporting school year and the sum of the total number of credits earned is > or = the total # of credits on the Algebra I - Grades High School category mapping
    • Use the Course Number to identify matching courses from the category mapping to transcript records
    • Sum all earned from all transcript records in the reporting year that having a matching course number
  • If Advanced Ocreditsptions are saved, use the passing score indicator selected and the Advanced Options logic to count the student:
    • If more than 1 course is saved in the Course Requirement box, the student must pass all courses identified in 1 row to be counted.
    • If Grading Task is selected as the passing score indicator, the student must have a passing score for all selected grading tasks on the required courses
    • If Transcript is selected as the passing score indicator, the student must have a posted transcript record for all the courses selected in the required courses in the reporting school year and the sum of the total number of credits earned is > or = the total # of credit.  
      • If the total number of credits is added to advanced options and there are total # of credits on the pass score options, the student must meet that total number of credits entered in the advanced options
    • If there is more than 1 Course requirement row added to advanced options, the student only has to meet the requirements in 1 of the options to be reported.
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria
Report NULL if the answer to question COUR-8a is '0'
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value
The user will be able to select a link on a result and a side panel will display the eligible students
  • Students will only appear 1 time in the side panel even if they pass more than 1 eligible course
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA
  • A student/course combination will appear more than 1 time in the export if the course crosses multiple sections but will only be counted 1 time
  • The export looks at the current Passing Score Criteria on the Course Mapping to display students.   If this was changed after the results were generated, it is possible the results will not match the export totals.

COUR-9a: High School Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 11 & 12

Click here to expand...

Instructions: (Only for schools and justice facilities (with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students) reporting greater than zero classes in Algebra I)

Enter the number of students in grades 11-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in Algebra I.

  • Enter the number of students in grade 11 or 12 enrolled in Algebra Include ungraded high school age students enrolled in Algebra I in the count.
  • Do not count students scheduled to take the Algebra I course, but not yet enrolled.
  • Mathematics courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on a single day at the end of the regular school year.
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on a single day at the end of the first block, and on a single day at the end of the second block.

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Algebra I - High School, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students

Skip Logic: 

When skip logic is provided: 

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.  
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.

1) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

2) COUR-7.1: Number of Algebra I classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG > 0)

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcAlgebra1Grades11And12Enrollment

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7

LayoutData ElementMaleFemaleNonbinaryTotal
COUR9a.1,COUR9a.2,COUR9a.3Hispanic or Latino of any raceSCH_ALGENR_GS1112_HI_MSCH_ALGENR_GS1112_HI_FSCH_ALGENR_GS1112_HI_X
COUR9a.4,COUR9a.5,COUR9a.6American Indian or Alaska NativeSCH_ALGENR_GS1112_AM_MSCH_ALGENR_GS1112_AM_FSCH_ALGENR_GS1112_AM_X
COUR9a.10,COUR9a.11,COUR9a.12Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderSCH_ALGENR_GS1112_HP_MSCH_ALGENR_GS1112_HP_FSCH_ALGENR_GS1112_HP_X
COUR9a.13,COUR9a.14,COUR9a.15Black or African AmericanSCH_ALGENR_GS1112_BL_MSCH_ALGENR_GS1112_BL_FSCH_ALGENR_GS1112_BL_X
COUR9a.19,COUR9a.20,COUR9a.21Two or More racesSCH_ALGENR_GS1112_TR_MSCH_ALGENR_GS1112_TR_FSCH_ALGENR_GS1112_TR_X

COUR9a.22,COUR9a.23,COUR9a.24English Learners (EL)SCH_ALGENR_GS1112_EL_MSCH_ALGENR_GS1112_EL_FSCH_ALGENR_GS1112_EL_X
COUR9a.25,COUR9a.26,COUR9a.27Students with Disabilities (IDEA)SCH_ALGENR_GS1112_IDEA_MSCH_ALGENR_GS1112_IDEA_FSCH_ALGENR_GS1112_IDEA_X
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Algebra I in Grades 11 or 12 for each data element
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Algebra I course using the Student Roster Count logic
  • Use the Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grade 11 or 12
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Algebra I - High School category mapping
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Regular School Year IDEA Students and/or Regular School Year EL Students category mappings
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA

COUR-9b: High School Students who Passed Algebra 1 - Grades 11 & 12

Click here to expand...

Instructions: (Only for schools and justice facilities reporting greater than zero grades 11-12, UG high school age students enrolled in Algebra I)

Enter the number of students in grades 11-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were reported as enrolled in Algebra I in COUR-9a, who successfully completed (i.e., passed) Algebra I by the end of the regular 2023–24 school year, not including intersession or summer.

  • Successfully completing a course means earning a credit for the class or earning a similar passing mark.
  • Count only students who were enrolled in Algebra I as reported in COUR-9a.

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Algebra I - High School, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students

Skip Logic:  

When skip logic is provided: 

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.  
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.

1) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

2) COUR-9a. Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 11 & 12: Number of students in grades 11-12 enrolled in Algebra I (SCH_ALGENR_G1112 is > 0)

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcAlgebra1Grades11And12Pass

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7

LayoutData ElementMaleFemaleNonbinaryTotal
COUR9b.1, COUR9b.2, COUR9b.3Hispanic or Latino of any raceSCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_HI_MSCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_HI_FSCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_HI_X
COUR9b.4, COUR9b.5, COUR9b.6American Indian or Alaska NativeSCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_AM_MSCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_AM_FSCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_AM_X
COUR9b.10, COUR9b.11, COUR9b.12Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderSCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_HP_MSCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_HP_FSCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_HP_X
COUR9b.13, COUR9b.14, COUR9b.15Black or African AmericanSCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_BL_MSCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_BL_FSCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_BL_X

COUR9b.25, COUR9b.26, COUR9b.27Students with Disabilities (IDEA)SCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_IDEA_MSCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_IDEA_FSCH_ALGPASS_GS1112_IDEA_X
Report the distinct total number of students who passed Algebra I in Grades 11 or 12.   Only students who were included in the total for COUR-9a can be reported in this question.
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Algebra I course using the Student Roster Count logic
  • Use the Regular School Year Enrollment, Gender & Race/Ethnicity logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grades 11, 12
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Algebra I - High School category mapping
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Regular School Year IDEA Students and/or Regular School Year EL Students category mappings
The student must have a passing score in at least 1 Algebra I course based on the Passing Score Indicator identified on the Algebra I - High School category mapping
  • If Grading Task is selected as the passing score indicator count the student if they meet the following:
    • The student has a posted grade to all of the grading tasks selected and are marked as passing
    •  A passing score is when the posted score has the Passing check box checked on the score group aligned to the grading tasks
  • If Transcript is selected as the passing score indicator count the student if they meet the following
    • The student has a posted transcript record for the course in the reporting school year and the sum of the total number of credits earned is > or = the total # of credits on the Algebra I - Grades High School category mapping
    • Use the Course Number to identify matching courses from the category mapping to transcript records
    • Sum all credits earned from all transcript records in the reporting year that having a matching course number
  • If Advanced Options are saved, use the passing score indicator selected and the Advanced Options logic to count the student:
    • If more than 1 course is saved in the Course Requirement box, the student must pass all courses identified in 1 row to be counted.
    • If Grading Task is selected as the passing score indicator, the student must have a passing score for all selected grading tasks on the required courses
    • If Transcript is selected as the passing score indicator, the student must have a posted transcript record for all the courses selected in the required courses in the reporting school year and the sum of the total number of credits earned is > or = the total # of credit.  
      • If the total number of credits is added to advanced options and there are total # of credits on the pass score options, the student must meet that total number of credits entered in the advanced options
    • If there is more than 1 Course requirement row added to advanced options, the student only has to meet the requirements in 1 of the options to be reported.
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria
Report NULL if the answer to question COUR-9a is '0'
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value
The user will be able to select a link on a result and a side panel will display the eligible students
  • Students will only appear 1 time in the side panel even if they pass more than 1 eligible course
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA
  • A student/course combination will appear more than 1 time in the export if the course crosses multiple sections but will only be counted 1 time
  • The export looks at the current Passing Score Criteria on the Course Mapping to display students.   If this was changed after the results were generated, it is possible the results will not match the export totals.

COUR-10: Student Enrollment in Mathemantics Courses in High School - Geometry

Click here to expand...

Instructions: (Only for schools and justice facilities (with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students) reporting greater than zero high school Geometry classes)

For the Fall 2023 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in Geometry.

  • Do not count students scheduled to take the listed course, but who are not yet enrolled.
  • A student may be counted in more than one of the Mathematics Courses in High School tables if they are taking more than one of these courses.
  • Mathematics courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • Mathematics courses include Advanced Placement courses and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1). For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Geometry - High School, Fall Snapshot IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot EL Students

Skip Logic:  

When skip logic is provided: 

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.  
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data. 

1) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

2) COUR-7.2: Number of Geometry classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_GEOM > 0)

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcGeometryHighEnrollment

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7

LayoutData ElementMaleFemaleNonbinaryTotal

Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Geometry in Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Geometry course using the Student Roster Count logic
  • Use the Fall Snapshot Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grade 9, 10, 11 or 12
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Geometry - High School category mapping
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Fall Snapshot IDEA Students and/or Fall Snapshot EL Students category mappings
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element
Report NULL if the answer for question COUR-7, Geometry is '0'
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA

COUR-11: Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Algebra II

Click here to expand...

Instructions: (Only for schools and justice facilities (with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students) reporting greater than zero high school Algebra II classes)

For the Fall 2023 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in Algebra II.

  • Do not count students scheduled to take the listed course, but who are not yet enrolled.
  • A student may be counted in more than one of the Mathematics Courses in High School tables if they are taking more than one of these courses.
  • Mathematics courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • Mathematics courses include Advanced Placement courses and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1). For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Algebra II, Fall Snapshot date IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot date EL Students

Skip Logic:  

When skip logic is provided: 

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.  
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.

1) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

2) COUR-7.3: Number of Algebra II classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ALG2 > 0)

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcAlgebra2HighEnrollment

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7

LayoutData ElementMaleFemaleNonbinaryTotal
COUR11.10, COUR11.11, COUR11.12Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderSCH_MATHENR_ALG2_HP_MSCH_MATHENR_ALG2_HP_FSCH_MATHENR_ALG2_HP_X

Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Algebra II in Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Algebra II course using the Student Roster Count logic
  • Use the Fall Snapshot Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grade 9, 10, 11 or 12
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Algebra II category mapping
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Fall Snapshot date IDEA Students and/or Fall Snapshot date EL Students category mappings
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element
Report NULL if the answer for question COUR-7, Algebra II is '0'
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA

COUR-12: Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Advanced Mathematics

Click here to expand...

Instructions: (Only for schools and justice facilities (with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students) reporting greater than zero high school advanced mathematics classes)

For the Fall 2023 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in advanced mathematics.

  • Do not count students scheduled to take the listed course, but who are not yet enrolled.
  • A student may be counted in more than one of the Mathematics Courses in High School tables if they are taking more than one of these courses.
  • A student enrolled in two or more advanced mathematics courses (e.g., Trigonometry and Precalculus) should be counted only once.
  • Advanced mathematics courses do not include Calculus Therefore, a student enrolled in Calculus should be reported in COUR-13.
  • Mathematics courses are college-preparatory courses that include introductory and advanced courses.
  • Mathematics courses include Advanced Placement courses and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1). For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

Category Mapping:  Grade Levels, Advanced Mathematics, Fall Snapshot date IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot date EL Students

Skip Logic:  

When skip logic is provided: 

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.  
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.

1) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

2) COUR-7.4: Number of Advanced Mathematics classes (SCH_MATHCLASSES_ADVM > 0)

Flat File Details:

Logic Identifier: crdcAdvancedMathHighEnrollment

Permitted Values: Integer, NULL

Length of Permitted Values: 7

LayoutData ElementMaleFemaleNonbinaryTotal

Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Advanced Mathematics in Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element
  • The student must be scheduled into an eligible Advanced Mathematics course using the Student Roster Count logic
  • Use the Fall Snapshot Enrollment logic to determine if a student is eligible to report
  • The students CRDC Grade Level must be = Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Advanced Mathematics category mapping
  • Only count courses that are selected and saved in the Advanced Mathematics category mapping
  • Only count students in the EL and IDEA data elements if they are selected and saved in the Fall Snapshot date IDEA Students and/or Fall Snapshot date EL Students category mappings
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element
Report NULL if the answer for question COUR-7, Advanced Mathematics is '0'
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
  • Year, NCES School Number, School Name, Course Number, Course Name, SectionID, Section Number, Students PersonID, State ID, Name, Grade Name, EL, IDEA


12. RETN: Retention