Early Learning (Oklahoma)

Tool Search: Early Learning

The Early Learning tab lists student information related to programs designed to improve the health, social-emotional and cognitive outcomes for all students from birth through third grade, using the federal guidelines. The Early Learning tool is also available in State Edition sites.

See the core Early Learning article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Early Learning records.

Screenshot of the Early Learning tool. Oklahoma Early Learning

Early Learning Detail Editor

The Early Learning tab includes the following fields. Field names and available selections vary by state.


Start Date


Indicates the date the student began Early Learning services. Dates can be entered in mm/dd/yy or use the calendar icon to select a date.

End DateIndicates the date the student ended Early Learning services.
LocationIndicates the location of the Early Learning program.
SettingIndicates the setting of the Early Learning program.
Eligibility CategoryIndicates why the student is eligible for the Early Learning program. Multiple selections can be made for this field.
Prior ParticipationIndicates the early learning program the student participated in previously.
Federal Funding TypeIndicates the student's federal funding type. Multiple selections can be made for this field.
Early Childhood ProgramIndicates the type of early childhood program the student participated in.
Services ReceivedIndicates the services the student is receiving. Multiple selections can be made for this field.
Exit ReasonIndicates the reason why the student is leaving the program.
Household Information
Number of People in FamilyIndicates the number of people in the student's family.
Number of People in HouseholdIndicates the number of people in the student's household.
Gross Family Income Per YearIndicates the annual gross income of the family.
Source of Family IncomeIndicates the source or sources of the family's income. Multiple selections can be made for this field.
CommentsLists any additional information about the student's Early Learning record.

Records Converted from Enrollments

When this tab was released for Iowa with Campus.1933, existing Early Learning fields were converted. Expand below to view conversion logic.

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If a student was enrolled in the Active Year with a value selected for EC Program (3-5) or a Prior Participation checkbox marked for OK Licensed Childcare Program, The Sooner Start Program, The Oklahoma Parents as Teachers, The Children First Program, Any Child Abuse Prevention Program, and Federal Head Start Program, an Early Learning record was created with a Start Date that matches the enrollment and an End Date of the enrollment End Date if before the calendar End Date or null if enrollment End Date = calendar End Date. Existing Early Learning fields selected on the Enrollments tab are converted as follows:

  • EC Program (3-5) selection converted to Early Childhood Program.
  • Prior Participation selection converted to Prior Participation.