Request Batch Report

Tool Search: Request Batch 

The Request Batch Report prints a list of student requests, one page per student for the selected calendar in the toolbar. It can be given to students if necessary.

Screenshot of the Request Batch Report editor.Request Batch Report

Report Logic

The report returns course requests for the currently active trial and lists both required courses, requested courses, and any alternate courses. These are determined, as noted on the student's Walk-In Scheduler.

When courses are requested through the Course Registration process, they are given a type of E (Elective). When courses are entered by the counselor on the Walk-In Scheduler, they are given a type of R (Required). However, the Type can be changed on all requests, regardless of how they originated, using the Walk-In Scheduler. 

When multiple students have the same name, the middle name and personID fields are used to determine the order in the report.

Report Editor



Ad hoc Filter

Selecting an ad hoc filter returns requests for only those students included in the ad hoc filter.


Selection returns students in the selected grade level based on their current enrollment. Select either All Students to generate the report for every student in the selected calendar, or a specific grade level.

Sort Options

The report can be sorted in three ways:

  • Alphabetical by student last name
  • Numeric by student grade level and then alphabetically by last name
  • Alphabetical by teacher last name. See the Teacher Sort Options section below for more information.
Course Display Option

Select how the report should group the requested course information:

  • Group requests as Required, Elective or Alternate
  • Group requests as Requested or Alternate
Report Comments

Enter any text (up to 250 characters) that should be communicated to the students and parents/guardians about this list of courses. This could be instructions on returning the report to the students' guidance counselors or information on the timeline of schedules for the next school year.

Note that any text entered here prints on ALL pages of the report. This comment displays before the list of courses.  

Report FormatThe report can be generated in either PDF or DOCX format.

Teacher Sort Options

These options only display when using the Teacher Student Sort Options selected above.

Calendar Used for SortSelection indicates from which calendar the teacher schedule is pulled. This option matches the School and Year selected in the Campus toolbar, but can be modified if needed. For example, the report is generated for course requests entered into the future 2019-20 calendar selected in the Campus toolbar, but it is to be handed out to students in Period 2 of the current 2018-19 calendar.
Schedule StructureSelection indicates from which schedule structure the teacher schedule is pulled. If the selected calendar does not have multiple schedule structures, the field still displays with the selection of Main. This is how the Calendar setup tools name schedule structures.
Effective DateDetermine the date from which to base the teacher sort options. The entered date is used to build the correct roster list for the teachers.
PeriodSelection indicates the period in which the reports are handed out and uses the roster information from the selected period.

Generate the Report

  1. Select an Ad hoc Filter to return students in that filter.
  2. Or, select All Students or a specific Grade Level from the dropdown list.
  3. Select the desired Sort Options.
  4. Select the desired Course Display Options.
  5. Enter any desired Report Comments that print on ALL pages of the report. 
  6. Select the desired Report Format.
  7. If sorting by Teacher, make the desired selections in the Calendar Used for Sort, Schedule Structure, Effective Date, and Period fields.
  8. Click the Generate Report button.

This report is just a reference for the student and parent/guardian. A final list of courses for the next school year may not be decided until closer to the end of the current year or even closer to the beginning of the next school year.

Requested courses in bold text are considered priority requests because of the student's assigned academic program. Once planned courses have been created as course requests, those courses are considered a priority and display in bold.

Screenshot of the Request Batch Report in PDF format.Request Batch Report - All Students, Alphabetical, Requests Grouped as Required, Elective or Alternate