CALPADS Staff Assignment (SASS)

Tool Search: CALPADS Staff Assignment

The Staff Assignment file is used to submit data about staff teaching assignments. This information is reported for all certificated staff (Type 10, 11, 12, 25, 26, 27) who are actively employed on Information Day. Staff members must have a SEID, but staff with a SEID = 9999999999 do not report. Multiple records may be submitted when the staff person has multiple assignments in different schools or different Types.  

Screenshot of the CALPADS Staff Assignment Extract, located at Reporting, CA State Reporting. CALPADS Staff Assignment Extract

Report Logic

All staff who have an active District Employment record and an active District Assignment record with Type = 10, 11, 12, 25, 26 or 27 on the reporting date are included.

  • Staff must have a Staff State ID (SEID) in Census > Demographics > Person Identifiers that is not blank or 9999999999.
  • Multiple records should be submitted when a staff member has multiple District Assignments with different Type codes. (One record per Type code per School. A staff person with three District Assignments with Type 12 in the same School reports one record. A staff person with one District Assignment with Type 12 and one with Type 11 reports two records).
  • Submit Multiple records when a staff member has multiple District Assignments with the same Type code in different schools.
  • In Field 14, the FTE for all active assignments in a school with the same Type are summed for reporting. When the staff person has multiple District Assignments with Types 10,11 or 12, the Non-Classroom Assignment Codes from all appropriate district assignments are reported in Fields 15-21, up to a total of seven unique codes in all district assignments for a given Type.
  • For districts using Campus HR, staff who have multiple Work Assignments report a second row with a (potentially) different Location; the percent reports from the Work Locations Percent field, when populated.

Staff are not reported when the Exclude checkbox is marked on the staff person's District Assignment record.

Operational Keys

  • Academic Year ID
  • School of Assignment

This is a FULL REPLACEMENT file. This means that when a file is submitted/posted to CALPADS, and a later file with the same School of Assignment and Academic Year is submitted/posted, the records from the second file are replaced, rather than updated or added to, the records from the first file.

Non-Binary Gender Reporting

Schools can assign students a gender of M: Male, F: Female or X: Non-binary. This is done on the Identities tool and/or the Demographics tool. 

CALPADS Extracts use the Legal Gender field included in the Protected Identity Information to report student identity information.

To properly record a gender of X: Non-Binary, on the Identities tool:

  1. Assign the Gender of X: Non-Binary in the standard identify fields.
  2. Assign the Protected Identity Information Legal Gender field to either M: Male or F: Female.
  3. Save the record when finished.

Screenshot of the Gender and Legal Gender fields for Non-Binary assignemtn on the Census, People, Identities editor. Gender and Legal Gender Assignment

Validate SASS Data

Use the Data Validation Report to correct any student data prior to the submitting the CALPADS file to the state. Validation Groups and Validation Rules are provided by Infinite Campus for a specific CALPADS extract (listed below). These groups are used to return certain rules assigned to each group.

Modifications to the Validation Rules and Validation Groups can be made if your district has purchased the Campus Analytics Suite; otherwise, they are read-only. 

Users can select the Missing or Incorrect Data Validation Group, which returns any missing or incorrect data that is reported in the CALPADS Extract, like a missing enrollment exit reason or an incorrect date, for example.

Note that examples refer to CALPADS SENR.

Screenshot of the Data Validation Report editor. Data Validation Report - Missing/Incorrect Data

The report first lists a Summary of the issues found and the total number of occurrences.

Screenshot of an example of the Data Validation Report summary list. Validate Report Summary List

Then, click the Rule in the Summary column (for HTML format), or scroll through the report to see which students meet the criteria of the rule logic.

Screenshot of an example of the Data Validation Report results. Validate Report Results

Refer to the tables below, which includes the rule, rule logic and location, for correcting the data.

Missing or Incorrect Data

The Missing or Incorrect Data Report uses the following rules and logic (open the Click here to Expand section below to see each rule).

This report returns only those staff members whose District Assignment End Date is not populated or whose End Date is before or the same as the calendar end date and after or the same as the calendar start date.

Click here to expand...

Rule NumberIssueLogicLocation
SASS0118Staff Job Classification FTE Percentage Less than one or Employee on Leave Percentage Greater Than 0Indicates the Staff Job Classification FTE Percentage for a staff member who is or who is not on leave is not a valid value.
  • Staff members who are on leave need to have a FTE Percentage of zero.
  • Staff members not on leave nee to have a FTE Percentage that is equal to or more than 1.

District Assignments > FTE of Assignment


District Assignments > Non-Classroom Assignment Code 1-7 


SASS0119Staff Job Classification FTE Percentage Greater Than or equal to 200Indicates the entered value for Staff Job Classification FTE Percentage is more than 200.

The correct value must be less than or equal to 200. 

District Assignments > FTE of Assignment


SASS0120Missing Non Classroom Based Job Assignment CodeIndicates the Non-Classroom Based Job Assignment Codes is missing for a staff person who has a Staff Job Classification Code = 10, 11 or 25.

When the Staff Job Classification Code is one of the following, one or more of the Non-Classroom Based Job Assignment Codes must be populated:
  • 10: Certificated K-12 Administrator
  • 11: Certificated K-12 Pupil Services
  • 25: Non-certificated Administrator

District Assignments > Type


District Assignments > Non-Classroom Assignment Code 1-7 


SASS0219Invalid Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Code and Staff Job Classification Code combination valuesIndicates the Staff Job Classification Code and Non-Classroom Based Job Assignment Code are not valid combinations as defined in the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations document (avaliable on the CALPADS System Documentation).

District Assignments > Type


District Assignments > Non-Classroom Assignment Code 1-7 or Assignment Code


SASS0257Invalid Assignment Code for Employee on LeaveIndicates there is an invalid assignment code for an employee who is on leave.

When an employee has an Assignment Code of Employee on Leave, all Non-classroom Based or Support Assignment fields must be blank for the same SEID, Academic Year and Reporting LEA.

A SASS record is submitted for a staff where any of the Nonclassroom Based or Support Assignment Codes 1-7 are 6018, and any other of the Nonclassroom Based or Support Assignment Codes in the same record are not null or one or more additional SASS records exist for the same SEID, Academic Year, and Reporting LEA where any of the Nonclassroom Based or Support Assignment Codes 1-7 does not equal 6018. This applies for the inverse of this language - the first record that is not equal to 6018 and additional Nonclassroom Based Codes = 6018.

District Assignments > Non-Classroom Assignment Code 1-7 or Assignment Code


Demographics > Person Identifiers > Staff ID


Report Editor

The following fields are available on the Staff Assignment Editor.



Reporting Date

Indicates the date of the report. This field displays the current date and includes active staff as of this date.

Transaction Type

Indicates the type of transaction that occurs - Replace or Delete.


Determines how the report generates. Select State Format (Caret Delimited) when submitting records to the state. Other formats available for testing and review purposes are CSV and HTML.

Ad hoc Filter

Select which staff to include in the extract by choosing a filter that was created in the Filter Designer.

Calendar Selection

Select the calendar of Assignment. Calendars can be chosen by the active year, by the school name or by the year.

Report Generation Options

Choose the Generate Extract to display the results of the chosen items immediately. Choose the Submit to Batch option to generate the report at a specified time. This option is helpful when generating large amounts of data.

Generate the Staff Assignment File

  1. Enter the Reporting Date in mmddyy format, or use the calendar icon to select a date.
  2. Select the Transaction Type from the dropdown list - Replace or Delete.
  3. Select the Format of the file. The State Format (Caret Delimited) should be chosen when submitting records to the state. Other formats available for testing and review purposes are CSV and HTML.
  4. Use the Ad hoc Filter to select staff already included in a filter. This is not required.
  5. Select the Calendars to include in the file.
  6. Click the Generate Extract button. Or generate the extract at a specified time using the Submit to Batch button. The file appears in a new window in the selected format.

Staff Assignment File

Data Elements



Record Type Code

Type of data record being submitted. Chosen on the Extract Editor. Reports as SASS.

  • Reports as SASS.txt for the State Format
  • Reports as SASS.csv for the CSV Format

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Data not stored

Transaction Type Code

Action CALPADS should take with this record. Chosen on the Extract Editor.

  • D = Delete
  • Blank = Replace (default)

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Data not stored

Local Record ID

 This field does not report.


Reporting LEA

A unique identifier for the educational service institution in which the Staff person is employed.

When the reporting calendar is from a School with Type 15: Independently Reporting Charter, the State School Number reports (not the State District Number).

This field reports the Secondary District Number when the reporting calendar has a School Type of 16: Secondary State District Number.

Numeric, 7 digits

District Information > State District Number


School Information > School Number


School Information > Type


School of Assignment

A unique identifier for the school where a Staff person is assignedDistrict-level staff should have a District Assignment in a School that has the State District Number entered as the State School Number.

When the CDS Number field is populated on the School editor, that value reports.

Numeric, 7 digits

School Information > State School Number


School Information > CDS Number

Academic Year ID

A unique identifier assigned to a specific Academic Year. An Academic Year is the period during which school is in regular session and provides a required number of days of instruction.

Date field, 9 characters (CCYY-CCYY)

School Year Setup > Start Year/End Year



A unique identifier assigned to each Educator in the California public education system by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

When Campus Human Resources is enabled, this field reports from the HR General Information editor.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Demographics > Person Identifiers > Staff ID


HR > Personnel > Personnel Master > HR General > State Number

Local Staff ID

A unique identifier assigned to a Staff member by the local educational agency.

When Campus Human Resources is enabled, this field reports from the HR General Information editor.

Numeric, up to 10 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Staff Number


Personnel Master > HR General > Personnel Number

Staff First Name

The legal first name of the staff person. This information is reported from the current identity record.

When the Legal First Name field is populated, information reports from that field.

When Campus Human Resources is enabled, this field reports from the HR General Information editor.

Name fields may only include alphabetic letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, or apostrophes.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters 

Demographics > Person Information > First Name


Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name


Personnel Master > HR General > First Name

Staff Last Name

The legal last name of the staff person. This information is reported from the current identity record.

When the Legal Last Name field is populated, information reports from that field.

When Campus Human Resources is enabled, this field reports from the HR General Information editor.

Name fields may only include alphabetic letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, or apostrophes.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Demographics > Person Information > Last Name


Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


Personnel Master > HR General > Last Name

Staff Birth Date

Birth date of the staff person. This information is reported from the current identity record.

When Campus Human Resources is enabled, this field reports from the HR General Information editor.

Date field, 10 characters (CCYYMMDD)

Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date


Personnel Master > HR General > Birth Date

Staff Gender Code

Gender of the staff person.This information is reported from the current identity record.

When the Legal Gender field is populated, information reports from that field.

When Campus Human Resources is enabled, this field reports from the HR General Information editor.

See the Non-Binary Gender Reporting section for additional information. 

Alphanumeric, 1 character (M or F)

Demographics > Person Information > Gender


Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender


Personnel Master > HR General > Gender

Staff Job Classification Code

A coded value representing the Educational Service Job Classification.

See the Job Classification Codes for a list of options.

Numeric, 2 digits

District Assignments > Type


Staff Job Classification FTE Percentage

Calculation of the staff person’s FTE reported to a tenth of a percentage. Valid range is 1.0 to 200.0.

Staff who have multiple district assignments of the same type reports the sum of FTE from all assignments within the same type in the same school. 

Staff who have multiple district assignments in different school reports the sum of the FTE from all assignments of the same type in the same school.

For districts not using Campus Human Resources

Enter FTE as a percentage on the District Assignment editor. A value of 1.0 FTE reports as 100. A value of .5 reports as 50. 

FTE does not have to be calculated for each teaching assignment when the teacher has multiple assignments. It is appropriate to enter the total FTE on one of the assignments and leave the rest blank. 

For districts using Campus Human Resources: 

When Campus Human Resources is enabled, this field reports from the HR Work Assignments editor. 

Enter FTE as a numeric value on the Work Assignments editor. A value of 1 FTE reports as 100 when the report is generated. A value of .5 reports as 50. 

When a staff person had multiple work locations at different percent values, the value is calculated by multiplying the Position FTE value by the Work Location Percent field. 


Numeric, 5 characters (NNN.N)

District Assignments > FTE of Assignment


Personnel Master > Work Assignments > Work Locations > Percent

Personnel Master > Work Assignments > Position FTE

Support Code 1

A coded value representing the Support/Non-Classroom Based Job Assignment. See the Non-Classroom Support Codes for a list of options.

  • When Type 10 or 25, reports the Assignment Code when it is equal to 0100-0160, 0171, 0199, 0301-0302, 0307, 0318 or 6018.
  • When Type 11, reports the Assignment Code when it is equal to 0202-0226, 0228, 0400, 0407 or 6018.
  • When Type 12, 26 or 27, reports the Assignment Code when it is equal to 6006-6007, 6010-6011, 6014, 6017-6020 or 6099.
  • When the Assignment Code is not equal to one of the above, the value reports from Non-Classroom Assignment Code 1 when populated.

Do NOT enter the same code in both the Assignment Code and Non-Classroom Support Code 1 field.

When Campus Human Resources is enabled, this field reports from the HR Work Assignments editor. 

Numeric, 4 digits

District Assignments > Non-Classroom Assignment Code 1 or Assignment Code


Personnel Master > Work Assignments > Non-Classroom Support Code

Support Code 2

A coded value representing the Support/Non-Classroom Based Job Assignment.

When Type is 10, 11, 12, 25, 26 or 27, and the value from the Assignment Code reports in the previous field, the value reports from the Non-Classroom Assignment Code 1 field unless it is the same code that reports in the previous field. Then, the code reports from the Non-Classroom Assignment Code 2 when set.

Otherwise, a blank field reports.

See the Non-Classroom Support Codes for a list of options.

When Campus Human Resources is enabled, this field reports from the HR Work Assignments editor. 

Numeric, 4 digits

District Assignments > Non-Classroom Assignment Code 2


ersonnel Master > Work Assignments > Non-Classroom Support Code

Non-Classroom Support Code 3

A coded value representing the Support/Non-Classroom Based Job Assignment.

When Type is 10, 11, 12, 25, 26 or 27, and the value from the Assignment Code reports in the previous field, the value reports from the Non-Classroom Assignment Code 1 field unless it is the same code that reports in the previous field. Then, the code reports from the Non-Classroom Assignment Code 3 when set.

See the Non-Classroom Support Codes for a list of options.

When Campus Human Resources is enabled, this field reports from the HR Work Assignments editor.

Numeric, 4 digits

District Assignments > Non-Classroom Assignment Code 3


Personnel Master > Work Assignments > Non-Classroom Support Code

Support Code 4

A coded value representing the Support/Non-Classroom Based Job Assignment.

When Type is 10, 11, 12, 25, 26 or 27, and the value from the Assignment Code reports in the previous field, the value reports from the Non-Classroom Assignment Code 1 field unless it is the same code that reports in the previous field. Then, the code reports from the Non-Classroom Assignment Code 4 when set.

See the Non-Classroom Support Codes for a list of options.

When Campus Human Resources is enabled, this field reports from the HR Work Assignments editor.

Numeric, 4 digits 

District Assignments > Non-Classroom Assignment Code 4


Personnel Master > Work Assignments > Non-Classroom Support Code

Support Code 5

A coded value representing the Support/Non-Classroom Based Job Assignment.

When Type is 10, 11, 12, 25, 26 or 27, and the value from the Assignment Code reports in the previous field, the value reports from the Non-Classroom Assignment Code 1 field unless it is the same code that reports in the previous field. Then, the code reports from the Non-Classroom Assignment Code 5 when set.

See the Non-Classroom Support Codes for a list of options.

Numeric, 4 digits

District Assignments > Non-Classroom Assignment Code 5


Personnel Master > Work Assignments > Non-Classroom Support Code

Support Code 6

A coded value representing the Support/Non-Classroom Based Job Assignment.

When Type is 10, 11, 12, 25, 26 or 27, and the value from the Assignment Code reports in the previous field, the value reports from the Non-Classroom Assignment Code 1 field unless it is the same code that reports in the previous field. Then, the code reports from the Non-Classroom Assignment Code 6 when set.

See the Non-Classroom Support Codes for a list of options.

When Campus Human Resources is enabled, this field reports from the HR Work Assignments editor. 

Numeric, 4 digits

District Assignments > Non-Classroom Assignment Code 6


Personnel Master > Work Assignments > Non-Classroom Support Code

Support Code 7

A coded value representing the Support/Non-Classroom Based Job Assignment.

When Type is 10, 11, 12, 25, 26 or 27, and the value from the Assignment Code reports in the previous field, the value reports from the Non-Classroom Assignment Code 1 field unless it is the same code that reports in the previous field. Then, the code reports from the Non-Classroom Assignment Code 7 when set.

See the Non-Classroom Support Codes for a list of options.

When Campus Human Resources is enabled, this field reports from the HR Work Assignments editor. 

Numeric, 4 digits

District Assignments > Non-Classroom Assignment Code 7


Personnel Master > Work Assignments > Non-Classroom Support Code

Job Classification Codes 

The Job Classification Codes listed here are the only ones reported in the CALPADS Staff Assignment extract. For a complete list of the Job Classification Codes, see the California District Assignments page.





Certificated K-12 Administrator

An employee of the Education Service Institution in a position requiring certification but who is not required to provide direct instruction to pupils or direct services to pupils (services such as those provided by a pupil services employee. This category does not include mentor teachers.


Certificated K-12 Pupil Services

An employee of an Educational Service Institution who is in a position requiring a standard designated services credential, health and development credential, or a library media teacher credential and who performs direct services to pupils (counselors, guidance and welfare personnel, library media teachers, psychologists, etc.). Program specialists as defined in Education Code Section 56368 are also to be reported as pupil service employees.


Certificated K-12 Teacher

An employee of the Educational Service Institution who holds a position requiring certification or other state alternative and whose duties require direct instruction to the pupils in the school(s) of that district, including mentor teachers and in some cases, long-term substitute teachers.


Non-certificated Administrator

An employee of an Educational Service Institution at the administrative level (assistant, deputy or associate superintendent, or higher) who has been waived of the requirement of having to possess an administrative services credential.


Charter School Non-Cert Teacher

An employee of a charter school that is providing instruction in a non-core course (as defined in the school's charter) who has been waived of the requirement of having to obtain a teaching credential.


Itinerant or Pull-out/Push-in Teacher

A Staff member is one who travels from school to school, providing special materials, consultation with school personnel, and individualized instruction in disability specific skills that encompass what is known as the expanded core curriculum.