SIF (Massachusetts)

This article explains how the Massachusetts SIF model has been set up, which objects and elements are being messaged and the Campus configuration required to successfully use SIF on MA versions of Campus.

Please read the SIF Best Practices/Data Cleanup article in order to ensure data is properly set up in Campus and thus properly reporting via SIF.

Note: Campus Release Pack .2231 contained a case which removed the following views:

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  • v_sif_DisciplineIncident_MA.sql
  • v_sif_DisciplineIncident_OffenderList_ActionList.sql
  • v_sif_DisciplineIncident_OffenderList_ActionList_MA.sql
  • v_sif_DisciplineIncident_RelatedToList_MA.sql
  • v_sif_DisciplineIncident_WeaponList_MA.sql
  • v_sif_EmailList.sql
  • v_sif_EmploymentRecord.sql
  • v_sif_EmploymentRecord_MA.sql
  • v_sif_EmploymentRecordHR_MA.sql
  • v_sif_EmploymentRecordHRNonExclude_MA.sql
  • v_sif_LEAInfo.sql
  • v_sif_MarkInfo.sql
  • v_sif_MarkValueInfo.sql
  • v_sif_RaceList.sql
  • v_sif_RaceList_MA.sql
  • v_sif_RoomInfo.sql
  • v_sif_SchoolCourseInfo.sql
  • v_sif_SchoolCourseInfo_MA.sql
  • v_sif_SchoolInfo.sql
  • v_sif_SchoolInfo_MA.sql
  • v_sif_SectionInfo.sql
  • v_sif_SectionInfo_MA.sql
  • v_sif_SectionInfo_ScheduleInfoList.sql
  • v_sif_SectionMarkInfo.sql
  • v_sif_SectionMarkInfo_MA.sql
  • v_sif_StaffAssignment_MA.sql
  • v_sif_StaffAssignmentHR_MA.sql
  • v_sif_StaffAssignmentHRNonExclude_MA.sql
  • v_sif_StaffAssignmentNonExclude_MA.sql
  • v_sif_StaffEvaluation.sql
  • v_sif_StaffEvaluation_MA.sql
  • v_sif_StaffEvaluationHR_MA.sql
  • v_sif_StaffEvaluationHRNonExclude_MA.sql
  • v_sif_StaffPersonal.sql
  • v_sif_StaffPersonal_MA.sql
  • v_sif_StaffPersonalHR_MA.sql
  • v_sif_StaffPersonalHRNonExclude_MA.sql
  • v_sif_StaffSectionAssignment.sql
  • v_sif_StaffSectionAssignment_MA.sql
  • v_sif_StaffSectionAssignmentHR_MA.sql
  • v_sif_StaffSectionAssignmentHRNonExclude_MA.sql
  • v_sif_StaffSectionAssignmentNonExclude_MA.sql
  • v_sif_StudentPersonal.sql
  • v_sif_StudentPersonal_core.sql
  • v_sif_StudentPersonal_MA.sql
  • v_sif_StudentSchoolEnrollment.sql
  • v_sif_StudentSchoolEnrollment_GradeLevel_OtherCodeList.sql
  • v_sif_StudentSchoolEnrollment_MA.sql
  • v_sif_StudentSchoolEnrollment_ResidencyStatus_OtherCodeList_MA.sql
  • v_sif_StudentSectionEnrollment.sql
  • v_sif_StudentSpecialEducationSummary.sql
  • v_sif_StudentSpecialEducationSummary_MA.sql
  • v_sif_TermInfo.sql
  • v_sif_TermInfo_MA.sql

Business Requirements

The Massachusetts Department of Education has received a State Longitudinal Data Systems grant used to introduce new technology to improve the data collection process. The ESE is implementing the School Interoperability Framework (SIF) to collect data for the SIMS, EPIMS, SCS collections as well as supporting SASID assignment and Education Data Warehouse Student Claiming.

The standards, policies and procedures established from this initiative are designed to be rolled forward for future annual SIF deployments.

Click here to review the state's reporting schedule and documentation.


The current active MA SIF implmentation meets v2.7 specifications.

SIF Zone Options

In order for certain SIF elements to report the proper data, you must establish SIF Zone Options. Please enter and save these preferences to ensure the correct data is being sent.

Screenshot of SIF Zone Options, located in Data Interchange Setup.SIF Zone Options

For step-by-step instructions on setting up SIF Zone Options, expand the link below:

Click here to expand...

  1. Navigate to Zones > SIF Zone Options
  2. Select the appropriate Zone.
  3. If you do NOT want State Excluded district assignments to report, mark the Exclude All State Exclude District Assignments checkbox.
  4. If you only want primary enrollments to report, mark the Exclude All Secondary Enrollments checkbox.

    Note: This checkbox only affects section and grade reporting for students/staff as well as staff assignments

  5. Leave the Strip Empty SIF 2.* XML Elements unchecked as logic is already built to exclude elements that do not need to report.
  6. If you do NOT want ‘No Show’ enrollments to report, mark the Exclude No Show Enrollments checkbox.
  7. If you do NOT want State Excluded enrollments to report or if you do NOT want to send student information for a calendar that has ‘Exclude’ checked, mark the Exclude All State Exclude Enrollments checkbox.

    This checkbox can make SIMS/SCS processing easier when there is a need to process students in one reporting window, but not the other. You can mark these student’s enrollments as ‘State Exclude’ and for the reporting window the students should report in, uncheck the ‘Exclude All State Exclude Enrollments’ checkbox. Then, for the reporting window the students should not report in, check the ‘Exclude All State Exclude Enrollments’ checkbox.

  8. Populate the State Reporting Date with the appropriate date
  9. Select Save.


  • The ‘Exclude’ checkbox on the Calendar only ever excludes student information tied to that calendar from reporting and only if the ‘Exclude All State Excluded Enrollments’ checkbox is checked. Otherwise, the ‘Exclude’ checkbox is completely ignored in SIF processing.
  • If ‘Exclude From SIF Exchange’ is checked on the calendar, then nothing will report from that calendar, regardless of what is checked in these options.
  • If ‘Exclude From SIF’ is checked on a grade level, then no students in that grade level will report, regardless of what is checked in these options.

Additional Information

A SIF Exclude check box has been added to the MA HR SIS on Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Work Assignment > Work Location > SIF Exclude. This checkbox is specifically for the SIF logic to report appropriately to the State on the StaffAssignment, StaffSectionAssignment, StaffEvaluation, StaffPersonal, and EmploymentRecord Objects.

Please Note:

You must set up all HR Work Locations as you want them to send to the State with any SIF Excludes on the appropriate Work Assignment > Work Location(s), then request a Delete and Re-pull from DESE at the State. This will clear past data and resend the correct data as marked in the Work Locations.

Objects and Elements

See the sections below for details about each SIF object and element.


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Object Triggering

Event TypeRequirement
AddA Behavior Incident with a Behavior Event that has a mapped State Event Code is created

The Behavior Role is changed to Offender, adding the first offender to the incident

AddOne of the following enrollment fields is changed on an Offender, adding the first offender to the incident
  • State Exclude is unchecked
  • No Show checkbox is unchecked
  • Grade is updated from 00 to a reportable value
  • Service Type is updated to a value of 'P'
  • Enrollment start date is updated to be equal to or prior to the behavior incident date
  • Enrollment end date is updated to null or to be equal to or after the behavior incident date

Multiple Events exist on a Behavior Incident and an Event is either removed or the Event Code is updated to be a value that has NO mapped State Event Code and at least one other Event still exists that DOES have a mapped State Event Code. 

ChangeA change is made to one of the following fields on Behavior Incident
  • Date of Incident
  • Time of Incident
  • Details
  • Context
  • Location
ChangeA change is made to one of the following fields in the Event Details
  • Event Type
  • Number of School Personnel Victims
  • Number of Unknown Victims
  • Number of Non-Sch Personnel Victims
  • Retaliation-Related
  • Gang-Related
  • Hate-Related
  • Police Notified
  • Comments
ChangeA change is made to one of the following fields in the Participant(s) Details
  • Role
  • Relationship to School
  • Injury
  • Weapon Type
  • Weapon Description
ChangeA change is made to one of the following fields in the Resolution Details
  • Resolution Type
  • Resolution Start Date
  • Resolution End Date
  • Duration in School Days
  • Arrest
  • Ed Services Provided Code
  • Other specification
  • Shortened Expulsion
  • Zero Tolerance

A Behavior Incident is deleted


All Event Codes tied to the Behavior Incident are updated to values that have NO mapped State Event Code


The Behavior Role is changed from Offender to another value, removing the last offender from the incident

DeleteOne of the following enrollment fields is changed on an Offender, removing the last offender from the incident
  • State Exclude is checked
  • No Show checkbox is checked
  • Grade is updated to 00
  • Service Type is updated to a value other than 'P'
  • Enrollment start date is updated to be after the behavior incident date
  • Enrollment end date is updated to be before the behavior incident date

Object Population and Business Rules

Report 1 record per Behavior Incident.

Only report a DisciplineIncident object when:

  1. A Participant has a Primary enrollment on the 'Date of Incident'.
    • The enrollment start date must be on or before the date of incident and the enrollment end date must be null or the enrollment end date must be on or after the date of incident.
  2. A Participant exists on a Behavior Event connected to the Incident with Role = O: Offender.
  3. A Behavior Event is mapped to a State Behavior Event code

Do not report if any Offenders have one of the following:

  1. "Exclude from SIF reporting" on the enrollment State Grade Level is checked
  2. "Exclude from SIF Exchange" on the calendar is checked
  3. 'Exclude All State Exclude Enrollments' is checked on the SIF Zone Options AND either of the following are checked:

    1. 'State Exclude' is checked on the enrollment

    2. 'Exclude' is checked on the calendar
  4. 'Exclude No Show Enrollments' is checked on the SIF Zone Options AND the 'No Show' checkbox is checked on the student's enrollment
  5.  A state grade level code of '00'
Only generate a DisciplineIncident Object for incidents within Behavior Management (Do not generate objects for any Behavior Referrals)

Data Elements

Data ElementDescription and Business RulesCampus Database Field and GUI Path
RefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies this DisciplineIncident entity.N/A
@SchoolYearSchool year in which the incident occurred, and for which the information is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year ends (e.g., "2007" for the 2006-07 school year).dbo.Calendar.endYear

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > School Years > End Year

Parent Tag

The Id (GUID) of the school or LEA reporting the incident, usually the school in which the incident occurred.



@SIF_RefObjectThe name of the SIF object to which the GUID relates.

Hard coded to 'SchoolInfo'
IncidentNumberLocally generated unique identifier

Report IC generated incident ID

Must be created in order to generated


Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident ID
IncidentDateThe date the incident occurredBehaviorIncident.timeStamp

Behavior > Behavior Management > Date of Incident

Parent Tag

Time the incident took place


Behavior > Behavior Management > Time of Incident
  1. Report the Standard Code of the Incident Context field
  2. If null and there is a Default value, report the default value
  3. Else, report '397'
Behavior > Behavior Management > Context
IncidentLocationLocation of the Incident
  1. Report the Name of the Incident Location field
  2. If null and there is a Default value, report the Name of the default value
  3. Else, do not report

Behavior > Behavior  Management > Location
  1. Report the Standard Code of the Incident Location field
  2. If null and there is a Default value, report the default value
  3. Else, do not report
Behavior > Behavior  Management > Location


Information regarding the individual reporting the incident

RelatedToListParent TagN/A
RelatedToSpecific category of incident (what the specific behavior event is).

Reports a list of state codes associated with behavior event types for the behavior incident.

Campus Attribute where Object- Behavior

Element = stateEventCode

Behavior > Behavior Management > Event Type

Behavior > Behavior Admin > Event Types > State Event Code

System Administration > Custom Attribute > Behavior > State Event Code

WeaponTypeListParent TagN/A
WeaponTypeIdentifies weapon used in the incident

Reports the Standard Code associated with the value selected in Weapon Type on the role from any event/role on the incident that a weapon is reported on

(Note: Reports all the Weapon Type codes related to the incident)


Behavior > Behavior Admin > Event Types > Classification > Weapon

Behavior Management > Incident >Events and Participants  > Participant(s) Details > Weapon Type

IncidentCategoryParent TagN/A
IncidentCategory/CodeIdentifies the type of incident being reported
  1. When Gang-Related checkbox is checked, report '3068'
  2. When Hate-Related checkbox is checked, report '3069'
  3. When State Event code is mapped to one of the following, report '3066':
    1. 1010
    2. 1020
    3. 1040
    4. 1030
    5. 1050
    6. 1097
  4. When State Event code is mapped to one of the following, report '3067'
    1. MA01
    2. MA02
    3. 1660
    4. 1650
    5. 1610
    6. MA03
    7. 1620
    8. 1630
    9. 1640
    10. 1670
    11. 1680
    12. 1697
    13. MA14
  5. When State Event code is mapped to one of the following, report '3070'
    1. 3700
  6. When State Event Code is mapped to one of the following, report '04645'
    1. 1700
    2. 3210
    3. 2500


Behavior Management > Incident >Events and Participants  > Event Details > Gang-Related

Behavior Management > Incident >Events and Participants  > Event Details > Hate-Related

Behavior > Behavior Admin > Event Types > State Event Code

OffenderListParent TagN/A
OffenderList/OffenderParent TagN/A
OffenderList/Offender/@TypeIndicates the offender's relationship to the school
  • Sends standard code associated with the "Relationship to School" field when the participant has a role of "Offender"
  • If Behavior role is null, use default value selected on the attribute dictionary. 
  • If default is null, send standard code associated with the value of '1' from the drop list.

object = 'BehaviorRole'
element = 'relationshipToSchool'

Behavior Management > Incident >Events and Participants  > Participant(s) Details > Relationship to School

System Administration > Custom > Custom/Attribute > Behavior Role > Relationship to School

System Administration > Custom > Custom/Attribute > Behavior Role > Relationship to School > Default Value


Hardcoded '04'


<Name Type="04">
Offender's Last Namedbo.Identity.firstName

Behavior Management > Incident >Events and Participants

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name

Offender's First Namedbo.Identity.lastName

Behavior Management > Incident >Events and Participants

Census > People > Demographics > First Name

RefID/GUID if the Offender is a student

Report the StudentPersonal RefId of the "Offender".

XML_GUID WHERE AttachmentTableName

System Administration > Custom > Custom/Attribute > Behavior Role > Relationship to School > Student

Hard coded 'StudentPersonal" if offender is student

System Administration > Custom > Custom/Attribute > Behavior Role > Relationship to School > Student
OffenderList/Offender/InjuryLists the injury the student received

Report Injury standard code

If no Injury set, report '3065'


dbo.CampusAttribute WHERE object='BehaviorRole' AND element='injury'

Behavior Management > Incident >Events and Participants  > Participant(s) Details > Injury

System Administration > Custom > Custom/Attribute > Behavior Role > Injury

ActionListParent Tag

Note: If multiple resolutions are assigned in the incident, create ActionList and all extended elements per resolution
ActionList/ActionParent TagN/A
ActionList/Action/CodeSpecific discipline action taken toward offender (State Resolution code)
  1. If state resolution code is 'MA58', 'MA60, 'MA61', or 'MA62', report '9999'
  2. Else, report the state resolution code.


dbo.CampusAttribute WHERE object='Behavior' AND element='stateResCode

Behavior Management > Incident >Resolution > Resolution Details

Behavior > Behavior Admin > Resolution Types > State Resolution Code

System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > Behavior > State Resolution Code

Parent TagN/A
Hardcoded to 'StateProvince' OR 'Other' OR 'Text'N/A

<OtherCode Codeset>
List the education service provided.
  1. If Behavior Resolution "Ed Services Provided Code"  provided is not null, report ed services provided code with the Codeset (field 31) of 'StateProvince'
  2. If "Ed Services Provided Code" is null, report the default value with the Codeset (field 31) of 'StateProvince'
  3. If "Ed Services Provided Code" is null and the default value is null, report 'AE0' with the Codeset (field 31) of 'StateProvince'
  4. If the state resolution code is MA58, report MA58 with the Codeset (field 31) of 'Other'
  5. If the state resolution code is MA60, report MA60 with the Codeset (field 31) of 'Other'
  6. If the state resolution code is MA61, report MA61 with the Codeset (field 31) of 'Other'
  7. If the state resolution code is MA62, report MA62 with the Codeset (field 31) of 'Other'
  8. If 'Ed Services Provided Code' is AE2 or AE3, report the ed services provided code with the Codeset(field 31) of 'StateProvince' AND report the value from 'Other specification' with the Codeset (field 31) of 'Text'
  9. Else, report blank


  1. One to many of these may report
  2. Only values that apply specifically to the resolution reporting should report

dbo.SifDictionary WHERE object = 'BehaviorResolution' AND element = 'serviceProvided'

dbo.SifDictionary WHERE object = 'BehaviorResolution' AND element = 'altPlacementSped'

Behavior > Behavior Management > Add Resolution > Ed Services Provided Code

Behavior > Behavior Management > Add Resolution > Ed Services Not Provided Code

The date which the disciplinary action begins (start date of resolution)dbo.BehaviorResolution.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Add Resolution > Resolution Start Date
The date which the disciplinary ends (end date of resolution)dbo.BehaviorResolution.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Add Resolution > Resolution End Date
Identifies the length, in school days, of the disciplinary action. Note: decimal places may be used for fractions of school days.
  1. When Resolution code = 3089 report "0"
  2. Report number entered in the Duration in School Days Field
  3. When End Date is not null, and Resolution code is NOT 3089, count the number of instructional days on the current calendar between the start and end date of resolution.
    1. If the start and end dates are the same day, report 1.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Add Resolution > Duration in School Days
Indicates zero tolerance for the incident (is not collected and needs to be removed
  1. If Zero Tolerance is checked, report 'Yes'
  2. else, report 'No'

Behavior > Behavior Management > Add/Edit Resolution > Resolution Details > Zero Tolerance
Indicates student had a full year expulsion due to this event
  1. If Behavior Resolution Type's name has "expulsion" in it, the start/end dates are not null, and there is more than a year between the start and end date, report "Yes"
  2. Else report "No"

Behavior > Behavior Management > Add/Edit Resolution > Resolution Details > Full Year Expulsion
Indicates if the expulsion was less than a full year
  1. If Shortened Expulsion is checked, report 'Yes'
  2. else, report 'No'

Behavior > Behavior Management > Add/Edit Resolution > Resolution Details > Shortened Expulsion
Indicates whether the police were notified
  1. If Police Notification is checked, report 'Yes'
  2. else, report 'No'

Behavior > Behavior Management > Add/Edit Event> Evenet Details > Police Notification
Indicates if the offender was arrested or not
  1. When the resolution code is "3089" or the Arrest dropdown is set to any entry with a standard code of yes, report "Y"
  2. Else, report "N"


dbo.CampusAttribute WHERE object = 'BehaviorResolution' AND element = 'lawEnforcement'

Behavior > Behavior Management > Add/Edit Resolution > Resolution Details > Arrest

  1. When Behavior > Edit Resolution > Ed Services Provided Code is Null or AE0, report "No".
  2. Else, report "Yes".


Behavior > Behavior Management > Add/Edit Resolution > Resolution Details > Ed Services Provided


Parent Tag

List of weapons involved in the incident used by the offender. If the incident involves weapons, the element must have a value.Each weapon used by the offender is identified by a WeaponType entry. When multiple weapons of a single type are used by the offender, each weapon has a separate entry in this list.

(Note: All weapons used in the incident are reported in WeaponTypeList entries for the incident, including those weapons related to this offender.)

Identifies the type of weapon used by the offender during an incident.

Report weapon type value based on weapon selection on the Behavior Event


Behavior>Behavior Event>Event Details> Weapon Type


Parent Tag

List of categories to which the offender’s incident is related.  Report NCES 1049 codes (MA requirement). 

Only SSDR required codes will be extracted for the report.

Identifies if offender’s incident was related to a specific category.  

Note: The code set that is specified for MA may seem to conflict with the codes allowable in the SIFA specification, however we have confirmed with SIFA that this is the correct code set.

Report Behavior state event code.

Campus Attribute where Object- Behavior

Element =stateEventCode

Behavior > Behavior Admin >Event Types > State Event Code

VictimListParent TagN/A

Parent Tag

Information regarding the victim(s) in the incident.

VictimList/Victim/@TypeIdentifies the type of individual victimized in the incident.
  1. If reporting from the participant detail, report the Standard Code for the code selected in Relationship to School when Role = Victim.
    1. If Relationship to School is null, report nothing.
  2. If reporting from Number of School Personnel Victims text box, report '3422'
  3. If reporting from Number of Unknown Victims, report '9997'
  4. If reporting from Number of Non-Sch Personnel Victims, report '3059'

dbo.CampusAttribute WHERE object = 'BehaviorRole' AND element = 'relationshipToSchool'

Behavior > Behavior Management > Add/Edit Event > Participant Detail > Role

Behavior Management > Incident Management Editor > Events and participants > Event and Participant Details > Participant Details > Relationship to School

Behavior > Behavior Management > Add/Edit Event > Number of School Personnel Victims

Behavior > Behavior Management > Add/Edit Event > Number of Unknown Victims

Behavior > Behavior Management > Add/Edit Event > Number of Non-Sch Personnel Victims


Parent Tag

The name of the victim.

Hard Coded
Report '04'
If a victim total count is being provided in LastName then report "Count" in this element.
  1. If reporting from the participant detail, report the total number of participants with role of "Victim" in Behavior Incident, based on the relationship to school
  2. If reporting from Number of School Personnel Victims text box, report value from that field
  3. If reporting from Number of Unknown Victims, report value from that field
  4. If reporting from Number of Non-Sch Personnel Victims, report value from that field

Behavior > Behavior Management > Add/Edit Event > Participant Detail > Role

Behavior > Behavior Management > Add/Edit Event > Participant Detail > Relationship to school

Behavior > Behavior Management > Add/Edit Event > Number of School Personnel Victims

Behavior > Behavior Management > Add/Edit Event > Number of Unknown Victims

Behavior > Behavior Management > Add/Edit Event > Number of Non-Sch Personnel Victims



If there is only one Victim element for this type, then if this element is numeric, it will be used as a total count for this victim type.

Hardcoded 'Count'

VictimList/Victim/SIF_RefIdIf the Victim Type attribute identifies the victim as a Student or Staff Member, then this element should contain the Id (GUID) of the student or staff to whom this information relates.

Do not report.


SIF Object to which the SIFRefId relates.  May only be "StudentPersonal" or "StaffPersonal"

Do not report.


VictimList/Victim/InjuryIdentifies whether or not this specific victim was physically injured, and if so, identify whether the injury was major or minor.
  1. Report the code of 3063 if any victim within the specific victim type had an injury.
  2. Else report '3065'.

dbo.CampusAttribute WHERE object = 'BehaviorRole' AND element = 'injury'

Behavior Management > Incident Management Editor > EvN/Aents and participants > Event and Participant Details > Participant Details > Injury

IncidentDescriptionA long text description of full details and a report of what occurred.

Report the text contained in Details in the Incident.

If there is no value to report, a blank element is reported.

Behavior Incident > Incident Detail Information > Details
MAOtherOffenseFor each event code that has the comments field filled in, report the state event code and the comment separated by a colon ( : ).

If there is more than one event with a comment tied to an incident, separate each eventCode:comment with a tilde(~)

Behavior> Behavior Management > Event Details > State Event Code

Behavior Management > Event Details > Comments

MAOtherWeaponFor each weapon type within an incident that has the weapon description field filled in, report the state weapon code and the weapon description separated by a colon ( : ).

If there is more than one weapon type with a weapon description tied to an incident, separate each weaponCode:comment with a tilde (~)

Behavior > Behavior Management > Participant Detail > Weapon Type

Behavior > Behavior Management > Participant Detail > Weapon Description

[@Name="Retaliation"]Identifies whether an incident was retaliation against a person who reports bullying, or who provides information in a bullying investigation.
  • If Retaliation-Related is marked, report Yes.
  • If Retaliation-Related is not marked, report No.
Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Event Details > Retaliation - Related


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Object Triggering

Event TypeRequirement 
  • A District Employment record is created 
  • The Exclude checkbox is unchecked on the District Employment record 
  • The Start Date is updated to be before or equal to the state reported date
  • The District Employment record is deleted
    • This requirement is core only
  • The Exclude checkbox is checked on the District Employment record
  • The Start Date is updated to be after the state reported date
ChangeOne of the following fields on the District Employment/Personnel Master record is changed:
  • Start Date/Hire Date
  • End Date/Termination Date
  • Oct.1 Status Override
  • EOY Status Override
  • Status
  • Exit Reason
  • Federal Income 1
  • Federal Income 2
  • Federal Income 3
  • Federal Income Percent 1
  • Federal Income Percent 2
  • Federal Income Percent 3
The following field on the StaffEval for the current year is changed:
  • District Level Professional Teacher

Object Population and Business Rules

Report all District Employment records based on the state reported date where Start Date <= the state reported date.
  • If the state reported date is not populated, use current date
Records where District Employment exclude is checked will not report.
  • For HR, the field is SIF Exclude

Data Elements

Data ElementDescription and Business Rules

Campus Database Field and GUI Path

RefIDThe unique identifier (GUID) of this record

Report the RefId for this EmploymentRecord.
Employment.employmentID, District.districtGUID

SIF_RefIDThe GUID can either refer to the EmployeePersonal or StaffPersonal object.

Report the StaffPersonal/@RefId


SIF_RefObjectMust be StaffPersonal

hardcoded "StaffPersonal"
LEAInfoRefIDThe GUID reference to the LEAInfo object representing the LEA that employs the staff member.

Report the LEAInfoRefId


ActiveIndicates whether the staff is currently active
  1. Report 'true' if any of the following conditions are met:
    1. If employment record end date is null
    2. If employment record end date is equal to or after the state reporting date
    3. If state reported date is in the month of October and the 'Oct 1. Status Override' field equals '01'
    4. If state reported date is in the month of June and the 'EOY Status Override' field equals '01'
  2. Else, report 'false'

For HR, if the termination date is before the retirement date, use the termination date as the endDate. Otherwise use the retirement date as the endDate

Census > District Employment > Employment Records > End Date

HR - Personnel Master > HR General Information - Current Record > Employment Dates > Termination Date or Retirement Date


HireDateDate the employee was hired.
  • Report Start Date from most recent District Employment record.


  • Use Hire Date instead of Start Date

Census > District Employment > Employment Records > Start Date


Personnel Master > HR General Information - Current Record > Employment Dates > Hire Date


TerminationDateDate the employee resigned. Present if a HireDate is entered and a TerminationDate is available.
  1. When Census>District Employment> Employment Records > End Date = NOT Null, AND is <= the State Reporting Date, reports the date in the End Date field (mm/dd/yyyy).
  2. When End Date is Null OR is > State Reporting Date, do not report element.


  • Use Termination Date instead of End Date

Census > District Employment > Employment Records > End Date 


Personnel Master > HR General Information - Current Record > Employment Dates > Termination Date



The two-digit code that describes an individual’s employment status at the time of the collection.

  1. If state reported date is in the month of October and the 'Oct 1. Status Override' field is populated, report value
  2. If state reported date is in the month of June and the 'EOY Status Override' field is populated, report value
  3. Else, determine the EmploymentStatus (used in references below):
    • If 'Status' field is populated, use status value
    • If 'Status' field is null and there is a default value, use the default value
    • Else set to Null
  4. When District Employment End Date = Null OR District Employment End Date = NOT Null AND is >= State Reported Date (If state reported date is not populated, use current date)
    • If EmploymentStatus (from step 1) is null or equal to '04', report 01.
    • Else, report EmploymentStatus value (from step 1) 
  5. Otherwise, report 04.


For HR, use termination date in place of district employment end date.

Census > People > District Employment > Employment Information > Status


Census > People > District Employment > Employment Information > Oct. 1 Status Override


Census > People > District Employment > Employment Information > EOY Status Override


Personnel Master > HR General Information > Current Information > Status


Personnel Master > HR General Information > Current Information > Oct 1. Status Override


Personnel Master > HR General Information > Current Information > EOY Status Override




dbo.CampusAttribute WHERE object = 'Employment' AND element = 'employmentStatus'


The two-digit code that describes an individual’s reason for no longer being employed by the district.

  • If the Employment End Date is on or before the State Reported Date and:
    1. There is an Exit Reason defined on the Employment record, send it.
    2. Else if there is a default Value defined in the Employment Exit Reason dictionary, send it.
  • Else, send '00'

For HR, use Termination Date instead of End Date

Census > District Employment > Employment Records > Exit Reason


Personnel Master >HR General Information > Employment Dates > Exit Reason


dbo.CampusAttribute WHERE object = 'Employment' AND element = 'exitReason'

MAFederalSalaryInfoReport the values selected in the Federal Income and Federal Income Percent fields separated by a colon in the format of Source:Percentage
  • Federal Income: 3-digit code selected for Federal Income 1, Federal Income 2, and Federal Income 3.
    • If null or 000, report 000.
  • Percentage: 5-digit value entered for Federal Income Percent 1, Federal Income Percent 2, Federal Income Percent 3.
    • If null or 00, report 00.
  • Example:  240:.5
  • Note:
    • If there are multiple Federal Incomes and Federal Income Percent values, this must be reported in 1 element separated by a ~ as follows:
      • Example: 240:.5~165:.25~170:.25

Census > District Employment > Employment Records > Federal Income / Federal Income Percent


Personnel Master >HR General Information > Federal Income Information / Federal Income Percent

dbo.CampusAttribute WHERE object = 'Employment' AND element = 'federalIncomeSource(1/2/3)'

dbo.CampusAttribute WHERE object = 'Employment' AND element = 'federalIncomePercent(1/2/3)'


Educator’s current professional teacher status as determined by district policies. This element should be completed for all staff. 

  • If there is a StaffEval for the current reporting year, and the District Level Professional Teacher drop down is populated, report that value
  • Else if there is a default value set on the dictionary, send it.
  • Else send '99'.

Census > People > Staff Eval > Staff Evaluations Detail > District Level Prof Teacher

dbo.CampusAttribute WHERE object = 'Employment' AND element = 'districtLevelProfessionalTeach'

MADistrictEmployeeIf there is an Employment End Date, then check
  • If employment status defined on record (or default) is null or '01', report 'Yes'
  • If there is an Employment Status defined on the Employment record (or default value) of '05', send 'No'. 
  • Else, report null.

For HR, use Termination Date instead of End Date

Census > District Employment > Employment Records > End Date 

Census > People > District Employment > Employment Information > Status


Personnel Master > HR General Information - Current Record > Employment Dates > Termination Date

Personnel Master >HR General Information > Current Information > Status


dbo.CampusAttribute WHERE object = 'Employment' AND element = 'employmentStatus'

LeaveStartDateDate the employee started paid or unpaid leave, if applicable.
  • If Leave End Date is on or before State Reported Date or Leave Start Date is after State Reported Date, send EmploymentRecord.LeaveStartDate as null.
  • If Leave End Date is on or before State Reported Date or Leave Start Date is after State Reported Date, send EmploymentRecord.LeaveStartDate as null.
Census > People > District Employment
employment.LeaveStartDate or employment.LeaveEndDate

hrLeaveEvent.startDate or hrLeaveEvent.endDate

Cumulative number of days a staff member has been present (defined as at least half the school day) in the district.

  1. If assignment is marked as 'Primary Assignment', report based on the logic below:
    1. If value is not null or blank, report the value entered in "Staff Actual Attendance" 
    2. Else, if the district employment end date is before the first instructional day of the calendar, report 0
    3. Else, when Actual Attendance is null or blank and a valid attribute default value exists in Default Value field on the attribute, report the value entered in Default Value
    4. Else, report 999.
  2. Else, report 0

Census > People > District Assignment > Beginning Educator

System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > Employment > Staff Actual Attendance > Campus Attribute Detail > Default Value


Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > HR General Information > Employment Dates > Actual Attendance

dbo.CampusAttribute WHERE object=' EmploymentAssignment' AND element = 'staffActualAttendance'


Cumulative number of days a staff member was expected to be present (defined as at least half the school day) in the district.   

  1. If assignment is marked as 'Primary Assignment', report based on the logic below:
    1. If value is not null or blank, report the value entered in "Staff Expected Attendance" 
    2. Else, if the district employment end date is before the first instructional day of the calendar, report 0
    3. Else, when Actual Attendance is null or blank and a valid attribute default value exists in Default Value field on the attribute, report the value entered in Default Value
    4. Else, report 999.
  2. Else, report 0

Census > People > District Employment> Staff Expected Attendance

System Admin > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary >   Employment > Staff Expected Attendance  > Campus Attribute Detail > Default Value


Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > HR General Information> Employment Dates >  Expected Attendance

dbo.CampusAttribute WHERE object=' EmploymentAssignment' AND element = 'staffExpectedAttendance'


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Object Triggering

Event Type


AddA new district is created.
ChangeOne of the following fields on District is changed:
  • District Name
  • District Number
DeleteA district is deleted

Data Elements

Data ElementDescription and Business Rules

Campus Database Field and GUI Path


The GUID of the LEA whose information this is.


District.districtID, District.districtGUID

The locally-assigned identifier for this LEA.

System Administration > Resources > District Information > District ID


The state-assigned identifier for this LEA.

8-digit district code.

System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number


Name of LEA.

System Administration > Resources > District Information


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Object Triggering

Event TypeRequirement
  • State Report Exclude = Unchecked
  • Active = Checked
  • State Code is updated to longer be 'EXEMPT'
  • When a new course is added
ChangeOne of the following fields on Course is changed
  • State Code 
  • College/Virtual Institution 
  • Course Name 
  • Course Number
  • Course Level 
  • Course Type

Note: Any changes made to will also trigger events for SectionInfo, StudentSectionMarks, SectionMarkInfo, StudentSectionEnrollment, StaffSectionAssignment.


Grading Task Credit is changed (located: Grading Task > Course Grading Task Detail > Credit)


A Delete trigger is sent when:

  • "State Report Exclude" = Checked
  • Active = Unchecked
  • State Code is updated to 'EXEMPT' 
  • A reported Course is deleted.

Object Population and Business Rules

Course has to be active
Only report for courses in a school's SIFZone year
If Course.stateCode = EXEMPT, the course record will be excluded.

Exclude courses that are not tied to a calendar or that are tied to a calendar that is marked as Exclude from SIF.

Do not trigger events for Custom Course.

Data Elements

Data ElementDescription and Business Rules

Campus Database Field and GUI Path

SchoolCourseInfo/@RefIdThe GUID that identifies this course.Calculated

The GUID that identifies this school.




SchoolCourseInfo/@SchoolYearCalendar End Year for which the information is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year endsSystem Administration > Calendar > School Years > End Year

CourseCodeSchool-defined local code for the course.

Report the course number.
Scheduling > Course > Course

StateCourseCodeThe MA SCED or MA CIP code.

When code = 'exempt', the course record will not report.

If there is no value to report, a blank element is sent.
Scheduling > Course > State Code

DistrictCourseCodeThe corresponding district course code.

Report the course number.
Scheduling > Course >Number

CourseTitleTitle of the course.Scheduling > Course > Course > Name
DescriptionTextual description of the course.

Report the description of the course if it is populated. Otherwise do not report element
Scheduling > Course > Description

InstructionalLevelTop level tagN/A
InstructionalLevel/CodeNCES0437 Code - See Instructional Level Map
  1. Report the value after the '-' in the Standard Code column of the selected Course Level
  2. When Course Level = Null, report the attribute Default Value when exists.
  3. When Course Level = Null, and a valid attribute Default Value does NOT exist, report a blank element.

Scheduling > Course > Course > Course Level




Hard coded value "Other"

Conditional reporting if 05 chosen for InstructionalLevel

  • Element must equal "Other" and only reports when (Scheduling > Courses>Course > Course Info>Course Level) = 05
  • If (Scheduling > Courses > Course > Course Info > Course Level) = anything other than 05, then do not report the element.

Scheduling > Course > Course Level


Conditional reporting if 05 chosen for InstructionalLevel.
  • Element only reports When (Scheduling > Courses>Course > Course Info>Course Level) = 05, report 05.
  • If (Scheduling > Courses > Course > Course Info > Course Level) = anything other than 05, then do not report element.
Scheduling > Course > Course Level

  1. If Grading Task is NOT:
    final and state reported
    associated with a score group which has at least one score option marked as passing and credit coefficient is not > 0
    Then report 9998
  2. If Course Type = 01: Ungraded
    Then report 9998
  3. Else report 0585
  1. If Grading Task is: final and state reported associated with a score group that which has at least one score option marked as passing and credit coefficient is not > 0, Report 9999
  2. Report null if and of the following are true:
    1. Course Type = 01: Ungraded
    2. Grading Task is not
      final and state reported
      associated with a score group that has at least one score option marked as passing and credit coefficient > 0
    3. Credit field in a qualifying Course Grading Task = 99
  3. Else, report calculation of Credit * scorelistitem.Credit Coefficient
    1. Note: calculation uses the highest value Credit Coefficient from all score options on the score group
  4. If there is no value to report, a value of 9999 is reported.
Scheduling > Course > Course > Grading Tasks > Course Grading Task Detail > Credit
AttendingSchoolIf the student is attending a college, out of district traditional or out of district virtual course, then report the school code here, otherwise the StateProvinceId from the SchoolInfoObject will be used. This might not be equal to DOE015, see SCS data handbook.

  1. When College/Virtual Institution is not null
    1. If the length of the value is greater than 4, then report entire value
    2. Else, append CLBR + the value in College/Virtual institution
  2. If College/Virtual Institution is null
    1. Report the school's Standard Code

Course/Section > Course > College/ Virtual Institution

System Administration > Resources > School > Standard Code




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Object Triggering

Event TypeRequirement

An Add is triggered when:

  • A school is added in the SIF Zone Year
  • A new calendar is added that does not have a SIF exclude checkbox
ChangeOne of the following fields under School is changed:
  • Name
  • School Number
  • School Type
  • School Focus
  • Phone

A Delete is triggered when:

  • The reporting school is deleted
  • the last calendar that does not have a SIF exclude checkbox is deleted

Object Population and Business Rules

Only include schools with at least one non excluded calendar assigned for the SIF Zone year.

Data Elements

Data ElementDescription and Business Rules

Campus Database Field and GUI Path

SchoolInfo/@RefIdThe GUID that identifies this school.Calculated



StateProvinceIdThe state-assigned identifier for this school.

Report School.standardCode.

If Null, report School.number

System Administration > Resources > School Number

SchoolNameName of school.System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > Name
LEAInfoRefIdThe Id (GUID) that references the school district of which this school is a member.Calculated

SchoolTypeAn indication of the level of the educational institution.

Reports the code selected in School.schoolLevel (System Admin > Resources > School>School Editor>School Detail>School Type) When NOT Null.

When School Type = Null, reports the valid attribute Default Value.

  • When no valid attribute Default Value exists, reports 1302.

System Administration > Resources > School > School Editor > School Detail > School Type

School.schoolLevel, CampusAttribute.defaultValue

SchoolFocusListTop level mappingN/A
SchoolFocusList/SchoolFocusThe type of educational institution as classified by its focus.

Report the value selected in School Focus from System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail.
  • If Null, report the default value, Regular.

School Focus from System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > School Focus

Campus Attribute (Object = School, Element = State Classification)


PhoneNumberListTop level tagN/A

Where Type = 0096

This is hard coded and cannot be changed

The school's phone numberSystem Administration > Resources > School > Phone


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Object Triggering

Event TypeRequirement

An Add trigger is sent when:

  • A new section is created and student's are rostered into the section
  • If section schedule placement is added for a section that had none previously
  • If EXEMPT is removed from Course State Code
  • Checking
  • Unchecking Course State Report Exclude checkbox 

A Change trigger is sent when:

  • A change is made to the following fields
    • Section
      • Medium of Instruction
      • Term Type Override
    • Course
      • State Code
      • College/Virtual Institution
      • Number
      • Course Level
      • Course Sequence
      • Grade
      • Term Type Override
      • Grading Task > Credit
  • Section schedule placement is updated

A Delete trigger is sent when:

  • Unchecking
  • A section is deleted
  • If all of the section schedule placements are deleted for a section
  • If EXEMPT is entered for Course State Code
  • If all student's are removed from a section
  • Checking Course State Report Exclude checkbox 
Note: Multiple add/change/delete objects may be submitted when triggered. This will not cause an issue at the state since all objects should contain the same information.

Object Population and Business Rules

The section is in the SIF Zone year.
The course has the Active checkbox = Checked.

he section must have at least one student with a Primary Enrollment rostered in it to report if the SIF Zone Options 'Exclude All Secondary Enrollments' checkbox is checked.

Otherwise at least one non-state excluded enrollment must exist

If Course.stateCode = EXEMPT, this object will be excluded.

Exclude courses that are not tied to a calendar or that are tied to a calendar that is marked as Exclude from SIF.

If the course's "State Report Exclude" checkbox is  checked, this object will be excluded

Data Elements

Data ElementDescription and Business Rules

Campus Database Field and GUI Path


The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies this section entity.


@SchoolCourseInfoRefIdThe Id (GUID) that identifies the course being taught in this section.Calculated

@SchoolYearSchool year for which the information is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year ends System Administration > Calendar > School Years > End Year

LocalIdThe locally-assigned identifier for this course section.Scheduling > Courses > Section > Section Info > Section Number

ScheduleInfoListParent tag
ScheduleInfoList/ ScheduleInfoThe schedule-related information for a section repeating for each term in which the section is scheduled. The TermInfoRefId attribute value should repeat as necessary to show the appropriate relationship between meeting times, teachers and rooms.
ScheduleInfoList/ ScheduleInfo/ @TermInfoRefIdThe Id (GUID) of the term to which this schedule information relates.

Report the actual section term id reference and the corresponding "fake termID" based on the Term Type Override field in the Section

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section > Term Type Override







Parent Tag


Medium through which the student receives instructional communication from the teacher.
  • Send section's mediumOfInstruction if it is not null.
  • Else send the default value from the Section.mediumOfInstruction SIF Dictionary.
  • If there is no default value, report a blank element.

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section > Medium Of Instruction

System Administration > Custom Attribute > Section > mediumOfInstruction


dbo.CampusAttribute.defaultValue WHERE object='Section' AND element='mediumOfInstruction'


Parent Tag

Optional overrides of the course information for this section.  If this information is offered, then those elements indicated as mandatory must be completed.

  • If @Override = 'Yes', then report the following:

    1. Report the value after the '-' in the Standard Code column of the selected Course Level
    2. When Course Level = Null, report the attribute Default Value when exists.
    3. When Course Level = Null, and a valid attribute Default Value does NOT exist, element does not report.
@OverrideDesignates whether or not SchoolCourseInfo information has been overridden with different values for this section.

If College/Virtual Institution is not NULL, report 'Yes' else 'No'
Scheduling > Course > Course > College / Virtual Institution

Override of the state-defined course code for this section.

If @Override = 'Yes', then report the Course State Code.

Else, report a blank element.

Courses/Section > Course > State Code

Override of the district course code for this section.

If @Override = 'Yes', then report the Course Number

Else do not report.

Course/Section > Course > Number


Parent tag

Override of the instructional level for this section.

If @Override = 'Yes', then report the following:

  1. When (Scheduling > Courses > Course > Course Info > Course Level) = 01, reports 0570.
  2. When (Scheduling > Courses > Course > Course Info > Course Level) = 02, reports 0571.
  3. When (Scheduling > Courses > Course > Course Info > Course Level) = 03, reports 0572.
  4. When (Scheduling > Courses > Course > Course Info>Course Level) = 04 or 05, reports 0576.
  5. When (Scheduling > Courses > Course > Course Info > Course Level) = Null, reports the SIF code mapped to the valid (01, 02, 03, 04) attribute Default Value when exists.
  6. When Course Level = Null, and a valid attribute Default Value does NOT exist, report a blank element.
Course/Section > Course > Course Level

Override of the course credits for this section.

  1. Report 9999 if any of the following is met:
    1. When Scheduling > Course > Course Editor > Type = 01: Ungraded
    2. Grading Task is not
      final and state reported
      associated with a score group that has at least one score option marked as passing and credit coefficient > 0
    3. When Credit field value in a final, 'State Reported' Grading Task associated with the course = 99
      1. Does NOT sum with other Grading Task credit values in this case.
    4. When a Grading Task marked as final and 'State Reported' has a Credit field value (Scheduling > Courses > Course > Grading Tasks > Grading Task > Credit) of null or 0
  2. Else, report calculation of Credit * scorelistitem.Credit Coefficient
    1. Note: calculation uses the highest value Credit Coefficient from all score options on the score group
Courses/Section > Course > Grading Task > Credit


NCES0108 Credit Type Earned

If @Override = 'Yes', then report the Course's Course Sequence

Else do not report.

Course/Section > Course > Course Sequence

CourseSectionCodeA section code that is linked to a course. This should be a unique identifier within the school year and course (i.e. the class instance number for a course). For example, Algebra I: Section 23 is different from English II: Section 23

  • Report the Course number concatenated with the read-only Section ID with a hyphen between  (Scheduling>Courses>Sections>Section Editor>SectionID).

    <Course Code> + - + <Section Code>

Course/Section > Course > Course Number

Course/Section > Section > SectionID



MAGradeLevelOverrideUsed to override the calculated grade level for WA09 in EPIMS.  Acceptable values may be found under WA09 in the EPIMS data handbook.

Only report this element if Grade Level is filled out on the Course

Report the grade code selected on the course.

Course > Course Information > Grade

AttendingSchoolUse this element ONLY if this enrollment is for a student who has been outplaced or is receiving services only.  For those students DOE015 will be extracted from the SchoolInfo object.

Only report this element if SectionInfo is @Override = Yes

  1. When College/Virtual Institution is not null
    1. If the length of the value is greater than 4, then report entire value
    2. Else, append CLBR + the value in College/Virtual institution
  2. If College/Virtual Institution is null
    1. Report the school's Standard Code

Course/Section > Course > College/Virtual Institution

System Administration > Resources > School > Standard Code




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Object Triggering

Event Type



An Add trigger is sent when:

  • A new section is created
  • Checking
  • Unchecking course.stateExclude
  • If EXEMPT is removed from Course State Code
  • If a section schedule placement is added for a section that had non previously

A Change trigger is sent when:

  • A change is made to the following fields:
    • Section
      • Term Type Override
    •  Course
      • State Code
      • Term Type Override
    • Grading Task/Standard
      • Both the 'Final' and 'State Reported' checkboxes are checked/unchecked on a grading task or standard
  • Section schedule placement is updated
  • A grading task or standard that is marked as 'Final' and 'State Reported' is added to a course that did not previously have one
  • All grading tasks or standards that are marked as 'Final' and 'State Reported' are removed from a course

Note: Multiple change objects may be submitted when triggered. This will not cause an issue at the state since both objects should contain the same information.


A Delete trigger is sent when:

  • A section is deleted
  • Unchecking
  • Checking course.stateExclude
  • If EXEMPT is entered for Course State Code
  • If all of the section schedule placements are deleted for a section

Core Object Population and Business Rules

Report a mark for any section where a student is rostered into the section and only for terms where the section is scheduled.
  1. A mark will be reported for each term that populates a StudentSectionMarks object for a student in the section.
  2. The rostered student must have a Primary Enrollment to report if the SIF Zone Options 'Exclude All Secondary Enrollments' checkbox is checked.
    • Otherwise at least one non-state excluded enrollment must exist
Only send SectionMarkInfo for courses where Course Code <> EXEMPT, Course is marked as active, and Course <> State Report Exclude.
Exclude records where the course is not tied to a calendar or that are tied to a calendar that is marked as Exclude from SIF.

Data Elements

Data Element Label

Description and Business Rules

Campus Database Field and GUI Path

RefID A GUID that identifies an instance of the object.Calculated
@SectionInfoRefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the SectionInfo object that this item refers to.Calculated
@SchoolInfoRefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the School that these Mark Values apply to.Calculated
TermMarkListsParent tagN/A

Parent Tag

The grading-related information for a section, repeating for each marking period (TermInfo) in which the section reports Marks.

When a grading task or standard that is marked as Final and State Reported is tied to a section, report one Mark Info List per reportable termId

If a section does not have a grading task or standard that is marked as Final and State Reported tied to it, only report one Mark Info List

The Id (GUID) that identifies the marking period that the following marks are recorded in.

When a grading task or standard that is marked as Final and State Reported is tied to a section, report as follows:

  • If there is a Term Type Override on the section or course, report only that corresponding termId
    • If the override is on the section, report the section's override termId
    • If the override is only on the course, report the course's override termId
  • If the Term Type Override is null on both the course and section, report each termId the section is scheduled into and the grading task is reportable in

When a section does not have a grading task or standard that is marked as Final and State Reported tied to it, report as follows:

  • If there is a Term Type Override on the section or course, report the corresponding termId
    • If the override is on the section, report the section's override termId
    • If the override is only on the course, report the course's override termId
  • If the Term Type Override is null on both the course and section, report the max termId the section is scheduled in

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section > Term Type Override


Trial.structureID CampusDictionary.code



The Id (GUID) that identifies a mark that was given for this student.    Report one unique RefId for each district and only send one value on each SSM and SectionMarkInfo




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Object Triggering


An Add trigger is sent when:

  • A new District Assignment record is created
    • Note: If the assignment has a title with the value of 't' in the attribute, then staff member must be tied to a course section
  • Exclude checkbox is unchecked on the district assignment when the SIF Zone Options 'Exclude All State Excluded District Assignments' is checked
    • Note: For HR, when at least one Work Location for a Work Assignment is unchecked, then the Work Assignment will report.  If multiple Work Locations are unchecked for one Work Assignment, then report the corresponding Work Assignment and Work Location
  • Exclude checkbox is unchecked on the district employment
  • Title Code on District Assignment (or Work Assignment in HR) is updated from a value without a standard code to a value with a standard code
  • Start Date on District Assignment (or Work Assignment in HR) is updated from after the State Reported Date to before or equal to the State Reported Date
  • Start Date on District Employment is updated from after the State Reported Date to before or equal to the State Reported Date
  • End Date on District Assignment (or Work Assignment in HR) is updated from before the Calendar Start Date to after or equal to the Calendar Start Date
  • An assignment with the value attribute of 't' in the title code is added to the Staff History of a section and is the first reportable section for the staff member
  • A student is rostered into a course that previously did not have students, in a section that a staff member with a value attribute of 't' in the title code is tied to and the section is the first reportable section for said staff member
    • Make sure to look at all district assignments for the staff member with the same title code to ensure the combined assignment is sent if there is more than one.
  • If there is more than one district assignment with the same standard title code within the same school and one of the following fields are updated, submit an add for the new Ref Id:
    • Primary assignment
    • FTE
    • Assignment code
    • Start date
    • Assignment ID

A Change trigger is sent when:

  • A change is made to one of the following fields on a District Assignment record (or Work Assignment record in HR):
    • Primary Assignment
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • FTE
    • October 1 FTE Override
    • EOY FTE Override
    • Title/Position Code
    • Assignment Code
    • Teacher/Roles
    • Health/Roles
    • Beginning Educator
    • Beginning Educator Mentor MEPID
  • A change is made to one of the following fields on a District Employment Record
    • Staff Expected Attendance
    • Staff Actual Attendance
    • Note: For both of these fields, the change will only be triggered for the assignment that is marked as primary

A Delete trigger is sent when:

  • A District Assignment record is deleted
    • Note: This is in core only. HR assignments cannot be deleted,
  • Exclude checkbox is checked on all district assignment records with the same title code when the SIF Zone Options 'Exclude All State Excluded District Assignments' is checked
    • Note: For HR, when all Work Locations are checked exclude, then do not report the Work Assignment or Work Location.
  • Exclude checkbox is checked on the district employment
  • Title Code on District Assignment (or Work assignment in HR) is updated from a value with a standard code to a value without a standard code
  • Start Date on District Assignment (or Work Assignment in HR) is updated from before or equal to the State Reported Date to after the State Reported Date
  • Start Date on District Employment is updated from before or equal to the State Reported Date to after the State Reported Date
  • End Date on District Assignment (or Work Assignment in HR) is updated from equal to or after the Calendar Start Date to before the Calendar Start Date
    • Note: For HR, all Work Assignments will be deleted and an Add for each Work Assignment that should still report will be sent
  • An assignment with the value attribute of 't' in the title code is removed from the Staff History of a section and is the last reportable section for the staff member
  • All students are removed from a course, in a section that a staff member with a value attribute of 't' in the title code is tied to and the section is the last reportable section for said staff member
    • Make sure to look at all district assignments for the staff member with the same title code to ensure the combined assignment is deleted if there is more than one
  • If there is more than one district assignment with the same standard title code within the same school and one of the following fields are updated, submit a delete for the old Ref Id:
    • Primary assignment
    • FTE
    • Assignment code
    • Start date
    • Assignment ID

Object Population and Business Rules

Report one object per assignment.
Do not report the object if an Employment Record or a District Assignment has a start date > the state reported date (use current date if state reported date is not populated).
Report only 1 record per staff per school per school year when multiple District Assignment records exist with the same Title standard code.
  1. If more than 1 District Assignment exists for the same Title standard code within the reported school year, report the earliest start date and the oldest end date from all assignments.  NOTE: Reference 6. JobStartDate and 7. JobEndDate logic in the table below
    1. Assignments should be combined based on the Standard Code being the same.
    2. The following sort order is utilized to determine the assignment used to populate all fields except Job Start Date, Job End Date, and Job FTE:
      1. Primary assignment
      2. Highest FTE
      3. Assignment code = 001
      4. Assignment code = 002
      5. Latest start date
      6. Highest assignment ID
A record must not report for staff marked as non employees on their employment assignment.

Note: This is only a possibility in HR using the Resource Management tool

Report Staff even if District Assignment End Date or Staff History>End Date is on or before the state reported date (use current date if state reported date is null)
  1. Do not report Staff if District Assignment End Date is After District Assignment Start Date AND before the selected calendar Start Date

Do not report Staff that have a Title Standard Code of NULL

HR location is in HR > Administration > Position Code > Title

The following requirements only apply to assignments where the title code has a value attribute of "t"
  • The staff must be assigned to the section as a Primary Teacher OR a Teacher
  • 1 student with a primary enrollment must be enrolled in at least one course the teacher is assigned to OR if the SIF Zone Options 'Exclude All Secondary Enrollments' is NOT checked, then 1 student with a primary enrollment or 1 student with a non-state excluded secondary enrollment must be enrolled in at least one course the teacher is assigned to

Records where District Assignment exclude is checked AND SIF Zone Options 'Exclude All State Excluded District Assignments' is checked will not report.

Note: For HR, one Work Assignment will report for each Work Location that is not excluded. When a work location is excluded, the matching Work Assignment will not report. 

Records where District Employment exclude is checked will not report.

Data Elements

Data ElementDescription and Business Rules

Campus Database Field and GUI Path

@RefIdThe Id (GUID) that identifies this StaffAssignment entityCalculated
@SchoolInfoRefIdThe Id (GUID) that identifies the school the staff assignment is located inCalculated
@SchoolYearSchool year for which the information is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year endsSystem Administration > Calendar > School Years > End Year

@StaffPersonalRefIdGUID for StaffPersonal objectN/A
PrimaryAssignmentIndicates that this is the staff's primary assignment (There can only be one primary assignment per staff).

  1. Report "Yes" when the Primary District Assignment checkbox is checked for the District Assignment record (Census > People > District Assignments > Employment Assignment Info).
    1. Otherwise, when Primary is unchecked, report "No".

Note: In HR, the field is called 'Primary'

Census > People > District Assignments > Assignments > Employment Assignment Info


Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Work Assignments > Work Assignment Editor > Work Assignment Details >  Primary 

JobStartDateThe date from which the staff assignment is valid.
  1. Report the Start Date of the employment assignment.
    • Report the start date of the calendar if the assignment end date is before the term start date
    • Report the start date of the first term for the school if district assignment start date is before the term start date or null

If more than one assignment exists, populate with the earliest start date from all assignments

Census > People > District Assignments > Start date



JobEndDateThe date through which the staff assignment is valid. May be left empty for current/active assignments.
  1. Report the end date of the last term  for the school if district assignment end date is after the term end date or null

If more than one assignment exists, populate with the oldest end date from all assignments. If end date is NULL, consider that the oldest end date and reported based on logic in 1

Census > People > District Assignments > End Date




The ratio between the hours expected of a full-time position and the number of actual hours being provided by an individual (i.e., the percent of workday staff are involved in an assignment: 1.00 is a full-time employee; a half-time employee is a .50 FTE, etc.)

FTE must be computed on a term basis.  Compute a part-time employee’s FTE by dividing the time worked by the amount of time required for a full-time position for each term reported in the collection.

  1. Report the value of the FTE of Assignment for the staff where the assignment was active at any point during the reporting period.
    1. Report October 1 FTE Override value if this field is populated and the reporting date is in the month of October.
    2. Report FTE EOY if this field is populated and the reporting date is in the month of June.


  1. Report the value of the Wage Detail Record FTE of Assignment for the staff where the assignment was active at any point during the reporting period.
    1. Use the Wage Detail Record FTE that is effective as of the State Reported Date or within the reporting period.  If the State Reported Date is not populated, then use the current date.


  1. The value reported cannot exceed 1.00.
  2. When the District Employment FTE of Assignment field = Null, assume 0.0 in this field.
  3. When multiple District Assignment records exist with the same Standard Code (JobFunction/OtherCodeList/OtherCode) for a staff member within the same school and school year, sum the FTE values of the active assignments. Active assignments are assignments where the end date is null or greater than or equal to the state reporting date.
    1. If all district assignment records are end dated prior to the state reporting date, then sum the FTE values from all assignments that were active at any point during the reporting period.

Census > People > District Assignment > FTE 

Census > People > District Assignment > October 1 FTE Override

Census > People > District Assignment > EOY FTE Override


Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Work Assignments > Work Assignment Editor > Work Assignment Details >  Wage Detail Records > FTE



Parent Tag

A description of the specific group of duties and responsibilities of a position.

  1. If Employment Assignment Info > Title contains the string "Principal" (case sensitive), report 2410
  2. If the "Teacher" checkbox = Checked, report 1000
  3. If the "Health" checkbox = Checked, report 2130
  4. Else, report 9999


For HR, use the Roles multi-select box in Roles & Qualifications to determine if 'Teacher' or 'Health' should report

Census > People > District Assignments > Assignments > Employment Assignment Info > Title

Census > People > District Assignments > Assignments > Employment Assignment Info > Teacher

Census > People > District Assignments > Assignments > Employment Assignment Info > Health


Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Work Assignments > Work Assignment Editor > Work Assignment Details > Title

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Work Assignments > Work Assignment Editor > Work Assignment Details > Roles & Qualifications > Roles




Hardcoded to 'Other'N/A

Report 4-digit Standard Code of the Assignment Title. 

Course > Section > Primary Teacher > District Assignment or Census > People > District Assignment > Employment Assignment Information > Title

dbo.CampusAttribute WHERE object= 'EmploymentAssignment' AND element = 'title'


Parent Tag

The specific educational support activity in which teachers, paraprofessionals, and other instructional staff are involved and employed on a daily basis. This data element is not applicable for all staff.

TeachingAssignment/CodeThis item is only required for Paraprofessionals and some 2310s (See tech guide).  All others will have a default WA08 value of 000 (NA)


Hardcoded to "StateProvince"N/A
  1. Report the 3 digit assignment code for job titles 4100 and 2310
  2. Else report 000.

Census > People > District Assignment > Employment Assignment Information > Assignment Code


Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Work Assignments > Work Assignment Editor > Work Assignment Detail > Work Assignment Code

dbo.CampusAttribute WHERE object= 'EmploymentAssignment' AND element = 'title'


Is this staff member is in their first year of experience in their primary job classification?
  1. Report the value selected for "Beginning Educator".
  2. If null, report 00.

Census > People > District Assignment > Beginning Educator


Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Work Assignments > Beginning Educator

dbo.CampusAttribute WHERE object=' EmploymentAssignment' AND element = 'beginningEducator'

BeginnerEducatorMentor8 digit MEPID of the mentor. See EPIMS data Manual - Must be reported when MABeginningEducator is set to 01
  • If populated, report value
  • Else, do not report

Census > People > District Assignment > Beginning Educator Mentor MEPID


HR > Personnel > Personnel Master > Work Assignment > Mentor MEPID



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Object Trigger


An Add trigger is sent when:

  • A Staff Evaluation record is created in the given reporting year
  • In Core - Exclude checkbox is unchecked on a district assignment when the SIF Zone Options 'Exclude All State Excluded District Assignments' is checked
  • Exclude checkbox is unchecked on the district employment record
  • District Employment Start Date is updated to be before or equal to the State Reported Date (or current date if the state reported date is null)
  • Assignment - School Number is changed from a non-reportable assignment to a reportable assignment. This includes:
    • Excluded assignment to non excluded assignment
    • Assignment with a title that DOES NOT have a standard code to an assignment with a title that DOES have a standard code

A Change trigger is sent when:

  • One of the following fields on the Staff Eval is changed:
    • Evaluation Date
    • SR30 Standard 1 Eval
    • SR31 Standard 2 Eval
    • SR32 Standard 3 Eval
    • SR33 Standard 4 Eval
    • SR29 Overall Eval Score
    • Assignment - School Number
      • Note: A change is submitted when the assignment changes from a reportable assignment to a different reportable assignment
  • In HR - Primary Location of work assignment is changed
  • In HR - Exclude checkbox is unchecked on a Work Location when the SIF Zone Options 'Exclude All State Excluded District Assignments' is checked

A Delete trigger is sent when:

  • A Staff Evaluation record in the given reporting year are deleted
  • Exclude checkbox is checked on all district assignments when the SIF Zone Options 'Exclude All State Excluded District Assignments' is checked
    • In HR, it's the Work Location 'SIF Exclude' checkbox
      • Note: In HR SIS, any Work Location for a Work Assignment can be excluded.  If all Work Locations are checked exclude, then a delete should report
  • Exclude checkbox is checked on the district employment record
  • District Employment Start Date is updated to be after the State Reported Date (or current date if the state reported date is null)
  • Assignment - School Number is changed from a reportable assignment to a non-reportable assignment. This includes:
    • Non excluded assignment to excluded assignment
    • Assignment with a title that DOES have a standard code to an assignment with a title that DOES NOT have a standard code

Object Population and Business Rules

Staff Evaluation records associated with Employment Assignments which are marked as non-employee resources or that do not have an Assignment Title with a Standard Code will not report.

Note: Non-Employee resources are only a possibility in HR using the Resource Management tool

Records where District Employment exclude is checked or where the District Employment start Date is > the state reported date will not report.

Note: Use the current date if the state reported date is null

Records where District Assignment exclude is checked on the assignment the eval is tied to and the SIF Zone Options 'Exclude All State Excluded District Assignments' is checked will not report.

Note: In HR SIS, any Work Location for a Work Assignment can be excluded.  If all Work Locations are checked exclude on the assignment tied to the eval, then do not report. 

Only send Staff Evals where the eval year is the same as the active (reporting) year

Data Element

RefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies this StaffEvaluation entity.Calculated
StaffPersonalRefIDThe Id (GUID) of the staff being evaluated.Calculated
SchoolInfoRefIDThe Id (GUID) of the School where they are being evaluated.


  1. If there is more than one work location on the assignment, report from the primary location
    1. If the primary location is marked as 'SIF Exclude', report from the work location with the highest id
EvaluationDateDate of when the evaluation actually was observed.

Report the date entered in the "Evaluation Date" field.

Census > People > Staff Eval > Evaluation Date



Hardcoded to be "MA ESE Educator Evaluation"


Parent Tag

The set of the Evaluation Parts.

EvaluationPars/EvaluationPartParent TagN/A
Hard coded to "SR30 - Standard (1) Evaluation"


Subscore that is part of the evaluation
  • Report the code selected for "SR30 Standard 1 Eval".
  • If blank or null, report 99

Census > People > Staff Eval >SR30 Standard 1 Eval


Hardcoded "00-20"N/A
EvaluationPars/EvaluationPartParent TagN/A
Hardcoded "SR31 - Standard (2) Evaluation"N/A
Subscore that is part of the evaluation
  • Report the code selected for "SR31 Standard 2 Eval".
  • If blank or null, report 99

Census > People > Staff Eval > SR31 Standard 2 Eval


Must be "00-20"N/A
EvaluationPars/EvaluationPartParent TagN/A
Hardcoded "SR32 - Standard (3) Evaluation"
subscore that is part of the evaluation

Report the code selected for "SR32 Standard 3 Eval".

If blank or null, report 99

Census > People > Staff Eval > SR32 Standard 3 Eval


Hardcoded "00-20"N/A
EvaluationPars/EvaluationPartParent TagN/A
Hardcoded "SR33 - Standard (4) Evaluation"N/A
subscore that is part of the evaluation
  • Report the code selected for "SR33 Standard 4 Eval".
  • If blank or null, report 99

Census > People > Staff Eval


Hardcoded "00-20"N/A
EvaluationHolisticScoreThe overall Score for the evaluation.
  • Report the code selected for "SR29 Overall Eval Score".
  • If blank or null, report 99

Census > People > Staff Eval > SR29 Overall Eval Score


EvaluationHolisticScaleThis is the overall Scale that is being used for the evaluation.  This must be '00-20'N/A


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Object Triggering

Event TypeRequirement

An Add trigger is sent when:

  • A district employment record is added for a staff member
  • Exclude checkbox on district employment record is unchecked
  • A district assignment where the Assignment Title has a Standard Code is added for a staff member
  • A district assignment's Assignment Title code is updated from a value without a Standard Code to a value with a Standard Code

A Change trigger is sent when:

  • A change is made to one of the following fields on a staff member's Person/Identity record (or Personnel Master record in HR)
    • Local Staff Number (Personnel Number)
    • Staff State Id (State Number)
    • Last Name
    • First Name
    • Middle Name
    • Race/Ethnicity (Is Individual from one or more of these races?)
    • Is individual Hispanic/Latino?
    • Birth Date
  • A change is made to one of the following fields on a staff member's District Employment record - Core
    • License Number 
    • Degree Type 1
    • Degree Type 2
    • Degree Type 3
    • Degree Institution 1
    • Degree Institution 2
    • Degree Institution 3
    • Degree Subject 1
    • Degree Subject 2
    • Degree Subject 3
  • A change is made to one of the following fields on the staff member's Qualifications - HR
    • License > Start Date
    • License > Expiration Date
    • License > Number
    • Education > Education Institution
    • Education > Degree Type
    • Education > Degree Subject Matter
    • Education > Date Received

A Delete trigger is sent when:

  • All district employment records are deleted for a staff member
  • Exclude checkbox on district employment record is checked
  • The last district assignment with an Assignment Title that has a Standard Code is deleted for a staff member
  • The last district assignment with an Assignment Title that has a Standard Code is updated to an Assignment Title without a Standard Code

Object Population and Business Rules

If District Employment record's Start Date > the state reported date, do not report

  • If the state reported date is not populated, use current date
Records where District Employment exclude is checked will not report.
If there is not a District Assignment that is active on or between the District Employment record where the Assignment Title has a Standard Code, this object will not be generated

Staff Personal records associated with Employment Assignments which are marked as non-employee resources will not report.

Note: This is only a possibility in HR using the Resource Management tool

Data Elements

Data ElementDescription and Business Rules

Campus Database Field and GUI Path

@RefIDThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies this StaffPersonal entity.N/A
LocalIDLocal Staff Number

Census > People > Demographics > Local Staff Number


Personnel Master > HR General Information > Personnel Number


StateProvinceIDMEPID provided by the state

This is generated by the state. 


Census > People > Demogarphics > Staff State ID


Personnel Master > HR General Information > State Number


OtherIDListParent TagN/A
OtherIdList/OtherId/@TypeCode that defines the type of this other ID.

Hard coded '0399'

Teacher's License Number

  1. If License Number is not null, report value
  2. Else, do not report element


  1. When there is a Qualification of type License and the start date is before or equal to the state reporting date and the expiration date is null or the expiration date is after or equal to the state reporting date, report the Number
    1. If the state reporting date is blank, use the current date
    2. When multiple active licenses exist for the same Employment record as of the state reporting date, then report the License that contains the latest Start Date. If there is more than one with the same start date, report the License with the largest record id
  2. Else, do not report element

Census > People > District Employment > Employment Records > Employment Info > License Number


Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Qualifications > Qualifications Details > Number



Hard coded '04'

Name/LastNameStaff's Last Name

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name


Personnel Master > HR General Information > Last Name


Name/FirstNameStaff's First Name

Census > People > Demographics > First Name


Personnel Master > HR General Information > First Name


Name/MiddleNameStaff's Middle Name
  1. When null, report "NMN"
  2. Else, report middle name of staff member

Census > People > Demographics > Middle Name


Personnel Master > HR General Information > Middle Name



Parent TagN/A
Demographics/RaceListParent TagN/A
Demographics/RaceList/RaceParent TagN/A

The general racial category which reflects the individual's recognition of his or her community or with which the individual most identifies.

Based on SIF standard

  • If AmericanIndianAlaskaNative checked, report 0998
  • If BlackAfricanAmerican checked, report 1000
  • If White checked, report 1002
  • If Asian checekd, report 0999
  • If NativeHawaiianPacificIslander checked, report 1001
    • Else 1002
  • If multiple boxes are checked, send multiple code tags (Example: AmericanIdianAlaskaNative and BlackAfricanAmerican are both checked, send <Code>0998<\Code>

Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity


Personnel Master > HR General Information > Race/Ethnicity



Parent TagN/A
Hard coded 'StateProvince'N/A

Indication of the Staff's Federal Race/Ethnicity

Expand below for more information

Click here to expand...

  • If HispanicLatino is 'No'
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 31
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 30
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 29
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 28
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 27
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 26
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 25
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 24
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 23
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 22
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 21
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 20
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 19
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 18
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 17
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 16
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 15
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 14
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 13
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 12
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 11
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 10
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 09
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 08
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 07
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 06
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 05
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 04
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 03
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 02
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 01
  • If HispanicLatino is 'Yes'
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 63
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 62
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 61
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 60
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 59
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 58
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 57
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 56
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 55
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 54
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 53
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 52
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 51
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 50
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 49
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 48
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 47
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 46
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 45
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 44
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 43
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 42
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 41
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 40
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 39
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 38
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 37
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 36
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 35
    • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 34
    • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 33
  • ELSE 00

Census > People > Demographics >Race/Ethnicity > Is the individual from one or more of these races?
(check all that apply)


Personnel Master > HR General Information > Is the individual from one or more of these races?
(check all that apply)




An indication that the individual traces his or her origin or descent to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central or South America, or other Spanish cultures, regardless of race.

  • If Yes, report "Yes"
  • Else report "No"

Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?"


Personnel Master > HR General Information >

"Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?"



Staff person's date of birth

If Birthdate is null, then 0

Census > People > Demographics > Birthdate


Personnel Master > HR General Information > Birth Date



Indicates Degree Type, Degree Institution and Degree subject of the staff person.

  1. Report the concatenated values selected in the Degree Type, Degree Institution, and Degree Subject fields separated by a colon in the format of Type:Institution:Subject. If any one of the fields are Null, then do not report any of the fields,
    1. Type: 3-digit value selected for Degree Type 1, Degree Type 2, and Degree Type 3
      1. If 00, report 00
      2. Else, report 3-digit value
    2. Institution: 4-digit value selected for Degree Institution 1, Degree Institution 2, and Degree Institution 3
      1. If 00, report 00
      2. Else, report 4-digit value
    3. Subject: 2-digit value selected for Degree Subject 1, Degree Subject 2, and Degree Subject 3.
      1. If 00, report 00
      2. Else, report 2-digit value
    4. Example: 003:3786:33


  1. Report the concatenated values selected in the Degree Type, Education Institution and Degree Subject Major fields of the 3 most recent Qualifications of type 'Education' where the the Date Received is before or equal to the state reporting date separated by a colon in the format of Type:Institution:Subject. If any one of the fields are Null, then do not report any of the fields,
    1. Type: 3-digit value selected for Degree Type 1, Degree Type 2, and Degree Type 3
      1. If 00, report 00
      2. Else, report 3-digit value
    2. Institution: 4-digit value selected for Degree Institution 1, Degree Institution 2, and Degree Institution 3
      1. If 00, report 00
      2. Else, report 4-digit value
    3. Subject: 2-digit value selected for Degree Subject 1, Degree Subject 2, and Degree Subject 3.
      1. If 00, report 00
      2. Else, report 2-digit value
    4. Example: 003:3786:33


  1. If there are multiple degree types/institutions/subjects, this must be reported in 1 element separated by a ~ as follows:
    1. Example: 003:3786:33~001:7777:41

Census > People > District Employment > Employment Info


Personnel Master > Qualifications > Education


[object] = 'Employment#' AND element = 'degreeInstitution#'

[object] = 'Employment#' AND element = 'degreeSubject#'

[object] = 'Employment#' AND element = 'degreeType#'


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Object Triggering

Event TypeRequirement

An Add trigger is sent when:

  • A staff member is added to a section in the Staff History
  • Checking
  • Unchecking Course.stateExclude
  • EXEMPT is removed from Course State Code
  • Exclude is unchecked in the District Employment record
  • Staff History Start Date is updated from after the State Reported Date to before or equal to the State Reported Date 
  • The first student with a primary enrollment OR student with non-state excluded secondary enrollment and SIF Zone Options 'Exclude All Secondary Enrollments' is not checked is rostered into the section
  • District Assignment on Staff History is changed from a title code with a NULL standard code to a title code with a VALID standard code

A Change trigger is sent when:

  • A change is made to one of the following fields on the Staff History record:
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • District Assignment
  • Exclude is unchecked in the District Assignment record
    • Note: In HR, when at least one Work Location for a Work Assignment is unchecked, then the Work Assignment will report.  If multiple Work Locations are unchecked for one Work Assignment, then report the corresponding Work Assignment and Work Location. 

A Delete trigger is sent when:

  • A staff member is removed from a section in the Staff History
  • Unchecking
  • Checking Course.stateExclude
  • EXEMPT is entered from Course State Code
  • Exclude is checked in the District Employment record
  • Staff History Start Date is updated from before or equal to the State Reported Date to after the State Reported Date
  • The last student with a primary enrollment OR student with non-state excluded secondary enrollment and SIF Zone Options 'Exclude All Secondary Enrollments' is not checked is removed from the section
  • District Assignment on Staff History is changed from a title code with a VALID standard code to a title code with a NULL standard code

Object Population and Business Rules

  1. Report an object instance for each staff who has a Staff History record on the section with a Start Date = Null or <= the state reported date (use current date if state reported date is not populated).
    1. Report an object for each of these staff records assigned to the course for each course not marked with a state code of EXEMPT.
The staff must be assigned to the section as a Primary Teacher OR a Teacher

If no students with primary enrollments OR students with non-state excluded secondary enrollments and SIF Zone Options 'Exclude All Secondary Enrollments' is NOT checked are rostered into the course, staff section assignment will not pull 

In other words: 1 student with a primary enrollment must be rostered into the course OR if the SIF Zone Options 'Exclude All Secondary Enrollments' is NOT checked, then 1 student with a primary enrollment or 1 student with a non-state excluded secondary enrollment must be rostered into the course

If all students are withdrawn from the course, staff section assignment will not pull

Do not report records associated with a Calendar marked "Exclude from SIF Exchange"

Records associated with an Assignment marked with an exclude will not report. 

Note: For HR, one Work Assignment will report for each Work Location that is not excluded. When a work location is excluded, the matching Work Assignment will not report. 

Records associated with an Employment marked with an exclude will not report.
If course has State code = EXEMPT, do not report
If course has Active checkbox unchecked, do not report
If course has State Exclude checked, do not report

A record must not report for staff marked as non employees on their employment assignment.

Note: This is only a possibility in HR using the Resource Management tool

Do not report Staff that have a Title Standard Code of NULL
  • HR location is in HR > Administration > Position Code > Title

Data Elements

Data ElementDescription and Business Rules

Campus Database Field and GUI Path

RefIDThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies this StaffSectionAssignment entity.


StaffPersonalRefIDThe Id (GUID) of the teacher or educational staff to whom the assignment information applies.N/A
SectionInfoRefIDThe Id (GUID) of the section in which this staff (teacher) is assigned.N/A
AssignmentStartDateDate span from when this section assignment is effective.
  1. Report Start Date under Staff History
    • If it is null, report start date of the Calendar instead.
      • If both dates come before the Term Start Date, then report the Term Start Date

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section > Staff History > Staff History Detail > Start Date

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Start Date

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > Start Date




AssignmentEndDateThis is the date through which the assignment is valid (inclusive).  May be left empty for active assignments.  Only required for early exits.
  1. Report End Date under Staff History.
    1. If it is null, then report end date of the Calendar instead.
      1. If both dates come after the Term End Date, then report the Term End Date

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section > Staff History > Staff History Detail > End Date

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > End Date

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > End Date




RolesParent TagN/A
Roles/RoleRole of the teaching professional.
  1. When District Assignment has a value with Standard Code of 2305 or 2307 or a Code of 2325-05, report "LeadTeacher".
  2. When District Assignment has a value with Standard Code of 2306 or 2308 or a Code of 2325-06, report "TeamTeacher".
  3. When District Assignment has a value with Standard Code of 2310 or a Code of 2325-10, report "ContributingProfessional".'
  4. When District Assignment has a value with Standard Code 4100, report "Paraprofessional"
  5. If Standard Code is not one of the values listed above, report blank


Look at district assignment that is tied to the Staff History record on the Section

Course > Section > Staff History > District Assignment > Title


MATeachingAssignmentTeacher / Paraprofessional Assignment

  • Report the 3-digit Assignment Code for the staff when Title has a Standard Code = 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2325, 2330, 2310, or 4100.
    • Pull the default value from the EmployementAssignment. assignmentCode dictionary if no assignment code exists.
  • Else, report 000

Course > Section > Staff History > District Assignment > Assignment Code


MALongTermSubstituteIs this a long term substitute teaching assignment?  (Yes or No)

  1. When (District Assignments > Employment Assignment Information > Title) = 2325 (standard code), report "Yes".
  2. Otherwise, "No"

Course > Section > Staff History > District Assignment > Title



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Object Triggering


Object Population and Business Rules

Only include primary enrollments where the start date is <= the request filter date. Use the current date if request filter date is not populated.
  • Send one StudentAttendanceSummary Object per student PersonID and School combination (StateID is the same as SASID)
  • Student's enrollment must include at least one instructional day to report
  • When multiple primary enrollments for the same school exist for a student, report only 1 cumulative SAS record.  The reported start date should be from the earliest enrollment record and the end date should be based off the most recent enrollment record.

Must have a state grade level code that is not '00' (System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Levels)

"Exclude from SIF reporting" on the enrollment State Grade Level is checked, do not report

"Exclude from SIF Exchange" on the calendar is checked, do not report

Do not report if 'Exclude All State Exclude Enrollments' is checked on the SIF Zone Options is checked AND either of the following are checked:

  • 'State Exclude' is checked on the enrollment
  • 'Exclude' is checked on the calendar
Do not report if 'Exclude No Show Enrollments' is checked on the SIF Zone Options and 'No Show' is checked on the enrollment

Data Elements

Data Element

Description and Business Rules

Campus Database Field and GUI Path

RefIdA GUID that identifes an instance of the objectN/A
@StudentPersonalRefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the StudentPersonal object that this item refers to.N/A

The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the SchoolInfo object that this item refers to.

Can be used to find SchoolInfo/StateProvinceId via SchoolInfo

@SchoolYearIndicates the active school year the attendance data is being reported inSystem Administration > Calendar > School Years > Active

StartDateReport first instructional day of the enrollment

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Start Date

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days > Instruction



StartDayNumber of days between the enrollment start date and the first instructional day in the calendar

Does not report

EndDateReport last instructional day of the enrollment

Student Information > General > Enrollment > End Date

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days > Instruction



EndDayNumber of days between the enrollment end date and the last instructional day in the calendar

Does not report

ResidentIndicates residency of student

Does not report


Report the total number of Days Attended as defined by the school's.

  1. If there is a filter date on the request from the state
    1. Report the number of instructional days the student was enrolled, attending in person and present as of the Filter Date. 
  2. Else, report the number of instructional days the student was enrolled, attending in person and present as of the Current Date. 

Attended Days Calculation:

  1. Sum the number of instructional, in person days a student is enrolled and subtract the number of days a student is in person and either has an excused or unexcused absence.
    1. See the Excused Absences and Unexcused Absences fields to see the absent calculations.
  1. If there is more than one enrollment, calculate each enrollment absent count, then sum across the enrollments.
  2. If 'Exclude No Show Enrollments' is NOT checked on SIF Zone Options and "No Show" is checked on the enrollment,  report 0
    1. If there is more than one enrollment in the same school for the same school year and the most recent enrollment is a 'No Show' enrollment, use the No Show enrollment for reporting.
      1. The most recent enrollment is determined by the latest start date. If more than one enrollment has the same latest start date, then use the enrollment with the highest enrollment id.
  3. In Person is defined as a student who does not have a Blended Learning Group assigned to them or is in a Blended Learning Group that is not assigned to a Day Event on the Calendar or there is NOT a Virtual Day Override Event on the calendar.

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Start Date

Student Information > General > Enrollment > End Date

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar Days > Instruction

Student Information > General > Attendance

System Administration > Attendance > Attendance Codes > Status = Absent > Excuse = Anything BUT Exempt








Send the number of excused absences a student has had so far in this calendar.

  1. If there is a filter date on the request from the state
    1. Report the number of in person, instructional days the student was enrolled and has an excused absence as of the Filter Date.
  2. Else, report the number of in person, instructional days the student was enrolled and has an excused absence as of the Current Date

Absent Calculation:

  1. For a given in person, instructional day, sum the period minutes from each period a student is marked with an absent attendance code of Excused
    1. Total minutes for a given period should not include lunch time, periods marked as 'Non-Instructional', or any present minutes entered for a student
    2. Calculated excused absent minutes should be > the half day absence calculation for a student to be considered absent.

Half Day Absence Calculation:

  1. If both System Admin > Calendar > Grade Level > Half Day Absence and System Admin > Calendar > Calendar Info > Half Day Absence are populated, use Grade Level -> Half Day Absence 

  2. If only one of System Admin > Calendar > Grade Level > Half Day Absence or System Admin > Calendar > Calendar Info > Half Day Absence is populated, use the populated value

  3. Else, add up instructional minutes and divide by 2


  1. If there is more than one enrollment, calculate each enrollment absent count, then sum across the enrollments.
  2. An excused absence is a day where a student has an attendance code with the Status of 'Absent' and the excuse of 'Excused'.
  3. If 'Exclude No Show Enrollments' is NOT checked on SIF Zone Options and "No Show" is checked on the enrollment,  report 0
    1. If there is more than one enrollment in the same school for the same school year and the most recent enrollment is a 'No Show' enrollment, use the No Show enrollment for reporting.
      1. The most recent enrollment is determined by the latest start date. If more than one enrollment has the same latest start date, then use the enrollment with the highest enrollment id.
  4. In Person is defined as a student who does not have a Blended Learning Group assigned to them or is in a Blended Learning Group that is not assigned to a Day Event on the Calendar or there is NOT a Virtual Day Override Event on the calendar.

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar Days > Instruction

Student Information > General > Attendance

System Administration > Attendance > Attendance Codes > Status = Absent > Excuse = Excused

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Student Day (minutes)

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Period Schedule > Total Minutes









Send 3 characters for the number of unexcused absences a student has had so far in this calendar. EG, 012, or 003. (This is pulled from the core calculation).

  1. If there is a filter date on the request from the state
    1. Report the number of instructional days the student was enrolled and has an unexcused absence as of the Filter Date.
  2. Else, report the number of instructional days the student was enrolled and has an unexcused absence as of the Current Date

Absent Calculation:

  1. For a given instructional day, sum the period minutes from each period a student is marked with an absent attendance code of Unexcused
    1. Total minutes for a given period should not include lunch time, periods marked as 'Non-Instructional', or any present minutes entered for a student
    2. Calculated unexcused absent minutes should be > the half day absence calculation for a student to be considered absent.

Half Day Absence Calculation:

  1. If both System Admin>Calendar>Grade Level> Half Day Absence and System Admin>Calendar>Calendar Info> Half Day Absence are populated, use Grade Level -> Half Day Absence 

  2. If only one of System Admin>Calendar>Grade Level> Half Day Absence or System Admin>Calendar>Calendar Info> Half Day Absence is populated, use the populated value

  3. Else, add up instructional minutes and divide by 2


  1. If there is more than one enrollment, calculate each enrollment absent count, then sum across the enrollments.
  2. An unexcused absence is a day where a student has an attendance code with the Status of 'Absent' and the excuse of 'Unexcused'.
  3. If 'Exclude No Show Enrollments' is NOT checked on SIF Zone Options and "No Show" is checked on the enrollment,  report 0
    1. If there is more than one enrollment in the same school for the same school year and the most recent enrollment is a 'No Show' enrollment, use the No Show enrollment for reporting.
      1. The most recent enrollment is determined by the latest start date. If more than one enrollment has the same latest start date, then use the enrollment with the highest enrollment id.

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields >Truancy Days

Student Information > General > Attendance

System Administration > Attendance > Attendance Codes > Status = Absent > Excuse = Unexcused




DaysInMembershipReport total days in membership on the enrollment
  1. If there is a filter date on the request from the state
    1. Report the number of instructional days based on the student's Enrollment Start dates and End Dates as of the Filter Date
  2. Else, report the number of instructional days based on the student's Enrollment Start dates and End Dates as of the Current Date


  1. If 'Exclude No Show Enrollments' is NOT checked on SIF Zone Options and "No Show" is checked on the enrollment,  report 1
    1. If there is more than one enrollment in the same school for the same school year and the most recent enrollment is a 'No Show' enrollment, use the No Show enrollment for reporting.
      1. The most recent enrollment is determined by the latest start date. If more than one enrollment has the same latest start date, then use the enrollment with the highest enrollment id.

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Start Date

Student Information > General > Enrollment > End Date

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days > Instruction





DaysAttendedRemoteThe number of days the student was in attendance in a remote instruction mode.
  1. If there is a filter date on the request from the state
    1. Report the number of instructional days the student was enrolled, attending virtually and present as of the Filter Date. 
  2. Else, report the number of instructional days the student was enrolled, attending virtually and present as of the Current Date

Attended Days Calculation:

  1. Sum the number of instructional, virtual days a student is enrolled and subtract the number of days a student is virtual and either has an excused or unexcused absence.
    1. See the Days Absent Remote field to see the absent calculations.


  1. If there is more than one enrollment, calculate each enrollment absent count, then sum across the enrollments.
  2. To determine virtual, look at the blended learning group the student is in and the instructional days the blended learning group is added to the calendar as a day event OR there is a Virtual Day Override Event on the calendar.
  3. If a student is not in a blended learning group, report 0
  4. If 'Exclude No Show Enrollments' is NOT checked on SIF Zone Options and "No Show" is checked on the enrollment,  report 0
    1. If there is more than one enrollment in the same school for the same school year and the most recent enrollment is a 'No Show' enrollment, use the No Show enrollment for reporting.
      1. The most recent enrollment is determined by the latest start date. If more than one enrollment has the same latest start date, then use the enrollment with the highest enrollment id.

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Start Date

Student Information > General > Enrollment > End Date

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar Days > Instruction

Student Information > General > Attendance

System Administration > Attendance > Attendance Codes > Status = Absent > Excuse = Anything BUT Exempt

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar Info > Half Day Absence (minutes)


The number of days the student was absent in a remote instruction mode.

  1. If there is a filter date on the request from the state
    1. Report the number of virtual, instructional days the student was enrolled and has an excused or unexcused absence as of the Filter Date.
  2. Else, report the number of virtual, instructional days the student was enrolled and has an excused or unexcused absence as of the Current Date

Absent Calculation:

  1. For a given virtual, instructional day, sum the period minutes from each period a student is marked with an absent attendance code of Unexcused or Excused
    1. Total minutes for a given period should not include lunch time, periods marked as 'Non-Instructional', or any present minutes entered for a student
    2. Calculated absent minutes should be > the half day absence calculation for a student to be considered absent.

Half Day Absence Calculation:

  1. If both System Admin > Calendar > Grade Level > Half Day Absence and System Admin > Calendar > Calendar Info > Half Day Absence are populated, use Grade Level -> Half Day Absence 

  2. If only one of System Admin > Calendar > Grade Level > Half Day Absence or System Admin > Calendar > Calendar Info > Half Day Absence is populated, use the populated value

  3. Else, add up instructional minutes and divide by 2


  1. If there is more than one enrollment, calculate each enrollment absent count, then sum across the enrollments.
  2. If 'Exclude No Show Enrollments' is NOT checked on SIF Zone Options and "No Show" is checked on the enrollment,  report 0
    1. If there is more than one enrollment in the same school for the same school year and the most recent enrollment is a 'No Show' enrollment, use the No Show enrollment for reporting.
      1. The most recent enrollment is determined by the latest start date. If more than one enrollment has the same latest start date, then use the enrollment with the highest enrollment id.
  3. An unexcused absence is a day where a student has an attendance code with the Status of 'Absent' and the excuse of 'Unexcused' and an excused absence is a day where a student has an attendance code with the Status of 'Absent' and the excuse of 'Excused'.
  4. To determine virtual, look at the blended learning group the student is in and the instructional days the blended learning group is added to the calendar as a day event OR there is a Virtual Day Override Event on the calendar.

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Start Date

Student Information > General > Enrollment > End Date

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days > Instruction

Student Information > General > Attendance

System Administration > Attendance > Attendance Codes > Status = Absent > Excuse = Anything BUT Exempt

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar Info > Half Day Absence (minutes)


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Object Triggering

Event TypeRequirement
AddAn Add trigger is sent when:
  • A new student is created through the Student Locator
    • Note: Multiple changes may be triggered as well if any fields are populated that are stored in Person, Identity, or IdentityRaceEthnicity
  • A student record with an existing enrollment is updated through the Student Locator
    • Note: Multiple changes may be triggered as well if any fields are populated that are stored in Person, Identity, or IdentityRaceEthnicity

A Change trigger is sent when:

  • State Exclude is checked or unchecked on one of the multiple enrollments for a given school year
  • The 'Service Type' field is changed on one of the multiple enrollments for a given school year
  • State Exclude is unchecked on the only enrollment for a given school year and 'Exclude All State Exclude Enrollments' checkbox is checked on the SIF Zone Options
  • The 'Service Type' field is updated to a 'P' on the only enrollment for a given school year
  • The 'GndrNB' flag is added or updated for a student
    • Note: The flag must be marked as 'State Reported' to trigger the change
  • A change is made to one of the following fields on a student's Person/Identity record
    • Local Student Number
    • Student State Id
    • Last Name
    • First Name
    • Middle Name
    • Suffix
    • Race/Ethnicity
    • Is individual Hispanic/Latino?
    • Birth Date
    • Town of Birth
    • Home Primary Language
    • Date Entered US School
    • Country of Origin
    • Gender
    • Address Info > PO Box Checkbox
      • This is only used for Zip Code reporting
    • Address Info > City
      • This is only used for Zip Code reporting
    • Address Info > Zip
    • Household Membership > Start Date
    • Household Membership > End Date
    • Household Membership > Secondary (checkbox)
    • Household Address Location Detail > Start Date
    • Household Address Location Detail > End Date
    • Household Address Location Detail > Secondary (checkbox)
  • A change is made to one of the following fields on a student's enrollment record
    • Grade
    • Service Type
    • Start Date
    • Section 504
    • Immigration Status
    • City/Town of Residence
    • Supplemental Low Income Indicator
    • CVTE > Competency Attainment
    • CVTE > Program Type
    • CVTE > Single Parent
    • CVTE > Industry Recognized Cred 1
    • CVTE > Industry Recognized Cred 2
    • CVTE > Industry Recognized Cred 3
  • A change is made to one of the following fields on a student's EL record
    • Identified Date
    • Program Exit Date
    • SLIFE
  • A change is made to one of the following fields on a student's Graduation record
    • High School Completer Plans
    • Graduation Date
    • Graduation Type
  • A change is made to one of the following fields on a student's FRAM record
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Eligibility
    • School Year
  • A change is made to one of the following fields on a student's Homeless record
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Primary Nighttime Residence
    • Unaccompanied Youth
  • A change is made to one of the following fields on a student's Foster Care record
    • Start Date
    • End Date
  • A change is made to one of the following fields on a student's Early Learning record
    • Start Date
    • EC Education Experience
  • A change is made to one of the following fields on a student's Military Connections record
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Status
    • Related Pair > Start Date
    • Related Pair > End Date
    • Related Pair > Guardian

A Delete trigger is sent when:

  • State Exclude is checked on the only enrollment for a given school year and 'Exclude All State Exclude Enrollments' checkbox is checked on the SIF Zone Options
  • The 'Service Type' field is updated to something other than 'P' on the only enrollment for a given school year

Object Population and Business Rules

Only include primary enrollments that are active within the scope year
"Exclude from SIF reporting" on the enrollment State Grade Level is checked, do not report

"Exclude from SIF Exchange" on the calendar is checked, do not report

Do not report if 'Exclude All State Exclude Enrollments' is checked on the SIF Zone Options is checked AND either of the following are checked:

  • 'State Exclude' is checked on the enrollment
  • 'Exclude' is checked on the calendar
Do not report if 'Exclude No Show Enrollments' is checked on the SIF Zone Options and 'No Show' is checked on the enrollment

Must have a state grade level code that is not '00'

(Sys Admin > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Levels)

If there are multiple enrollments, data will pull for the most recent enrollment decided by sorting in the following order:

  1. Start Date
  2. If more than one with the same start date, sort by enrollments with a Service Type of 'P'
  3. If more than one enrollment with a Service Type of 'P', report from the enrollment with the highest enrollmentID

Data Elements

Data ElementDescription and Business Rules

Campus Database Field and GUI Path

@RefIDThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies this StudentPersonal entity.N/A
LocalIdA student's local ID #

State length limit

Min: 1 Max 32

Census > People > Demographics > Local Student Number

State Province IdA student's SASID (state ID #)
If null or blank, report 'REQUEST'

Else, report Student State ID (Must be ten digits long)

Census > People > Deomgraphics > Student State ID

OtherIdList/Other IdDo not reportN/A
OtherIdList/Other Id/TypeDo not reportN/A
Name/@TypeParent tag

must equal "04"
LastNameStudent's last nameCensus > People > Demographics > Last Name

FirstNameStudent's first nameCensus > People > Demographics > First Name

MiddleNameStudent's middle name

If null or blank, report "NMN" as the middle name.
Census > People > Demographics > Middle Name

SuffixStudent's suffix

Only needed when requesting a SASID (when applicable)
Census > People > Demographics > Suffix

DemographicsParent TagN/A
Race/Ethnicity of the student (NCES0849 Race Type)

Based on SIF standard

  • If AmericanIndianAlaskaNative checked, report  0998
  • If BlackAfricanAmerican checked, report 1000
  • If White checked, report 1002
  • If Asian checked, report 0999
  • If NativeHawaiianPacificIslander checked, report 1001
  • Else 1002

If multiple boxes are checked, send multiple code tags (Example: AmericanIdianAlaskaNative
and BlackAfricanAmerican are both checked, send

  • <Code>0998<\Code>
  • <Code>1000<\Code>
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity



Parent TagN/A
Hard coded value "StateProvince"

Must equal "StateProvince"

Expand below

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If HispanicLatino is 'No'
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1  AND
     re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 31
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 30
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 29
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 28
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 27
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 26
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 25
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 24
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 23
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 22
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 21
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 20
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 19
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 18
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 17
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 16
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 15
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 14
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 13
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 12
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 11
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 10
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 09
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 08
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 07
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 06
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 05
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 04
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 03
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 02
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 01
If HispanicLatino is 'Yes'
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 63
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 62
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 61
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 60
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 59
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 58
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 57
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 56
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 55
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 54
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 53
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 52
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 51
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 50
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 49
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 48
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 47
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 46
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 45
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 44
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 43
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 1  AND
     re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 42
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 41
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0  AND
     re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 40
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1  AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 39
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0  AND
     re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 38
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0  AND
     re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 1 THEN 37
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0  AND
    re.amIndian = 1 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 36
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 1  AND
     re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 35
  • WHEN re.white = 0 AND = 1 AND re.asian = 0 AND
    re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 34
  • WHEN re.white = 1 AND = 0 AND re.asian = 0 AND re.amIndian = 0 AND re.pacIslander = 0 THEN 33
  • ELSE 00
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity



Response to "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino"
  • If Yes, report "Yes"
  • If No, report "No"
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?"

GenderA student's gender
  1. Report "N" when the student is assigned a Flag on the Flags tab (Student Information > General > Flags), where the following are true:
    1. Start Date of flag is on or before current date.
    2. End Date of flag is after current date or is Null.
    3. The flag must have a code of "GndrNB"
    4. The flag must have State Reported checked.
  2. Else, report code in selected Gender

(Program Admin > Flags > Flags Detail > Code).

Census > People > Demographics > Gender



BirthdateA student's birthday

Census > People > Demographics > Birthdate


PlaceofBirthWhere a student was born. If there is no value to report, a blank element is sent.Census > People > Demographics > Town of Birth (Birth City)

EnglishProficiencyParent tagN/A
EnglishProficiency/CodeA student's proficiency in english
  • If a student has an EL record with the identified date on or before the current date and the exit date is null or the exit date is on or after the current date, report '2349'
  • Else, report '1633'
Student Information > Program Pariticpation > EL (English Learners)

Parent tagN/A

Native language is the specific language or dialect first learned by an individual or first used by the parent/guardian with a child.

  • Report code if Home Primary Language
  • Else, if Home Primary Language code does not exist, use ISO Language Default
  • Else, default 'eng'

Census > People > Demographics > Home Primary Language

System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > Identity > Home Primary Language

System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > Definition > ISO Language List


State defined code "Must be 1038"N/A
DwellingArrangementParent Tag

Student does not have a Homeless record, then do not report this element
Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless
Dwelling/arrangement where the student resides (only if homeless)
  • If student has a homeless record that has a start date where the primary nighttime residence is not blank and the start date is on or before the current date and the end date is null or the end date is on or after the current date, report '9999'
Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless

Hardcoded report 'Text'N/A


Indicates primary nighttime residence of studentStudent Information > Program Participation > Homeless > Primary Nighttime Residence

AddressListParent Tag

For an address to be considered to be reported, the following must be true:

  • Address end date is null OR >= State reporting date. Household membership end date is null OR >= State Reporting date


  1. If a student has multiple primary addresses with different zip codes and one zip code matches the city of enrollment, report that zip code (Sys Admin > Resources > District Info > Zip Code)
  2. If a student has multiple primary addresses with different zip codes and none match the city zip code, report the zip code based on the most recently added address.

Census > Address

Census > People > Households > Membership > End Date

Census > Address > Members > End Date




Code that defines the location of the address.

Hardcoded to report '0765'


Parent Tag

Do not report


The address. 

  1. Report street line 1 by concatenating P.O. Box, Number, Prefix, Street, Direction and Apartment.

Do not report


The city where the address resides

Do not report


The state or province code.

Do not report


The country code. Hardcoded to report as 'US'


The ZIP/postal code.

  1. Report based off of zip code from student’s primary address (Address > Address info > Zip Code)
    1. If a student has multiple primary addresses with different zip codes and one zip code matches the city of enrollment, report that zip code (Sys Admin > Resources > District Info > Zip Code)
    2. If a student has multiple primary addresses with different zip codes and none match the city zip code, report the zip code based on the most recently added address.

    3. Else, report null

Only the 5 digit zip code is reported.

Census >Addresses
GiftedTalentedIndicates whether the student is in a gifted/talented program

Do not report
HomelessIndicates whether the student is homeless
  1. If no Homeless record exists for the student, report No.
  2. Report Yes when the student has a Homeless record where start date is not null and on or before the Current Date and End date is null or End date is on or after Current Date.
    1. Otherwise, report No.
Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless

Section504Indicates whether the student is in a 504 program
  1. If Section 504 is null, report the default value
  2. Else, if Section 504 = '01' then report 'Yes'
  3. Else, report 'No'
Student Information > General > Enrollment > Section 504

ImmigrantIndicates whether the student is an immigrant
  1. When Student Information > General > Enrollments > Immigrant is not null, use value
    1. if value = '00' report 'No'
    2. Else report 'Yes'
  2. When Student Information > General > Enrollments > Immigrant is null
    1. Use default value in Custom/Attribute
      1. if value = '00' report 'No'
      2. Else report 'Yes'
    2. If no default value set, report 'No'

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Immigrant

System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > Enrollment > Immigrant > Default Value


CityofResidenceIndicates what city the student currently resides in
  1. When (Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > City / Town of Residence) = NOT Null, reports the code selected.
  2. When City / Town of Residence is Null, and a valid attribute default value exists in Default Value field on the attribute, reports the value entered in Default Value (System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > Enrollment > City / Town of Resident > Campus Attribute Detail > Default Value).
  3. Else, report null.

If there is no value to report, a blank element is sent.

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > City/Town of residence

System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > Enrollment > City/Town of residence > default value


CountryOfOriginIndicates birth country of the student
  1. When (Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Immigration Status) = 01, reports code selected in (Census > People > Demographics > Person Info > Birth Country).
  2. When Immigration Status = 01, and Birth Country = Null, but the attribute has a valid value entered in the Default Value field (System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > Identity > Country of Origin > Campus Attribute Detail > Default Value), reports the Default Value code.
    1. If Default Value code is not populated, report 'US' 
  3. When Birth Country is Null, and the attribute Default Value field is Null or invalid, OR when Immigration Status NOT = 01, reports 500.

Census > People > Demographics > Birth Country

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Immigrant

System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > Identity > Country of Origin> default value



Indicates student's plans for after high school
  1. When a student’s Graduation Date is on or before the State Reporting date
    1. Report code selected in High School Completer Plan
    2. If null, report valid default value on the attribute (System Admin > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary> Graduation > High School Completer Plans > Campus Attribute Detail > Default Value), reports value in Default Value.
    3. Else, report 500
  2. When a student’s Graduation Date is null or after the State Reporting date, report 500

Student Information > General > Graduation > High School Completer Plans

Student Information > General > Graduation > Graduation Date

System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > Graduation > High School Completer Plans> default value


Indicates whether and EL student is currently within their first year of school.
  1. All students in grade levels PK, PK1, PK2, PK3, PK4, PK5 or SP must be reported as 00.
  2. When student has a LEP record on the State Reported Date, where Identified Date is NOT Null, and State Reported Date is between the Identified Date and the Program Exit Date or the Program Exit Date is Null,
    1. Reports 01 in the following scenarios:
      1. If Date Entered US School falls within 1 year of the State Reported Date
      2. If student's grade level is KP, KF, or KT and Identified Date falls within 1 year of State Reported Date
    2. Reports 02 in the following scenarios:
      1. If Date Entered US School is greater than 1 year prior to the State Reported Date
      2. If Date Entered US School is NULL
        1. And student is not in grade KP, KF, KT
        2. Student is in grade KP, KF, KT and Identified Date is greater than 1 year prior to the State Reported Date
  3. Else, (when student does not have an LEP record, or when State Reported Date is outside an LEP record's Identified Date and Program Exit Date range for the student) reports 00.

Student Information > Program Participation > EL

Census > People > Demographics > Date Entered US School



GraduateReports the type of diploma the student has received
  1. If student's Graduation Type not null, report code.
  2. Else, report '00'
Student Information > General > Graduation > Graduation Type



Report student's economic status (FRAM eligibility)
  1. When a student has a FRAM record with a start date that is on or before the Current Date and the end date is on or after the Current Date and the School Year matches the reporting year:
    1. If the eligibility = 'F', report '01'
    2. If the eligibility = 'R', report '02'
  2. Else, report '00'
FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility Editor > Eligibility

VocTechEdAttainmentIndicates that the student is a CTE completer who has attained 80% of the minimum competency tasklist
  1. When Competency Attainment is NOT = Null, reports the code selected.
  2. When Competency Attainment is = Null, but there is a valid default value on the attribute, reports value in Default Value.
  3. Else, when Competency Attainment = Null, and a valid default value does NOT exist on the attribute, reports 500

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Career Vocational Technical Education (CVTE) > Competency Attainment

System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > Enrollment > Competency Attainment > default value



An indication as to whether this student is eligible for assistance as a member of a military family as defined by the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children.

  1. Report the 2-digit code from the Status field in the Military Connections record if the following conditions are met:
    1. A record exists in Military Connections and the start date is null or the start date is on or before the Current Date and the end date is null or the end date is after the Current Date
    2. AND the relationship to the military individual has a null start date or the start date is on or before the Current Date and the end date is null or the end date is on or after the Current Date
    3. AND the military individual is marked as a Guardian, report the 2-digit code from Status
      1. If multiple records exist, report from the most recent record
  2. If no record exists meeting the criteria above, report 00.
Census > People > Military Connections


An indication of the status (single parent) of a student enrolled in a career/vocational technical education program (Chapter 74–approved vocational technical or non-Chapter 74 career and technical) that meets the definition for single parent.

  1. If Program Type is 02, 04 or 14 AND Single Parent is 01  (checked), then report 02.
  2. Otherwise report 500

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Career Vocational Technical Education (CVTE) >Program Type

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Career Vocational Technical Education (CVTE) > Single Parent




SLIFESee SIMS Data Handbook for specific definition (DOE41)
  1. When the following criteria are met, report Yes:
    1. When student has an EL record where Identified Date is NOT Null and Identified Date is on or before the Current Date and Program Exit Date is on/after the Current Date or is NULL AND
    2. SLIFE = Checked

  2. Otherwise, report No.
Student Information > Program Participation > EL > SLIFE

MAFosterCareIndicates whether student is currently receiving/in Foster Care
  1. Report 'Yes' when the student has a Foster Care record where start date is not null and on or before Current Date and End date is null, or End date is on or after current date.
  2. Else, report 'No'
Student Information > Program Participation > Foster Care

homelessUnaccompaniedStates if the homeless student is unaccompanied
  1. Report 'Yes' when the student has a Homeless record where start date is on or before the Current Date and end date is null, or end date is on or after the Current Date and Unaccompanied Youth = Yes.
  2. Else, report 'No'
Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless > Unaccompanied Youth


MAFormerSection504Indicates if student was part of 504 previously
  1. If Section 504 is null, report the default value
  2. When Section 504 = 02, report "Yes".
  3. Else report 'No'
Student Information > General > Enrollment > Section 504

EarlyChildhoodExperienceIndicates if the students participates in Early Childhood
  1. Students in grade level PK, PK1, PK2, PK3, PK4 and PK5 must be reported as 99 (Not Applicable).
  2. If a student is not in PK, report the value based selected Student Information > Program Participation > Early Learning > EC Education Experience
    1. If a value is not selected or there is no Early Learning record, report the default value
    2. If a default value does not exist, report 00
    3. If multiple records exist, report from the the most recent record
Student Information > Program Participation > Early Learning > EC Education Experience


A non-Chapter 74 career and technical education program is a career/vocational technical education program that is not a Chapter 74–approved vocational technical education program, but that does meet the new Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) definition of a career and technical education. The Perkins IV definition of a career and technical education is organized educational activities that

  1. Report the values for Industry Recognized Cred 1, Industry Recognized Cred 2, and Industry Recognized Cred 3 based on logic below.
    1. Note: This is an MA Extended Element List. There are 3 individual occurrences separated by tildes (~).
    2. Example 1:

      <SIF_ExtendedElement Name="IndustryRecognizedCredentials" >001~130~182</SIF_ExtendedElement>

    3. Example 2:

      <SIF_ExtendedElement Name="IndustryRecognizedCredentials" >001~500~500</SIF_ExtendedElement>

    4. Example 3:

      <SIF_ExtendedElement Name="IndustryRecognizedCredentials" >500~500~500</SIF_ExtendedElement>

  2. Logic:

    1. Industry Recognized Cred 1: Report value selected.
      1. If null, report the default value
      2. Else, report 500
    2. Industry Recognized Cred 2: Report value selected.
      1. If null, report the default value
      2. Else, report 500
    3. Industry Recognized Cred 3: Report value selected.
      1. If null, report the default value
      2. Else, report 500

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Career Vocational Technical Education > Industry Recognized Cred 1

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Career Vocational Technical Education > Industry Recognized Cred 2

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Career Vocational Technical Education > Industry Recognized Cred 3


An indication of whether a district is submitting a student to be considered for the supplemental low-income process.
  1. Report value selected for the student, options include 00 or 01.
  2. If null, report 00 
Student Information > General > State Reporting > Supplemental Low Income Indicator
Indicates if student is a CPPI Funded Student.
1. If CPPI flag is indicated, then report 'Yes'.
2. If flag is not indicated, then report 'No'.
Student Information > General


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Object Triggering

Event Type



An Add trigger is sent when:

  • An enrollment is added via Student Locator
  • Unchecking 'State Exclude' on an enrollment and 'Exclude All State Exclude Enrollments' checkbox is checked on the SIF Zone Options
  • Service Type on enrollment is changed from either Partial (S) or Special Ed Services (N) to Primary (P) 
  • No Show is unchecked on an enrollment and 'Exclude No Show Enrollments' checkbox is checked on the SIF Zone Options

A Change trigger is sent when:

  • A new record is added or a record is removed from the Instruction Mode tab
  • A change is made to one of the following fields on a student's enrollment record
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Grade
    • Local Enrollment Status
    • Reporting Reason
    • Local Start Status/Reason for Enro
    • Attending School ID Number
    • Non-Instructional Title I
    • Title I Participation
    • Alternative Education School Choice
    • Grade 8 Civics Project
    • Grade 9-12 Civics Project
    • Charter School Sibling Preference
    • Enrollment Offer Date
    • CVTE > Program Type
    • CVTE > Chap 74 Approved Program Code
    • CVTE > Non Chap 74 Program Code
    • CVTE > HQCP Program Type
    • CVTE > HQCP Program Participation
  • A change is made to one of the following fields on a student's EL record
    • Identified Date
    • Program Exit Date
    • EL Services > Service Type
    • EL Services > Start Date
    • EL Services > End Date
    • EL Services > Parent Refused Services
    • EL Services > Date Refused
  • A change is made to one of the following fields on a student's Graduation record
    • State Seal > Seal of Biliteracy
    • State Seal > Date Earned
  • A change is made to one of the following fields on a student's Instruction Mode record
    • Instruction Mode

Note: A nightly job will exist that will submit a change record when the Instruction Mode start date is equal to today's date.


A Delete trigger is sent when:

  • An enrollment is deleted
  • Checking 'State Exclude' on an enrollment and 'Exclude All State Exclude Enrollments' checkbox is checked on the SIF Zone Options
  • Service Type on enrollment is changed from Primary (P) to either Partial (S) or Special Ed Services (N) 
  • No Show is checked on an enrollment and 'Exclude No Show Enrollments' checkbox is checked on the SIF Zone Options

Object Population and Business Rules

Report only 1 record per enrollment for a student

Only include primary enrollments that are active within the scope year

Must have a state grade level code that is not '00' (Sys Admin > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Levels)

"Exclude from SIF reporting" on the enrollment State Grade Level is checked, do not report

"Exclude from SIF Exchange" on the calendar is checked, do not report

Do not report if 'Exclude All State Exclude Enrollments' is checked on the SIF Zone Options is checked AND either of the following are checked:

  • 'State Exclude' is checked on the enrollment
  • 'Exclude' is checked on the calendar
Do not report if 'Exclude No Show Enrollments' is checked on the SIF Zone Options and 'No Show' is checked on the enrollment
Report only for SIF Zone year

Data Elements

Data Element Label

Description and Business Rules

Campus Database Field and GUI Path

RefId A GUID that identifies an instance of the object.N/A
@StudentPersonalRefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the StudentPersonal object that this item refers to.N/A
@SchoolInfoRefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the SchoolInfo object that this item refers to.

Can be used to find SchoolInfo/StateProvinceId via SchoolInfo
@MembershipTypeMust Report "Home"N/A
@TimeFrameTime frame the enrollment takes place in
  • If the calculated date is before enrollment start date, report "Future"
  • If the calculated date is after the enrollment end date, report "Historical"
  • Else "Current"

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Start Date

Student Information > General > Enrollment > End Date



@SchoolYearReport the enrollment school year

Report calendar end year of student's school enrollment

Student Information > General > Calendar

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar

System Administration > Calendar > School Years



See MA SIF Guide for a discussion of how this is used.

Report enrollment start date

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Start Date

GradeLevelParent TagN/A
GradeLevel/CodeSee SIF/MA Mapping.
  1. Report State Grade Level Code associated with grade level on the enrollment (required on UI)
    1. If the Standard Code (SIF code) is populated on the Grade Level, report that value
    2. Else, report the State Grade Level Code
  2. If the Grade Level is not populated on the enrollment, report 'UN'

System Administration > Calendar > Calenadr > Grade Level > State Grade Level Code

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Grade Level


GradeLevel/OtherCodeListParent TagN/A
Hardcoded  to ”StateProvince”N/A
Report State Grade Level CodeSystem Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Level > State Grade Level Code

ExitDateRequired for exited students.  See MA SIF Guide for a discussion of how this is used.

Report Enrollment End Date
Student Information > General > Enrollment > End Date


Parent Tag

Required for exited students.  See MA SIF Guide for a discussion of how this is used.

ExitType/CodeCode indicating the type of exit for this enrollment.

Calculate date to use:

  1. If current date is before the last instructional day on the calendar, then use current date
  2. Else, use the last instructional day on the calendar


  1. If State Enrollment End Status has a value of 4099 or 40, report the last 4 digits of the standard code (9999) 
    1. End Date can be Null or contain a value but Enrollment Status must still report the last 4 digits of the standard code value.
  2. If Enrollment End Date is equal to or after the Calculated Date and the State Enrollment End Status has a valid value of 4199 or 41, then report the last 4 digits of the standard code for 4199 or 41 (9999).
  3. Report the last 4 digits of the State Enrollment End Status Standard Code Value if State Enrollment End Status has a valid value of 1921, 1925, 1923, 1926, 1928, 1922, 1931, 04, 05, 06, 09, 10, 11, or 36 AND Calculated Date is = to enrollment End Date.
  4. Report the last 4 digits of the State Enrollment End Status Standard Code Value if State Enrollment End Status has a valid value AND Calculated Date is after Enrollment End Date
  5. Otherwise report 9999.

System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > Enrollment > State Enrollment Status

System Administration > Enrollment > End Status Type > State End Status Code (Mapping)

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Local Enrollment Status

Student Information > General > Enrollment > End Date

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Local Enrollment Status

dbo.CampusAttribute WHERE object='Enrollment' and element='startStatus'




ExitType/OtherCodeListParent TagN/A
Hardcoded Codeset =”Text”N/A
Calculate date to use:
  1. If current date is before the last instructional day on the calendar, then use current date
  2. Else, use the last instructional day on the calendar


  1. If State Enrollment End Status has a value of 4099 or 40 "Not Enrolled: Receiving SPED Services only", report the first 2 digits of the standard code value (40).
    • End Date can be Null or contain a value but State Enrollment End Status must still report the first 2 digits of the standard code value (40).
  2. If End Date is equal to or after the Calculated Date and the State Enrollment End Status has a valid value of 4199 or 41: transfer, then report the first 2 digits of the standard code value for 4099 (40).
  3. Report the first 2 digits of the State Enrollment End Status standard code if State Enrollment End Status has a valid value of 1921, 1925, 1923, 1926, 1928, 1922, 1931, 04, 05, 06, 09, 10, 11, or 36 AND Calculated Date is = to enrollment End Date.
  4. Report the first 2 digits of the State Enrollment End Status standard code if State Enrollment End Status has a valid value AND Calculated Date is after Enrollment End Date.
  5. Otherwise report 01.

System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > Enrollment > State Enrollment Status

System Administration > Enrollment > End Status Type > State End Status Code (Mapping)

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Local Enrollment Status

Student Information > General > Enrollment > End Date

Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Enrollment Status



FTEStudent's percentage of Full Time Enrollment

Do not report
FTPTStatusStudent's FTPT status

Do not report
ResidencyStatusParent TagN/A
ResidencyStatus/CodeNCES0598 Public School Residence Status
  1. When Reporting Reason = 02, report '1655'
  2. When Reporting Reason = 03, report '1654'
  3. else report '1652'

Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Reporting Reason

System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > Enrollment > Reporting Reason


Parent TagN/A
Codeset =”Other”N/A
State Code for Reason for Reporting
  1. When Reporting Reason = 02, report '02'
  2. When Reporting Reason = 03, report '03'
  3. else report '01'

Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Reporting Reason

System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > Enrollment > Reporting Reason


AttendingSchoolUse this element ONLY if this enrollment is for a student who has been outplaced or is receiving services only.  Students enrolled within-this LEA should not report this element.  For those students DOE015 will be extracted from the SchoolInfo object.
  • When  Attending School ID Number NOT = Null, report the code selected 
  • Else, do not report element

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Attending School ID Number




  1. Report Enrollment Start Status
  2. IF null, report from Default Value on the Enrollment Start Status Dictionary
  3. else report null

Student Information > General > Enrollment >Start Status

System Administration > Enrollment > Start Status Type


ServicesOnlyYes or No - Indicates whether this enrollment is for "Services Only"  Enrollments for services must retain a "Yes" value even after the student has exited.  If the student has not exited, then a Yes value means DOE012 = 40 and a No value means DOE012 = 01

Calculate date to use:

  1. If current date is before the last instructional day on the calendar, then use current date
  2. Else, use the last instructional day on the calendar


  1. When Enrollment End Status= 4099 or 40, report Yes. 
  2. If enrollment End Date is equal to or after the calculated date and the Enrollment Status has a valid value of 4199 or 41, then report Yes.
  3. Otherwise, report No.

Student Information > Genearl > Enrollment > End Status

System Administration > Enrollment > End Status Type

Student Information > General > End Date



MATitleINonInstructionalReport DOE030 codes.  See SIMS Data Manual
  1. Report Active School History record based off of State Reporting Date
  2. When Title 1 = Targeted Assistance Eligible - No Program, Schoolwide Eligible - No Program, Schoolwide Program or Not a Title 1 School, Repot '00'
  3. When Title 1 is null OR = Targeted Assistance Program or Schoolwide Eligible - Targeted Assistance, Report value selected from Title 1 Non Instructional on a student's enrollment.
  4. If Title 1 Non Instructional on student's enrollment is null, pull default value from Non Instructional Title 1 Dictionary
  5. Else, report '00'

System Administration > Resources > School > School History > Title 1

Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Non-Instructional Title 1



  1. If Reporting Reason is '02' and Title 1 Participation is not null, report Title 1 Participation value
  2. Report Active School History record based off of State Reporting Date
    1. When Title 1 = Targeted Assistance Eligible - No Program, Schoolwide Eligible - No Program or Not a Title 1 School, Report '00'
    2. When Title 1 = Schoolwide Program, Report 01
  3. When Title 1 is null OR = Targeted Assistance Program or Schoolwide Eligible - Targeted Assistance, Report value selected from Title 1 Participation on a student's enrollment.
  4. If Title 1 Participation on student's enrollment is null, pull default value from Title 1 Participation Dictionary
  5. Else, report '00'

System Administration > Resources > School > School History or > Title 1

Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Reporting Reason

Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Title 1 Participation



  1. If a student has an EL record where the Identified date is on or before the current date and the Program Exit date is null or the Program Exit Date is on or after the current date, use following logic
    1. Pull the EL Services record where the start date is before or equal to the current date and complete the following logic:
      1. If Parent Refused services is checked and Date Refused is before or equal to the current date, report 04
      2. Else, if Start Date is before or equal to the current date and End Date is null or greater than or equal to the current date
      3. Report EL Service Type code (01, 02, 03 or 05)
      4. Else, report 00
  2. Else, report 00


  1. If multiple service records meet the above requirement, use the EL service with the most recent start date
  2. If multiple services have the same start date, use the Service with the latest End Date. A null end date would be the latest end date
  3. When > 1 service exists with the same latest Start Date and End Date, report the service with the highest Code (Example: when 01 and 02 service exist, reports 02)

Student Information > Program Participation > EL

Student Information > Program Participation > EL > EL Services > El Service Type

Student Information > Program Participation > EL > EL Services > Parent Refused Services

Student Information > Program Participation > EL > EL Services > Date Refused



Report whatever value selected on ALternative Education School Choice

Else, report '00000000'.

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Alternative Education School Choice

  • Report Program Type under  Career Vocational Technical Education
  • If null, report default value of the Enrollment Vocational Code dictionary
  • Else, report 00

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Career Vocational Technical Education > Program Type

System Administration > Custom > Attribute / Dictionary > Enrollment > Program Type


VocTecEdCh74Report from Chap 74 Approved Program Code
Else, report 500.

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Career Vocational Technical Education > Program Type

System Administration > Custom > Attribute / Dictionary > Enrollment >Chap 74 Approved Program


VocTecEdNonCh74Report from Non Chap 74 Program Code
Else report 500.

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Career Vocational Technical Education > Program Type

System Administration > Custom > Attribute / Dictionary > Enrollment >Non Chap 74 Approved Program


SealOfBiliteracySee relevant SIMS documentation
  1. If Local Enrollment Status is 1921
    1. Report value selected in Seal of Biliteracy.
      1. If multiple records exist, report the most recent based on date earned
      2. If multiple records exist with the same date, report based on the largest record id
    2. If no value entered, report Default value set in Graduation State Seal dictionary
    3. If null, report 00.
  2. Else, report 00

Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal Information

System Administration > Custom > Attribute / Dictionary > GraduationSeal

Student Information > General > Enrollment> Local Enrollment Status

Student Information > General > Graduation > Date Earned


HQCPTypeSee relevant SIMS documentation
  • Report the value selected for HQCP Program Type.
  • If null, report off default value
  • If null, report 500

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Career Vocational Technical Education > HQCP Program Type

System Administration > Custom > Attribute / Dictionary > Enrollment > HQCP Program Type


HQCPParticipationSee relevant SIMS documentation
  • If HQCPType = 01
    1. Report = 500
  • If HQCPType = 02 or 03 or 04
    1. Report Selection in UI field HQCP Program Participation.
  • If HQCPType is null, report 500.

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Career Vocational Technical Education (CVTE) > HQCP Program Participation


CivicsProjectA new civics law (Chapter 296 of 2018, Section 4(c)) requires all students in grade 8 to complete a civics project. The law similarly has a requirement that students must complete a second civics project at some point during grades 9-12.
  1. For grades PK-7 regardless of the choice, always report 500.
  2. For grade 8
    • if Grade 8 Civics Project checkbox is checked, report 01
    • if Grade 8 Civics Project checkbox is NOT checked, report 00
  3. For grades 9-12
    • if Grade 9-12 Civics Project checkbox is checked, report 01
    • if Grade 9-12 Civics Project checkbox is NOT checked, report 00

Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > General > Grade 8 Civics Project

Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > General > Grade 9-12 Civics Project



Instruction Mode element will have three acceptable values to choose: In Person, Hybrid, Remote

  1. Report the Status code from the Instruction Mode tab the student is in as of the current date.
  2. If a student does not have an active Instruction Mode as of the current date, send the last known Instruction Mode for that student. 
    1. If a student does not have an Instruction Mode at all for the school year, then report 01.
Valid values are:
  • 01 (In-Person)
  • 02 (Hybrid)
  • 03 (Remote)

Student Information > General > Enrollment > General Enrollment Information > End Date

Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > MA Instruction Mode > Instruction Mode

SiblingPreferenceFor Charter Districts only. Yes or NoStudent Info > General > Enrollments > State Reporting > Sibling Preference
EnrollmentOfferDateFor Charter Districts only. Report the value selected.Student Info > General > Enrollments > State Reporting > Enrollment Offer Date
Reports from the Innovation Career Pathway Sector field.
  1. If HQCPType = 01 or 04
    1. Report Selection in UI field HQCP Program Participation
  2. If HQCPType = 02 or 03
    1. Report = 500
  3. If HQCPType is null, report 500.
Student Information > General > Enrollments > Career Vocational Technical Education (CVTE) > HQCP Program Participation or Innovation Career Pathway Sector


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Object Triggering

Event Type



An Add trigger is sent when:

  • Checking
  • Unchecking course.stateExclude
  • If EXEMPT is removed from Course State Code
  • Student is rostered into a section
  • Unchecking State Exclude on a student's enrollment and 'Exclude All State Exclude Enrollments' checkbox is checked on the SIF Zone Options
  • Service Type on enrollment is changed from either Partial (S) or Special Ed Services (N) to Primary (P) and 'Exclude All Secondary Enrollments' checkbox is checked on the SIF Zone Options
  • Start Date on enrollment is changed from after the state reported date to before or equal to the state reported date

A Change trigger is sent when:

  • One of the following fields in the Roster Batch Edit Screen is updated
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Enrollment Status
  • A change is made to one of the following fields on a student's enrollment record
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Local Enrollment Status
    • Grade
  • A student's score is updated
  • Course.Pathways Course field is updated
  • A day event on the calendar is changed to or from ‘SD’ for a date that is the roster end date of a student with local enrollment status ‘1921’, '1928' or grade of 'KP', 'KT', or 'KF'

A Delete trigger is sent when:

  • Unchecking
  • Checking course.stateExclude
  • If EXEMPT is entered for Course State Code
  • Course is deleted
  • Student is un-rostered from a section
  • Checking State Exclude on a student's enrollment and 'Exclude All State Exclude Enrollments' checkbox is checked on the SIF Zone Options
  • Service Type on enrollment is changed from Primary (P) to either Partial (S) or Special Ed Services (N) and 'Exclude All Secondary Enrollments' checkbox is checked on the SIF Zone Options
  • No Show is checked on an enrollment and 'Exclude No Show Enrollments' checkbox is checked on the SIF Zone Options
  • Start Date on enrollment is changed from before or equal to the state reported date to after the state reported date

Object Population and Business Rules

Only include primary enrollments if the SIF Zone Options 'Exclude All Secondary Enrollments' checkbox is checked

"Exclude from SIF reporting" on the enrollment State Grade Level is checked, do not report

"Exclude from SIF Exchange" on the calendar is checked, do not report

Do not report if 'Exclude All State Exclude Enrollments' is checked on the SIF Zone Options is checked AND either of the following are checked:

  • 'State Exclude' is checked on the enrollment
  • 'Exclude' is checked on the calendar
Do not report if 'Exclude No Show Enrollments' is checked on the SIF Zone Options and 'No Show' is checked on the enrollment
If course has State code = EXEMPT, do not report
If there are multiple enrollments in the same calendar, order by primary enrollment first and then start date and enrollment id. Report the enrollment with the most recent enrollment start date or highest enrollment id if there is more than one enrollment with the same most recent start date.

Must have a state grade level code that is not '00' (System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Levels)

If course has Active checkbox unchecked, do not report
If course has State Exclude checked, do not report

Data Elements

Data Element Label

Description and Business Rules

Campus Database Field and GUI Path

@RefIdA GUID that identifies an instance of the object.N/A
@StudentPersonalRefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the StudentPersonal object that this item refers to.N/A
@SectionInfoRefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the SectionInfo object that this item refers to.N/A
@SchoolYearIndicates school year section enrollment takes place in

Pulls calendar end year
System Administration > Calendar > School Years > End Year


Date from when this course section enrollment is valid.

  • If the Enrollment Start Date is after or equal to the Roster Start Date, send the Enrollment Start Date,
  • Else send Roster Start Date
  • If Roster Start Date is null, replace it with the Term Start Date

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Start Date

Student Information > General > Schedule > Start Date

Course > Section > Roster Batch Edit > Start Date

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar < Terms > Start Date



The last school calendar day (membership day) the student was enrolled in the course section (inclusive).

  • If the Enrollment End Date is before or equal to the Roster End Date, send the Enrollment End Date,
  • Else send Roster End Date
  • If Roster End Date is null, replace it with the Term End Date

Student Information > General > Enrollment > End Date

Student Information > General > Schedule > End Date

Course > Section > Roster Batch Edit > End Date

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar < Terms > End Date




CourseEnrollmentStatusIndicates a student's enrollment status in a section. This element is optional for a future enrollment but mandatory for current and historical ones.
  1. If current date is before the last instructional day on the calendar, then use current date
  2. Else, use the last instructional day on the calendar
  1. If Roster End Date is null or Roster End Date is <= the calculated date and Roster Enrollment Status is not null, report Roster Enrollment Status
  2. Else:
    1. If Local Enrollment Status is 1921 or 1928 OR grade level is 'KP', 'KT', or 'KF' and Roster End Date = NOT Null and Roster End Date = the calendar day in the enrollment calendar with a Day Event = SD and course term end date is < = the calculated date, report 03
    2. When student has a (latest) score mapped to 50  in a Grading Task or Standard with both State Reported and Final Checked, report 05.
    3. When student has a (latest) score mapped to 40  in a Grading Task or Standard with both State Reported and Final Checked,  report 04.
    4. When any of the following conditions are met, report 02:
      1. Roster End Date = NOT Null and before course/section Term End Date AND Roster End Date is before the Calculated Date 
      2. When student has a (latest) score mapped to 21,22 or 23  in a Grading Task or Standard with both State Reported and Final Checked
    5. When any of the following conditions are met, report 03:
      1. When the course term end date is <= the calculated date and the roster end date is null, equal to or after the term end date
      2. When student has a (latest) score that is not mapped to 21,22, 23, 40 or 50  in a Grading Task or Standard with both State Reported and Final Checked and Roster End Date is null or is <= the calculated date
    6. When Calculated Date >= the course term Start Date and < course term End Date, report 01.
    7. Else, report 02

Course > Section > Roster Batch Edit > Course Enrollment Status

Student Information > General > Enrollment

Grading & Standards>Score Groups & Rubrics>Score Group List Items Detail>State Score









Indicates a course is a Pathways Course

  • If Pathways Course is marked, report 01.
  • If Pathways Course is not marked, report 00.

Scheduling > Course > Course > Pathways Course

Grading and Standards > Course Master > Course Master Info > Pathways Course


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Object Triggering

Event TypeRequirement

An Add trigger is sent when:

  • The following will trigger an Add for all students rostered into the course/section that was updated:
    • is checked
    • Course.stateExclude is unchecked
    • If EXEMPT is removed from Course State Code
  • The following will trigger an Add only for the specific student that was updated:
    • A student is rostered into a course
    • The State Exclude checkbox is unchecked on the student's enrollment and the 'Exclude All State Exclude Enrollments' checkbox is checked on the SIF Zone Options
    • Service Type on enrollment is changed from either Partial (S) or Special Ed Services (N) to Primary (P) and 'Exclude All Secondary Enrollments' checkbox is checked on the SIF Zone Options
    • A student's Grade Level is changed from '00 to a different Grade Level
    • Start Date on enrollment is changed from after the state reported date to before or equal to the state reported date

A Change trigger is sent when:

  • The following will trigger a Change for all students rostered into the course/section that was updated:
    • A change is made to one of the following fields on Course 
      • Term Type Override
      • Type
    • Section.TermTypeOverride is updated
    • A DayEvent of 'SD' is added or removed to the calendar and the student has a Roster End Date that is equal to the same day as the 'SD' event 
    • A Standard or Grading Task that is marked as State Reported and Final that is attached to a course that has students rostered into it is updated
    • A Standard or Grading Task that is marked as State Reported and Final is added to a course that has students rostered into it 
    • The following fields are updated on a Grading Task or Standard that is marked as State Reported and Final that is attached to a course that has students rostered into it 
      • Score Group
      • Credit
      • Term Mask
  • The following will trigger a Change only for the specific student that was updated:
    • A Grading Score has been added or updated for a student
    • The following fields are updated on a student's roster:
      • Start Date
      • End Date
      • Status
    • The following fields are updated on a student's enrollment:
      • End Date
      • Grade
      • Service Type is changed and 'Exclude All Secondary Enrollments' checkbox is unchecked on the SIF Zone Options

A Delete trigger is sent when:

  • The following will trigger a Delete for all students rostered into the course/section that was updated:
    • is unchecked
    • Course.stateExclude is checked
    • If EXEMPT is entered for Course State Code
  • The following will trigger a Delete only for the specific student that was updated:
    • A student is un-rostered from a course
    • The following fields are changed on a student's enrollment
      • No Show is checked
      • State Exclude is checked and the 'Exclude All State Exclude Enrollments' checkbox is checked on the SIF Zone Options
      • Service Type on enrollment is changed from Primary (P) to either Partial (S) or Special Ed Services (N) and 'Exclude All Secondary Enrollments' checkbox is checked on the SIF Zone Options
      • Grade Level is changed from one value to '00'
      • Start Date is changed from before or equal to the state reported date to after the state reported date

Object Population and Business Rules

Only send StudentSectionMarks for courses where Course Code <> EXEMPT, Course is marked as active, and Course <> State Report Exclude.

Only one StudentSectionMarks is sent per student per section. If there is more than one Grading Task or Standard that is marked as State Reported and Final on the course, it will report the grade from the Grading Task/Standard in this order:

  1. If student is rostered multiple times in the same section:
    1. Records where the roster start date is null or less than or equal to the State Reported Date will report
    2. Else, the latest roster start date will report
    3. Else, the highest rosterId will report
  2. Else, the grading task with a credit greater than 0 with a score will report
  3. Else, the latest section term with a passing score will report
  4. Else, the latest section term will report

Only include primary enrollments if the SIF Zone Options 'Exclude All Secondary Enrollments' checkbox is checked

Note: Enrollment should only be included if the start date is <= the state reported date. Use the current date if state reported date is not populated.

We will only report calendar's associated with the SIF Zone year.
"Exclude from SIF reporting" on the enrollment State Grade Level is checked, do not report

"Exclude from SIF Exchange" on the calendar is checked, do not report

Do not report if 'Exclude All State Exclude Enrollments' is checked on the SIF Zone Options is checked AND either of the following are checked:

  • 'State Exclude' is checked on the enrollment
  • 'Exclude' is checked on the calendar
Do not report if 'Exclude No Show Enrollments' is checked on the SIF Zone Options and 'No Show' is checked on the enrollment

Must have a state grade level code that is not '00'

(Sys Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Levels)

Data Elements

Data Element Label

Description and Business Rules

Campus Database Field and GUI Path

@RefIdA GUID that identifies an instances of the objectCalculated
@StudentPersonalRefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the Student that these Mark Values apply to. Calculated
@SectionInfoRefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the SectionInfo object that this item refers to. Calculated
@TermInfoRefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the Term that these Mark Values apply to.
  • If there is a Term Type Override on the section or course, report only that corresponding termId
    • If the override is on the section, report the section's override termId
    • If the override is only on the course, report the course's override termId
  • If the Term Type Override is null on both the course and section, report each termId the section is scheduled into and the grading task is reportable in
@SchoolInfoRefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the School that these Mark Values apply to. Calculated
IsFinalIndicates if the grades are "Final" from the perspective of the teacher or school. Does not mean that change events will not occur for this item.

Hardcoded "True"

See population rule (only report final grades)

MarkListParent Tag

Parent Tag

Outer wrapper for marks reported for this section, in this term.

The Id (GUID) that identifies a mark that was given for this student. Report one unique RefId for each district and only send one value on each SSM and SectionMarkInfo

Hardcoded to district GUID

Percentage of score

For special circumstances such as withdrawal, incomplete, audit, etc. use MarkList/Mark/Letter

  1. If current date is before the last instructional day on the calendar, then use current date
  2. Else, use the last instructional day on the calendar


  1. When Course Enrollment Status = 05: Excused for Medical Reasons OR when student has a (latest) score mapped to 50 in a Grading Task or Standard with State Reported = Checked, report 50000.`
  2. When Course Enrollment Status = 04: Incomplete OR when student has a (latest) score mapped to 40  in a Grading Task or Standard with State Reported = Checked, report 40000.
  3. When Course Enrollment Status is Null or 02 and the students' roster end date is before both the Term End Date and Calculated date and roster end date does not have a day event on the enrollment calendar of SD,
    1. When State Score = 99, report 99999.
    2. When State Score = 21, report 21111.
    3. When State Score = 22, report 22222
    4. When State Score = 23, report 23333.
    5. When Passing Score is checked, then report 22222
    6. When Passing Score is unchecked, then report 23333
    7. Else, report 21111
  4. When Enrollment end date is not null AND Enrollment End Status is 1921, 1928, 3501 or Null AND the roster Enrollment Status is null or '03' AND the state score local code is not 21, 22 or 23 or 40 or 50:
    1. if Course Type = 01 or there is no grading task or standard that is marked as State Reported and Final exists, report '66666'
    2. If State Score is 99:Numeric Mark (only), report Student Score
    3. Else report '99999'
  5. When Enrollment end date is not null AND Enrollment End Status is 1921, 1928, 3501 or Null:
    1. if Term Start Date is before or equal to the Calculated Date AND the Term End Date is after the Calculated Date then report '88888'
    2. if Course Type = 01 or there is no grading task or standard that is marked as State Reported and Final exists, report 66666
    3. When Course Type = 02, report 77777
    4. When local state score = 50, report 50000
    5. If State Score is 99:Numeric Mark (only), report Student Score
    6. Else report 99999
  6. When the Term Start Date is equal to or before the Calculated date, and the Term End Date is after the Calculated Date, report 88888
  7. When Course Type = 1
    1. When State Score = 21, report 21111.
    2. When State Score = 22, report 22222
    3. When State Score = 23, report 23333.
    4. Else report 66666
  8. If no Grading Task or Standard that is marked as State Reported and Final exists, report 66666
  9. If State Score is 99:Numeric Mark (only), report Student Score
  10. Else, report 99999

When there are multiple enrollments in the same calendar, use the following logic to determine which enrollment to use for the course:

  1. Enrollment Start Date is <= to the Roster End Date
  2. AND Enrollment End Date is null or Enrollment End Date is >= Roster End Date
  3. If Roster End Date is null, use Calendar End Date

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Sections > Section > Roster Batch Edit > Enrollment Status

Student Information > General > Enrollment > End Date / End Status

Sys Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > Start Date/End Date

Scheduling > Course > Course Info > Course Type

Grading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics > Score Group List Items Detail > State Score

Grading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics > Score Group List Items Detail > Passing Score (checked)

Grading & Standards > Grading Tasks > Grading Tasks > Grading Task Detail > State Reported OR Grading & Standards > Standards Bank > Standards > Standard Detail > State Reported= Checked


Must conform to specifications for SCS12 in the SCS Data Manual.

  1. If current date is before the last instructional day on the calendar, then use current date
  2. Else, use the last instructional day on the calendar


  1. When Course Enrollment Status = 05: Excused for Medical Reasons OR when a student has a (latest) score mapped to 50 in a Grading Task or Standard with State Reported = Checked, report 50.
  2. When Course Enrollment Status = 04: Incomplete OR when student has a (latest) score mapped to 40  in a Grading Task or Standard with State Reported = Checked, report 40.
  3. When Course Enrollment Status is Null or 02 and the students' roster end date is before both the Term End Date and Calculated date and roster end date does not have a day event on the enrollment calendar of SD,
    1. When State Score = 99, report 99.
    2. When State Score = 21, report 21.
    3. When State Score = 22, report 22.
    4. When State Score = 23, report 23.
    5. When Passing Score is checked, then report 22
    6. When Passing Score is unchecked, then report 23
    7. Else, report 21
  4. When Enrollment end date is not null AND Enrollment End Status is 1921, 1928, 3501 or Null AND the roster Enrollment Status is null or '03' AND the state score local code is not 21, 22 or 23 or 40 or 50:
    1. if Course Type = 01 or there is no grading task or standard that is marked as State Reported and Final exists, report 66
    2. Else, report the local state score
  5. When Enrollment end date is not null AND Enrollment End Status is 1921, 1928, 3501 or Null:
    1. if Term Start Date is before or equal to the Calculated Date AND the Term End Date is after the Calculated Date then report '88'
    2. if Course Type = 01 or there is no grading task or standard that is marked as State Reported and Final exists, report 66
    3. When Course Type = 02, report 77
    4. When local state score = 50, report 50
    5. Else report local state score
  6. When the Term Start Date is equal to or before the Calculated date, and the Term End Date is after the Calculated Date, report 88
  7. When Course Type = 1
    1. If State score = 21, 22 or 23 then report state score
    2. Else report 66
  8. If no Grading Task or Standard that is marked as State Reported and Final exists, report 66
  9. Else report local state score

Note: When there are multiple enrollments in the same calendar, use the following logic to determine which enrollment to use for the course:

  1. Enrollment Start Date is <= to the Roster End Date
  2. AND Enrollment End Date is null or Enrollment End Date is >= Roster End Date
  3. If Roster End Date is null, use Calendar End Date

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Sections > Section > Roster Batch Edit > Enrollment Status

Student Information > General > Enrollment > End Date / End Status

Sys Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > Start Date/End Date

Scheduling > Course > Course Info > Course Type

Grading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics > Score Group List Items Detail > State Score

Grading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics > Score Group List Items Detail > Passing Score (checked)

Grading & Standards > Grading Tasks > Grading Tasks > Grading Task Detail > State Reported OR Grading & Standards > Standards Bank > Standards > Standard Detail > State Reported= Checked








The free form text narrative for this mark.

  1. If current date is before the last instructional day on the calendar, then use current date
  2. Else, use the last instructional day on the calendar


  1. When (Scheduling > Course > Course Editor>Type) = 01: Ungraded, reports 9999.
  2. When (Scheduling > Course > Course Editor>Type) = 02: Audited, reports 7777
  3. When a Grading Task or Standard that is marked as Final and State Reported does not exist, report 9999
  4. When a Grading Task or Standard exists that is marked as State Reported and Final and the credit value is null or 0 OR the score credit coeff. is null or 0, report 0
  5. When a Grading Task or Standard exists that is marked as State Reported and Final and the Calculated Date is greater than or equal to the term Start Date and less than the term End Date and the student's roster end date is null or is greater than the Calculated Date, report 0
  6. Else, when student has any score where Grading Task or Standard marked Final and State Reported, report the Credit value associated with the Grading Task or Standard MULTIPLIED BY the Score Group Credit Coeff. value for the latest score the student received.

Scheduling > Course > Course Info > Course Type

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Local End Status

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > Start Date/End Date

Scheduling > Course > Grading Tasks > Credit/Credit Type

Grading & Standards>Grading Task > Credit Final Checkbox/State Reported checkbox

Grading & Standards>Score Groups & Rubrics>Score Groups & Rubrics Editor>Score Group List Item Detail>Passing Score) = Checked for a Grading Task







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Object Triggering

N/A - Request Only

Object Population and Business Rules

The student must have an IEP or SPED state reporting record within the reporting range. This is determined by the following logic:

  • SPED State Reporting Tab
    • The start date is <= the state reported date. Use current date if state reported date is null
    • The end date is null or >= enrollment start date
    • If there is more than one active record returned, use the record with the most recent start date.
  • IEP
    • The IEP start date is <= the state reported date. Use current date if state reported date is null
    • The IEP end date is null or >= enrollment start date
    • If more than one active IEP is returned, use the IEP that has the highest planID.

When comparing the enrollment start date, use the primary enrollment with the most recent start date that is still <= the state reported date.

Must have a state grade level code that is not '00'

(Sys Admin > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Levels)

"Exclude from SIF reporting" on the enrollment State Grade Level is checked, do not report

"Exclude from SIF Exchange" on the calendar is checked, do not report

Do not report if 'Exclude All State Exclude Enrollments' is checked on the SIF Zone Options is checked AND either of the following are checked:

  • 'State Exclude' is checked on the enrollment
  • 'Exclude' is checked on the calendar
Do not report if 'Exclude No Show Enrollments' is checked on the SIF Zone Options and 'No Show' is checked on the enrollment

Data Elements

Data Element Label

Description and Business Rules

Campus Database Field and GUI Path

@RefIdA GUID that identifies an instance of the object.N/A
@StudentPersonalRefIdThe Id (GUID) of the student for whom this special education information is being reported. N/A
@SummaryDateThe date the data summary was taken. Some elements are provided/calculated as of the SummaryDate, and some are provided as of the date the object is requested (i.e., some can be historical and some will represent the last information available/last known value).

Report State Reporting Date, if null, report current date.

System Administration > Data Interchange > Zones > SIF Zone Options > Reporting Zone > State Reporting Date

@SchoolYearSchool year for which the information is applicable.

Report end year on the current active enrollment.
Student Information > General > Enrollments > School Year

PrimaryDisabilityCodeA code that identifies the primary disability type for a student who is eligible for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and who has an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Since primary disability is time-dependent a student’s primary disability can change through a school year or reporting period.
Do not report if StudentParticipationList/StudentParticipationData/
OtherCodeList/OtherCode is 05, otherwise this is mandatory.

  1. If Special Ed Setting is not equal to "05", then report the Primary Disability standard code
    1. If Primary Disability is null, report '500'
  2. If Special Ed Setting is "05", do not report element

Student Information > Special Ed > General > State Reporting > Primary Disability

Student Information > Special Ed > General > State Reporting > Special Ed Setting

For IEP:

Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability

Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Special Ed Setting

StudentParticipationListParent TagN/A

Parent Tag

Collects elements of interest for each StudentParticipation.

Parent TagN/A
Hardcoded. Report a value of 0270N/A
Parent TagN/A
Hardcoed to StateProvince

Special Ed Setting

Not required if DOE040 is 02, 08 or 09

Report Special Ed Setting code, if populated.

  • Otherwise, report 00.

Student Information > Special Ed > General > State Reporting > Special Ed Setting

For IEP: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Special Ed Setting


Parent Tag

If StudentSpecialEducationSummary/
Data/ProgramType/OtherCodeList/OtherCode = 05, do not report.
  1. Report the standard code associated with the value selected for Eval Results.
  2. If Eval Results = null, report 9999.

Student Information > Special Ed > General > State Reporting > Eval Results 

For IEP: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Eval Results


Parent TagN/A
Hardcoded to "Other"N/A
Evaluation results code for special ed
  1. Report the 2-digit code selected for Eval Results. The code must be 2 digits.
  2. Else, report 00.

Student Information > Special Ed > General > State Reporting > Eval Results Sys Admin > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > Enrollment > Eval Results 

For IEP: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Eval Results


Date of most recent evaluation
  1. Report the Sped Eval Date.
  2. If reporting from an IEP, report null

Student Information > Special Ed > General > State Reporting > Sped Eval Date

SpEdLevelofNeedReport code of the level of need
  • Report Special Ed Level Of Need, if populated.
    1. Otherwise report 500.

Student Information > Special Ed > General > State Reporting > Special Ed Level of Need

For IEP:

Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Special Ed Level of Need




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Object Triggering

Event TypeRequirement

An Add is triggered when:

  • A term is initially added and saved with the following required fields:
    • Name
    • Term Start Date
    • Term End Date
ChangeA change is triggered when:
  • One of the following fields on Term is changed:
    • Term Start Date
    • Term End Date
DeleteA Delete is triggered when:
  • A term is deleted

Object Population and Business Rules

Term ID's are generated based on the combination of schedule structure ID's, Calendar Excludes ( which includes looking at calendar.exclude & calendar.SIFexclude) and definition.termtype, which is due to the fact that MA state requires unique termID's based on section.termtype/course.termtype

Example: School 1 has 4 terms.  Course A should have course.termtype counted as "Quarters" and is scheduled in every term.  These get assigned termID's of 1-4. Course B should have course.termtype counted as a "Full year" and is scheduled in every term. Course B cannot have the same termID's as it is a different term type. Thus, the above process is used.

Only schools with calendars assigned for the active SIF Zone year send this information.
Only the trial that is currently active sends this information.
Calendars marked as Exclude from SIF are not sent to the state.

Data Element

Data ElementDescription and Business Rules

Campus Database Field and GUI Path

RefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies this TermInfo entity.N/A

The unique identifier of this record.

Logic for actual terms:

  • Report Term ID
  • Logic for generated terms:
  • Reporting the concatenation of the Schedule Structure ID and the Campus Dictionary Code (Definition > Term Type)

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Schedule Structure > Schedule Strucutre ID

(For CampusDistionary.code)

System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > Definition > Term Type

termID and districtGUID are internal DB identifiers


Trial.structureID, CampusDictionary.code,


The Id (GUID) that identifies the school where the term is used.N/A



TermInfo/@SchoolYearSchool year for which the information is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year ends (e.g., 2022 for the 2021-2022 school year).System Administration > Calendar > School Years > End Year


Starting date of the term.

Logic for actual terms:

  • Report Term Start Date

Logic for generated terms:

  • When the Term Code Override value is for a section that spans multiple terms, report the minimum date of a course when Term Type Override is selected on the Section. 
  • Otherwise, report the Calendar Start Date.
System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Term

For actual terms:


For generated terms:

Term.startDate, Calendar.startDate,


Ending date of the term (CCYYMMDD).

Logic for actual terms:

  • Report Term End Date

Logic for generated terms:

  • When the Term Code Override value is for a section that spans multiple terms, report the maximum date of a course when Term Type Override is selected on the Section. 
  • Otherwise, report the Calendar End Date.
System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Term

For actual terms:


For generated terms:

Term.endDate, Calendar.endDate,


Conversion for actual and generated terms.

Logic for actual terms:

  1. If the calendar is 1 term, reports 01.
  2. If the calendar has 2 terms and this is term 1 then reports 21.
    1. If this is term 2 then reports 22.
  3. If the calendar is 3 terms and this is term 1, then reports 31.
    1. If this is term 2 then reports 32.
    2. If this is term 3 then reports 33.
  4. If the calendar is 4 terms and this is term 1, then report 41.
    1. If this is term 2, then reports 42.
    2. If this is term 3, then reports 43.
    3. If this is term 4, then reports 44.
  5. If the has 5 terms and this is term 1, then report 51.
    1. If this is term 2, then reports 52.
    2. If this is term 3, then reports 53.
    3. If this is term 4, then reports 54.
    4. If this is term 5, then reports 55.
  6. If the calendar is divided up into more than 5 terms, then they will be considered mini terms.
    1. If this is Mini Term 1, then reports 61.
    2. If this is Mini Term 2, then reports 62.
    3. If this is Mini Term 3, then reports 63.
    4. If this is Mini Term 4, then reports 64.
    5. If this is Mini Term 5, then reports 65.
    6. If this is Mini Term 6, then reports 66.
    7. If this is Mini Term 7, then reports 67.
    8. If this is Mini Term 8, then reports 68.
    9. If this is Mini Term 9, then reports 69.
    10. If this is Mini Term 10, then reports 70.
    11. If this is Mini Term 11, then reports 71.
    12. If this is Mini Term 12, then reports 72.
    13. If this is Mini Term 13, then reports 73.
    14. If this is Mini Term 14, then reports 74.
    15. If this is Mini Term 15, then reports 75.
  7. If the Term is part of a calendar that is Summer School flagged, then reports 80.
  8. Otherwise, reports 90.

Logic for generated terms:

  1. report code from Definition.termType associated with termID

For actual terms:


For generated terms:


Reporting SIF Data

SIF data is reported to the State via a ZIAgent connection with Campus. Setup and configuration of the ZIAgent is done by Campus and is not controlled or accessible via the Campus user interface. 

Publishing and Auditing SIF Data

Campus provides two useful tools for managing SIF data. See the table below for more information.

MA SIF Publish Tool

The MA SIF Publish Tool allows users to manually initiate a resync of all SIF objects or select SIF objects for a specific school year and indicates when each SIF object has completed the resync.

MA SIF Sent Object Search

MA SIF Sent Object Search tool allow you to search for and audit SIF data sent to the state and filter this data based on a defined date range, SIF object, and other identifiers.

This tool is especially helpful when auditing data manually published via MA SIF Publish Tool. 

MA SIF Record Updater

Provides districts with the ability to send an update of SIF objects from Campus to the State for a specific student/staff member or group of students or staff. 

SIF Record DeleterThe SIF Record Deleter allows you to delete specific SIF records in an effort to assist in cleaning up troublesome SIF data such as orphaned records and records that were supposed to be excluded but were erroneously sent.

Agent, Zone, and Data Access Rights Setup

Infinite Campus will set up your SIF Agent and Zone and can run a script to set up proper Data Access Rights. Please reach out to Infinite Campus support if you need assistance in setting up these tools. 

Exclude SIF Reporting for a Calendar

Marking the Exclude from SIF Exchange checkbox on a calendar will exclude the SIF TermInfo and SchoolCourseInfo objects from generating or reporting records in SIF.

SIF SASID Reporting for Student State ID in Campus

Inbound messages from the state with new SASID values (StudentPersonal/StateProvinceID) will populate the Student State ID field. If the field is not null, any incoming SASID value will not overwrite the existing value. 

Screenshot of Person Identifiers screen.Person Identifiers


Does Campus use a single SIF Agent or multiple agents for differing types of data?

A: Campus provides a fully functioning ZIS which allows multiple agents to be connected and can communicate will all of them.

Is Any Special Software/Hardware Required to Host the Zone Integration Server (ZIS)?

A: No. Infinite Campus provides every customer with a free embedded ZIS.

How Does the Campus Data Integration Server (DIS) compare to the standard ZIS?

A: DIS is how Campus sends XML messages for different purposes (State Edition, Food Service, National Records Exchange). SIF is a subset of DIS. Campus' ZIS is SIF certified and we were the first company to receive SIF 2.0 ZIS certification.

Can I Modify and Customize Campus SIF Agent?

A: No. The SIF Agent is hard coded and does not allow for modification or customization.

What SIF Agents is Campus able to Connect With? 

A: Campus can establish a SIF connection with every SIF agent that exists. Campus just needs to know which objects should to be sent to the SIF vendor. 

Is There a Way to Send Only Certain Elements of a SIF Object? 

A: No. When Campus sends information for a SIF object, all elements within that object are sent. There is no way to specify which elements within an object should be sent.

If a Student's Enrollment Record is Ended, Will SIF Messages Still be Sent for this Student?

A: Yes. As long as the enrollment record is in the zone it will send a SIF message that will include the Entry Date and Exit Date.