Course Awaiting Push Report

Tool Search: Course Awaiting Push

The Course Course Awaiting Push Report collects all grading setup existing at the course level that has not been pushed to the section level. Grading setup is displayed for Grading Tasks, Standards, Categories, and Grade Calc Options. The course list is based on the options selected in the Campus toolbar.

Screenshot of the Course Awaiting Push Report editor, located at Grading & Standards, Reports. Course Awaiting Push Report

Generate the Course Awaiting Push Report

  1. Select the Course(s) to include in the report. The list can be sorted by number or alphabetically by name
  2. Leave the Exclude inactive courses checkbox marked to not report courses not flagged as Active.
  3. Click the Generate Report button. The report displays in CSV format.

The Data column shows the grading setup that has not been pushed to sections.

Screenshot of an example of the course awaiting push report. Image 2: CSV Example