IEP Amend Process (Maine)

Tool Search: Documents

The Maine IEP amendment process is different from the core process. There is no Amend button (see the Documents tool documentation for additional information). 

  1. To amend an IEP, users must unlock the document by clicking the Lock/Unlock button

    In order to unlock a document, users will need to have the Read tool right for Student Information > Special Ed > Locked. See the  Special Education Tool Rights document for additional information.

     Screenshot of of the Documents tool highlighting the Lock/Unlock button and the lock icon.  Image 1: Lock/Unlock Button 

  2. Enter the amendment date(s) into the The Date(s) of the Amended IEP field on the Education Plan editor and then click Save.
    Image of the Date(s) of Amended IEP field on the Individualized Education Plan editorScreenshot of the first editor of the IEP with the Date(s) of Amended IEP field highlighted. Image 2: Date(s) of Amended IEP field on the IEP editor 

  3. Enter the amendment date(s) into the Specify field on the Special Education Services and then click Save

    Only enter date(s) into the Specify field for Services that need to be modified or added. Not all Services records need a Specify date.

     Screenshot of the Special Education Services editor highlighting the Amended field. Image 3: Specify field on the Special Education Services editor 

  4. Enter the amendment date(s) on the Specify field on the Related Services editors and then click Save

    Only enter date(s) into the Specify field for Services that need to be modified or added. Not all Services records need a Specify date.

     Image of the Specify field on the Related Services editorImage 4: Specify field on the Related Services editor