Point of Sale Release Notes

Point of Sale Release Notes are intended for users who have Campus Food Service as an add-on product to their existing student information system.

Point of Sale release notes describe all changes made to POS within the release pack. It is advised that users review the release notes carefully and alert appropriate district staff to changes in the product.

Questions or concerns regarding an update should be directed to Campus Support.

POS 2.26.3 (3/10/25)

Release with Campus.2511


The following updates have been made to the Point of Sale tool: (SIS-186721)

  • Added the ability to set an account balance threshold for the Block a la Carte option. The POS application must be updated to version 2.26.3 before editing the new Custom Amount field in POS Account Details > Patron Preference.

POS 2.26.0 (12/16/24)

Release with Campus.2451


The following updates have been made to the Point of Sale tool: (SIS-184524)

  • Brand new POS terminal installs will now be delivered with an encrypted database. Existing POS terminal installs will receive a new config file in preparation for moving to an encrypted database in the summer of 2025.

POS 2.25.0 (11/18/24)

Release with Campus.2447


The following updates have been made to the Point of Sale tool: (SIS-183721)

  • Added Windows 11 support for POS. More information system requirements and installation guidance can be found under Supported Platforms and POS-X.
  • Added ability to arrange the Service tabs in the terminal.
  • An error was preventing POS from installing on a machine using Windows 11. This has been corrected.

POS 2.24.1 (10/21/24)

Release with Campus.2443


The following updates have been made to the Point of Sale tool: (SIS-182927)

  • Refined POS data models to improve performance.
  • An issue was causing POS to time out and stop processing. This has been corrected.

POS 2.23.9 (9/23/24)

Release with Campus.2439


The following updates have been made to the Point of Sale tool: (SIS-182176)

  • An error occurred in Terminal Manager where selecting a School that had multiple Terminals caused Reload messages to be omitted by the terminal and the reload would not process. This has been corrected.
  • An error occurred where Terminal Manager reload/reboot requests were failing for POS versions 2.22.2 and above. This has been corrected.

POS 2.23.8 (8/26/24)

Release with Campus.2435


  • An error occurred where green buttons in the Service Layout preview would display text in black, but the text would be displayed in white in the POS Terminal. This has been corrected. (SIS-171658)
  • A recent update broke the automatic update function for the Point of Sale application, but the issue has been fixed. To get the fixed version, every district using the Point of Sale application must manually download and install the new installer file for every user on each Point of Sale terminal. You can find the latest installer file by going to Food Service > Administration > Terminals and clicking "Install." Once downloaded, the file can update each terminal and user. (SIS-180571)
  • Fixed various bugs and updated the current Campus Point of Sale version to 2.23.8. (SIS-180932)

POS 2.23.4 (7/29/24)

Release with Campus.2431


The following updates have been made to the Point of Sale tool: (SIS-180086)

  • Terminal names can no longer be duplicated.
  • Fixed an error that stopped the terminal application from loading. 
  • Fixed an error where the name of the record requested from Point of Sale did not match a record in the Terminal List when the terminal name was changed.

POS 2.22.2 (5/6/24)

Released with Campus.2419


  • An error occurred where some Student transactions were incorrectly ringing up as Non-Reimbursable on terminals. This has been corrected. (SIS-174405)

POS 2.22.0 (12/18/23)

Released with Campus.2351


The following updates have been made to the Point of Sale tool: (SIS-174716)

  • An error was occurring where students were receiving duplicate transactions in the Point of Sale terminal. This has been corrected.


  • The 'Auto Creation of PIN With New Enrollment' preference was selectable without the 'Auto Creation of Account With New Enrollment' preference being turned on. This has been corrected. (SIS-108534)
  • The Transaction Reference was not appearing on the Deposit Reporter. This has been corrected. (SIS-131810)
  • An error was occurring where students were receiving duplicate transactions in the Point of Sale terminal. This has been corrected. (SIS-174574)

POS 2.21.0 (11/20/23)

Released with Campus.2347


The following updates have been made to the Point of Sale tool: (SIS-174160)

  • Added a warning for POS terminal shutdown upon completion of pending transactions. Also, the user now has to follow the log-out process and cannot close using the X button unless they are on the Login screen.


  • An error occurred that caused a guardian's name to appear as a student when printing a Journal. This has been corrected. (SIS-147855)

POS 2.20.9 (10/23/23)

Released with Campus.2343


The following updates have been made to the Point of Sale tool:

  • If POS allowed a very large deposit, the transaction would not be processed. This has been corrected. (SIS-173634)


  • Voiding deposits in the FS Deposit tool with 'Void Reasons' containing three or more characters would generate an error. This has been corrected. (SIS-125964)
  • The Days Food Served column in the POS Transaction Summary Report counted every day instead of instructional days where students could be served meals. This has been corrected. (SIS-172032)
  • Staff members were not appearing on the PIN Report for a specific school when their District Assignment for that school had a future end date. This has been corrected. (SIS-172608)

POS 2.20.7 (9/25/23)

Released with Campus.2339


The following updates have been made to the Point of Sale tool: (SIS-172480)

  • Adjusted size of patron photos in search display to make more visible.
  • Slow down message polling when terminal is not active.


  • When generating the PIN Report for staff, the year listed on the report does not reflect the correct year. This has been corrected. (SIS-110485)
  • The POS Terminal Cash and Check buttons became unresponsive if the payments side panel was opened and closed without entering a payment. This has been corrected. (SIS-166746)
  • Transactions in the Food Service tool were being filtered by post date instead of transaction date. This has been corrected. (SIS-167174)
  • When adjusting a food service balance on the Journal, users would receive an error if the Adjustment Type was greater than two characters. This has been corrected. (SIS-168203)
  • An error would occur if a POS Account PIN searched for on an family account with multiple PINs. This has been corrected. (SIS-168300)

POS 2.20.4 (8/29/23)

Released with Campus.2335


The following updates have been made to the Point of Sale tool: (SIS-170719)

  • Added a new button to the search options to allow cashiers to hide previously served patrons.
  • Corrected alignment errors in terminal.
  • Added a message to alert users when the terminal will update when closed.
  • Patron number that appears on history page is now the Student ID.


  • Due to an unexpected behavior, some users were still able to access the Point of Sale 1.0 terminal after its deprecation date. This error has been corrected and the POS 1.0 terminal is no longer available. (SIS-171877)
  • An error message was not appearing when users would edit and save inactive applications in Class Serve Preferences. This has been corrected. (SIS-171507)
  • The Sort Type option was not changing how the End of Day report printed when selecting Terminal. This has been corrected. (SIS-81930)

POS 2.19.0 (7/3/23)

Released with Campus.2327


The following updates have been made to the Point of Sale tool: (SIS-169955)

  • Added feature to add patrons back in queue when new patron selected through search side panel.
  • Added option to hide filters in the search side panel to display more patrons on screen.


  • The Application Manager was displaying "Service" instead of the school with the 2323 update. This has been corrected. (SIS-170188)


  • If a cashier was in the Search screen on the terminal and another patron entered their PIN number, once the cashier selected a patron on the search, the student that entered their PIN disappears. With this enhancement, patrons are put in a queue rather than removing them when another patron is selected. (SIS-159554)

POS 2.18.2 (6/5/23)

Released with Campus.2323


The following updates have been made to the Point of Sale 2.0 tool: (SIS-169577)

  • Fixed an issue where Homeroom data did not display in POS 2.0 terminal the first time a district installs a terminal.
  • Served checkmark was displaying for deposit only. This has been corrected.
  • An Active checkbox was added to the Application Detail record; if a terminal is configured with an inactive application the user will see a warning message on the Terminal Configuration and Cashier screens.
  • Added POS Display Comments in the POS Account>Account Details>Patron Preference that will automatically display on the Point of Sale 2.0 terminal when that patron is loaded.


  • If a user edited a terminal configuration and selected a new application and then only saved it once, the cashier would have issues selecting a student from the search page. This has been corrected. (SIS-160037)


  • An Active checkbox was added to the Application Detail record; if a terminal is configured with an inactive application the user will see a warning message on the Terminal Configuration and Cashier screens. A Display Inactive Applications/Services has also been added to the Transaction Summary Report. Inactive applications will display with an Inactive label and appear at the bottom of the lists in POS Account Journal, Quick Serve, Service Copy Layout, and Class Serve Preferences. (SIS-121418)
  • Changed the existing Comments field label to Notes, added a new Comments field to enter comments specific to a patron that the Food Service Cashier can see on the terminal when serving that patron, and added Notes and POS Display Comments to Ad hoc reporting. (SIS-123541)

POS 2.17.1 (4/7/23)

Released with Campus.2315

Fix & Enhancement

The following updates have been made to the Point of Sale 2.0 tool: (SIS-168467)

  • If the last transaction made on the terminal is a deposit only (no items purchased), the Drawer Count Deposit Amount would only display that last deposit, regardless of the amount of cash received during the service. This has been corrected.
  • New search options have been added to assist Point of Sale cashiers with streamlining the serving process. Hold Search will retain the search criteria each time the search side panel is re-opened until cleared. Auto Open will automatically open the search side panel when a patron is served, bypassing the need to click Search. While search options and criteria can be used in any combination, cashiers can select Pinned Item(s) with Photo On, Hold Search, Auto Open and Homeroom to simulate roster serve behavior.

POS 2.16.0 (3/11/23)

Released with Campus.2311


  • Students and staff patrons who were previously searched for and found on the POS 2.0 terminal were no longer appearing in the POS 2.0 terminal if changes had been made to either a current, past, or future Enrollment or District Assignment record. They could no longer be found through PIN entry and/or Search and a data reload was the only way to fix this. This problem has now been resolved; a data reload should no longer be needed when Enrollment and District Assignment changes are made. (SIS-159562)
  • If a future year enrollment is added to a student, once that student is searched in the POS 2.0 terminal, their future year grade would display instead of their current grade. This has been corrected. (SIS-167049)


  • Homeroom and PIN searches have been added to the POS 2.0 terminal Search Side Panel. The homeroom teacher name/section numbers and student roster information will update on the terminal at night. The first time the terminal updates, the new homeroom tables will be added, but not populated until after the nightly job is run or a data reload is performed, whichever comes first. Because of this, the first time the cashier sees the HR drop list, it will not be populated until the next day. (SIS-167540)
  • A banner notifying users of the Point of Sale 1.0 deprecation happening later this year has been added to select Food Service pages. (SIS-167831)

POS 2.15.2 (2/13/23)


  • Links were not being properly identified by screen readers and could not be accessed via keyboard. This has been corrected. (SIS-156055)
  • Entering an apostrophe to a service name causes the Service checkbox to not display on the Service Layout Copy Wizard. This has been corrected. (SIS-166038)


  • A terminal preference was added to enable the allergy slide out to automatically open in continuous serve, separating the allergy slide out behavior from the other messages in continuous serve. (SIS-160963)

POS 2.14.0 (1/16/23)

Released with Campus.2303


  • A virtual key pad has been added that gives users the ability to change the quantity of an item in a transaction list. (SIS-166615)

POS 2.13.2 (12/19/2022)

Released with Campus.2251


  • Some patron photos uploaded to Campus were not being messaged to terminals. This has been corrected.


  • Cashiers have the ability to view more than one POS Display flag in their terminal. Student flags will display in the POS terminal regardless of start date. (SIS-154349)

POS 2.12.7 (10/24/2022)

Released with Campus.2243


  • The Connection Status icon was causing performance issues and display issues with the Services tool layout. These issues have been corrected by moving the Connection Status icon into the Cashier Actions side panel. (SIS-160018)
  • When the terminal cannot reach the Campus server due to an incorrect URL, the error message now reads "Unable to reach server; check Campus URL."  (SIS-159686)
  • A bug was causing food service transactions to be stuck in queue, leading to these transactions posting very slowly or not at all. This issue was corrected. (SIS-159462)


  • Patron photos are now available when searching for patrons, allowing cashiers to locate the correct individual.  Also, a checkmark now displays in the search side panel for any student who has been served any item in the prior 60 minutes. (SIS-159686)

POS 2.11.5 (9/14/2022)

Released with Campus.2235.4


The following issues related to adding menu items have been fixed: (SIS-158615)

  • A menu item could not be added to a transaction unless a different menu item was also added before selecting the desired item again.
  • A menu item was selected twice for one student and added once to the transaction, then a new student was loaded and the same menu item was selected but not added to the transaction.

POS 2.11.4 (8/29/2022)

Released with Campus.2235


  • Additional cashier stats were added to the side panel.


  • A pop-up message has been added on the POS terminal when a menu layout exceeds the 6x6 layout and directs the user to alert the POS Administrator that the layout needs to be adjusted. (SIS-157867)

POS 2.10.0 (7/5/2022)

Released with Campus.2227


  • POS 2.0 Enabled for All Districts (SIS-156541)
    Point of Sale 2.0 is now enabled for all districts that have purchased Campus Point of Sale as add-on functionality. With this release, districts do NOT need to open a a ticket with Campus Support. POS 2.0 features are now automatically available. 

POS 2.9.4 (5/9/2022)

This version of POS is compatible with Campus.2219.


  • Staff members with a district assignment end date in the future were not displaying on the terminal. This issue was corrected. (SIS-155678)
  • Users saw an error when they tried to save changes to an existing terminal. This issue was corrected. (SIS-155678)


  • An information box was added to the POS Terminal Admin to help users find the Get District Secret button in Food Service > Administration > Terminals. (SIS-155678)

POS 2.9.2 (4/11/2022)

This version of POS is compatible with Campus.2215.


  • Manual Update Required (SIS-153865)
    The POS auto updater stopped working with POS 2.7.0. This issue was corrected; however, customers on POS 2.7.0 or 2.8.0 should manually update POS 2.0 for every user on each terminal after updating to Campus.2215.

    This PDF provides specific instructions for manually updating: POS 2.0 Terminal Update (Campus.2215).pdf

    Customers on POS 2.7.1 and POS 2.8.1 do NOT need to complete the manual update. If you have multiple terminals to update, consider saving the "Campus Point of Sale Setup 2.9.2.exe" file to a jump drive for ease of use. Once you complete the manual update process, POS 2.0 will automatically update with each Campus release going forward and you will not be required to manually update the terminal again.

  • Corrected Inactive Accounts Being Served via PIN (SIS-153594)
    When a food service account was marked as inactive in Campus but a PIN was still associated with the account, the account could still be served and charged when the PIN was entered via the PIN pad. This issue was corrected.


  • MMF Cash Drawers Renamed (SIS-153865)
    The MMF Cash Drawer names on the POS Terminal Admin screen were renamed MMF Adv. and MMF Value to accurately reflect the type of MMF cash drawer being used.


  • Terminal Authorization (SIS-154732)
    To prevent users from using the URL from another district to load district data on the terminal, a new "District Secret" was added. During the initial setup of a terminal, districts must copy the District Secret from Point of Sale > Administration > Terminals > Get District Secret and paste it into the District Secret field on the POS Terminal Admin screen's Configurations section. This authorizes the terminal to pull data from Campus.
    If your district is currently using POS 2.0, you do not need to enter the District Secret immediately. However, you will need to enter the District Secret the next time you change the terminal configuration in the POS Terminal Admin.