Cross-Site Enrollment Workflow - Video Series

Last Updated 05/24

Cross-Site Enrollment allows students to enroll in another school to take a course that is not offered at their home school. This tooling includes district-level configuration, school-level configuration, course mapping, secondary enrollment creation, course scheduling, attendance recording and grade reporting.

Setup/Enable Cross-Site

Image of Cross-Site Workflow with Setup emphasized.This video demonstrates the initial steps a district needs to take to ensure that Cross-Site Enrollment is enabled for their district and participating schools, students participating in Cross-Site education will be assigned the appropriate enrollment information, and course masters are ready to be selected and used for Cross-Site education purposes.


Map Courses (Serving School) to be Offered

Image of Cross-Site workflow with Serving School step highlighted.

This video shows how, after the rest of student scheduling has been completed, a Serving School can configure cross-site options for course sections in which they want to offer seats for students in other schools to take.

Note: Cross-Site must be enabled and initial configuration completed before Cross-Site seats can be offered.


Map Courses (Home School) to Offered Courses
Image of Cross-Site Workflow with Home School Map Courses emphasized.

This video demonstrates how to map to cross-site courses offered by serving schools, so that students at a home school can be scheduled into them.


Schedule Students from Home School into Serving SchoolImage of Cross-Site Workflow with Walk-in Scheduler emphasized.

After all other scheduling has been completed, students may be scheduled into Cross-Site Courses via the Walk-In Scheduler. 
