Period Detail Batch

Classic View: Attendance > Reports > Period Detail Batch

Search Terms: Period Detail Batch, Period Batch, Detail Batch

The Period Detail Batch Report prints individual student attendance reports that are suitable for handing out. A School or Calendar must be selected in the Campus Toolbar for the report editor to appear. The report can be sorted by the student name, grade level or student number. This report also includes students who have no attendance events in the selected terms.

Screenshot of the Period Detail Batch report editor. Period Detail Batch 

Attendance entries that have not been given an excuse (i.e., Unknown entries) print on this report.  

This report format is also used when printing the Period Detail Report from a single student's Attendance tab.

Report Editor

The following information details the different areas of the Period Detail Batch Report editor.

Student OptionsWhen choosing what students should be included in the report, users can choose students either by Grade or by a previously created Ad hoc Filter. Grade options available depend on the School selected in the Campus Toolbar. Multiple grades can be chosen, but the report can only be run for one Ad hoc Filter at a time.
Term Options

Users have the option of selecting one or multiple Terms to appear in the report. Term options are determined by the School selected in the Campus Toolbar and are set in the Terms tab of the Calendar. All terms are selected by default. The dates of the terms also display.

Attendance Summaries Options

Attendance information in the Period Detail Batch Report can be grouped in four different Summary Types, Course, Period, Day and Term.

  • Course - Groups excused absences, unexcused absences and tardies by the course.
  • Period - Groups excused absences, unexcused absences and tardies by the period.
  • Day - Groups attendance events based on the day they occurred , also grouped by period. Attendance event codes are defined in gray under the date
  • Term - Groups absences, early releases and tardies by the terms selected in the report editor also grouped by period.
Sort Options

The report can be sorted by Student Name, by Grade or by Student Number.

Report Orientation

The Period Detail Batch Report can be generated in either Portrait or Landscape format.

Non-Instructional Periods

Attendance taken in periods marked as Non-Instructional can also display on the report, if desired. If this checkbox is not marked, only attendance from Instructional periods prints.

When selected, the attendance taken in non-instructional periods is included in each of the attendance summaries. This is based on the period being marked as Non-Instructional on the Calendar Periods tab for each period schedule. If a period is marked as non-instructional in one period schedule and instructional in another period schedule, it always displays.

Report FormatDetermines how the report generates - in PDF or DOCX format.
Report Generation

Two buttons are available for report generations:

  • Generate Report - displays the report instantly.
  • Submit to Batch - sends the report to the Batch Queue for generation at a specified time. This option is recommended when generating the report for a large number of students.

Generate the Report

  1. Indicate which Students should appear in the report by selecting Grades or an Ad hoc Filter.
  2. Indicate which Terms should appear in the report.
  3. Select which Attendance Summaries should appear in the report.
  4. Indicate how the report should be Sorted - by Student Name, by Grade or by Student Number
  5. Determine how the report page layout should print - in Portrait or Landscape.
  6. Determine if Non-Instructional period attendance should display on the report.
  7. Select the desired Report Format.
  8. Click Generate Report to generate the batch report in PDF format immediately, or use the Submit to Batch to choose when a report generates.

Screenshot of an example of the report in DOCX format. Period Detail Batch - DOCX Format

Screenshot of an example of the report in PDF format. Period Detail Batch - PDF Format in Portrait Layout

Screenshot of an example of the report in PDF format. Period Detail Batch - PDF Format in Landscape Layout

For students who have perfect attendance for the selected term(s), the report includes a page for the student with a note that indicates there are no attendance records for the student.

 Screenshot of an example of the report for a student with no attendance events.Period Detail Batch - Perfect Attendance