Attendance Audit Report (Nebraska)

Tool Search: Attendance Audit

The Attendance Audit report extracts data using the attendance calculation for Ed-Fi attendance reporting.

This report can only be generated with Ed-Fi turned on and a valid Ed-Fi configuration.

Screenshot of Nebraska Attendance Audit Report.Attendance Audit Report

Report Editor

The following defines the options available on the Attendance Audit report.



Report Type

Indicates the type of report being generated:

Summary = Overall total of aggregate numbers by grade level by calendar.

Detail = Overall total of aggregate number by student.

Ed-Fi Configuration
Indicates the Ed-Fi configuration from which attendance data is reported.
Start Date

Indicates the first date used when calculating attendance.

Note: If the Start Date and End Date fields are not used, the report will aggregate data for the start of school to the end in both Detail and Summary reports.

End Date

Indicates the last date used when calculating attendance.

Note: If the Start Date and End Date fields are not used, the report will aggregate data for the start of school to the end in both Detail and Summary reports.

Grade Level

Indicates the grade level(s) used in the report.

Student Ad Hoc Filter
Users are able to select ad hoc filters that are used to insert values. The Ad Hoc does not take into consideration the other available fields.

Determines how the report prints. Options are:

  • Comma Separated (CSV)
  • HTML
  • PDF
Calendar Selection
Selection indicates from which school calendar of enrollment information is pulled. Calendars can be selected by the Active Year, School, or Year. If a Year and/or School is selected in the Campus toolbar, that calendar is automatically selected.
Generate ExtractThe report generates immediately in a separate window in the designated format.
Submit to BatchThis process allows larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Generate the Report

  1. Select the Report Type, either Summary or Detail.
  2. Select the Ed-Fi Configuration.
  3. If desired, enter a Start and End Date.
  4. If desired, enter a Grade Level.
  5. If desired, select an Ad Hoc filter.
  6. Select the Format in which to generate the report.
  7. Select a Calendar to which the data will be imported.
  8. Select Generate Extract or Submit to Batch.

Summary Report

The Summary report type generates an overall total of aggregate numbers by grade level by calendar.

Screenshot of an HTML Summary Report example.HTML View - Summary Report

FieldDescriptionCampus Location
Grade LevelThe Ed-Fi Grade level students are enrolled into during the reporting period selected. Enrollment> Grade Level

Aggregate Days AttendanceDays Enrolled (in attendance) = The sum of the instructional duration of the student’s enrolled calendar that overlap with their enrollment’s start and end date.Calculation
Aggregate Days AbsentDays absent = (total absence duration per Attendance Event Category Descriptor each rounded to 2 decimal places then summed together)/Scheduled Attendance Minutes.
If the event has a code present in table, then include in the calculation for Days Absent:
06Excused Absence - Disciplinary action, not receiving instruction
07Excused Absence - Illness/Medical
08Excused Absence - Noninstructional activity recognized by state, district, or school
09Excused Absence - Transportation not available
10Excused Absence - Other
11Unexcused Absence - Student skipping school
12Unexcused Absence - Other or unknown

Aggregate Days MembershipDays In session (membership) = The sum of the instructional duration of the student’s enrolled calendar.Calculation
Days In SessionDoes not report in the Summary Report.Calculation
Average Daily AttendanceThe average daily presence of the students per grade level.
ada = round(.0100*FullTimeEquivalency*((DAYS_ENROLLED - AttendanceAbsent)/DAYS_N_SES),4)
Average Daily MembershipThe average daily enrollment. Calculates the amount of students enrolled and averages it across the time period selected.
adm = round(.0100*FullTimeEquivalency*(DAYS_ENROLLED/DAYS_N_SES),4)

Detail Report

The Detail report type generates an overall total of aggregate number by student.

Screenshot of an HTML Detail Report example.HTML View - Detail Report

FieldDescriptionCampus Location
Ed-Fi IDReports the student's Ed-Fi ID.Student Information > General> Summary> Personal Information> EdFi ID

Legal Last NameReports the student's legal last name. Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name

Legal First NameReports the student's legal firstname. Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Fisrt Name

Legal Middle NameReports the student's legal middle name. If null, reports blank. Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Middle Name

Grade LevelReports the Ed-Fi Grade Level for the student from their active enrollmentEnrollment> Grade Level

Aggregate Days AttendanceDays Enrolled (in attendance) = The sum of the instructional duration of the student’s enrolled calendar that overlap with their enrollment’s start and end date.Calculation
Aggregate Days AbsentDays absent = (total absence duration per Attendance Event Category Descriptor each rounded to 2 decimal places then summed together)/Scheduled Attendance Minutes.
If the event has a code present in table, then include in the calculation for Days Absent:
06Excused Absence - Disciplinary action, not receiving instruction
07Excused Absence - Illness/Medical
08Excused Absence - Noninstructional activity recognized by state, district, or school
09Excused Absence - Transportation not available
10Excused Absence - Other
11Unexcused Absence - Student skipping school
12Unexcused Absence - Other or unknown

Aggregate Days MembershipDays In session (membership) = The sum of the instructional duration of the student’s enrolled calendar.Calculation
Days In SessionTotal number of Instructional days in the calendar in which the student is enrolled adm = round(.0100*FullTimeEquivalency*(DAYS_ENROLLED/DAYS_N_SES),4)Calculation
Average Daily AttendanceReports blank in the Detail report.Calculation
Average Daily MembershipReports blank in the Detail report.Calculation