Graduation (California)
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:10 am CDT
Fields on the Graduation tab that are specific to the state of California are described below. Fields that do not require unique, state-specific data are described in the Graduation article.
General Graduation Information
General Graduation Information
Graduation (Year End Status)
The Graduation (Year End Status) indicates the student's enrollment end status. Users MUST fill in this field in order for the CalGrant GPA Verification Extract to generate.
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Post Grad Plans
This field is used to indicate a student's plan post graduation.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > GraduationElements > graduation.postGradPlans
Graduation Cohort Validations
State Reporting Graduation Fields
The State Reporting Graduation fields are unique to the state of California. These fields allow districts to enter graduation-specific data for each student in the state of California.
State Reporting Graduation Fields
College Entrance Req Status
The College Entrance Req Status field is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used for state reporting.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > GraduationElements > graduation.collegeEntranceReqStatus
Educational Institution Type
The Educational Institution Type lists the type of educational or training institution based on the institution’s tax status:
- 10: Public
- 20: Private Nonprofit
- 30: For Profit
Industry Field
The Industry Field indicates the sector that best represents the field in which the respondent is employed, or the field in which the respondent will potentially be employed upon completion of the educational or training program where they are currently enrolled.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > GraduationElements > graduation.employabilitySkills
CALPADS Postsecondary Status Summary
Post-High School Credential
The Post-High School Credential lists an industry-recognized certification provided by a third-party entity, a degree or certificate issued by a postsecondary institution, a license issued by the State of California, or other measure of technical skill attainment that the respondent has received.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > GraduationElements > graduation.postsecondaryReadyCompetencies
CALPADS Postsecondary Status Summary
Post Secondary Acceptance Status
The Post Secondary Acceptance Status field is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used for state reporting.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > GraduationElements > graduation.postsecondaryAcceptanceStatus
Post Secondary Application Status
The Post Secondary Application Status checkbox is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used for state reporting.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > GraduationElements > graduation.postsecondaryAppStatus
Postsecondary Status Code
The Post Secondary Status Code indicates the student's status after graduation or completion of a CTE program. Multiple selections can be made for this field.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > GraduationElements > graduation.postsecondaryStatus
CALPADS Postsecondary Status Summary
Projected Graduation Date
This field is used to enter the date on which a student is expected to graduate. The Projected Graduation Date is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used for state reporting.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > GraduationElements > graduation.projectedGraduationDate
The State Seal Information section allows you to add State Seal records to a student's graduation record.
State Seal Information
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Description | Definition | Database Location | Ad hoc Inquiries |
State Seal Option |
Seal of Biliteracy | The Seal of Biliteracy is an award given by a school, school district, or county office of education in recognition of students who have studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation.
Reports: CALPADS SSID Enrollment | GraduationSeal.stateSeal (stateSeal = 1) | Student > Learner > GraduationElements > Graduation Seal > graduationSeal.stateSeal (stateSeal = 1) |
Golden Seal of Merit | The Golden State Seal Merit Diploma (GSSMD) insignia is awarded jointly by the State Board of Education and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to recognize students who have demonstrated mastery of the high school curriculum in at least six subject areas.
Reports: CALPADS SSID Enrollment | GraduationSeal.stateSeal (stateSeal = 2) | Student > Learner > GraduationElements > Graduation Seal > graduationSeal.stateSeal (stateSeal = 2) |
Civic Engagement | The State Seal of Civic Engagement (SSCE) insignia is awarded jointly by the State Board of Education and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to recognize students who demonstrate excellence in civics education and participation, and an understanding of the United States Constitution, the California Constitution, and the democratic system of government.
Reports: CALPADS SSID Enrollment | GraduationSeal.stateSeal (stateSeal = 3) | Student > Learner > GraduationElements > Graduation Seal > graduationSeal.stateSeal (stateSeal = 3) |
State Seal Other |
Date Earned | The date the student earned the State Seal. | GraduationSeal.earnedDate | Student > Learner > GraduationElements > Graduation Seal > graduationSeal.earnedDate |
Proficiency Date | The date on which the student was considered proficient in the value entered in the Language field. | GraduationSeal.proficiencyDate | Student > Learner > GraduationElements > Graduation Seal > graduationSeal.proficiencyDate |
Language | The language in which the student earned state recognition. This list is only for the Seal of Biliteracy and it is not required for the Golden State Seal of Merit. | GraduationSeal.language | Student > Learner > GraduationElements > Graduation Seal > graduationSeal.language |
- The Date Earned field is not utilized in state reporting and is only for district-tracking purposes.
- Users are able to add, edit, and delete state seals as necessary per user rights.
- If a value is entered in any field in the row, users are NOT allowed to save a Graduation record until a State Seal value is selected or the line is deleted.
Previous Versions
Graduation (California) [.2052 - .2327]