PIMS School Enrollment (Pennsylvania)

Classic View: PA State Reporting > PIMS Extracts > School Enrollment

Search Terms: PIMS Extracts

The School Enrollment Template provides information on student enrollments and withdrawal transaction at each school within the LEA, and assists districts in tracking student mobility. This template should be submitted throughout the year.

See the PIMS Reporting article for additional PIMS Reporting information.

Report Logic

At least one record exists for every student enrolled at any time during the school year.

For the Enrollment Code field, logic maps a set start and end status to a specific value. The following lists the start and end statuses and what value reports. 

When the student's Enrollment Start Status isThe Reported Value is

E1: Continuing from previous year.new Kindergarten

E2: Not previously enrolled in school-current year

E3: Student new to PA; prev enrolled elsewhere

E4: Retained student

R1: Transfer into new group, same grade (exit code W1)

R3: Transfer from non-public or home school, same district

R4: Transfer from public school, different PA district

R5: Transfer from non-public or home school, different PA district

R6: Re-entry to district, same school year

R7: Re-entry to PA from another state or country

R8: Re-entry after expulsion or dropout, same district

R10: Grade level change, same school or district


R9: Residency status change within same school

R11: Re Enter same school/location code


R2: Transfer from public school, same district

R12: Re Enter different school/location code same AUN


E05: CTC only program/No primary academics

E06: CTC only program/Does program primary academics



When the student's Enrollment End Status isThe Reported Value is

WD01: Left school no transfer/drop out

WD08: Student exited max age - did not complete Ed G

W6: Quit school, over age or illegally absent

W7: Issued General Employment Certificate

W8: Farm or Domestic Service Exemption Permit

W13: Student drafted or enlisted in the military

W14: Student attended kindergarten and withdrew

W15: Student in the care of a child care agency

W16A: Runaway student or whereabouts unknown

W16B: Student kidnapped

W17: Student expelled

W18: Student lacks proper immunization


WD02: Transfer to another public LEA

W4: Moved out of district; no further information (and Graduation Status is not L)

W5: Transferred out of district, new reporting school

W12: Student committed to correctional institution


WD03: Transfer to private/nonpublic/out of the state/US

W3: Transfer to non-public or home school

W4: Moved out of district; no further information (and Graduation Status is L)

W11: Student physically or mentally incapacitated


WD04: Fulfilled graduation requirements/credential

W9A: Fulfilled graduation requirements

W9B: Early withdrawal to post-secondary


W10: Deceased

WD06: Deceased

WD09: Student Enrolled But Did Not Show Status UnknownWD09

WD11: Stayed within same school/location

W1: Program change, same school (R1 start status)

W19: Student curriculum changed (R1 start status)

W20: Grade reassign, same school (R10, start status)

W21: Residency status changed (R1/R9 start status)


WD12: Different school/location code same AUN

W2: Transfer to publish school, same district


Generate the School Enrollment Template

  1. Select School Enrollment Template from the  Extract Type from the dropdown list.
  2. Select the desired Reporting Period.
  3. Enter the Start Date of the extract in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a date.
  4. Enter the Effective Date of the extract in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a date.
  5. Select the Format of the extract.
  6. If desired, select an Ad hoc Filter to return only those students included in that filter.
  7. Select the appropriate Calendar(s) from which to include data on the extract.
  8. Click the Generate Extract button or the Submit to Batch button, if available. The extract displays in the selected format.

Screenshot of the PIMS School Enrollment HTML format example.PIMS School Enrollment - HTML Format

Screenshot of the PIMS School Enrollment CSV format example.PIMS School Enrollment - CSV Format

Report Layout

Data ElementDescriptionLocation
District CodeThe unique Administrative Unit Number assigned by the Pennsylvania Department of Education to the place at which the incident occurred.

Numeric, 9 digits
System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number


Location Code

State School Number of the reporting school.

This code reports from the Location Code Override field on the student's Enrollment editor, if populated. 

When the Location Code Override field is not populated, the school number field reports from the Alt School Number field on the School editor. 

When both the Location Code field and the Alt School Number field are not populated, the Location Code reports from the State School Number.

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Location Code Override

System Administration > Resources > School > Alt School Number, State School Number


School Year Date

Reports as June 10th of the end year of the calendar.

Date field, 10 characters (YYYY-MM-DD)

System Administration > Calendar > School Years > School Year Detail


State ID

The student's State ID.

Numeric, 10 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID


 Activity Date 

The date on which the enrollment activity transaction was recorded in the SIS. 

This field is not reported.

Enrollment DateThe date on which the enrollment activity occurred. This applies to both entry and exit transactions.

Date field, 10 characters (YYYY-MM-DD)

Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Start Date, End Date



Enrollment Code

Reports the enrollment start status (if an entry transaction) or the enrollment end status (if an exit transaction) based on the date reported in the previous field. See the Report Logic section for more information.

Alphanumeric, 6 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Start Status, End Status



 Enrollment Comment 

Deletes an erroneous record when the field is entered as DELETE.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters
Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Start Status, End Status



Enrollment Grade Level

The grade level of the student's current enrollment.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade


Enrollment Resident StatusThe residency status of the student as of the enrollment date on the enrollment transaction. If the record is for an exit transaction, the resident status associated with that enrollment reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > PIMS Residence Status

Enrollment. residentStatus

Previous Versions

PIMS School Enrollment (Pennsylvania) [.2211 - .2243]