CALPADS Student Test Settings (STSE)

Tool Search: CALPADS Student Test Settings

The CALPADS Student Test Settings reports a student's test accommodations necessary for a student to take a test.

Screenshot of the CALPADS Student Test Settings Extract, located at Reporting, CA State Reporting. CALPADS Student Test Settings Extract

Report Logic

One record reports for every unique test setting code.

In order to be included in the extract, a student must have an active enrollment in the selected calendar and must have entries on the Test Accommodations tool. 

Report Editor



Transaction Type

Indicates the type of transaction that will occur:

  • Replace - existing student enrollment information will be replaced with new information
  • Delete - student enrollment information will be deleted.


Selection indicates the format type of the extract. Use the State Format (Caret Delimited) when submitting the information to the state. Use the CSV or HTML format when verifying and testing student data.

Ad hoc Filter

Select which students to include in the extract by choosing a filter that was created in the Filter Designer.

Calendar Selection

Select the calendar of enrollment from which to pull student data. Calendars can be chosen by the active year, by the school name or by the year. 

Report Generation Options

Choose the Generate Extract to display the results of the chosen items immediately. Choose the Submit to Batch option to generate the report at a specified time. This option is helpful when generating large amounts of data.

Generate the CALPADS Student Test Settings Extract

  1. Select the desired Transaction Type.
  2. Select the desired File Format. 
  3. To narrow the students included in the report, select an Ad hoc Filter.
  4. Select the desired Calendars to include in the report.
  5. Click the Generate Extract button to generate the results immediately, or use the Submit to Batch option to choose when the report generates. The extract displays in the selected format.

CALPADS Student Test Settings - HTML Format 

Screenshot of the report in state format.CALPADS STSE - State Format (Caret Delimited) 

Screenshot of the report in CSV format.CALPADS STSE - CSV Format

CALPADS Student Test Settings Report Layout

Data Elements



Record Type Code


Type of data record being submitted. Always reports as STSE.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Data not stored

Transaction Type Code

Action the state should take with this record. Chosen on the Extract Editor.

  • D = Delete
  • R = Replace
  • Blank or no transaction type

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Data not stored

Local Record ID


Reporting LEA


A unique identifier for the educational service institution responsible for obtaining and maintaining a student’s Statewide Student Identifier by way of an enrollment record in CALPADS.

If the reporting calendar is from a School with Type = 15: Independently Reporting Charter, the State School Number reports (not the State District Number).

This field reports the Secondary District Number when the reporting calendar has a School Type of 16: Secondary State District Number.

Numeric, 7 digits

System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number


School Information > School Type


School Information > School Number


School of Attendance


Reports the State School Number from the student's enrollment record. If the CDS Number is populated on the School editor, that value reports.

Numeric, 7 digits

School Information > State School Number

School Information > CDS Number


School of Attendance NPS


School number if student attends NPS school. This is reported when populated on enrollment.

Only required when the School of Attendance reports 0000001.

Numeric, 7 digits

Enrollments > Special Education Fields > NPS School Code


Academic Year ID


School year identifier.

Date field, 9 characters (CCYY-CCYY)

 School Year Setup > Start Year/End Year




Student’s State ID.

If the student does not have a state ID at the time the file is generated, the field will report blank.

This is only required when submitting a record with Transaction Type of Delete or Replace.

Numeric, 10 digits

Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID


Local Student ID


Student's Local ID.

Numeric, 15 digits

Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number


Local Special Education Student ID
Reports blank.N/A
Reporting SELPA
Reports blank.N/A
Education Plan Participation Type Code
Indicates whether a student has a State Program flag of 101.

When the student has a State Program flag of 101, a value of 20 reports; otherwise, a value of 30 reports.

Numeric, 2 digits


Test Setting Code
Reports the Test Setting Code form the Test Accommodations tool.

Numeric, 3 digits
Test Accommodations > Test Setting Code

Color Contrast Type Code
Reports the Color Contract Type when the Test Setting Code is 118.

When the Test Setting Code is not 118, a blank value reports.

Numeric, 2 digits
Test Accommodations > Color Contrast Type

Translated Glossary Language Code
Reports the Translated Glossary Language Code when the Test Setting Code is 156 or 157.

If the Test Setting Code is not 156 0r 157, a blank value reports.

Numeric, 3 digits
Test Accommodations > Translated Glossary Language

Text-to-Speech Application Code
Reports the Text-to-Speech Application value when the Test Setting Code is 136 or 150.

If the Test Setting Code is not 136 0r 150, a blank value reports.

Numeric, 3 digits
Test Accommodations > Text-to-Speech Application

California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) Indicator
Reports a value of Y when the California Alternate Assessments Indicator is marked.

Otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Test Accommodations > California Alternate Assessments Indicator
Print Size Code
Reports the Print Size Code value when the Test Setting Code is 135.

If the Test Setting Code is not 135, a blank value reports.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters
Test Accommodations > Print Size

Mouse Pointer Size and Color CodeReports the Mouse Pointer Size and Color value when the Test Setting Code is 127.

If the Test Setting Code is not 127, a blank value reports.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters
Test Accommodations > Mouse Pointer Size and Color
