Tool Search: Exceptional Children Data Screen
The Exceptional Children (EC) Data Screen allows users to view student Special Education state reporting data.
This is a read-only tool and is populated with a nightly data exchange between Campus and the North Carolina ECATS system.

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Exceptional Children Data Screen Detail Screen
Field | Description | Ad hoc Inquiries |
Primary Disability | The student's primary disability. | specialEdState.primaryDisability |
Secondary Disability | The student's secondary disability. | specialEdState.secondaryDisability |
Plan Type | The plan type. | specialEdState.planType |
Environmental Setting | The student's special education setting. | specialEdState.specialEdSetting |
EC Designated Course of Study | The course of study. | specialEdState.ecReferral |
Services Start Date | The first day of service. | specialEdState.servicesStartDate |
Services End Date | The last day of the service. | specialEdState.servicesEndDate |
Exit Date | The day the student exited special education services. | specialEdState.exitDate |
Exit Reason | The reason the student exited services. | specialEdState.exitReason |
Test Name | The name of the assessment. | specialEdState.assessment |
Accommodations | The type of accommodation the student requires. | specialEdState.accommodation |
Comments | Any comments related to the test. | specialEdState.ecAccommodation |